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Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD'20), Portland, OR, USA, June 2020
Business Rule Management Systems (BRMSs) are widely used in industry for a variety of tasks. Their main advantage is to codify in a succinct and queryable manner vast amounts of constantly evolving logic. In BRMSs, rules are typically captured as facts (tuples) over a collection of criteria, and checking them involves querying the collection of rules to find the best match. In this paper, we focus on a real-world use case from the airline industry: determining the minimum connection time (MCT) between flights. The MCT module is part of the flight search engine, and captures the ever changing constraints at each airport that determine the time to allocate between an arriving and a departing flight for a connection to be feasible. We explore how to use hardware acceleration to (i) improve the performance of the MCT module (lower latency, higher throughput); and (ii) reduce the amount of computing resources needed. A key aspect of the solution is the transformation of a collection of rules into a Non-deterministic Finite state Automaton efficiently implemented on FPGA. Experiments performed on-premises and in the cloud show several orders of magnitude improvement over the existing solution, and the potential to reduce by 40% the number of machines needed for the flight search engine.
	abstract = {Business Rule Management Systems (BRMSs) are widely used in industry for a variety of tasks. Their main advantage is to codify in a succinct and queryable manner vast amounts of constantly evolving logic. In BRMSs, rules are typically captured as facts (tuples) over a collection of criteria, and checking them involves querying the collection of rules to find the best match. In this paper, we focus on a real-world use case from the airline industry: determining the minimum connection time (MCT) between flights. The MCT module is part of the flight search engine, and captures the ever changing constraints at each airport that determine the time to allocate between an arriving and a departing flight for a connection to be feasible. We explore how to use hardware acceleration to (i) improve the performance of the MCT module (lower latency, higher throughput); and (ii) reduce the amount of computing resources needed. A key aspect of the solution is the transformation of a collection of rules into a Non-deterministic Finite state Automaton efficiently implemented on FPGA. Experiments performed on-premises and in the cloud show several orders of magnitude improvement over the existing solution, and the potential to reduce by 40\% the number of machines needed for the flight search engine.},
	author = {Fabio Maschi and Muhsen Owaida and Gustavo Alonso and Matteo Casalino and Anthony Hock-Koon},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD{\textquoteright}20)},
	title = {Making Search Engines Faster by Lowering the Cost of Querying Business Rules Through FPGAs},
	url = {},
	venue = {Portland, OR, USA},
	year = {2020}


Proceedings of the VLDB 2019, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2019
Learning from the data stored in a database is an important function increasingly available in relational engines. Methods using lower precision input data are of special interest given their overall higher efficiency. However, in databases, these methods have a hidden cost: the quantization of the real value into a smaller number is an expensive step. To address this issue, we present MLWeaving, a data structure and hardware acceleration technique intended to speed up learning of generalized linear models over low precision data. MLWeaving provides a compact in-memory representation that enables the retrieval of data at any level of precision. MLWeaving also provides a highly efficient implementation of stochastic gradient descent on FPGAs and enables the dynamic tuning of precision, instead of using a fixed precision level during learning. Experimental results show that MLWeaving converges up to 16 faster than low-precision implementations of first-order methods on CPUs.
	abstract = {Learning from the data stored in a database is an important function
increasingly available in relational engines. Methods using
lower precision input data are of special interest given their overall
higher efficiency. However, in databases, these methods have a
hidden cost: the quantization of the real value into a smaller number
is an expensive step. To address this issue, we present MLWeaving,
a data structure and hardware acceleration technique intended
to speed up learning of generalized linear models over low
precision data. MLWeaving provides a compact in-memory representation
that enables the retrieval of data at any level of precision.
MLWeaving also provides a highly efficient implementation
of stochastic gradient descent on FPGAs and enables the dynamic
tuning of precision, instead of using a fixed precision level during
learning. Experimental results show that MLWeaving converges
up to 16 faster than low-precision implementations of first-order
methods on CPUs. },
	author = {Zeke Wang and Kaan Kara and  and Gustavo Alonso and Onur  Mutlu and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the VLDB 2019},
	title = {Accelerating Generalized Linear Models with MLWeaving: A One-Size-Fits-All System for Any-precision Learning },
	url = {},
	venue = {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
	year = {2019}
Proceedings of the VLDB 2019, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2019
The ability to perform machine learning (ML) tasks in a database management system (DBMS) provides the data analyst with a powerful tool. Unfortunately, integration of ML into a DBMS is challenging for reasons varying from differences in execution model to data layout requirements. In this paper, we assume a column-store main-memory DBMS, optimized for online analytical processing, as our initial system. On this system, we explore the integration of coordinate-descent based methods working natively on columnar format to train generalized linear models. We use a cache-efficient, partitioned stochastic coordinate descent algorithm providing linear throughput scalability with the number of cores while preserving convergence quality, up to 14 cores in our experiments. Existing column oriented DBMS rely on compression and even encryption to store data in memory. When those features are considered, the performance of a CPU based solution suffers. Thus, in the paper we also show how to exploit hardware acceleration as part of a hybrid CPU+FPGA system to provide on-the-fly data transformation combined with an FPGA-based coordinate-descent engine. The resulting system is a column-store DBMS with its important features preserved (e.g., data compression) that offers high performance machine learning capabilities.
	abstract = {The ability to perform machine learning (ML) tasks in a database
management system (DBMS) provides the data analyst with a powerful
tool. Unfortunately, integration of ML into a DBMS is challenging
for reasons varying from differences in execution model to
data layout requirements. In this paper, we assume a column-store
main-memory DBMS, optimized for online analytical processing,
as our initial system. On this system, we explore the integration of
coordinate-descent based methods working natively on columnar
format to train generalized linear models. We use a cache-efficient,
partitioned stochastic coordinate descent algorithm providing linear
throughput scalability with the number of cores while preserving
convergence quality, up to 14 cores in our experiments.
Existing column oriented DBMS rely on compression and even
encryption to store data in memory. When those features are considered,
the performance of a CPU based solution suffers. Thus,
in the paper we also show how to exploit hardware acceleration
as part of a hybrid CPU+FPGA system to provide on-the-fly data
transformation combined with an FPGA-based coordinate-descent
engine. The resulting system is a column-store DBMS with its important
features preserved (e.g., data compression) that offers high
performance machine learning capabilities.},
	author = {Kaan Kara and Ken  Eguro and Ce Zhang and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the VLDB 2019},
	title = { ColumnML: Column Store Machine Learning with On-the-Fly Data Transformation},
	venue = {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
	year = {2019}
Proceedings of the VLDB 2019, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2019
We design and implement Megaphone, a data migration mechanism for stateful distributed dataflow engines with latency objectives. When compared to existing migration mechanisms, Megaphone has the following differentiating characteristics: (i) migrations can be subdivided to a configurable granularity to avoid latency spikes, and (ii) migrations can be prepared ahead of time to avoid runtime coordination. Megaphone is implemented as a library on an unmodified timely dataflow implementation, and provides an operator interface compatible with its existing APIs.We evaluate Megaphone on established benchmarks with varying amounts of state and observe that compared to naïve approaches Megaphone reduces service latencies during reconfiguration by orders of magnitude without significantly increasing steady-state overhead.
	abstract = {We design and implement Megaphone, a data migration mechanism
for stateful distributed dataflow engines with latency objectives.
When compared to existing migration mechanisms, Megaphone has
the following differentiating characteristics: (i) migrations can be
subdivided to a configurable granularity to avoid latency spikes, and
(ii) migrations can be prepared ahead of time to avoid runtime coordination.
Megaphone is implemented as a library on an unmodified
timely dataflow implementation, and provides an operator interface
compatible with its existing APIs.We evaluate Megaphone on established
benchmarks with varying amounts of state and observe that
compared to na{\"\i}ve approaches Megaphone reduces service latencies
during reconfiguration by orders of magnitude without significantly
increasing steady-state overhead.},
	author = {Moritz Hoffmann and Andrea Lattuada and Frank McSherry},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the VLDB 2019},
	title = {Megaphone: Latency-conscious state migration for distributed streaming dataflows},
	venue = {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
	year = {2019}
Proceedings of BIRTE Workshop 2019, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2019
We explore the performance and resource trade-offs of two alternative approaches to streaming state management. When the state size exceeds the amount of available memory, systems can either scale out and partition the state across distributed computing nodes or rely on secondary storage and divide the state into ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ sets. Scaling out a streaming computation might introduce coordination overhead among parallel workers, while flushing state to disk requires efficient data structures and careful caching policies to minimise expensive I/O. To study the characteristics of these state management approaches, we present an integration of the Timely Dataflow stream processing engine with the FASTER embedded keyvalue store. We demonstrate a prototype that allows users to transparently maintain arbitrary larger-than-memory state with low overhead by making only minimal changes to application code. Our preliminary experimental results show that managed state incurs acceptable overhead over built-in in-memory data structures and, in some cases, performs better when relying on secondary storage in a
	abstract = {We explore the performance and resource trade-offs of two alternative
approaches to streaming state management. When
the state size exceeds the amount of available memory, systems
can either scale out and partition the state across distributed
computing nodes or rely on secondary storage and
divide the state into {\textquoteleft}hot{\textquoteright} and {\textquoteleft}cold{\textquoteright} sets. Scaling out a streaming
computation might introduce coordination overhead
among parallel workers, while flushing state to disk requires
efficient data structures and careful caching policies to minimise
expensive I/O.
To study the characteristics of these state management approaches,
we present an integration of the Timely Dataflow
stream processing engine with the FASTER embedded keyvalue
store. We demonstrate a prototype that allows users to
transparently maintain arbitrary larger-than-memory state
with low overhead by making only minimal changes to application
code. Our preliminary experimental results show
that managed state incurs acceptable overhead over built-in
in-memory data structures and, in some cases, performs better
when relying on secondary storage in a},
	author = {Matthew Brokes and Vasiliki  Kalavri and John Liagouris},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of BIRTE Workshop 2019},
	title = {FASTER State Management for Timely Dataflow},
	venue = {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
	year = {2019}
Proceedings of HotCloud 2019, Washington, US, July 2019
Cloud providers and their tenants have a mutual interest in identifying optimal configurations in which to run tenant jobs, i.e., ones that achieve tenants' performance goals at minimum cost; or ones that maximize performance within a specified budget. However, different tenants may have different performance goals that are opaque to the provider. A consequence of this opacity is that providers today typically offer fixed bundles of cloud resources, which tenants must themselves explore and choose from. This is burdensome for tenants and can lead to choices that are sub-optimal for both parties. We thus explore a simple, minimal interface, which lets tenants communicate their happiness with cloud infrastructure to the provider, and enables the provider to explore resource configurations that maximize this happiness. Our early results indicate that this interface could strike a good balance between enabling efficient discovery of application resource needs and the complexity of communicating a full description of tenant utility from different configurations to the provider.
	abstract = {Cloud providers and their tenants have a mutual interest in identifying optimal configurations in which to run tenant jobs, i.e., ones that achieve tenants{\textquoteright} performance goals at minimum cost; or ones that maximize performance within a specified budget. However, different tenants may have different performance goals that are opaque to the provider. A consequence of this opacity is that providers today typically offer fixed bundles of cloud resources, which tenants must themselves explore and choose from. This is burdensome for tenants and can lead to choices that are sub-optimal for both parties.

We thus explore a simple, minimal interface, which lets tenants communicate their happiness with cloud infrastructure to the provider, and enables the provider to explore resource configurations that maximize this happiness. Our early results indicate that this interface could strike a good balance between enabling efficient discovery of application resource needs and the complexity of communicating a full description of tenant utility from different configurations to the provider.
	author = {Vojislav Dukic and Ankit Singla},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of HotCloud 2019},
	title = {Happiness index: Right-sizing the cloud{\textquoteright}s tenant-provider interface},
	url = {},
	venue = {Washington, US},
	year = {2019}
Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT 2019, Minneapolis, USA., June 2019
Previous research shows that eye-tracking data contains information about the lexical and syntactic properties of text, which can be used to improve natural language processing models. In this work, we leverage eye movement features from three corpora with recorded gaze information to augment a state-of-the-art neural model for named entity recognition (NER) with gaze embeddings. These corpora were manually annotated with named entity labels. Moreover, we show how gaze features, generalized on word type level, eliminate the need for recorded eye-tracking data at test time. The gaze-augmented models for NER using tokenlevel and type-level features outperform the baselines. We present the benefits of eyetracking features by evaluating the NER models on both individual datasets as well as in cross-domain settings.
	abstract = {Previous research shows that eye-tracking data
contains information about the lexical and syntactic
properties of text, which can be used to
improve natural language processing models.
In this work, we leverage eye movement features
from three corpora with recorded gaze
information to augment a state-of-the-art neural
model for named entity recognition (NER)
with gaze embeddings. These corpora were
manually annotated with named entity labels.
Moreover, we show how gaze features, generalized
on word type level, eliminate the need
for recorded eye-tracking data at test time. The
gaze-augmented models for NER using tokenlevel
and type-level features outperform the
baselines. We present the benefits of eyetracking
features by evaluating the NER models
on both individual datasets as well as in
cross-domain settings.},
	author = {Nora  Hollenstein and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT 2019},
	title = {Entity Recognition at First Sight: Improving NER with Eye Movement Information},
	venue = {Minneapolis, USA.},
	year = {2019}
Springer Quantum Machine Intelligence, May 2019
Bayesian methods in machine learning, such as Gaussian processes, have great advantages compared to other techniques. In particular, they provide estimates of the uncertainty associated with a prediction. Extending the Bayesian approach to deep architectures has remained a major challenge. Recent results connected deep feedforward neural networks with Gaussian processes, allowing training without backpropagation. This connection enables us to leverage a quantum algorithm designed for Gaussian processes and develop a new algorithm for Bayesian deep learning on quantum computers. The properties of the kernel matrix in the Gaussian process ensure the efficient execution of the core component of the protocol, quantum matrix inversion, providing at least a polynomial speedup over classical algorithms. Furthermore, we demonstrate the execution of the algorithm on contemporary quantum computers and analyze its robustness with respect to realistic noise models.
	abstract = {Bayesian methods in machine learning, such as Gaussian processes, have great advantages compared to other techniques. In particular, they provide estimates of the uncertainty associated with a prediction. Extending the Bayesian approach to deep architectures has remained a major challenge. Recent results connected deep feedforward neural networks with Gaussian processes, allowing training without backpropagation. This connection enables us to leverage a quantum algorithm designed for Gaussian processes and develop a new algorithm for Bayesian deep learning on quantum computers. The properties of the kernel matrix in the Gaussian process ensure the efficient execution of the core component of the protocol, quantum matrix inversion, providing at least a polynomial speedup over classical algorithms. Furthermore, we demonstrate the execution of the algorithm on contemporary quantum computers and analyze its robustness with respect to realistic noise models.},
	author = {Zhikuan Zhao and Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens and Patrick Rebentrost and Peter Wittek},
	pages = {1-11},
	journal = {Springer Quantum Machine Intelligence},
	title = {Bayesian deep learning on a quantum computer},
	url = {},
	year = {2019}
Proceedings of the SysML'19, Stanford, CA, USA, April 2019
Continuous integration is an indispensable step of modern software engineering practices to systematically manage the life cycles of system development. Developing a machine learning model is no difference— it is an engineering process with a life cycle, including design, implementation, tuning, testing, and deployment. However, most, if not all, existing continuous integration engines do not support machine learning as first-class citizens. In this paper, we present, to our best knowledge, the first continuous integration system for machine learning. The challenge of building is to provide rigorous guarantees, e.g., single accuracy point error tolerance with 0.999 reliability, with a practical amount of labeling effort, e.g., 2K labels per test. We design a domain specific language that allows users to specify integration conditions with reliability constraints, and develop simple novel optimizations that can lower the number of labels required by up to two orders of magnitude for test conditions popularly used in real production systems.
	abstract = {Continuous integration is an indispensable step of modern software engineering practices to systematically
manage the life cycles of system development. Developing a machine learning model is no difference{\textemdash} it is an
engineering process with a life cycle, including design, implementation, tuning, testing, and deployment. However,
most, if not all, existing continuous integration engines do not support machine learning as first-class citizens.
In this paper, we present, to our best knowledge, the first continuous integration system for machine
learning. The challenge of building is to provide rigorous guarantees, e.g., single accuracy point
error tolerance with 0.999 reliability, with a practical amount of labeling effort, e.g., 2K labels per test. We design
a domain specific language that allows users to specify integration conditions with reliability constraints, and
develop simple novel optimizations that can lower the number of labels required by up to two orders of magnitude
for test conditions popularly used in real production systems.},
	author = {Cedric Renggli and Bojan  Karlas and Bolin Ding and Feng  Liu and Kevin Schawinski and Wentao Wu and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the SysML{\textquoteright}19},
	title = {Continuous Integration of Machine Learning Models: A Rigorous Yet Practical Treatment},
	venue = {Stanford, CA, USA},
	year = {2019}


Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Williamsburg, VA, USA, March 2018
Resource management strategies for many-core systems need to enable sharing of resources such as power, processing cores, and memory bandwidth while coordinating the priority and significance of system- and application-level objectives at runtime in a scalable and robust manner. State-of-the-art approaches use heuristics or machine learning for resource management, but unfortunately lack formalism in providing robustness against unexpected corner cases. While recent efforts deploy classical control-theoretic approaches with some guarantees and formalism, they lack scalability and autonomy to meet changing runtime goals. We present SPECTR, a new resource management approach for many-core systems that leverages formal supervisory control theory (SCT) to combine the strengths of classical control theory with state-of-the-art heuristic approaches to efficiently meet changing runtime goals. SPECTR is a scalable and robust control architecture and a systematic design flow for hierarchical control of many-core systems. SPECTR leverages SCT techniques such as gain scheduling to allow autonomy for individual controllers. It facilitates automatic synthesis of the high-level supervisory controller and its property verification. We implement SPECTR on an Exynos platform containing ARM’s big.LITTLE-based heterogeneous multi-processor (HMP) and demonstrate that SPECTR’s use of SCT is key to managing multiple interacting resources (e.g., chip power and processing cores) in the presence of competing objectives (e.g., satisfying QoS vs. power capping). The principles of SPECTR are easily applicable to any resource type and objective as long as the management problem can be modeled using dynamical systems theory (e.g., difference equations), discrete-event dynamic systems, or fuzzy dynamics.
	abstract = {Resource management strategies for many-core systems need to enable sharing of resources such as power, processing cores, and memory bandwidth while coordinating the priority and significance of system- and application-level objectives at runtime in a scalable and robust manner. State-of-the-art approaches use heuristics or machine learning for resource management, but unfortunately lack formalism in providing robustness against unexpected corner cases. While recent efforts deploy classical control-theoretic approaches with some guarantees and formalism, they lack scalability and autonomy to meet changing runtime goals. We present SPECTR, a new resource management approach for many-core systems that leverages formal supervisory control theory (SCT) to combine the strengths of classical control theory with state-of-the-art heuristic approaches to efficiently meet changing runtime goals. SPECTR is a scalable and robust control architecture and a systematic design flow for hierarchical control of many-core systems. SPECTR leverages SCT techniques such as gain scheduling to allow autonomy for individual controllers. It facilitates automatic synthesis of the high-level supervisory controller and its property verification. We implement SPECTR on an Exynos platform containing ARM{\textquoteright}s big.LITTLE-based heterogeneous multi-processor (HMP) and demonstrate that SPECTR{\textquoteright}s use of SCT is key to managing multiple interacting resources (e.g., chip power and processing cores) in the presence of competing objectives (e.g., satisfying QoS vs. power capping). The principles of SPECTR are easily applicable to any resource type and objective as long as the management problem can be modeled using dynamical systems theory (e.g., difference equations), discrete-event dynamic systems, or fuzzy dynamics.},
	author = {Amir M. Rahmani and Bryan Donyanavard and Tiago Mück and Kasra Moazzemi and Axel Jantsch and Onur Mutlu and Nikil Dutt},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)},
	title = {SPECTR: Formal Supervisory Control and Coordination for Many-core Systems Resource Management},
	url = {},
	venue = {Williamsburg, VA, USA},
	year = {2018}
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Williamsburg, VA, USA, March 2018
We are experiencing an explosive growth in the number of consumer devices, including smartphones, tablets, web-based computers such as Chromebooks, and wearable devices. For this class of devices, energy efficiency is a first-class concern due to the limited battery capacity and thermal power budget. We find that data movement is a major contributor to the total system energy and execution time in consumer devices. The energy and performance costs of moving data between the memory system and the compute units are significantly higher than the costs of computation. As a result, addressing data movement is crucial for consumer devices. In this work, we comprehensively analyze the energy and performance impact of data movement for several widely-used Google consumer workloads: (1) the Chrome web browser; (2) TensorFlow Mobile, Google’s machine learning framework; (3) video playback, and (4) video capture, both of which are used in many video services such as YouTube and Google Hangouts. We find that processing-inmemory (PIM) can significantly reduce data movement for all of these workloads, by performing part of the computation close to memory. Each workload contains simple primitives and functions that contribute to a significant amount of the overall data movement. We investigate whether these primitives and functions are feasible to implement using PIM, given the limited area and power constraints of consumer devices. Our analysis shows that offloading these primitives to PIM logic, consisting of either simple cores or specialized accelerators, eliminates a large amount of data movement, and significantly reduces total system energy (by an average of 55.4% across the workloads) and execution time (by an average of 54.2%).
	abstract = {We are experiencing an explosive growth in the number of consumer devices, including smartphones, tablets, web-based computers such as Chromebooks, and wearable devices. For this class of devices, energy efficiency is a first-class concern due to the limited battery capacity and thermal power budget. We find that data movement is a major contributor to the total system energy and execution time in consumer devices. The energy and performance costs of moving data between the memory system and the compute units are significantly higher than the costs of computation. As a result, addressing data movement is crucial for consumer devices. In this work, we comprehensively analyze the energy and performance impact of data movement for several widely-used Google consumer workloads: (1) the Chrome web browser; (2) TensorFlow Mobile, Google{\textquoteright}s machine learning framework; (3) video playback, and (4) video capture, both of which are used in many video services such as YouTube and Google Hangouts. We find that processing-inmemory (PIM) can significantly reduce data movement for all of these workloads, by performing part of the computation close to memory. Each workload contains simple primitives and functions that contribute to a significant amount of the overall data movement. We investigate whether these primitives and functions are feasible to implement using PIM, given the limited area and power constraints of consumer devices. Our analysis shows that offloading these primitives to PIM logic, consisting of either simple cores or specialized accelerators, eliminates a large amount of data movement, and significantly reduces total system energy (by an average of 55.4\% across the workloads) and execution time (by an average of 54.2\%).},
	author = {Amirali Boroumand and Saugata Ghose and Youngsok Kim and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Eric Shiu and Rahul Thakur and Dae-Hyun Kim and Aki Kuusela and Allan Knies and Parthasarathy Ranganathan and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)},
	title = {Google Workloads for Consumer Devices: Mitigating Data Movement Bottlenecks},
	venue = {Williamsburg, VA, USA},
	year = {2018}
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Williamsburg, VA, USA, March 2018
Emerging chips with hundreds and thousands of cores require networks with unprecedented energy/area efficiency and scalability. To address this, we propose Slim NoC (SN): a new on-chip network design that delivers significant improvements in efficiency and scalability compared to the state-of-the-art. The key idea is to use two concepts from graph and number theory, degree-diameter graphs combined with non-prime finite fields, to enable the smallest number of ports for a given core count. SN is inspired by state-of-the-art off-chip topologies; it identifies and distills their advantages for NoC settings while solving several key issues that lead to significant overheads on-chip. SN provides NoC-specific layouts, which further enhance area/energy efficiency. We show how to augment SN with state-of-the-art router microarchitecture schemes such as Elastic Links, to make the network even more scalable and efficient. Our extensive experimental evaluations show that SN outperforms both traditional low-radix topologies (e.g., meshes and tori) and modern high-radix networks (e.g., various Flattened Butterflies) in area, latency, throughput, and static/dynamic power consumption for both synthetic and real workloads. SN provides a promising direction in scalable and energy-efficient NoC topologies.
	abstract = {Emerging chips with hundreds and thousands of cores require networks with unprecedented energy/area efficiency and scalability. To address this, we propose Slim NoC (SN): a new on-chip network design that delivers significant improvements in efficiency and scalability compared to the state-of-the-art. The key idea is to use two concepts from graph and number theory, degree-diameter graphs combined with non-prime finite fields, to enable the smallest number of ports for a given core count. SN is inspired by state-of-the-art off-chip topologies; it identifies and distills their advantages for NoC settings while solving several key issues that lead to significant overheads on-chip. SN provides NoC-specific layouts, which further enhance area/energy efficiency. We show how to augment SN with state-of-the-art router microarchitecture schemes such as Elastic Links, to make the network even more scalable and efficient. Our extensive experimental evaluations show that SN outperforms both traditional low-radix topologies (e.g., meshes and tori) and modern high-radix networks (e.g., various Flattened Butterflies) in area, latency, throughput, and static/dynamic power consumption for both synthetic and real workloads. SN provides a promising direction in scalable and energy-efficient NoC topologies.},
	author = {Maciej Besta and Syed M. Hassan and Sudhakar Yalamanchili and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Onur Mutlu and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)},
	title = {Slim NoC: A Low-Diameter On-Chip Network Topology for High Energy Efficiency and Scalability},
	venue = {Williamsburg, VA, USA},
	year = {2018}
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Williamsburg, VA, USA, March 2018
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) exploit large amounts of threadlevel parallelism to provide high instruction throughput and to efficiently hide long-latency stalls. The resulting high throughput, along with continued programmability improvements, have made GPUs an essential computational resource in many domains. Applications from different domains can have vastly different compute and memory demands on the GPU. In a large-scale computing environment, to efficiently accommodate such wide-ranging demands without leaving GPU resources underutilized, multiple applications can share a single GPU, akin to how multiple applications execute concurrently on a CPU. Multi-application concurrency requires several support mechanisms in both hardware and software. One such key mechanism is virtual memory, which manages and protects the address space of each application. However, modern GPUs lack the extensive support for multi-application concurrency available in CPUs, and as a result suffer from high performance overheads when shared by multiple applications, as we demonstrate. We perform a detailed analysis of which multi-application concurrency support limitations hurt GPU performance the most. We find that the poor performance is largely a result of the virtual memory mechanisms employed in modern GPUs. In particular, poor address translation performance is a key obstacle to efficient GPU sharing. State-of-the-art address translation mechanisms, which were designed for single-application execution, experience significant inter-application interference when multiple applications spatially share the GPU. This contention leads to frequent misses in the shared translation lookaside buffer (TLB), where a single miss can induce long-latency stalls for hundreds of threads. As a result, the GPU often cannot schedule enough threads to successfully hide the stalls, which diminishes system throughput and becomes a first-order performance concern. Based on our analysis, we propose MASK, a new GPU framework that provides low-overhead virtual memory support for the concurrent execution of multiple applications. MASK consists of three novel address-translation-aware cache and memory management mechanisms that work together to largely reduce the overhead of address translation: (1) a token-based technique to reduce TLB contention, (2) a bypassing mechanism to improve the effectiveness of cached address translations, and (3) an application-aware memory scheduling scheme to reduce the interference between address translation and data requests. Our evaluations show that MASK restores much of the throughput lost to TLB contention. Relative to a state-of-the-art GPU TLB, MASK improves system throughput by 57.8%, improves IPC throughput by 43.4%, and reduces applicationlevel unfairness by 22.4%. MASK’s system throughput is within 23.2% of an ideal GPU system with no address translation overhead.
	abstract = {Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) exploit large amounts of threadlevel parallelism to provide high instruction throughput and to efficiently hide long-latency stalls. The resulting high throughput, along with continued programmability improvements, have made GPUs an essential computational resource in many domains. Applications from different domains can have vastly different compute and memory demands on the GPU. In a large-scale computing environment, to efficiently accommodate such wide-ranging demands without leaving GPU resources underutilized, multiple applications can share a single GPU, akin to how multiple applications execute concurrently on a CPU. Multi-application concurrency requires several support mechanisms in both hardware and software. One such key mechanism is virtual memory, which manages and protects the address space of each application. However, modern GPUs lack the extensive support for multi-application concurrency available in CPUs, and as a result suffer from high performance overheads when shared by multiple applications, as we demonstrate. We perform a detailed analysis of which multi-application concurrency support limitations hurt GPU performance the most. We find that the poor performance is largely a result of the virtual memory mechanisms employed in modern GPUs. In particular, poor address translation performance is a key obstacle to efficient GPU sharing. State-of-the-art address translation mechanisms, which were designed for single-application execution, experience significant inter-application interference when multiple applications spatially share the GPU. This contention leads to frequent misses in the shared translation lookaside buffer (TLB), where a single miss can induce long-latency stalls for hundreds of threads. As a result, the GPU often cannot schedule enough threads to successfully hide the stalls, which diminishes system throughput and becomes a first-order performance concern. Based on our analysis, we propose MASK, a new GPU framework that provides low-overhead virtual memory support for the concurrent execution of multiple applications. MASK consists of three novel address-translation-aware cache and memory management mechanisms that work together to largely reduce the overhead of address translation: (1) a token-based technique to reduce TLB contention, (2) a bypassing mechanism to improve the effectiveness of cached address translations, and (3) an application-aware memory scheduling scheme to reduce the interference between address translation and data requests. Our evaluations show that MASK restores much of the throughput lost to TLB contention. Relative to a state-of-the-art GPU TLB, MASK improves system throughput by 57.8\%, improves IPC throughput by 43.4\%, and reduces applicationlevel unfairness by 22.4\%. MASK{\textquoteright}s system throughput is within 23.2\% of an ideal GPU system with no address translation overhead.},
	author = {Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Vance Miller and Joshua Landgraf and Saugata Ghose and Jayneel Gandhi and Adwait Jog and Christopher Rossbach and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)},
	title = {MASK: Redesigning the GPU Memory Hierarchy to Support Multi-Application Concurrency},
	venue = {Williamsburg, VA, USA},
	year = {2018}
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Williamsburg, VA, USA, March 2018
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) employ large register files to accommodate all active threads and accelerate context switching. Unfortunately, register files are a scalability bottleneck for future GPUs due to long access latency, high power consumption, and large silicon area provisioning. Prior work proposes hierarchical register file, to reduce the register file power consumption by caching registers in a smaller register file cache. Unfortunately, this approach does not improve register access latency due to the low hit rate in the register file cache. In this paper, we propose the Latency-Tolerant Register File (LTRF) architecture to achieve low latency in a two-level hierarchical structure while keeping power consumption low. We observe that compile-time interval analysis enables us to divide GPU program execution into intervals with an accurate estimate of a warp’s aggregate register working-set within each interval. The key idea of LTRF is to prefetch the estimated register working-set from the main register file to the register file cache under software control, at the beginning of each interval, and overlap the prefetch latency with the execution of other warps. Our experimental results show that LTRF enables high-capacity yet long-latency main GPU register files, paving the way for various optimizations. As an example optimization, we implement the main register file with emerging high-density high-latency memory technologies, enabling 8× larger capacity and improving overall GPU performance by 31% while reducing register file power consumption by 46%.
	abstract = {Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) employ large register files to accommodate all active threads and accelerate context switching. Unfortunately, register files are a scalability bottleneck for future GPUs due to long access latency, high power consumption, and large silicon area provisioning. Prior work proposes hierarchical register file, to reduce the register file power consumption by caching registers in a smaller register file cache. Unfortunately, this approach does not improve register access latency due to the low hit rate in the register file cache. 
In this paper, we propose the Latency-Tolerant Register File (LTRF) architecture to achieve low latency in a two-level hierarchical structure while keeping power consumption low. We observe that compile-time interval analysis enables us to divide GPU program execution into intervals with an accurate estimate of a warp{\textquoteright}s aggregate register working-set within each interval. The key idea of LTRF is to prefetch the estimated register working-set from the main register file to the register file cache under software control, at the beginning of each interval, and overlap the prefetch latency with the execution of other warps. Our experimental results show that LTRF enables high-capacity yet long-latency main GPU register files, paving the way for various optimizations. As an example optimization, we implement the main register file with emerging high-density high-latency memory technologies, enabling 8{\texttimes} larger capacity and improving overall GPU performance by 31\% while reducing register file power consumption by 46\%.},
	author = {Mohammad Sadrosadati and Amirhossein Mirhosseini and Seyed B. Ehsani and Hamid Sarbazi-Azad and Mario Drumond and Babak Falsafi and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)},
	title = {LTRF: Enabling High-Capacity Register Files for GPUs via Hardware/Software Cooperative Register Prefetching},
	url = {},
	venue = {Williamsburg, VA, USA},
	year = {2018}
Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), Vienna, Austria, February 2018
NAND flash memory density continues to scale to keep up with the increasing storage demands of data-intensive applications. Unfortunately, as a result of this scaling, the lifetime of NAND flash memory has been decreasing. Each cell in NAND flash memory can endure only a limited number of writes, due to the damage caused by each program and erase operation on the cell. This damage can be partially repaired on its own during the idle time between program or erase operations (known as the dwell time), via a phenomenon known as the self-recovery effect. Prior works study the self-recovery effect for planar (i.e., 2D) NAND flash memory, and propose to exploit it to improve flash lifetime, by applying high temperature to accelerate selfrecovery. However, these findings may not be directly applicable to 3D NAND flash memory, due to significant changes in the design and manufacturing process that are required to enable practical 3D stacking for NAND flash memory. In this paper, we perform the first detailed experimental characterization of the effects of self-recovery and temperature on real, state-of-the-art 3D NAND flash memory devices. We show that these effects influence two major factors of NAND flash memory reliability: (1) retention loss speed (i.e., the speed at which a flash cell leaks charge), and (2) program variation (i.e., the difference in programming speed across flash cells). We find that self-recovery and temperature affect 3D NAND flash memory quite differently than they affect planar NAND flash memory, rendering prior models of self-recovery and temperature ineffective for 3D NAND flash memory. Using our characterization results, we develop a new model for 3D NAND flash memory reliability, which predicts how retention, wearout, self-recovery, and temperature affect raw bit error rates and cell threshold voltages. We show that our model is accurate, with an error of only 4.9%. Based on our experimental findings and our model, we propose HeatWatch, a new mechanism to improve 3D NAND flash memory reliability. The key idea of HeatWatch is to optimize the read reference voltage, i.e., the voltage applied to the cell during a read operation, by adapting it to the dwell time of the workload and the current operating temperature. HeatWatch (1) efficiently tracks flash memory temperature and dwell time online, (2) sends this information to our reliability model to predict the current voltages of flash cells, and (3) predicts the optimal read reference voltage based on the current cell voltages. Our detailed experimental evaluations show that HeatWatch improves flash lifetime by 3.85× over a baseline that uses a fixed read reference voltage, averaged across 28 real storage workload traces, and comes within 0.9% of the lifetime of an ideal read reference voltage selection mechanism.
	abstract = {NAND flash memory density continues to scale to keep up with the increasing storage demands of data-intensive applications. Unfortunately, as a result of this scaling, the lifetime of NAND flash memory has been decreasing. Each cell in NAND flash memory can endure only a limited number of writes, due to the damage caused by each program and erase operation on the cell. This damage can be partially repaired on its own during the idle time between program or erase operations (known as the dwell time), via a phenomenon known as the self-recovery effect. Prior works study the self-recovery effect for planar (i.e., 2D) NAND flash memory, and propose to exploit it to improve flash lifetime, by applying high temperature to accelerate selfrecovery. However, these findings may not be directly applicable to 3D NAND flash memory, due to significant changes in the design and manufacturing process that are required to enable practical 3D stacking for NAND flash memory. In this paper, we perform the first detailed experimental characterization of the effects of self-recovery and temperature on real, state-of-the-art 3D NAND flash memory devices. We show that these effects influence two major factors of NAND flash memory reliability: (1) retention loss speed (i.e., the speed at which a flash cell leaks charge), and (2) program variation (i.e., the difference in programming speed across flash cells). We find that self-recovery and temperature affect 3D NAND flash memory quite differently than they affect planar NAND flash memory, rendering prior models of self-recovery and temperature ineffective for 3D NAND flash memory. Using our characterization results, we develop a new model for 3D NAND flash memory reliability, which predicts how retention, wearout, self-recovery, and temperature affect raw bit error rates and cell threshold voltages. We show that our model is accurate, with an error of only 4.9\%. Based on our experimental findings and our model, we propose HeatWatch, a new mechanism to improve 3D NAND flash memory reliability. The key idea of HeatWatch is to optimize the read reference voltage, i.e., the voltage applied to the cell during a read operation, by adapting it to the dwell time of the workload and the current operating temperature. HeatWatch (1) efficiently tracks flash memory temperature and dwell time online, (2) sends this information to our reliability model to predict the current voltages of flash cells, and (3) predicts the optimal read reference voltage based on the current cell voltages. Our detailed experimental evaluations show that HeatWatch improves flash lifetime by 3.85{\texttimes} over a baseline that uses a fixed read reference voltage, averaged across 28 real storage workload traces, and comes within 0.9\% of the lifetime of an ideal read reference voltage selection mechanism.},
	author = {Yixin Luo and Saugata Ghose and Yu Cai and Erich F. Haratsch and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)},
	title = {HeatWatch: Improving 3D NAND Flash Memory Device Reliability by Exploiting Self-Recovery and Temperature-Awareness},
	venue = {Vienna, Austria},
	year = {2018}
Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), Vienna, Austria, February 2018
Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are commonly used in cryptography to identify devices based on the uniqueness of their physical microstructures. DRAM-based PUFs have numerous advantages over PUF designs that exploit alternative substrates: DRAM is a major component of many modern systems, and a DRAM-based PUF can generate many unique identifiers. However, none of the prior DRAM PUF proposals provide implementations suitable for runtime-accessible PUF evaluation on commodity DRAM devices. Prior DRAM PUFs exhibit unacceptably high latencies, especially at low temperatures (e.g., >125.8s on average for a 64KiB memory segment below 55◦C), and they cause high system interference by keeping part of DRAM unavailable during PUF evaluation. In this paper, we introduce the DRAM latency PUF, a new class of fast, reliable DRAM PUFs. The key idea is to reduce DRAM read access latency below the reliable datasheet specifications using software-only system calls. Doing so results in error patterns that reflect the compound effects of manufacturing variations in various DRAM structures (e.g., capacitors, wires, sense amplifiers). Based on a rigorous experimental characterization of 223 modern LPDDR4 DRAM chips, we demonstrate that these error patterns 1) satisfy runtime-accessible PUF requirements, and 2) are quickly generated (i.e., at 88.2ms) irrespective of operating temperature using a real system with no additional hardware modifications. We show that, for a constant DRAM capacity overhead of 64KiB, our implementation of the DRAM latency PUF enables an average (minimum, maximum) PUF evaluation time speedup of 152x (109x, 181x) at 70◦C and 1426x (868x, 1783x) at 55◦C when compared to a DRAM retention PUF and achieves greater speedups at even lower temperatures.
	abstract = {Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are commonly used in cryptography to identify devices based on the uniqueness of their physical microstructures. DRAM-based PUFs have numerous advantages over PUF designs that exploit alternative substrates: DRAM is a major component of many modern systems, and a DRAM-based PUF can generate many unique identifiers. However, none of the prior DRAM PUF proposals provide implementations suitable for runtime-accessible PUF evaluation on commodity DRAM devices. Prior DRAM PUFs exhibit unacceptably high latencies, especially at low temperatures (e.g., >125.8s on average for a 64KiB memory segment below 55{\textopenbullet}C), and they cause high system interference by keeping part of DRAM unavailable during PUF evaluation. In this paper, we introduce the DRAM latency PUF, a new class of fast, reliable DRAM PUFs. The key idea is to reduce DRAM read access latency below the reliable datasheet specifications using software-only system calls. Doing so results in error patterns that reflect the compound effects of manufacturing variations in various DRAM structures (e.g., capacitors, wires, sense amplifiers). Based on a rigorous experimental characterization of 223 modern LPDDR4 DRAM chips, we demonstrate that these error patterns 1) satisfy runtime-accessible PUF requirements, and 2) are quickly generated (i.e., at 88.2ms) irrespective of operating temperature using a real system with no additional hardware modifications. We show that, for a constant DRAM capacity overhead of 64KiB, our implementation of the DRAM latency PUF enables an average (minimum, maximum) PUF evaluation time speedup of 152x (109x, 181x) at 70{\textopenbullet}C and 1426x (868x, 1783x) at 55{\textopenbullet}C when compared to a DRAM retention PUF and achieves greater speedups at even lower temperatures.},
	author = {Jeremie Kim and Minesh Patel and Hasan Hassan and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)},
	title = {The DRAM Latency PUF: Quickly Evaluating Physical Unclonable Functions by Exploiting the Latency-Reliability Tradeoff in Mod...},
	venue = {Vienna, Austria},
	year = {2018}
Proceedings of the 16th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, Oakland, CA, USA, February 2018
Solid-state drives (SSDs) are used in a wide array of computer systems today, including in datacenters and enterprise servers. As the I/O demands of these systems continue to increase, manufacturers are evolving SSD architectures to keep up with this demand. For example, manufacturers have introduced new high-bandwidth interfaces to replace the conventional SATA host-interface protocol. These new interfaces, such as the NVMe protocol, are designed specifically to enable the high amounts of concurrent I/O bandwidth that SSDs are capable of delivering. While modern SSDs with sophisticated features such as the NVMe protocol are already on the market, existing SSD simulation tools have fallen behind, as they do not capture these new features. We find that state-of-the-art SSD simulators have three shortcomings that prevent them from accurately modeling the performance of real off-the-shelf SSDs. First, these simulators do not model critical features of new protocols (e.g., NVMe), such as their use of multiple application-level queues for requests and the elimination of OS intervention for I/O request processing. Second, these simulators often do not accurately capture the impact of advanced SSD maintenance algorithms (e.g., garbage collection), as they do not properly or quickly emulate steady-state conditions that can significantly change the behavior of these algorithms in real SSDs. Third, these simulators do not capture the full end-to-end latency of I/O requests, which can incorrectly skew the results reported for SSDs that make use of emerging non-volatile memory technologies. By not accurately modeling these three features, existing simulators report results that deviate significantly from real SSD performance. In this work, we introduce a new simulator, called MQSim, that accurately models the performance of both modern SSDs and conventional SATA-based SSDs. MQSim faithfully models new high-bandwidth protocol implementations, steady-state SSD conditions, and the full end-to-end latency of requests in modern SSDs. We validate MQSim, showing that it reports performance results that are only 6%-18% apart from the measured actual performance of four real state-of-the-art SSDs. We show that by modeling critical features of modern SSDs, MQSim uncovers several real and important issues that were not captured by existing simulators, such as the performance impact of inter-flow interference. We have released MQSim as an open-source tool, and we hope that it can enable researchers to explore directions in new and different areas.
	abstract = {Solid-state drives (SSDs) are used in a wide array of computer systems today, including in datacenters and enterprise servers. As the I/O demands of these systems continue to increase, manufacturers are evolving SSD architectures to keep up with this demand. For example, manufacturers have introduced new high-bandwidth interfaces to replace the conventional SATA host-interface protocol. These new interfaces, such as the NVMe protocol, are designed specifically to enable the high amounts of concurrent I/O bandwidth that SSDs are capable of delivering.

While modern SSDs with sophisticated features such as the NVMe protocol are already on the market, existing SSD simulation tools have fallen behind, as they do not capture these new features. We find that state-of-the-art SSD simulators have three shortcomings that prevent them from accurately modeling the performance of real off-the-shelf SSDs. First, these simulators do not model critical features of new protocols (e.g., NVMe), such as their use of multiple application-level queues for requests and the elimination of OS intervention for I/O request processing. Second, these simulators often do not accurately capture the impact of advanced SSD maintenance algorithms (e.g., garbage collection), as they do not properly or quickly emulate steady-state conditions that can significantly change the behavior of these algorithms in real SSDs. Third, these simulators do not capture the full end-to-end latency of I/O requests, which can incorrectly skew the results reported for SSDs that make use of emerging non-volatile memory technologies. By not accurately modeling these three features, existing simulators report results that deviate significantly from real SSD performance.

In this work, we introduce a new simulator, called MQSim, that accurately models the performance of both modern SSDs and conventional SATA-based SSDs. MQSim faithfully models new high-bandwidth protocol implementations, steady-state SSD conditions, and the full end-to-end latency of requests in modern SSDs. We validate MQSim, showing that it reports performance results that are only 6\%-18\% apart from the measured actual performance of four real state-of-the-art SSDs. We show that by modeling critical features of modern SSDs, MQSim uncovers several real and important issues that were not captured by existing simulators, such as the performance impact of inter-flow interference. We have released MQSim as an open-source tool, and we hope that it can enable researchers to explore directions in new and different areas.},
	author = {Arash Tavakkol and Juan Gomez-Luna and Mohammad Sadrosadati and Saugata Ghose and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies},
	title = {MQsim: a framework for enabling realistic studies of modern multi-queue SSD devices},
	venue = {Oakland, CA, USA},
	year = {2018}


Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Denver, CO, USA, November 2017
Betweenness centrality (BC) is a crucial graph problem that measures the significance of a vertex by the number of shortest paths leading through it. We propose Maximal Frontier Betweenness Centrality (MFBC): a succinct BC algorithm based on novel sparse matrix multiplication routines that performs a factor of p1/3 less communication on p processors than the best known alternatives, for graphs with n vertices and average degree k = n/p2/3. We formulate, implement, and prove the correctness of MFBC for weighted graphs by leveraging monoids instead of semirings, which enables a surprisingly succinct formulation. MFBC scales well for both extremely sparse and relatively dense graphs. It automatically searches a space of distributed data decompositions and sparse matrix multiplication algorithms for the most advantageous configuration. The MFBC implementation outperforms the well-known CombBLAS library by up to 8x and shows more robust performance. Our design methodology is readily extensible to other graph problems.
	abstract = {Betweenness centrality (BC) is a crucial graph problem that measures the significance of a vertex by the number of shortest paths leading through it. We propose Maximal Frontier Betweenness Centrality (MFBC): a succinct BC algorithm based on novel sparse matrix multiplication routines that performs a factor of p1/3 less communication on p processors than the best known alternatives, for graphs with n vertices and average degree k = n/p2/3. We formulate, implement, and prove the correctness of MFBC for weighted graphs by leveraging monoids instead of semirings, which enables a surprisingly succinct formulation. MFBC scales well for both extremely sparse and relatively dense graphs. It automatically searches a space of distributed data decompositions and sparse matrix multiplication algorithms for the most advantageous configuration. The MFBC implementation outperforms the well-known CombBLAS library by up to 8x and shows more robust performance. Our design methodology is readily extensible to other graph problems.},
	author = {Edgar Solomonik and Maciej Besta and Flavio Vella and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis},
	title = {Scaling Betweenness Centrality using Communication-Efficient Sparse Matrix Multiplication},
	venue = {Denver, CO, USA},
	year = {2017}
Bioinformatics, November 2017
Motivation High throughput DNA sequencing (HTS) technologies generate an excessive number of small DNA segments -called short reads- that cause significant computational burden. To analyze the entire genome, each of the billions of short reads must be mapped to a reference genome based on the similarity between a read and ‘candidate’ locations in that reference genome. The similarity measurement, called alignment, formulated as an approximate string matching problem, is the computational bottleneck because: (i) it is implemented using quadratic-time dynamic programming algorithms and (ii) the majority of candidate locations in the reference genome do not align with a given read due to high dissimilarity. Calculating the alignment of such incorrect candidate locations consumes an overwhelming majority of a modern read mapper’s execution time. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a fast and effective filter that can detect incorrect candidate locations and eliminate them before invoking computationally costly alignment algorithms. Results We propose GateKeeper, a new hardware accelerator that functions as a pre-alignment step that quickly filters out most incorrect candidate locations. GateKeeper is the first design to accelerate pre-alignment using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), which can perform pre-alignment much faster than software. When implemented on a single FPGA chip, GateKeeper maintains high accuracy (on average >96%) while providing, on average, 90-fold and 130-fold speedup over the state-of-the-art software pre-alignment techniques, Adjacency Filter and Shifted Hamming Distance (SHD), respectively. The addition of GateKeeper as a pre-alignment step can reduce the verification time of the mrFAST mapper by a factor of 10.
	abstract = {Motivation
High throughput DNA sequencing (HTS) technologies generate an excessive number of small DNA segments -called short reads- that cause significant computational burden. To analyze the entire genome, each of the billions of short reads must be mapped to a reference genome based on the similarity between a read and {\textquoteleft}candidate{\textquoteright} locations in that reference genome. The similarity measurement, called alignment, formulated as an approximate string matching problem, is the computational bottleneck because: (i) it is implemented using quadratic-time dynamic programming algorithms and (ii) the majority of candidate locations in the reference genome do not align with a given read due to high dissimilarity. Calculating the alignment of such incorrect candidate locations consumes an overwhelming majority of a modern read mapper{\textquoteright}s execution time. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a fast and effective filter that can detect incorrect candidate locations and eliminate them before invoking computationally costly alignment algorithms.

We propose GateKeeper, a new hardware accelerator that functions as a pre-alignment step that quickly filters out most incorrect candidate locations. GateKeeper is the first design to accelerate pre-alignment using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), which can perform pre-alignment much faster than software. When implemented on a single FPGA chip, GateKeeper maintains high accuracy (on average >96\%) while providing, on average, 90-fold and 130-fold speedup over the state-of-the-art software pre-alignment techniques, Adjacency Filter and Shifted Hamming Distance (SHD), respectively. The addition of GateKeeper as a pre-alignment step can reduce the verification time of the mrFAST mapper by a factor of 10.},
	author = {Mohammed Alser and Hasan Hassan and Hongyi Xin and Oguz Ergin and Onur Mutlu and Can Alkan},
	pages = {3355-3363},
	journal = {Bioinformatics},
	title = {GateKeeper: a new hardware architecture for accelerating pre-alignment in DNA short read mapping},
	volume = {33},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Denver, CO, USA, November 2017
Optimizing communication performance is imperative for large-scale computing because communication overheads limit the strong scalability of parallel applications. Today's network cards contain rather powerful processors optimized for data movement. However, these devices are limited to fixed functions, such as remote direct memory access. We develop sPIN, a portable programming model to offload simple packet processing functions to the network card. To demonstrate the potential of the model, we design a cycle-accurate simulation environment by combining the network simulator LogGOPSim and the CPU simulator gem5. We implement offloaded message matching, datatype processing, and collective communications and demonstrate transparent full-application speedups. Furthermore, we show how sPIN can be used to accelerate redundant in-memory filesystems and several other use cases. Our work investigates a portable packet-processing network acceleration model similar to compute acceleration with CUDA or OpenCL. We show how such network acceleration enables an eco-system that can significantly speed up applications and system services.
	abstract = {Optimizing communication performance is imperative for large-scale computing because communication overheads limit the strong scalability of parallel applications. Today{\textquoteright}s network cards contain rather powerful processors optimized for data movement. However, these devices are limited to fixed functions, such as remote direct memory access. We develop sPIN, a portable programming model to offload simple packet processing functions to the network card. To demonstrate the potential of the model, we design a cycle-accurate simulation environment by combining the network simulator LogGOPSim and the CPU simulator gem5. We implement offloaded message matching, datatype processing, and collective communications and demonstrate transparent full-application speedups. Furthermore, we show how sPIN can be used to accelerate redundant in-memory filesystems and several other use cases. Our work investigates a portable packet-processing network acceleration model similar to compute acceleration with CUDA or OpenCL. We show how such network acceleration enables an eco-system that can significantly speed up applications and system services.},
	author = {Torsten Hoefler and Salvatore Di Girolamo and Konstantin Taranov and Ron Brightwell},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis},
	title = {sPIN: High-performance streaming Processing in the Network},
	venue = {Denver, CO, USA},
	year = {2017}
Dagstuhl Reports, October 2017
A number of physical limitations mandate radical changes in the way how we build computing hard- and software, and there is broad consensus that a stronger interaction between hard- and software communities is needed to meet the ever-growing demand for application performance. Under this motivation, representatives from various hard- and software communities have met at the Dagstuhl seminar "Databases on Future Hardware" to discuss the implications in the context of database systems. The outcome of the seminar was not only a much better understanding of each other's needs, constraints, and ways of thinking. Very importantly, the group identified topic areas that seem key for the ongoing shift, together with suggestions on how the field could move forward. During the seminar, it turned out that the future of databases is not only a question of technology. Rather, economic considerations have to be taken into account when building next-generation database engines.
	abstract = {A number of physical limitations mandate radical changes in the way how we build computing hard- and software, and there is broad consensus that a stronger interaction between hard- and software communities is needed to meet the ever-growing demand for application performance. Under this motivation, representatives from various hard- and software communities have met at the Dagstuhl seminar "Databases on Future Hardware" to discuss the implications in the context of database systems. The outcome of the seminar was not only a much better understanding of each other{\textquoteright}s needs, constraints, and ways of thinking. Very importantly, the group identified topic areas that seem key for the ongoing shift, together with suggestions on how the field could move forward. During the seminar, it turned out that the future of databases is not only a question of technology. Rather, economic considerations have to be taken into account when building next-generation database engines.},
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Michaela Blott and Jens Teubner},
	pages = {1-18},
	journal = {Dagstuhl Reports},
	title = {Databases on Future Hardware},
	volume = {7},
	year = {2017}
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, October 2017
The cost of data movement has always been an important concern in high performance computing (HPC) systems. It has now become the dominant factor in terms of both energy consumption and performance. Support for expression of data locality has been explored in the past, but those efforts have had only modest success in being adopted in HPC applications for various reasons. them However, with the increasing complexity of the memory hierarchy and higher parallelism in emerging HPC systems, locality management has acquired a new urgency. Developers can no longer limit themselves to low-level solutions and ignore the potential for productivity and performance portability obtained by using locality abstractions. Fortunately, the trend emerging in recent literature on the topic alleviates many of the concerns that got in the way of their adoption by application developers. Data locality abstractions are available in the forms of libraries, data structures, languages and runtime systems; a common theme is increasing productivity without sacrificing performance. This paper examines these trends and identifies commonalities that can combine various locality concepts to develop a comprehensive approach to expressing and managing data locality on future large-scale high-performance computing systems.
	abstract = {The cost of data movement has always been an important concern in high performance computing (HPC) systems. It has now become the dominant factor in terms of both energy consumption and performance. Support for expression of data locality has been explored in the past, but those efforts have had only modest success in being adopted in HPC applications for various reasons. them However, with the increasing complexity of the memory hierarchy and higher parallelism in emerging HPC systems, locality management has acquired a new urgency. Developers can no longer limit themselves to low-level solutions and ignore the potential for productivity and performance portability obtained by using locality abstractions. Fortunately, the trend emerging in recent literature on the topic alleviates many of the concerns that got in the way of their adoption by application developers. Data locality abstractions are available in the forms of libraries, data structures, languages and runtime systems; a common theme is increasing productivity without sacrificing performance. This paper examines these trends and identifies commonalities that can combine various locality concepts to develop a comprehensive approach to expressing and managing data locality on future large-scale high-performance computing systems.},
	author = {Didem Unat and Anshu Dubey and Torsten Hoefler and John Shalf and Mark Abraham and Mauro Bianco and Bradford L. Chamberlain and Romain Cledat and H. Carter Edwards and Hal Finkel and Karl Fuerlinger and Frank Hannig and Emmanuel Jeannot and Amir Kamil and Jeff Keasler and Paul H. J. Kelly and Vitus Leung and Hatem Ltaief and Naoya Maruyama and Chris J. Newburn and Miquel Pericas},
	pages = {3007-3020},
	journal = {IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems},
	title = {Trends in Data Locality Abstractions for HPC Systems},
	volume = {28},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, Cambridge, MA, USA, October 2017
Contemporary discrete GPUs support rich memory management features such as virtual memory and demand paging. These features simplify GPU programming by providing a virtual address space abstraction similar to CPUs and eliminating manual memory management, but they introduce high performance overheads during (1) address translation and (2) page faults. A GPU relies on high degrees of thread-level parallelism (TLP) to hide memory latency. Address translation can undermine TLP, as a single miss in the translation lookaside buffer (TLB) invokes an expensive serialized page table walk that often stalls multiple threads. Demand paging can also undermine TLP, as multiple threads often stall while they wait for an expensive data transfer over the system I/O (e.g., PCIe) bus when the GPU demands a page. In modern GPUs, we face a trade-off on how the page size used for memory management affects address translation and demand paging. The address translation overhead is lower when we employ a larger page size (e.g., 2MB large pages, compared with conventional 4KB base pages), which increases TLB coverage and thus reduces TLB misses. Conversely, the demand paging overhead is lower when we employ a smaller page size, which decreases the system I/O bus transfer latency. Support for multiple page sizes can help relax the page size trade-off so that address translation and demand paging optimizations work together synergistically. However, existing page coalescing (i.e., merging base pages into a large page) and splintering (i.e., splitting a large page into base pages) policies require costly base page migrations that undermine the benefits multiple page sizes provide. In this paper, we observe that GPGPU applications present an opportunity to support multiple page sizes without costly data migration, as the applications perform most of their memory allocation en masse (i.e., they allocate a large number of base pages at once). We show that this en masse allocation allows us to create intelligent memory allocation policies which ensure that base pages that are contiguous in virtual memory are allocated to contiguous physical memory pages. As a result, coalescing and splintering operations no longer need to migrate base pages. We introduce Mosaic, a GPU memory manager that provides application-transparent support for multiple page sizes. Mosaic uses base pages to transfer data over the system I/O bus, and allocates physical memory in a way that (1) preserves base page contiguity and (2) ensures that a large page frame contains pages from only a single memory protection domain. We take advantage of this allocation strategy to design a novel in-place page size selection mechanism that avoids data migration. This mechanism allows the TLB to use large pages, reducing address translation overhead. During data transfer, this mechanism enables the GPU to transfer only the base pages that are needed by the application over the system I/O bus, keeping demand paging overhead low. Our evaluations show that Mosaic reduces address translation overheads while efficiently achieving the benefits of demand paging, compared to a contemporary GPU that uses only a 4KB page size. Relative to a state-of-the-art GPU memory manager, Mosaic improves the performance of homogeneous and heterogeneous multi-application workloads by 55.5% and 29.7% on average, respectively, coming within 6.8% and 15.4% of the performance of an ideal TLB where all TLB requests are hits.
	abstract = {Contemporary discrete GPUs support rich memory management features such as virtual memory and demand paging. These features simplify GPU programming by providing a virtual address space abstraction similar to CPUs and eliminating manual memory management, but they introduce high performance overheads during (1) address translation and (2) page faults. A GPU relies on high degrees of thread-level parallelism (TLP) to hide memory latency. Address translation can undermine TLP, as a single miss in the translation lookaside buffer (TLB) invokes an expensive serialized page table walk that often stalls multiple threads. Demand paging can also undermine TLP, as multiple threads often stall while they wait for an expensive data transfer over the system I/O (e.g., PCIe) bus when the GPU demands a page.

In modern GPUs, we face a trade-off on how the page size used for memory management affects address translation and demand paging. The address translation overhead is lower when we employ a larger page size (e.g., 2MB large pages, compared with conventional 4KB base pages), which increases TLB coverage and thus reduces TLB misses. Conversely, the demand paging overhead is lower when we employ a smaller page size, which decreases the system I/O bus transfer latency. Support for multiple page sizes can help relax the page size trade-off so that address translation and demand paging optimizations work together synergistically. However, existing page coalescing (i.e., merging base pages into a large page) and splintering (i.e., splitting a large page into base pages) policies require costly base page migrations that undermine the benefits multiple page sizes provide. In this paper, we observe that GPGPU applications present an opportunity to support multiple page sizes without costly data migration, as the applications perform most of their memory allocation en masse (i.e., they allocate a large number of base pages at once). We show that this en masse allocation allows us to create intelligent memory allocation policies which ensure that base pages that are contiguous in virtual memory are allocated to contiguous physical memory pages. As a result, coalescing and splintering operations no longer need to migrate base pages.

We introduce Mosaic, a GPU memory manager that provides application-transparent support for multiple page sizes. Mosaic uses base pages to transfer data over the system I/O bus, and allocates physical memory in a way that (1) preserves base page contiguity and (2) ensures that a large page frame contains pages from only a single memory protection domain. We take advantage of this allocation strategy to design a novel in-place page size selection mechanism that avoids data migration. This mechanism allows the TLB to use large pages, reducing address translation overhead. During data transfer, this mechanism enables the GPU to transfer only the base pages that are needed by the application over the system I/O bus, keeping demand paging overhead low. Our evaluations show that Mosaic reduces address translation overheads while efficiently achieving the benefits of demand paging, compared to a contemporary GPU that uses only a 4KB page size. Relative to a state-of-the-art GPU memory manager, Mosaic improves the performance of homogeneous and heterogeneous multi-application workloads by 55.5\% and 29.7\% on average, respectively, coming within 6.8\% and 15.4\% of the performance of an ideal TLB where all TLB requests are hits.},
	author = {Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Joshua Landgraf and Vance Miller and Saugata Ghose and Jayneel Gandhi and Christopher Rossbach and },
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture},
	title = {Mosaic: a GPU memory manager with application-transparent support for multiple page sizes},
	venue = {Cambridge, MA, USA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, Cambridge, MA, USA, October 2017
DRAM cells in close proximity can fail depending on the data content in neighboring cells. These failures are called data-dependent failures. Detecting and mitigating these failures online, while the system is running in the field, enables various optimizations that improve reliability, latency, and energy efficiency of the system. For example, a system can improve performance and energy efficiency by using a lower refresh rate for most cells and mitigate the failing cells using higher refresh rates or error correcting codes. All these system optimizations depend on accurately detecting every possible data-dependent failure that could occur with any content in DRAM. Unfortunately, detecting all data-dependent failures requires the knowledge of DRAM internals specific to each DRAM chip. As internal DRAM architecture is not exposed to the system, detecting data-dependent failures at the system-level is a major challenge. In this paper, we decouple the detection and mitigation of data-dependent failures from physical DRAM organization such that it is possible to detect failures without knowledge of DRAM internals. To this end, we propose MEMCON, a memory content-based detection and mitigation mechanism for data-dependent failures in DRAM. MEMCON does not detect every possible data-dependent failure. Instead, it detects and mitigates failures that occur only with the current content in memory while the programs are running in the system. Such a mechanism needs to detect failures whenever there is a write access that changes the content of memory. As detection of failure with a runtime testing has a high overhead, MEMCON selectively initiates a test on a write, only when the time between two consecutive writes to that page (i.e., write interval) is long enough to provide significant benefit by lowering the refresh rate during that interval. MEMCON builds upon a simple, practical mechanism that predicts the long write intervals based on our observation that the write intervals in real workloads follow a Pareto distribution: the longer a page remains idle after a write, the longer it is expected to remain idle. Our evaluation shows that compared to a system that uses an aggressive refresh rate, MEMCON reduces refresh operations by 65--74%, leading to a 10%/17%/40% (min) to 12%/22%/50% (max) performance improvement for a single-core and 10%/23%/52% (min) to 17%/29%/65% (max) performance improvement for a 4-core system using 8/16/32 Gb DRAM chips.
	abstract = {DRAM cells in close proximity can fail depending on the data content in neighboring cells. These failures are called data-dependent failures. Detecting and mitigating these failures online, while the system is running in the field, enables various optimizations that improve reliability, latency, and energy efficiency of the system. For example, a system can improve performance and energy efficiency by using a lower refresh rate for most cells and mitigate the failing cells using higher refresh rates or error correcting codes. All these system optimizations depend on accurately detecting every possible data-dependent failure that could occur with any content in DRAM. Unfortunately, detecting all data-dependent failures requires the knowledge of DRAM internals specific to each DRAM chip. As internal DRAM architecture is not exposed to the system, detecting data-dependent failures at the system-level is a major challenge.

In this paper, we decouple the detection and mitigation of data-dependent failures from physical DRAM organization such that it is possible to detect failures without knowledge of DRAM internals. To this end, we propose MEMCON, a memory content-based detection and mitigation mechanism for data-dependent failures in DRAM. MEMCON does not detect every possible data-dependent failure. Instead, it detects and mitigates failures that occur only with the current content in memory while the programs are running in the system. Such a mechanism needs to detect failures whenever there is a write access that changes the content of memory. As detection of failure with a runtime testing has a high overhead, MEMCON selectively initiates a test on a write, only when the time between two consecutive writes to that page (i.e., write interval) is long enough to provide significant benefit by lowering the refresh rate during that interval. MEMCON builds upon a simple, practical mechanism that predicts the long write intervals based on our observation that the write intervals in real workloads follow a Pareto distribution: the longer a page remains idle after a write, the longer it is expected to remain idle.

Our evaluation shows that compared to a system that uses an aggressive refresh rate, MEMCON reduces refresh operations by 65--74\%, leading to a 10\%/17\%/40\% (min) to 12\%/22\%/50\% (max) performance improvement for a single-core and 10\%/23\%/52\% (min) to 17\%/29\%/65\% (max) performance improvement for a 4-core system using 8/16/32 Gb DRAM chips.},
	author = {Samira Manabi Khan and Chris Wilkerson and Zhe Wang and Alaa R. Alameldeen and Donghyuk Lee and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture},
	title = {Detecting and mitigating data-dependent DRAM failures by exploiting current memory content},
	venue = {Cambridge, MA, USA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, Cambridge, MA, USA, October 2017
Many important applications trigger bulk bitwise operations, i.e., bitwise operations on large bit vectors. In fact, recent works design techniques that exploit fast bulk bitwise operations to accelerate databases (bitmap indices, BitWeaving) and web search (BitFunnel). Unfortunately, in existing architectures, the throughput of bulk bitwise operations is limited by the memory bandwidth available to the processing unit (e.g., CPU, GPU, FPGA, processing-in-memory). To overcome this bottleneck, we propose Ambit, an Accelerator-in-Memory for bulk bitwise operations. Unlike prior works, Ambit exploits the analog operation of DRAM technology to perform bitwise operations completely inside DRAM, thereby exploiting the full internal DRAM bandwidth. Ambit consists of two components. First, simultaneous activation of three DRAM rows that share the same set of sense amplifiers enables the system to perform bitwise AND and OR operations. Second, with modest changes to the sense amplifier, the system can use the inverters present inside the sense amplifier to perform bitwise NOT operations. With these two components, Ambit can perform any bulk bitwise operation efficiently inside DRAM. Ambit largely exploits existing DRAM structure, and hence incurs low cost on top of commodity DRAM designs (1% of DRAM chip area). Importantly, Ambit uses the modern DRAM interface without any changes, and therefore it can be directly plugged onto the memory bus. Our extensive circuit simulations show that Ambit works as expected even in the presence of significant process variation. Averaged across seven bulk bitwise operations, Ambit improves performance by 32X and reduces energy consumption by 35X compared to state-of-the-art systems. When integrated with Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC), a 3D-stacked DRAM with a logic layer, Ambit improves performance of bulk bitwise operations by 9.7X compared to processing in the logic layer of the HMC. Ambit improves the performance of three real-world data-intensive applications, 1) database bitmap indices, 2) BitWeaving, a technique to accelerate database scans, and 3) bit-vector-based implementation of sets, by 3X-7X compared to a state-of-the-art baseline using SIMD optimizations. We describe four other applications that can benefit from Ambit, including a recent technique proposed to speed up web search. We believe that large performance and energy improvements provided by Ambit can enable other applications to use bulk bitwise operations.
	abstract = {Many important applications trigger bulk bitwise operations, i.e., bitwise operations on large bit vectors. In fact, recent works design techniques that exploit fast bulk bitwise operations to accelerate databases (bitmap indices, BitWeaving) and web search (BitFunnel). Unfortunately, in existing architectures, the throughput of bulk bitwise operations is limited by the memory bandwidth available to the processing unit (e.g., CPU, GPU, FPGA, processing-in-memory).

To overcome this bottleneck, we propose Ambit, an Accelerator-in-Memory for bulk bitwise operations. Unlike prior works, Ambit exploits the analog operation of DRAM technology to perform bitwise operations completely inside DRAM, thereby exploiting the full internal DRAM bandwidth. Ambit consists of two components. First, simultaneous activation of three DRAM rows that share the same set of sense amplifiers enables the system to perform bitwise AND and OR operations. Second, with modest changes to the sense amplifier, the system can use the inverters present inside the sense amplifier to perform bitwise NOT operations. With these two components, Ambit can perform any bulk bitwise operation efficiently inside DRAM. Ambit largely exploits existing DRAM structure, and hence incurs low cost on top of commodity DRAM designs (1\% of DRAM chip area). Importantly, Ambit uses the modern DRAM interface without any changes, and therefore it can be directly plugged onto the memory bus.

Our extensive circuit simulations show that Ambit works as expected even in the presence of significant process variation. Averaged across seven bulk bitwise operations, Ambit improves performance by 32X and reduces energy consumption by 35X compared to state-of-the-art systems. When integrated with Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC), a 3D-stacked DRAM with a logic layer, Ambit improves performance of bulk bitwise operations by 9.7X compared to processing in the logic layer of the HMC. Ambit improves the performance of three real-world data-intensive applications, 1) database bitmap indices, 2) BitWeaving, a technique to accelerate database scans, and 3) bit-vector-based implementation of sets, by 3X-7X compared to a state-of-the-art baseline using SIMD optimizations. We describe four other applications that can benefit from Ambit, including a recent technique proposed to speed up web search. We believe that large performance and energy improvements provided by Ambit can enable other applications to use bulk bitwise operations.},
	author = {Vivek Seshadri and Donghyuk Lee and Thomas Mullins and Hasan Hassan and Amirali Boroumand and Jeremie Kim and Michael A. Kozuch and Onur Mutlu and Phillip B. Gibbons and Todd C. Mowry},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture},
	title = {Ambit: in-memory accelerator for bulk bitwise operations using commodity DRAM technology},
	venue = {Cambridge, MA, USA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), Ghent, Belgium, October 2017
Decision tree ensembles are commonly used in a wide range of applications and becoming the de facto algorithm for decision tree based classifiers. Different trees in an ensemble can be processed in parallel during tree inference, making them a suitable use case for FPGAs. Large tree ensembles, however, require careful mapping of trees to on-chip memory and management of memory accesses. As a result, existing FPGA solutions suffer from the inability to scale beyond tens of trees and lack the flexibility to support different tree ensembles. In this paper we present an FPGA tree ensemble classifier together with a software driver to efficiently manage the FPGA's memory resources. The classifier architecture efficiently utilizes the FPGA's resources to fit half a million tree nodes in on-chip memory, delivering up to 20× speedup over a 10-threaded CPU implementation when fully processing the tree ensemble on the FPGA. It can also combine the CPU and FPGA to scale to tree ensembles that do not fit in on-chip memory, achieving up to an order of magnitude speedup compared to a pure CPU implementation. In addition, the classifier architecture can be programmed at runtime to process varying tree ensemble sizes.
	abstract = {Decision tree ensembles are commonly used in a wide range of applications and becoming the de facto algorithm for decision tree based classifiers. Different trees in an ensemble can be processed in parallel during tree inference, making them a suitable use case for FPGAs. Large tree ensembles, however, require careful mapping of trees to on-chip memory and management of memory accesses. As a result, existing FPGA solutions suffer from the inability to scale beyond tens of trees and lack the flexibility to support different tree ensembles. In this paper we present an FPGA tree ensemble classifier together with a software driver to efficiently manage the FPGA{\textquoteright}s memory resources. The classifier architecture efficiently utilizes the FPGA{\textquoteright}s resources to fit half a million tree nodes in on-chip memory, delivering up to 20{\texttimes} speedup over a 10-threaded CPU implementation when fully processing the tree ensemble on the FPGA. It can also combine the CPU and FPGA to scale to tree ensembles that do not fit in on-chip memory, achieving up to an order of magnitude speedup compared to a pure CPU implementation. In addition, the classifier architecture can be programmed at runtime to process varying tree ensemble sizes.},
	author = {Muhsen Owaida and Hantian Zhang and Ce Zhang and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)},
	title = {Scalable inference of decision tree ensembles: Flexible design for CPU-FPGA platforms},
	venue = {Ghent, Belgium},
	year = {2017}
Proceedins of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), Honolulu, HI, USA, September 2017
While the memory footprints of cloud and HPC applications continue to increase, fundamental issues with DRAM scaling are likely to prevent traditional main memory systems, composed of monolithic DRAM, from greatly growing in capacity. Hybrid memory systems can mitigate the scaling limitations of monolithic DRAM by pairing together multiple memory technologies (e.g., different types of DRAM, or DRAM and non-volatile memory) at the same level of the memory hierarchy. The goal of a hybrid main memory is to combine the different advantages of the multiple memory types in a cost-effective manner while avoiding the disadvantages of each technology. Memory pages are placed in and migrated between the different memories within a hybrid memory system, based on the properties of each page. It is important to make intelligent page management (i.e., placement and migration) decisions, as they can significantly affect system performance.In this paper, we propose utility-based hybrid memory management (UH-MEM), a new page management mechanism for various hybrid memories, that systematically estimates the utility (i.e., the system performance benefit) of migrating a page between different memory types, and uses this information to guide data placement. UH-MEM operates in two steps. First, it estimates how much a single application would benefit from migrating one of its pages to a different type of memory, by comprehensively considering access frequency, row buffer locality, and memory-level parallelism. Second, it translates the estimated benefit of a single application to an estimate of the overall system performance benefit from such a migration.We evaluate the effectiveness of UH-MEM with various types of hybrid memories, and show that it significantly improves system performance on each of these hybrid memories. For a memory system with DRAM and non-volatile memory, UH-MEM improves performance by 14% on average (and up to 26%) compared to the best of three evaluated state-of-the-art mechanisms across a large number of data-intensive workloads.
	abstract = {While the memory footprints of cloud and HPC applications continue to increase, fundamental issues with DRAM scaling are likely to prevent traditional main memory systems, composed of monolithic DRAM, from greatly growing in capacity. Hybrid memory systems can mitigate the scaling limitations of monolithic DRAM by pairing together multiple memory technologies (e.g., different types of DRAM, or DRAM and non-volatile memory) at the same level of the memory hierarchy. The goal of a hybrid main memory is to combine the different advantages of the multiple memory types in a cost-effective manner while avoiding the disadvantages of each technology. Memory pages are placed in and migrated between the different memories within a hybrid memory system, based on the properties of each page. It is important to make intelligent page management (i.e., placement and migration) decisions, as they can significantly affect system performance.In this paper, we propose utility-based hybrid memory management (UH-MEM), a new page management mechanism for various hybrid memories, that systematically estimates the utility (i.e., the system performance benefit) of migrating a page between different memory types, and uses this information to guide data placement. UH-MEM operates in two steps. First, it estimates how much a single application would benefit from migrating one of its pages to a different type of memory, by comprehensively considering access frequency, row buffer locality, and memory-level parallelism. Second, it translates the estimated benefit of a single application to an estimate of the overall system performance benefit from such a migration.We evaluate the effectiveness of UH-MEM with various types of hybrid memories, and show that it significantly improves system performance on each of these hybrid memories. For a memory system with DRAM and non-volatile memory, UH-MEM improves performance by 14\% on average (and up to 26\%) compared to the best of three evaluated state-of-the-art mechanisms across a large number of data-intensive workloads.},
	author = {Yang Li and Saugata Ghose and Jongmoo Choi and Jin Sun and Hui Wang and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedins of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER)},
	title = {Utility-Based Hybrid Memory Management},
	venue = {Honolulu, HI, USA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects (HOTI'17), Santa Clara, CA, USA, August 2017
Interconnection networks must meet the communication demands of current High-Performance Computing systems. In order to interconnect efficiently the end nodes of these systems with a good performance-to-cost ratio, new network topologies have been proposed in the last years that leverage high-radix switches, such as Slim Fly. Adversarial traffic patterns, however, may reduce severely the performance of Slim Fly networks when using only minimal-path routing. In order to mitigate the performance degradation in these scenarios, Slim Fly networks should configure an oblivious or adaptive non-minimal routing. The non-minimal routing algorithms proposed for Slim Fly usually rely on Valiant's algorithm to select the paths, at the cost of doubling the average path-length, as well as the number of Virtual Channels (VCs) required to prevent deadlocks. Moreover, Valiant may introduce additional inefficiencies when applied to Slim Fly networks, such as the "turn-around problem" that we analyze in this work. With the aim of overcoming these drawbacks, we propose in this paper two variants of the Valiant's algorithm that improve the non-minimal path selection in Slim Fly networks. They are designed to be combined with adaptive routing algorithms that rely on Valiant to select non-minimalpaths, such as UGAL or PAR, which we have adapted to the Slim Fly topology. Through the results from simulation experiments, we show that our proposals improve the network performance and/or reduce the number of required VCs to prevent deadlocks, even in scenarios with adversarial traffic.
	abstract = {Interconnection networks must meet the communication demands of current High-Performance Computing systems. In order to interconnect efficiently the end nodes of these systems with a good performance-to-cost ratio, new network topologies have been proposed in the last years that leverage high-radix switches, such as Slim Fly. Adversarial traffic patterns, however, may reduce severely the performance of Slim Fly networks when using only minimal-path routing. In order to mitigate the performance degradation in these scenarios, Slim Fly networks should configure an oblivious or adaptive non-minimal routing. The non-minimal routing algorithms proposed for Slim Fly usually rely on Valiant{\textquoteright}s algorithm to select the paths, at the cost of doubling the average path-length, as well as the number of Virtual Channels (VCs) required to prevent deadlocks. Moreover, Valiant may introduce additional inefficiencies when applied to Slim Fly networks, such as the "turn-around problem" that we analyze in this work. With the aim of overcoming these drawbacks, we propose in this paper two variants of the Valiant{\textquoteright}s algorithm that improve the non-minimal path selection in Slim Fly networks. They are designed to be combined with adaptive routing algorithms that rely on Valiant to select non-minimalpaths, such as UGAL or PAR, which we have adapted to the Slim Fly topology. Through the results from simulation experiments, we show that our proposals improve the network performance and/or reduce the number of required VCs to prevent deadlocks, even in scenarios with adversarial traffic.},
	author = {Pedro Yebenes and Jesus Escudero-Sahuquillo and Pedro Javier Garcia and Francisco J. Quiles and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th Annual Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects (HOTI{\textquoteright}17)},
	title = {Improving Non-Minimal and Adaptive Routing Algorithms in Slim Fly Networks},
	venue = {Santa Clara, CA, USA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects (HOTI'17), Santa Clara, CA, USA, August 2017
The advent of non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies has added an interesting nuance to the node level memory hierarchy. With modern 100 Gb/s networks, the NVM tier of storage can often be slower than the high performance network in the system; thus, a new challenge arises in the datacenter. Whereas prior efforts have studied the impacts of multiple sources targeting one node (i.e., incast) and have studied multiple flows causing congestion in inter-switch links, it is now possible for a single flow from a single source to overwhelm the bandwidth of a key portion of the memory hierarchy. This can subsequently spread to the switches and lead to congestion trees in a flow-controlled network or excessive packet drops without flow control. In this work we describe protocols which avoid overwhelming the receiver in the case of a source/sink rate mismatch. We design our protocols on top of Portals 4, which enables us to make use of network offload. Our protocol yields up to 4× higher throughput in a 5k node Dragonfly topology for a permutation traffic pattern in which only 1% of all nodes have a memory write-bandwidth limitation of 1/8th of the network bandwidth.
	abstract = {The advent of non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies has added an interesting nuance to the node level memory hierarchy. With modern 100 Gb/s networks, the NVM tier of storage can often be slower than the high performance network in the system; thus, a new challenge arises in the datacenter. Whereas prior efforts have studied the impacts of multiple sources targeting one node (i.e., incast) and have studied multiple flows causing congestion in inter-switch links, it is now possible for a single flow from a single source to overwhelm the bandwidth of a key portion of the memory hierarchy. This can subsequently spread to the switches and lead to congestion trees in a flow-controlled network or excessive packet drops without flow control. In this work we describe protocols which avoid overwhelming the receiver in the case of a source/sink rate mismatch. We design our protocols on top of Portals 4, which enables us to make use of network offload. Our protocol yields up to 4{\texttimes} higher throughput in a 5k node Dragonfly topology for a permutation traffic pattern in which only 1\% of all nodes have a memory write-bandwidth limitation of 1/8th of the network bandwidth.},
	author = {Timo Schneider and James Dinan and Mario Flajslik and Keith D. Underwood and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th Annual Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects (HOTI{\textquoteright}17)},
	title = {Fast Networks and Slow Memories: A Mechanism for Mitigating Bandwidth Mismatches},
	venue = {Santa Clara, CA, USA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2017, Sydney, NSW, Australia, August 2017
	author = {Hantian Zhang and Jerry Li and Kaan Kara and Dan Alistarh and Ji Liu and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2017, Sydney, NSW, Australia},
	title = {ZipML: Training Linear Models with End-to-End Low Precision, and a Little Bit of Deep Learning.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Munich, Germany, August 2017
The ever increasing amount of data being handled in data centers causes an intrinsic inefficiency: moving data around is expensive in terms of bandwidth, latency, and power consumption, especially given the low computational complexity of many database operations. In this paper we explore near-data processing in database engines, i.e., the option of offloading part of the computation directly to the storage nodes. We implement our ideas in Caribou, an intelligent distributed storage layer incorporating many of the lessons learned while building systems with specialized hardware. Caribou provides access to DRAM/NVRAM storage over the network through a simple key-value store interface, with each storage node providing high-bandwidth near-data processing at line rate and fault tolerance through replication. The result is a highly efficient, distributed, intelligent data storage that can be used to both boost performance and reduce power consumption and real estate usage in the data center thanks to the micro-server architecture adopted.
	abstract = {The ever increasing amount of data being handled in data centers causes an intrinsic inefficiency: moving data around is expensive in terms of bandwidth, latency, and power consumption, especially given the low computational complexity of many database operations. In this paper we explore near-data processing in database engines, i.e., the option of offloading part of the computation directly to the storage nodes. We implement our ideas in Caribou, an intelligent distributed storage layer incorporating many of the lessons learned while building systems with specialized hardware. Caribou provides access to DRAM/NVRAM storage over the network through a simple key-value store interface, with each storage node providing high-bandwidth near-data processing at line rate and fault tolerance through replication. The result is a highly efficient, distributed, intelligent data storage that can be used to both boost performance and reduce power consumption and real estate usage in the data center thanks to the micro-server architecture adopted.},
	author = {Zsolt Istv{\'a}n and David Sidler and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment},
	title = {Caribou: Intelligent Distributed Storage},
	venue = {Munich, Germany},
	year = {2017}
9th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing, HotCloud 2017, Santa Clara, CA, USA, July 2017
	author = {Debopam Bhattacherjee and Muhammad Tirmazi and Ankit Singla},
	booktitle = {9th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing, HotCloud 2017, Santa Clara, CA, USA},
	title = {A Cloud-based Content Gathering Network.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, SPAA 2017, Washington DC, USA, July 2017
	author = {Zhiyu Liu and Irina Calciu and Maurice Herlihy and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, SPAA 2017, Washington DC, USA},
	title = {Concurrent Data Structures for Near-Memory Computing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS 2017, Chicago, IL, USA, June 2017
	author = {Xi-Yue Xiang and Wentao Shi and Saugata Ghose and Lu Peng and Onur Mutlu and Nian-Feng Tzeng},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS 2017, Chicago, IL, USA},
	title = {Carpool: a bufferless on-chip network supporting adaptive multicast and hotspot alleviation.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 44th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 2017
	author = {Minesh Patel and Jeremie Kim and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 44th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada},
	title = {The Reach Profiler (REAPER): Enabling the Mitigation of DRAM Retention Failures via Profiling at Aggressive Conditions.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, Washington, DC, USA, June 2017
Many distributed systems require coordination between the components involved. With the steady growth of such systems, the probability of failures increases, which necessitates scalable fault-tolerant agreement protocols. The most common practical agreement protocol, for such scenarios, is leader-based atomic broadcast. In this work, we propose AllConcur, a distributed system that provides agreement through a leaderless concurrent atomic broadcast algorithm, thus, not suffering from the bottleneck of a central coordinator. In AllConcur, all components exchange messages concurrently through a logical overlay network that employs early termination to minimize the agreement latency. Our implementation of AllConcur supports standard sockets-based TCP as well as high-performance InfiniBand Verbs communications. AllConcur can handle up to 135 million requests per second and achieves 17x higher throughput than today's standard leader-based protocols, such as Libpaxos. Thus, AllConcur is highly competitive with regard to existing solutions and, due to its decentralized approach, enables hitherto unattainable system designs in a variety of fields.
	abstract = {Many distributed systems require coordination between the components involved. With the steady growth of such systems, the probability of failures increases, which necessitates scalable fault-tolerant agreement protocols. The most common practical agreement protocol, for such scenarios, is leader-based atomic broadcast. In this work, we propose AllConcur, a distributed system that provides agreement through a leaderless concurrent atomic broadcast algorithm, thus, not suffering from the bottleneck of a central coordinator. In AllConcur, all components exchange messages concurrently through a logical overlay network that employs early termination to minimize the agreement latency. Our implementation of AllConcur supports standard sockets-based TCP as well as high-performance InfiniBand Verbs communications. AllConcur can handle up to 135 million requests per second and achieves 17x higher throughput than today{\textquoteright}s standard leader-based protocols, such as Libpaxos. Thus, AllConcur is highly competitive with regard to existing solutions and, due to its decentralized approach, enables hitherto unattainable system designs in a variety of fields.},
	author = {Marius Poke and Torsten Hoefler and Colin W. Glass},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing},
	title = {AllConcur: Leaderless Concurrent Atomic Broadcast},
	venue = {Washington, DC, USA},
	year = {2017}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 169; Department of Computer Science, June 2017
Supervised by: Prof. Torsten Hoefler
The polyhedral model makes a large set of transformations readily available for loop nest optimizations. Like traditional program optimization it is not always clear which of those transformations are profitable and under what circumstances. In traditional compilers this is dealt with the use of hand-crafted heuristics that are often platform specific and not universality “good”. In polyhedral compilation the problem of finding the appropriate transformations is formulated as an Integer Linear Program (ILP). However, not all relevant software and hardware aspects are or can be modelled in such an ILP. Consequently, transformations obtained by solving such ILPs are not necessarily optimal. In this work, we propose the use of data-driven heuristics in polyhedral optimization. To this end, we present a hybrid approach that uses an ILP solver in cooperation with a trained machine learning model that functions as a loop fusion heuristic. The ILP scheduler optimizes individual loops, our heuristic decides which ones should be fused, and then the ILP solver further optimizes the combined loops. The heuristic discovers by itself how loop fusion interacts with the ILP scheduler, the rest of the compiler, and the hardware without needing a compiler or hardware “expert” to teach it.
	abstract = {The polyhedral model makes a large set of transformations readily available for loop nest optimizations. Like traditional program optimization it is not always clear which of those transformations are profitable and under what circumstances. In traditional compilers this is dealt with the use of hand-crafted heuristics that are often platform specific and not universality {\textquotedblleft}good{\textquotedblright}. In polyhedral compilation the problem of finding the appropriate transformations is formulated as an Integer Linear Program (ILP). However, not all relevant software and hardware aspects are or can be modelled in such an ILP. Consequently, transformations obtained by solving such ILPs are not necessarily optimal.
In this work, we propose the use of data-driven heuristics in polyhedral optimization. To this end, we present a hybrid approach that uses an ILP solver in cooperation with a trained machine learning model that functions as a loop fusion heuristic. The ILP scheduler optimizes individual loops, our heuristic decides which ones should be fused, and then the ILP solver further optimizes the combined loops.
The heuristic discovers by itself how loop fusion interacts with the ILP scheduler, the rest of the compiler, and the hardware without needing a compiler or hardware {\textquotedblleft}expert{\textquotedblright} to teach it.},
	author = {Theodoros Theodoridis },
	school = {169},
	title = {Fused {\textquotedblleft}Learning{\textquotedblright} and {\textquotedblleft}Linear Programming{\textquotedblright}: a Novel Loop Fusion Approach},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGMETRICS / International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, June 2017
	author = {Kevin K. Chang and Abdullah Giray Yaglik{\c c}i and Saugata Ghose and Aditya Agrawal and Niladrish Chatterjee and Abhijith Kashyap and Donghyuk Lee and Mike O{\textquoteright}Connor and Hasan Hassan and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGMETRICS / International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA},
	title = {Understanding Reduced-Voltage Operation in Modern DRAM Devices: Experimental Characterization, Analysis, and Mechanisms.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, Washington, DC, USA, June 2017
We reduce the cost of communication and synchronization in graph processing by analyzing the fastest way to process graphs: pushing the updates to a shared state or pulling the updates to a private state. We investigate the applicability of this push-pull dichotomy to various algorithms and its impact on complexity, performance, and the amount of used locks, atomics, and reads/writes. We consider 11 graph algorithms, 3 programming models, 2 graph abstractions, and various families of graphs. The conducted analysis illustrates surprising differences between push and pull variants of different algorithms in performance, speed of convergence, and code complexity; the insights are backed up by performance data from hardware counters. We use these findings to illustrate which variant is faster for each algorithm and to develop generic strategies that enable even higher speedups. Our insights can be used to accelerate graph processing engines or libraries on both massively-parallel shared-memory machines as well as distributed-memory systems.
	abstract = {We reduce the cost of communication and synchronization in graph processing by analyzing the fastest way to process graphs: pushing the updates to a shared state or pulling the updates to a private state. We investigate the applicability of this push-pull dichotomy to various algorithms and its impact on complexity, performance, and the amount of used locks, atomics, and reads/writes. We consider 11 graph algorithms, 3 programming models, 2 graph abstractions, and various families of graphs. The conducted analysis illustrates surprising differences between push and pull variants of different algorithms in performance, speed of convergence, and code complexity; the insights are backed up by performance data from hardware counters. We use these findings to illustrate which variant is faster for each algorithm and to develop generic strategies that enable even higher speedups. Our insights can be used to accelerate graph processing engines or libraries on both massively-parallel shared-memory machines as well as distributed-memory systems.},
	author = {Maciej Besta and Michal Podstawski and Linus Groner and Edgar Solomonik and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing},
	title = {To Push or To Pull: On Reducing Communication and Synchronization in Graph Computations},
	venue = {Washington, DC, USA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGMETRICS / International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, June 2017
	author = {Donghyuk Lee and Samira Manabi Khan and Lavanya Subramanian and Saugata Ghose and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Gennady Pekhimenko and Vivek Seshadri and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGMETRICS / International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA},
	title = {Design-Induced Latency Variation in Modern DRAM Chips: Characterization, Analysis, and Latency Reduction Mechanisms.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'17), Zurich, Switzerland, June 2017
Designing a partial differential equations solver is a complex task which involves making choices about the solution algorithm and its parameters. Such choices are usually done on the basis of personal preference or numerical experiments, which can introduce significant bias on the selection process. In this work we develop a methodology to drive this selection process towards the optimal choices by modelling the accuracy and the performance of the solution algorithm. We show how this methodology can be successfully applied on the linear advection problem. As a result, the selection can be optimally performed with a much lower investment on the development of high-performance versions of the solvers and without using the target architecture for numerical experiments.
	abstract = {Designing a partial differential equations solver is a complex task which involves making choices about the solution algorithm and its parameters. Such choices are usually done on the basis of personal preference or numerical experiments, which can introduce significant bias on the selection process. In this work we develop a methodology to drive this selection process towards the optimal choices by modelling the accuracy and the performance of the solution algorithm. We show how this methodology can be successfully applied on the linear advection problem. As a result, the selection can be optimally performed with a much lower investment on the development of high-performance versions of the solvers and without using the target architecture for numerical experiments.},
	author = {Andrea Arteaga and Oliver Fuhrer and Torsten Hoefler and Thomas Schulthess},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS{\textquoteright}17)},
	title = {Model-Driven Choice of Numerical  Methods for the Solution of the Linear Advection Equation},
	venue = {Zurich, Switzerland},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, Washington, DC, USA, June 2017
Many large-scale scientific computations require eigenvalue solvers in a scaling regime where efficiency is limited by data movement. We introduce a parallel algorithm for computing the eigenvalues of a dense symmetric matrix, which performs asymptotically less communication than previously known approaches. We provide analysis in the Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) model with additional consideration for communication between a local memory and cache. Given sufficient memory to store c copies of the symmetric matrix, our algorithm requires \Theta(\sqrt{c}) less interprocessor communication than previously known algorithms, for any c\leq p^{1/3} when using p processors. The algorithm first reduces the dense symmetric matrix to a banded matrix with the same eigenvalues. Subsequently, the algorithm employs successive reduction to O(\log p) thinner banded matrices. We employ two new parallel algorithms that achieve lower communication costs for the full-to-band and band-to-band reductions. Both of these algorithms leverage a novel QR factorization algorithm for rectangular matrices.
	abstract = {Many large-scale scientific computations require eigenvalue solvers in a scaling regime where efficiency is limited by data movement. We introduce a parallel algorithm for computing the eigenvalues of a dense symmetric matrix, which performs asymptotically less communication than previously known approaches. We provide analysis in the Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) model with additional consideration for communication between a local memory and cache. Given sufficient memory to store c copies of the symmetric matrix, our algorithm requires \Theta(\sqrt{c}) less interprocessor communication than previously known algorithms, for any c\leq p^{1/3} when using p processors. The algorithm first reduces the dense symmetric matrix to a banded matrix with the same eigenvalues. Subsequently, the algorithm employs successive reduction to O(\log p) thinner banded matrices. We employ two new parallel algorithms that achieve lower communication costs for the full-to-band and band-to-band reductions. Both of these algorithms leverage a novel QR factorization algorithm for rectangular matrices.},
	author = {Edgar Solomonik and Grey Ballard and James Demmel and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures},
	title = {A Communication-Avoiding Parallel Algorithm for the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem},
	venue = {Washington, DC, USA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'17), Orlando, FL, USA, June 2017
Vectorization and GPUs will profoundly change graph processing. Traditional graph algorithms tuned for 32- or 64-bit based memory accesses will be inefficient on architectures with 512-bit wide (or larger) instruction units that are already present in the Intel Knights Landing (KNL) manycore CPU. Anticipating this shift, we propose SlimSell: a vectorizable graph representation to accelerate Breadth-First Search (BFS) based on sparse-matrix dense-vector (SpMV) products. SlimSell extends and combines the state-of-the-art SIMD-friendly Sell-C-σ matrix storage format with tropical, real, boolean, and sel-max semiring operations. The resulting design reduces the necessary storage (by up to 50%) and thus pressure on the memory subsystem. We augment SlimSell with the SlimWork and SlimChunk schemes that reduce the amount of work and improve load balance, further accelerating BFS. We evaluate all the schemes on Intel Haswell multicore CPUs, the state-of-the-art Intel Xeon Phi KNL manycore CPUs, and NVIDIA Tesla GPUs. Our experiments indicate which semiring offers highest speedups for BFS and illustrate that SlimSell accelerates a tuned Graph500 BFS code by up to 33%. This work shows that vectorization can secure high-performance in BFS based on SpMV products; the proposed principles and designs can be extended to other graph algorithms.
	abstract = {Vectorization and GPUs will profoundly change graph processing. Traditional graph algorithms tuned for 32- or 64-bit based memory accesses will be inefficient on architectures with 512-bit wide (or larger) instruction units that are already present in the Intel Knights Landing (KNL) manycore CPU. Anticipating this shift, we propose SlimSell: a vectorizable graph representation to accelerate Breadth-First Search (BFS) based on sparse-matrix dense-vector (SpMV) products. SlimSell extends and combines the state-of-the-art SIMD-friendly Sell-C-σ matrix storage format with tropical, real, boolean, and sel-max semiring operations. The resulting design reduces the necessary storage (by up to 50\%) and thus pressure on the memory subsystem. We augment SlimSell with the SlimWork and SlimChunk schemes that reduce the amount of work and improve load balance, further accelerating BFS. We evaluate all the schemes on Intel Haswell multicore CPUs, the state-of-the-art Intel Xeon Phi KNL manycore CPUs, and NVIDIA Tesla GPUs. Our experiments indicate which semiring offers highest speedups for BFS and illustrate that SlimSell accelerates a tuned Graph500 BFS code by up to 33\%. This work shows that vectorization can secure high-performance in BFS based on SpMV products; the proposed principles and designs can be extended to other graph algorithms.},
	author = {Maciej Besta and Florian Marending and Edgar Solomonik and },
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Parallel \& Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS{\textquoteright}17)},
	title = {SlimSell: A Vectorized Graph Representation for Breadth-First Search},
	venue = {Orlando, FL, USA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'17), Orlando, FL, USA, May 2017
The constantly increasing gap between communication and computation performance emphasizes the importance of communication-avoidance techniques. Caching is a well-known concept used to reduce accesses to slow local memories. In this work, we extend the caching idea to MPI-3 Remote Memory Access (RMA) operations. Here, caching can avoid inter-node communications and achieve similar benefits for irregular applications as communication-avoiding algorithms for structured applications. We propose CLaMPI, a caching library layered on top of MPI-3 RMA, to automatically optimize code with minimum user intervention. We demonstrate how cached RMA improves the performance of a Barnes Hut simulation and a Local Clustering Coefficient computation up to a factor of 1.8x and 5x, respectively. Due to the low overheads in the cache miss case and the potential benefits, we expect that our ideas around transparent RMA caching will soon be an integral part of many MPI libraries.
	abstract = {The constantly increasing gap between communication and computation performance emphasizes the importance of communication-avoidance techniques. Caching is a well-known concept used to reduce accesses to slow local memories. In this work, we extend the caching idea to MPI-3 Remote Memory Access (RMA) operations. Here, caching can avoid inter-node communications and achieve similar benefits for irregular applications as communication-avoiding algorithms for structured applications. We propose CLaMPI, a caching library layered on top of MPI-3 RMA, to automatically optimize code with minimum user intervention. We demonstrate how cached RMA improves the performance of a Barnes Hut simulation and a Local Clustering Coefficient computation up to a factor of 1.8x and 5x, respectively. Due to the low overheads in the cache miss case and the potential benefits, we expect that our ideas around transparent RMA caching will soon be an integral part of many MPI libraries.},
	author = {Salvatore Di Girolamo and Flavio Vella and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Parallel \& Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS{\textquoteright}17)},
	title = {Transparent Caching for RMA Systems},
	venue = {Orlando, FL, USA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2017, Chicago, IL, USA, May 2017
	author = {Darko Makreshanski and Jana Giceva and Claude Barthels and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2017, Chicago, IL, USA},
	title = {BatchDB: Efficient Isolated Execution of Hybrid OLTP+OLAP Workloads for Interactive Applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'17), Orlando, FL, USA, May 2017
Large-scale parallel programming environments and algorithms require efficient group-communication on computing systems with failing nodes. Existing reliable broadcast algorithms either cannot guarantee that all nodes are reached or are very expensive in terms of the number of messages and latency. This paper proposes Corrected-Gossip, a method that combines Monte Carlo style gossiping with a deterministic correction phase, to construct a Las Vegas style reliable broadcast that guarantees reaching all the nodes at low cost. We analyze the performance of this method both analytically and by simulations and show how it reduces the latency and network load compared to existing algorithms. Our method improves the latency by 20% and the network load by 53% compared to the fastest known algorithm on 4,096 nodes. We believe that the principle of corrected-gossip opens an avenue for many other reliable group communication operations.
	abstract = {Large-scale parallel programming environments and algorithms require efficient group-communication on computing systems with failing nodes. Existing reliable broadcast algorithms either cannot guarantee that all nodes are reached or are very expensive in terms of the number of messages and latency. This paper proposes Corrected-Gossip, a method that combines Monte Carlo style gossiping with a deterministic correction phase, to construct a Las Vegas style reliable broadcast that guarantees reaching all the nodes at low cost. We analyze the performance of this method both analytically and by simulations and show how it reduces the latency and network load compared to existing algorithms. Our method improves the latency by 20\% and the network load by 53\% compared to the fastest known algorithm on 4,096 nodes. We believe that the principle of corrected-gossip opens an avenue for many other reliable group communication operations.},
	author = {Torsten Hoefler and Amnon Barak and Amnon Shiloh and },
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Parallel \& Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS{\textquoteright}17)},
	title = {Corrected Gossip Algorithms for Fast Reliable Broadcast on Unreliable Systems},
	venue = {Orlando, FL, USA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2017, Chicago, IL, USA, May 2017
Implementing parallel operators in multi-core machines often involves a data partitioning step that divides the data into cache-size blocks and arranges them so to allow concurrent threads to process them in parallel. Data partitioning is expensive, in some cases up to 90% of the cost of, e.g., a parallel hash join. In this paper we explore the use of an FPGA to accelerate data partitioning. We do so in the context of new hybrid architectures where the FPGA is located as a co-processor residing on a socket and with coherent access to the same memory as the CPU residing on the other socket. Such an architecture reduces data transfer overheads between the CPU and the FPGA, enabling hybrid operator execution where the partitioning happens on the FPGA and the build and probe phases of a join happen on the CPU. Our experiments demonstrate that FPGA-based partitioning is significantly faster and more robust than CPU-based partitioning. The results open interesting options as FPGAs are gradually integrated tighter with the CPU.
	abstract = {Implementing parallel operators in multi-core machines often involves a data partitioning step that divides the data into cache-size blocks and arranges them so to allow concurrent threads to process them in parallel. Data partitioning is expensive, in some cases up to 90\% of the cost of, e.g., a parallel hash join. In this paper we explore the use of an FPGA to accelerate data partitioning. We do so in the context of new hybrid architectures where the FPGA is located as a co-processor residing on a socket and with coherent access to the same memory as the CPU residing on the other socket. Such an architecture reduces data transfer overheads between the CPU and the FPGA, enabling hybrid operator execution where the partitioning happens on the FPGA and the build and probe phases of a join happen on the CPU. Our experiments demonstrate that FPGA-based partitioning is significantly faster and more robust than CPU-based partitioning. The results open interesting options as FPGAs are gradually integrated tighter with the CPU.},
	author = {Kaan Kara and Jana Giceva and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2017},
	title = {FPGA-based Data Partitioning.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Chicago, IL, USA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'17), Orlando, FL, USA, May 2017
We present a new parallel algorithm for solving triangular systems with multiple right hand sides (TRSM). TRSM is used extensively in numerical linear algebra computations, both to solve triangular linear systems of equations as well as to compute factorizations with triangular matrices, such as Cholesky, LU, and QR. Our algorithm achieves better theoretical scalability than known alternatives, while maintaining numerical stability, via selective use of triangular matrix inversion. We leverage the fact that triangular inversion and matrix multiplication are more parallelizable than the standard TRSM algorithm. By only inverting triangular blocks along the diagonal of the initial matrix, we generalize the usual way of TRSM computation and the full matrix inversion approach. This flexibility leads to an efficient algorithm for any ratio of the number of right hand sides to the triangular matrix dimension. We provide a detailed communication cost analysis for our algorithm as well as for the recursive triangular matrix inversion. This cost analysis makes it possible to determine optimal block sizes and processor grids a priori. Relative to the best known algorithms for TRSM, our approach can require asymptotically fewer messages, while performing optimal amounts of computation and communication in terms of words sent.
	abstract = {We present a new parallel algorithm for solving triangular systems with multiple right hand sides (TRSM). TRSM is used extensively in numerical linear algebra computations, both to solve triangular linear systems of equations as well as to compute factorizations with triangular matrices, such as Cholesky, LU, and QR. Our algorithm achieves better theoretical scalability than known alternatives, while maintaining numerical stability, via selective use of triangular matrix inversion. We leverage the fact that triangular inversion and matrix multiplication are more parallelizable than the standard TRSM algorithm. By only inverting triangular blocks along the diagonal of the initial matrix, we generalize the usual way of TRSM computation and the full matrix inversion approach. This flexibility leads to an efficient algorithm for any ratio of the number of right hand sides to the triangular matrix dimension. We provide a detailed communication cost analysis for our algorithm as well as for the recursive triangular matrix inversion. This cost analysis makes it possible to determine optimal block sizes and processor grids a priori. Relative to the best known algorithms for TRSM, our approach can require asymptotically fewer messages, while performing optimal amounts of computation and communication in terms of words sent.},
	author = {Tobias Wicky and Edgar Solomonik and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Parallel \& Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS{\textquoteright}17)},
	title = {Communication-Avoiding Parallel Algorithms for Solving Triangular Systems of Linear Equations},
	venue = {Orlando, FL, USA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2017, Chicago, IL, USA, May 2017
	author = {David Sidler and Zsolt Istv{\'a}n and Muhsen Owaida and Kaan Kara and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2017, Chicago, IL, USA},
	title = {doppioDB: A Hardware Accelerated Database.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'17), Orlando, FL, USA, May 2017
Increasingly complex memory systems and onchip interconnects are developed to mitigate the data movement bottlenecks in manycore processors. One example of such a complex system is the Xeon Phi KNL CPU with three different types of memory, fifteen memory configuration options, and a complex on-chip mesh network connecting up to 72 cores. Users require a detailed understanding of the performance characteristics of the different options to utilize the system efficiently. Unfortunately, peak performance is rarely achievable and achievable performance is hardly documented. We address this with capability models of the memory subsystem, derived by systematic measurements, to guide users to navigate the complex optimization space. As a case study, we provide an extensive model of all memory configuration options for Xeon Phi KNL. We demonstrate how our capability model can be used to automatically derive new close-to-optimal algorithms for various communication functions yielding improvements 5x and 24x over Intel's tuned OpenMP and MPI implementations, respectively. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to use the models to assess how efficiently a bitonic sort application utilizes the memory resources. Interestingly, our capability models predict and explain that the high bandwidthMCDRAM does not improve the bitonic sort performance over DRAM.
	abstract = {Increasingly complex memory systems and onchip interconnects are developed to mitigate the data movement bottlenecks in manycore processors. One example of such a complex system is the Xeon Phi KNL CPU with three different types of memory, fifteen memory configuration options, and a complex on-chip mesh network connecting up to 72 cores. Users require a detailed understanding of the performance characteristics of the different options to utilize the system efficiently. Unfortunately, peak performance is rarely achievable and achievable performance is hardly documented. We address this with capability models of the memory subsystem, derived by systematic measurements, to guide users to navigate the complex optimization space. As a case study, we provide an extensive model of all memory configuration options for Xeon Phi KNL. We demonstrate how our capability model can be used to automatically derive new close-to-optimal algorithms for various communication functions yielding improvements 5x and 24x over Intel{\textquoteright}s tuned OpenMP and MPI implementations, respectively. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to use the models to assess how efficiently a bitonic sort application utilizes the memory resources. Interestingly, our capability models predict and explain that the high bandwidthMCDRAM does not improve the bitonic sort performance over DRAM.},
	author = {Sabela Ramos and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Parallel \& Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS{\textquoteright}17)},
	title = {Capability Models for Manycore Memory Systems: A Case-Study with Xeon Phi KNL},
	venue = {Orlando, FL, USA},
	year = {2017}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 168; Department of Computer Science, May 2017
Supervised by: Prof. Torsten Hoefler
Filed-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) are gaining interest in the high performance computing community due to their potential for high performance at low power. Programming FPGAs has traditionally been done by hardware engineers in languages working on the register transfer level. High-level synthesis opens FPGAs up to a wider audience, by facilitating the transformation of imperative code into hardware circuits. This thesis builds kernels from a C++ source code, exploiting higher level language features such as objects and templates to increase expresiveness and productivity. By modeling performance in terms of FPGA resources, a scalable matrixmatrix multiplication kernel is constructed. Performance and resource utilization are verified experimentally on an AlphaData 7V3 board, hosting a Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA. For single precision floating point data, performance up to 95 GFLOP/s was measured. A single source-file solution is constructed, solving not only matrixmatrix multiplication, but also the all-pairs shortest path problem by substituting operations and data types. The blocked, hybrid CPUFPGA approach was used to gain further insights in resource utilization for integer data. These results demonstrate that HLS can indeed enable FPGA programming for high performance with little to no prior experience in hardware design.
	abstract = {Filed-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) are gaining interest in the high performance computing community due to their potential for high performance at low power. Programming FPGAs has traditionally been done by hardware engineers in languages working on the register transfer level. High-level synthesis opens FPGAs up to a wider audience, by facilitating the transformation of imperative code into hardware circuits. This thesis builds kernels from a C++ source code, exploiting higher level language features such as objects and templates to increase expresiveness and productivity.
By modeling performance in terms of FPGA resources, a scalable matrixmatrix multiplication kernel is constructed. Performance and resource utilization are verified experimentally on an AlphaData 7V3 board, hosting a Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA. For single precision floating point data,
performance up to 95 GFLOP/s was measured.
A single source-file solution is constructed, solving not only matrixmatrix multiplication, but also the all-pairs shortest path problem by substituting operations and data types. The blocked, hybrid CPUFPGA approach was used to gain further insights in resource utilization for integer data. These results demonstrate that HLS can indeed enable FPGA programming for high performance with little to no prior experience in hardware design.},
	author = {Roman Cattaneo},
	school = {168},
	title = {High-level synthesis of dense matrix operations on FPGA},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Complexity - 10th International Conference, CIAC 2017, Athens, Greece, May 2017
We investigate the multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) problem with n agents on graphs with n vertices: Each agent has a unique start and goal vertex, with the objective of moving all agents in parallel movements to their goal s.t. each vertex and each edge may only be used by one agent at a time. We give a combinatorial classification of all graphs where this problem is solvable in general, including cases where the solvability depends on the initial agent placement. Furthermore, we present an algorithm solving the MAPF problem in our setting, requiring O(n2)O(n2) rounds, or O(n3)O(n3) moves of individual agents. Complementing these results, we show that there are graphs where Ω(n2)Ω(n2) rounds and Ω(n3)Ω(n3) moves are required for any algorithm.
	abstract = {We investigate the multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) problem with n agents on graphs with n vertices: Each agent has a unique start and goal vertex, with the objective of moving all agents in parallel movements to their goal s.t. each vertex and each edge may only be used by one agent at a time. We give a combinatorial classification of all graphs where this problem is solvable in general, including cases where the solvability depends on the initial agent placement.
Furthermore, we present an algorithm solving the MAPF problem in our setting, requiring O(n2)O(n2) rounds, or O(n3)O(n3) moves of individual agents. Complementing these results, we show that there are graphs where {\textohm}(n2){\textohm}(n2) rounds and {\textohm}(n3){\textohm}(n3) moves are required for any algorithm.},
	author = {Klaus-Tycho Foerster and Linus Groner and Torsten Hoefler and Michael Koenig and Sascha Schmid and Roger Wattenhofer},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Algorithms and Complexity - 10th International Conference, CIAC 2017},
	title = {Multi-agent Pathfinding with n Agents on Graphs with n Vertices: Combinatorial Classification and Tight Algorithmic Bounds},
	venue = {Athens, Greece},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, Whistler, BC, Canada, May 2017
It is time to reconsider memory protection. The emergence of large non-volatile main memories, scalable interconnects, and rack-scale computers running large numbers of small "micro services" creates significant challenges for memory protection based solely on MMU mechanisms. Central to this is a tension between protection and translation: optimizing for translation performance often comes with a cost in protection flexibility. We argue that a key-based memory protection scheme, complementary to but separate from regular page-level translation, is a better match for this new world. We present MaKC, a new architecture which combines two levels of capability-based protection to scale fine-grained memory protection at both user and kernel level to large numbers of protection domains without compromising efficiency at scale or ease of revocation.
	abstract = {It is time to reconsider memory protection. The emergence of large non-volatile main memories, scalable interconnects, and rack-scale computers running large numbers of small "micro services" creates significant challenges for memory protection based solely on MMU mechanisms. Central to this is a tension between protection and translation: optimizing for translation performance often comes with a cost in protection flexibility.

We argue that a key-based memory protection scheme, complementary to but separate from regular page-level translation, is a better match for this new world. We present MaKC, a new architecture which combines two levels of capability-based protection to scale fine-grained memory protection at both user and kernel level to large numbers of protection domains without compromising efficiency at scale or ease of revocation.},
	author = {Reto Achermann and Chris Dalton and Paolo Faraboschi and Moritz Hoffmann and Dejan S. Milojicic and Geoffrey Ndu and Alexander Richardson and Timothy Roscoe and Adrian L. Shaw and Robert N. M. Watson},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems},
	title = {Separating Translation from Protection in Address Spaces with Dynamic Remapping},
	venue = {Whistler, BC, Canada},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics, HILDA@SIGMOD 2017, Chicago, IL, USA, May 2017
	author = {Ce Zhang and Wentao Wu and Tian Li},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics, HILDA@SIGMOD 2017, Chicago, IL, USA},
	title = {An Overreaction to the Broken Machine Learning Abstraction: The Vision.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2017, Chicago, IL, USA, May 2017
	author = {Jiawei Jiang and Bin Cui and Ce Zhang and Lele Yu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2017, Chicago, IL, USA},
	title = {Heterogeneity-aware Distributed Parameter Servers.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2017, Chicago, IL, USA, May 2017
Taking advantage of recently released hybrid multicore architectures, such as the Intel Xeon+FPGA machine, where the FPGA has coherent access to the main memory through the QPI bus, we explore the benefits of specializing operators to hardware. We focus on two commonly used SQL operators for strings: LIKE, and REGEXP_LIKE, and provide a novel and efficient implementation of these operators in reconfigurable hardware. We integrate the hardware accelerator into MonetDB, a main-memory column store, and demonstrate a significant improvement in response time and throughput. Our Hardware User Defined Function (HUDF) can speed up complex pattern matching by an order of magnitude in comparison to the database running on a 10-core CPU. The insights gained from integrating hardware based string operators into MonetDB should also be useful for future designs combining hardware specialization and databases.
	abstract = {Taking advantage of recently released hybrid multicore architectures, such as the Intel Xeon+FPGA machine, where the FPGA has coherent access to the main memory through the QPI bus, we explore the benefits of specializing operators to hardware. We focus on two commonly used SQL operators for strings: LIKE, and REGEXP_LIKE, and provide a novel and efficient implementation of these operators in reconfigurable hardware. We integrate the hardware accelerator into MonetDB, a main-memory column store, and demonstrate a significant improvement in response time and throughput. Our Hardware User Defined Function (HUDF) can speed up complex pattern matching by an order of magnitude in comparison to the database running on a 10-core CPU. The insights gained from integrating hardware based string operators into MonetDB should also be useful for future designs combining hardware specialization and databases.},
	author = {David Sidler and Zsolt Istv{\'a}n and Muhsen Owaida and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2017},
	title = {Accelerating Pattern Matching Queries in Hybrid CPU-FPGA Architectures.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Chicago, IL, USA},
	year = {2017}
25th IEEE Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2017, Napa, CA, USA, April 2017
	author = {Muhsen Owaida and David Sidler and Kaan Kara and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {25th IEEE Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2017, Napa, CA, USA},
	title = {Centaur: A Framework for Hybrid CPU-FPGA Databases.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 164; Department of Computer Science, April 2017
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
In today's world, computer networks have grown immensely in terms of size and com- plexity. In an attempt to manage the dynamics and scale of these networks, software- defined networking was introduced, an approach that aims to supervise the behavior of the network through open interfaces. In order to deal with the challenges that arise in controlling software-defined networks, complicated analysis of the characteristics and structures of these networks has to be done. In particular, the network controller has to be capable of matching user-defined patterns, finding the shortest paths across the net- work and extracting subgraphs that conform to specific requirements. In this thesis, we present an Interface of the Property Graph Query Language for Differential Dataflow, capable of fulfilling these needs. The Property Graph Query Language enables us to express the three aforementioned tasks in a formal way, whereas Differential Dataflow provides the proper tools to conduct the analysis.
	abstract = {In today{\textquoteright}s world, computer networks have grown immensely in terms of size and com-
plexity. In an attempt to manage the dynamics and scale of these networks, software-
defined networking was introduced, an approach that aims to supervise the behavior
of the network through open interfaces. In order to deal with the challenges that arise
in controlling software-defined networks, complicated analysis of the characteristics and
structures of these networks has to be done. In particular, the network controller has to
be capable of matching user-defined patterns, finding the shortest paths across the net-
work and extracting subgraphs that conform to specific requirements. In this thesis, we
present an Interface of the Property Graph Query Language for Differential Dataflow,
capable of fulfilling these needs. The Property Graph Query Language enables us to
express the three aforementioned tasks in a formal way, whereas Differential Dataflow
provides the proper tools to conduct the analysis.},
	author = {Lukas Striebel},
	school = {164},
	title = {A High-level Graph Query Language Interface for Differential Dataflow},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings 2nd Workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems, MARS@ETAPS 2017, Uppsala, Sweden, April 2017
	author = {Reto Achermann and Lukas Humbel and David Cock and Timothy Roscoe},
	journal = {Proceedings 2nd Workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems, MARS@ETAPS 2017, Uppsala, Sweden},
	title = {Formalizing Memory Accesses and Interrupts.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
25th IEEE Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2017, Napa, CA, USA, Napa, CA, USA, April 2017
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a commonly used algorithm for training linear machine learning models. Based on vector algebra, it benefits from the inherent parallelism available in an FPGA. In this paper, we first present a single-precision floating-point SGD implementation on an FPGA that provides similar performance as a 10-core CPU. We then adapt the design to make it capable of processing low-precision data. The low-precision data is obtained from a novel compression scheme-called stochastic quantization, specifically designed for machine learning applications. We test both full-precision and low-precision designs on various regression and classification data sets. We achieve up to an order of magnitude training speedup when using low-precision data compared to a full-precision SGD on the same FPGA and a state-of-the-art multi-core solution, while maintaining the quality of training. We open source the designs presented in this paper.
	abstract = {Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a commonly used algorithm for training linear machine learning models. Based on vector algebra, it benefits from the inherent parallelism available in an FPGA. In this paper, we first present a single-precision floating-point SGD implementation on an FPGA that provides similar performance as a 10-core CPU. We then adapt the design to make it capable of processing low-precision data. The low-precision data is obtained from a novel compression scheme-called stochastic quantization, specifically designed for machine learning applications. We test both full-precision and low-precision designs on various regression and classification data sets. We achieve up to an order of magnitude training speedup when using low-precision data compared to a full-precision SGD on the same FPGA and a state-of-the-art multi-core solution, while maintaining the quality of training. We open source the designs presented in this paper.},
	author = {Kaan Kara and Dan Alistarh and Gustavo Alonso and Onur Mutlu and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {25th IEEE Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2017, Napa, CA, USA},
	title = {FPGA-Accelerated Dense Linear Machine Learning: A Precision-Convergence Trade-Off.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Napa, CA, USA},
	year = {2017}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 162; Department of Computer Science, April 2017
Supervised by: Prof. Ce Zhang
Nowadays, major cloud providers provide machine learning services (a.k.a machine learning clouds) to customers. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio and Amazon Machine Learning are two of the most popular machine learning clouds, which raise the level of abstraction for specifying machine learning models and tasks to ease the deployment of real-world machine learning applications. However, real-world machine learning applications are not simple in general, and raising the level of abstraction for machine learning systems rarely comes for free. Thus, an important question comes out. What is the performance of machine learning clouds on real-world machine learning problems? In order to answer this question, we first construct a benchmark data set MLbench with the top winning solutions of different competitions on Kaggle. And then present the results obtained by running MLbench on top of these two machine learning clouds evaluated by Kaggle. Our studying reveals the strength and limitations of these machine learning clouds, and also point out possible improvement directions.
	abstract = {Nowadays, major cloud providers provide machine learning services (a.k.a machine
learning clouds) to customers. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio
and Amazon Machine Learning are two of the most popular machine learning
clouds, which raise the level of abstraction for specifying machine learning models
and tasks to ease the deployment of real-world machine learning applications.
However, real-world machine learning applications are not simple in general, and
raising the level of abstraction for machine learning systems rarely comes for
free. Thus, an important question comes out. What is the performance of machine
learning clouds on real-world machine learning problems? In order to answer this
question, we first construct a benchmark data set MLbench with the top winning
solutions of different competitions on Kaggle. And then present the results
obtained by running MLbench on top of these two machine learning clouds evaluated
by Kaggle. Our studying reveals the strength and limitations of these machine
learning clouds, and also point out possible improvement directions.},
	author = {Luyuan Zeng},
	school = {162},
	title = {Evaluate Machine Learning Clouds with Kaggle},
	year = {2017}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 163; Department of Computer Science, April 2017
Supervised by: Prof. Ce Zhang
Training deep learning models has received tremendous research interest recently. In particular, there has been intensive research on reducing the communication cost of the training process when using multiple computational devices, through reducing the precision of the underlying data representation. Naturally, such methods induce system trade-offs—lowering communication precision could decrease communication overheads and improve scalability; but, on the other hand, it can also reduce the accuracy of training. In this paper, we study this trade-off space, and ask: Can lowprecision communication consistently improve the end-to-end performance of training modern neural networks, with no accuracy loss? From the performance point of view, the answer to this question may appear deceptively easy: compressing communication through low precision should help when the ratio between communication and computation is high. However, this answer is less straightforward when we try to generalize this principle across various neural network architectures (e.g., AlexNet vs. ResNet), number of GPUs (e.g., 2 GPUs vs. 8 GPUs), machine configurations (e.g., EC2 instances vs. NVIDIA DGX-1), programming models (e.g., MPI vs. NCCL), and even different GPU architectures (e.g., Kepler vs. Pascal). Currently, it is not clear how a realistic realization of all these factors maps to the speed up provided by low-precision communication. In this paper, we conduct an empirical study to answer this question and report the insights we obtain.
	abstract = {Training deep learning models has received tremendous research interest recently. In
particular, there has been intensive research on reducing the communication cost of
the training process when using multiple computational devices, through reducing
the precision of the underlying data representation. Naturally, such methods induce
system trade-offs{\textemdash}lowering communication precision could decrease communication
overheads and improve scalability; but, on the other hand, it can also reduce the
accuracy of training. In this paper, we study this trade-off space, and ask: Can lowprecision
communication consistently improve the end-to-end performance of training modern
neural networks, with no accuracy loss?
From the performance point of view, the answer to this question may appear deceptively
easy: compressing communication through low precision should help when the
ratio between communication and computation is high. However, this answer is less
straightforward when we try to generalize this principle across various neural network
architectures (e.g., AlexNet vs. ResNet), number of GPUs (e.g., 2 GPUs vs. 8 GPUs),
machine configurations (e.g., EC2 instances vs. NVIDIA DGX-1), programming models
(e.g., MPI vs. NCCL), and even different GPU architectures (e.g., Kepler vs. Pascal).
Currently, it is not clear how a realistic realization of all these factors maps to the speed
up provided by low-precision communication. In this paper, we conduct an empirical
study to answer this question and report the insights we obtain.},
	author = {Demjan Grubic},
	school = {163},
	title = {Communication-Scalable Machine Learning},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Computer Systems, EuroSys 2017, Belgrade, Serbia, April 2017
	author = {Zaheer Chothia and John Liagouris and Desislava Dimitrova and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Computer Systems, EuroSys 2017, Belgrade, Serbia},
	title = {Online Reconstruction of Structural Information from Datacenter Logs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 167; Department of Computer Science, April 2017
Supervised by: Prof. Torsten Hoefler
Tapping the potential of emerging massively parallel architectures requires a thorough, systematic understanding of application performance. Graph processing, which lies at the heart of applications such as social network analysis, combinatorial algorithms, and machine learning, is especially challenging to model and reason about due to the rich structure of graphs. There is a need for algorithms, software abstractions, and models of computation that would enable robust, predictable performance on today’s petascale and future exascale systems. To address these needs, we use a precise yet practical set of models to survey the existing approaches and their limitations. Based on our insights, we propose that performance in graph processing can be largely captured by analyzing the graph representation, and suggest how to do so. We show how this paradigm is useful in designing and analyzing new algorithms, using triangle counting as a case study. Moreover, we present a case study of representations and design choices for iterative algorithms, demonstrating how our approach enables wellgrounded, scientific decisions. Finally, we design parameter-oblivious, communication-avoiding algorithms for global minimum cuts and connected components that builds on our insights. Experimental evidence confirms that the proposed techniques are practical: Our implementations scale up to thousands of cores and outperform comparable existing codes by up to three orders of magnitude. The representationcentric approach thus offers a useful and broadly applicable paradigm that both algorithm designers and developers can build on.
	abstract = {Tapping the potential of emerging massively parallel architectures requires
a thorough, systematic understanding of application performance.
Graph processing, which lies at the heart of applications such
as social network analysis, combinatorial algorithms, and machine
learning, is especially challenging to model and reason about due to
the rich structure of graphs. There is a need for algorithms, software
abstractions, and models of computation that would enable robust, predictable
performance on today{\textquoteright}s petascale and future exascale systems.
To address these needs, we use a precise yet practical set of models to
survey the existing approaches and their limitations. Based on our insights,
we propose that performance in graph processing can be largely
captured by analyzing the graph representation, and suggest how to
do so. We show how this paradigm is useful in designing and analyzing
new algorithms, using triangle counting as a case study. Moreover,
we present a case study of representations and design choices
for iterative algorithms, demonstrating how our approach enables wellgrounded,
scientific decisions. Finally, we design parameter-oblivious,
communication-avoiding algorithms for global minimum cuts and connected
components that builds on our insights. Experimental evidence
confirms that the proposed techniques are practical: Our implementations
scale up to thousands of cores and outperform comparable existing
codes by up to three orders of magnitude. The representationcentric
approach thus offers a useful and broadly applicable paradigm
that both algorithm designers and developers can build on.},
	author = {Pavel Kalvoda},
	school = {167},
	title = {Representation-Centric Graph Processing},
	year = {2017}
33rd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2017, San Diego, CA, USA, April 2017
	author = {Jie Jiang and Jiawei Jiang and Bin Cui and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {33rd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2017, San Diego, CA, USA},
	title = {TencentBoost: A Gradient Boosting Tree System with Parameter Server.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 160; Department of Computer Science, March 2017
Supervised by: Prof. Ce Zhang
We rst present an application where we helped our astrophysicist collaborators to recover features from arti cially degraded images with worse seeing and higher noise than the original with a performance which far exceeds simple deconvolution by training a generative adversarial network (GAN) on galaxy images. However, training time is limiting our potential to train on larger data sets. It takes 2 hours to train a GAN using 4105 galaxy images for 20 iterations on an NVIDIA TITAN X GPU. We ask the question: Can we speed up our machine learning training process by reducing the precision of data representation?...
	abstract = {We rst present an application where we helped our astrophysicist collaborators
to recover features from articially degraded images with worse
seeing and higher noise than the original with a performance which far exceeds
simple deconvolution by training a generative adversarial network
(GAN) on galaxy images. However, training time is limiting our potential
to train on larger data sets. It takes 2 hours to train a GAN using
4105 galaxy images for 20 iterations on an NVIDIA TITAN X GPU. We
ask the question: Can we speed up our machine learning training process
by reducing the precision of data representation?...},
	author = {Hantian  Zhang },
	school = {160},
	title = {The ZipML Framework for Training Models with End-to-End Low Precision},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 2017 Digital Forensics Conference, Überlingen, Germany, March 2017
Digital forensic investigators often need to extract data from a seized device that contains NAND flash memory. Many such devices are physically damaged, preventing investigators from using automated techniques to extract the data stored within the device. Instead, investigators turn to chip-off analysis, where they use a thermal-based procedure to physically remove the NAND flash memory chip from the device, and access the chip directly to extract the raw data stored on the chip. We perform an analysis of the errors introduced into multi-level cell (MLC) NAND flash memory chips after the device has been seized. We make two major observations. First, between the time that a device is seized and the time digital forensic investigators perform data extraction, a large number of errors can be introduced as a result of charge leakage from the cells of the NAND flash memory (known as data retention errors). Second, when thermal-based chip removal is performed, the number of errors in the data stored within NAND flash memory can increase by two or more orders of magnitude, as the high temperature applied to the chip greatly accelerates charge leakage. We demonstrate that the chip-off analysis based forensic data recovery procedure is quite destructive, and can often render most of the data within NAND flash memory uncorrectable, and, thus, unrecoverable. To mitigate the errors introduced during the forensic recovery process, we explore a new hardware- based approach. We exploit a fine-grained read reference voltage control mechanism implemented in modern NAND flash memory chips, called read-retry, which can compensate for the charge leakage that occurs due to (1) retention loss and (2) thermal-based chip removal. The read-retry mechanism successfully reduces the number of errors, such that the original data can be fully recovered in our tested chips as long as the chips were not heavily used prior to seizure. We conclude that the read-retry mechanism should be adopted as part of the forensic data recovery process.
	abstract = {Digital forensic investigators often need to extract data from a seized device that contains NAND flash memory. Many such devices are physically damaged, preventing investigators from using automated techniques to extract the data stored within the device. Instead, investigators turn to chip-off analysis, where they use a thermal-based procedure to physically remove the NAND flash memory chip from the device, and access the chip directly to extract the raw data stored on the chip.

We perform an analysis of the errors introduced into multi-level cell (MLC) NAND flash memory chips after the device has been seized. We make two major observations. First, between the time that a device is seized and the time digital forensic investigators perform data extraction, a large number of errors can be introduced as a result of charge leakage from the cells of the NAND flash memory (known as data retention errors). Second, when thermal-based chip removal is performed, the number of errors in the data stored within NAND flash memory can increase by two or more orders of magnitude, as the high temperature applied to the chip greatly accelerates charge leakage. We demonstrate that the chip-off analysis based forensic data recovery procedure is quite destructive, and can often render most of the data within NAND flash memory uncorrectable, and, thus, unrecoverable.

To mitigate the errors introduced during the forensic recovery process, we explore a new hardware- based approach. We exploit a fine-grained read reference voltage control mechanism implemented in modern NAND flash memory chips, called read-retry, which can compensate for the charge leakage that occurs due to (1) retention loss and (2) thermal-based chip removal. The read-retry mechanism successfully reduces the number of errors, such that the original data can be fully recovered in our tested chips as long as the chips were not heavily used prior to seizure. We conclude that the read-retry mechanism should be adopted as part of the forensic data recovery process. },
	author = {Aya Fukami and Saugata Ghose and Yixin Luo and Yu Cai and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 Digital Forensics Conference},
	title = {Improving the Reliability of Chip-Off Forensic Analysis of NAND Flash Memory Devices},
	venue = {{\"U}berlingen, Germany},
	year = {2017}
Passive and Active Measurement - 18th International Conference, PAM 2017, Sydney, NSW, Australia, March 2017
	author = {Ilker Nadi Bozkurt and Anthony Aguirre and Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran and Brighten Godfrey and Gregory Laughlin and Bruce M. Maggs and Ankit Singla},
	booktitle = {Passive and Active Measurement - 18th International Conference, PAM 2017, Sydney, NSW, Australia},
	title = {Why Is the Internet so Slow?!},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 161; Department of Computer Science, March 2017
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
Current mainstream processors provide multiple SMT (i.e., simultaneous multithreading) lanes on top of each physical core. These hardware threads share more resources (e.g., execution units and caches) when compared to CPU cores, but are managed by operating systems in the same way as if they were separate physical cores. This Thesis explores the interaction between hardware threads and proposes an extension to the Barrel sh OS, meant to improve the performance of a system by adequately handling SMT lanes. On an Intel Haswell CPU, with 2-way SMT via Hyper-Threading Technology, each SMT lane had 2=3 of the processing power that was yielded by the physical core with a single active hardware thread. The multi-HT CPU Driver (i.e., Barrel sh's microker-nel) is able to modify the set of active hardware threads with an overhead in the order of thousands of processor cycles, which means that it can quickly adapt to the parallelism exhibited by the workload.
	abstract = {Current mainstream processors provide multiple SMT (i.e., simultaneous multithreading) lanes on top of each physical core. These hardware threads share more resources (e.g., execution units and caches) when compared to CPU cores, but are managed by operating systems in the same way as if they were separate physical cores. This Thesis explores the interaction between hardware threads and proposes an extension to the Barrelsh OS, meant to improve the performance of a system by adequately handling SMT lanes. On an Intel Haswell CPU, with 2-way SMT via Hyper-Threading Technology, each SMT lane had 2=3 of the processing power that was yielded by the physical core with a single active hardware thread. The multi-HT CPU Driver (i.e., Barrelsh{\textquoteright}s microker-nel) is able to modify the set of active hardware threads with an overhead in the order of thousands of processor cycles, which means that it can quickly adapt to the parallelism exhibited by the workload.},
	author = {Andrei Poenaru},
	school = {161},
	title = {Explicit OS support for hardware threads},
	year = {2017}
14th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2017, Boston, MA, USA, March 2017
	author = {Kevin Hsieh and Aaron Harlap and Nandita Vijaykumar and Dimitris Konomis and Gregory R. Ganger and Phillip B. Gibbons and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {14th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2017, Boston, MA, USA},
	title = {Gaia: Geo-Distributed Machine Learning Approaching LAN Speeds.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition, DATE 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2017
	author = {Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Design, Automation  Test in Europe Conference  Exhibition, DATE 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland},
	title = {The RowHammer problem and other issues we may face as memory becomes denser.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 159; Department of Computer Science, March 2017
Supervised by: Prof. Ankit Singla
Recent work has indicated that any static data center network is fundamentally limited, due to its inability to move around network capacity. Is this truly the case, is the static network not flexible enough to handle varying (skewed) traffic scenarios through only traffic engineering? Can we only find refuge in dynamic topologies, introducing on-the-fly re-arrangement of network links at a cost? In pursuit of these research goals, three main data center topologies were evaluated: traditional (oversubscribed) fat-trees, expanders and dynamic topologies. Using flow optimality evaluation via a linear program, worst case traffic scenarios were identified and their respective performance measured under perfect traffic engineering. A custom discrete packet simulator was used to evaluate the two static topologies under a wide range of traffic scenarios and compare results to performance claims of recent dynamic topology research. It was found that the modeling of server up-links is crucial to a meaningful comparison...
	abstract = {Recent work has indicated that any static data center network is fundamentally
limited, due to its inability to move around network capacity.
Is this truly the case, is the static network not flexible enough to handle
varying (skewed) traffic scenarios through only traffic engineering?
Can we only find refuge in dynamic topologies, introducing on-the-fly
re-arrangement of network links at a cost? In pursuit of these research
goals, three main data center topologies were evaluated: traditional
(oversubscribed) fat-trees, expanders and dynamic topologies. Using
flow optimality evaluation via a linear program, worst case traffic scenarios
were identified and their respective performance measured under
perfect traffic engineering. A custom discrete packet simulator was
used to evaluate the two static topologies under a wide range of traffic
scenarios and compare results to performance claims of recent dynamic
topology research. It was found that the modeling of server up-links is
crucial to a meaningful comparison...},
	author = {Simon Kassing},
	school = {159},
	title = {Static Yet Flexible: Expander Data Center Network Fabrics Master Thesis},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, California, USA., February 2017
	author = {Besmira Nushi and Ece Kamar and Eric Horvitz and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
	title = {On Human Intellect and Machine Failures: Troubleshooting Integrative Machine Learning Systems.},
	url = {},
	venue = {San Francisco, California, USA.},
	year = {2017}
2017 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2017, Austin, TX, USA, February 2017
	author = {Hasan Hassan and Nandita Vijaykumar and Samira Manabi Khan and Saugata Ghose and Kevin K. Chang and Gennady Pekhimenko and Donghyuk Lee and Oguz Ergin and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {2017 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2017, Austin, TX, USA},
	title = {SoftMC: A Flexible and Practical Open-Source Infrastructure for Enabling Experimental DRAM Studies.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, Austin, TX, USA, February 2017
Task-based programming offers an elegant way to express units of computation and the dependencies among them, making it easier to distribute the computational load evenly across multiple cores. However, this separation of problem decomposition and parallelism requires a sufficiently large input problem to achieve satisfactory efficiency on a given number of cores. Unfortunately, finding a good match between input size and core count usually requires significant experimentation, which is expensive and sometimes even impractical. In this paper, we propose an automated empirical method for finding the isoefficiency function of a task-based program, binding efficiency, core count, and the input size in one analytical expression. This allows the latter two to be adjusted according to given (realistic) efficiency objectives. Moreover, we not only find (i) the actual isoefficiency function but also (ii) the function one would yield if the program execution was free of resource contention and (iii) an upper bound that could only be reached if the program was able to maintain its average parallelism throughout its execution. The difference between the three helps to explain low efficiency, and in particular, it helps to differentiate between resource contention and structural conflicts related to task dependencies or scheduling. The insights gained can be used to co-design programs and shared system resources.
	abstract = {Task-based programming offers an elegant way to express units of computation and the dependencies among them, making it easier to distribute the computational load evenly across multiple cores. However, this separation of problem decomposition and parallelism requires a sufficiently large input problem to achieve satisfactory efficiency on a given number of cores. Unfortunately, finding a good match between input size and core count usually requires significant experimentation, which is expensive and sometimes even impractical. In this paper, we propose an automated empirical method for finding the isoefficiency function of a task-based program, binding efficiency, core count, and the input size in one analytical expression. This allows the latter two to be adjusted according to given (realistic) efficiency objectives. Moreover, we not only find (i) the actual isoefficiency function but also (ii) the function one would yield if the program execution was free of resource contention and (iii) an upper bound that could only be reached if the program was able to maintain its average parallelism throughout its execution. The difference between the three helps to explain low efficiency, and in particular, it helps to differentiate between resource contention and structural conflicts related to task dependencies or scheduling. The insights gained can be used to co-design programs and shared system resources.},
	author = {Sergei Shudler and Alexandru Calotoiu and Torsten Hoefler and Felix Wolf},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming},
	title = {Isoefficiency in Practice: Configuring and Understanding the Performance of Task-based Applications},
	venue = {Austin, TX, USA},
	year = {2017}
2017 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2017, Austin, TX, USA, February 2017
	author = {Yu Cai and Saugata Ghose and Yixin Luo and Ken Mai and Onur Mutlu and Erich F. Haratsch},
	booktitle = {2017 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2017, Austin, TX, USA},
	title = {Vulnerabilities in MLC NAND Flash Memory Programming: Experimental Analysis, Exploits, and Mitigation Techniques.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
CoRR, January 2017
	author = {Heng Guo and Kaan Kara and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {CoRR},
	title = {Layerwise Systematic Scan: Deep Boltzmann Machines and Beyond.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
CoRR, January 2017
	author = {Yixin Luo and Saugata Ghose and Tianshi Li and Sriram Govindan and Bikash Sharma and Bryan Kelly and Amirali Boroumand and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Using ECC DRAM to Adaptively Increase Memory Capacity.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
CoRR, January 2017
	author = {Kevin K. Chang and Abdullah Giray Yaglik{\c c}i and Saugata Ghose and Aditya Agrawal and Niladrish Chatterjee and Abhijith Kashyap and Donghyuk Lee and Mike O{\textquoteright}Connor and Hasan Hassan and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {CoRR},
	title = {Understanding Reduced-Voltage Operation in Modern DRAM Chips: Characterization, Analysis, and Mechanisms.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
CoRR, January 2017
	author = {Amirali Boroumand and Saugata Ghose and Minesh Patel and Hasan Hassan and Brandon Lucia and Nastaran Hajinazar and Kevin Hsieh and Krishna T. Malladi and Hongzhong Zheng and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {LazyPIM: Efficient Support for Cache Coherence in Processing-in-Memory Architectures.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
CoRR, January 2017
	author = {Xiangru Lian and Ce Zhang and Huan Zhang and Cho-Jui Hsieh and Wei Zhang and Ji Liu},
	booktitle = {CoRR},
	title = {Can Decentralized Algorithms Outperform Centralized Algorithms? A Case Study for Decentralized Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Commun. ACM, -, January 2017
The dark data extraction or knowledge base construction (KBC) problem is to populate a SQL database with information from unstructured data sources including emails, webpages, and pdf reports. KBC is a long-standing problem in industry and research that encompasses problems of data extraction, cleaning, and integration. We describe DeepDive, a system that combines database and machine learning ideas to help develop KBC systems. The key idea in DeepDive is that statistical inference and machine learning are key tools to attack classical data problems in extraction, cleaning, and integration in a unified and more effective manner. DeepDive programs are declarative in that one cannot write probabilistic inference algorithms; instead, one interacts by defining features or rules about the domain. A key reason for this design choice is to enable domain experts to build their own KBC systems. We present the applications, abstractions, and techniques of DeepDive employed to accelerate construction of KBC systems.
	abstract = {The dark data extraction or knowledge base construction (KBC) problem is to populate a SQL database with information from unstructured data sources including emails, webpages, and pdf reports. KBC is a long-standing problem in industry and research that encompasses problems of data extraction, cleaning, and integration. We describe DeepDive, a system that combines database and machine learning ideas to help develop KBC systems. The key idea in DeepDive is that statistical inference and machine learning are key tools to attack classical data problems in extraction, cleaning, and integration in a unified and more effective manner. DeepDive programs are declarative in that one cannot write probabilistic inference algorithms; instead, one interacts by defining features or rules about the domain. A key reason for this design choice is to enable domain experts to build their own KBC systems. We present the applications, abstractions, and techniques of DeepDive employed to accelerate construction of KBC systems.},
	author = {Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e} and Michael J. Cafarella and Jaeho Shin and Feiran Wang and Sen Wu},
	booktitle = {Commun. ACM},
	title = {DeepDive: declarative knowledge base construction.},
	url = {},
	venue = {-},
	year = {2017}
CoRR, January 2017
	author = {Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {The RowHammer Problem and Other Issues We May Face as Memory Becomes Denser.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Advances in Computers, January 2017
	author = {Vivek Seshadri and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {Advances in Computers},
	title = {Chapter Four - Simple Operations in Memory to Reduce Data Movement.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
CIDR 2017, 8th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Chaminade, CA, USA, January 2017
	author = {Badrish Chandramouli and Johannes Gehrke and Jonathan Goldstein and Donald Kossmann and Justin J. Levandoski and Renato Marroquin and Wenlei Xie},
	booktitle = {CIDR 2017, 8th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Chaminade, CA, USA},
	title = {READY: Completeness is in the Eye of the Beholder.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
POMACS, January 2017
	author = {Kevin K. Chang and A. Giray Yaalik{\c c}i and Saugata Ghose and Aditya Agrawal and Niladrish Chatterjee and Abhijith Kashyap and Donghyuk Lee and Mike O{\textquoteright}Connor and Hasan Hassan and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {POMACS},
	title = {Understanding Reduced-Voltage Operation in Modern DRAM Devices: Experimental Characterization, Analysis, and Mechanisms.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
CoRR, January 2017
	author = {Lucas Braun and Renato Marroquin and Kai-En Tsay and Donald Kossmann},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {MTBase: Optimizing Cross-Tenant Database Queries.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
PVLDB, January 2017
	author = {Claude Barthels and Gustavo Alonso and Torsten Hoefler and Timo Schneider and Ingo M{\"u}ller},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Distributed Join Algorithms on Thousands of Cores.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
POMACS, January 2017
	author = {Donghyuk Lee and Samira Manabi Khan and Lavanya Subramanian and Saugata Ghose and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Gennady Pekhimenko and Vivek Seshadri and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {POMACS},
	title = {Design-Induced Latency Variation in Modern DRAM Chips: Characterization, Analysis, and Latency Reduction Mechanisms.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
PVLDB, January 2017
	author = {Zhipeng Zhang and Yingxia Shao and Bin Cui and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {An Experimental Evaluation of SimRank-based Similarity Search Algorithms.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
CoRR, January 2017
	author = {Xiangyao Yu and Christopher J. Hughes and Nadathur Satish and Onur Mutlu and Srinivas Devadas},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Banshee: Bandwidth-Efficient DRAM Caching Via Software/Hardware Cooperation.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
VLDB J., January 2017
Populating a database with unstructured information is a long-standing problem in industry and research that encompasses problems of extraction, cleaning, and integration. Recent names used for this problem include dealing with dark data and knowledge base construction (KBC). In this work, we describe DeepDive, a system that combines database and machine learning ideas to help develop KBC systems, and we present techniques to make the KBC process more efficient. We observe that the KBC process is iterative, and we develop techniques to incrementally produce inference results for KBC systems. We propose two methods for incremental inference, based respectively on sampling and variational techniques. We also study the tradeoff space of these methods and develop a simple rule-based optimizer. DeepDive includes all of these contributions, and we evaluate DeepDive on five KBC systems, showing that it can speed up KBC inference tasks by up to two orders of magnitude with negligible impact on quality.
	abstract = {Populating a database with unstructured information is a long-standing problem in industry and research that encompasses problems of extraction, cleaning, and integration. Recent names used for this problem include dealing with dark data and knowledge base construction (KBC). In this work, we describe DeepDive, a system that combines database and machine learning ideas to help develop KBC systems, and we present techniques to make the KBC process more efficient. We observe that the KBC process is iterative, and we develop techniques to incrementally produce inference results for KBC systems. We propose two methods for incremental inference, based respectively on sampling and variational techniques. We also study the tradeoff space of these methods and develop a simple rule-based optimizer. DeepDive includes all of these contributions, and we evaluate DeepDive on five KBC systems, showing that it can speed up KBC inference tasks by up to two orders of magnitude with negligible impact on quality.},
	author = {Christopher De Sa and Alexander Ratner and Christopher R{\'e} and Jaeho Shin and Feiran Wang and Sen Wu and Ce Zhang},
	journal = {VLDB J.},
	title = {Incremental knowledge base construction using DeepDive.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2017
High-throughput, low-latency networks are becoming a key element in database appliances and data processing systems to reduce the overhead of data movement. In this article, we focus on Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA), a feature increasingly available in modern networks enabling the network card to directly write to and read from main memory. RDMA has started to attract attention as a technical solution to quite a few performance bottlenecks in distributed data management but there is still much work to be done to make it an effective technology suitable for database engines. In this article, we identify several advantages and drawbacks of RDMA and related technologies, and propose new communication primitives that would bridge the gap between the operations provided by high-speed networks and the needs of data processing systems.
	abstract = {High-throughput, low-latency networks are becoming a key element in database appliances and data processing systems to reduce the overhead of data movement. In this article, we focus on Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA), a feature increasingly available in modern networks enabling the network card to directly write to and read from main memory. RDMA has started to attract attention as a technical solution to quite a few performance bottlenecks in distributed data management but there is still much work to be done to make it an effective technology suitable for database engines. In this article, we identify several advantages and drawbacks of RDMA and related technologies, and propose new communication primitives that would bridge the gap between the operations provided by high-speed networks and the needs of data processing systems.},
	author = {Claude Barthels and Gustavo Alonso and Torsten Hoefler},
	journal = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Designing Databases for Future High-Performance Networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
CoRR, January 2017
	author = {Kevin Schawinski and Ce Zhang and Hantian Zhang and Lucas Fowler and Gokula Krishnan Santhanam},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Generative Adversarial Networks recover features in astrophysical images of galaxies beyond the deconvolution limit.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Computer Architecture Letters, January 2017
	author = {Amirali Boroumand and Saugata Ghose and Minesh Patel and Hasan Hassan and Brandon Lucia and Kevin Hsieh and Krishna T. Malladi and Hongzhong Zheng and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Computer Architecture Letters},
	title = {LazyPIM: An Efficient Cache Coherence Mechanism for Processing-in-Memory.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
CoRR, January 2017
	author = {Youyou Lu and Jiwu Shu and Long Sun and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {CoRR},
	title = {Improving the Performance and Endurance of Persistent Memory with Loose-Ordering Consistency.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}
Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017), 17. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 6.-10. März 2017, Stuttgart, Germany, Proceedings, January 2017
	author = {Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017), 17. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 6.-10. M{\"a}rz 2017, Stuttgart, Germany, Proceedings},
	title = {Confidentiality {\`a} la Carte with Cipherbase.},
	year = {2017}
CoRR, January 2017
	author = {Yu Cai and Saugata Ghose and Erich F. Haratsch and Yixin Luo and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Error Characterization, Mitigation, and Recovery in Flash Memory Based Solid-State Drives.},
	url = {},
	year = {2017}


2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, BigData 2016, Washington DC, USA, December 2016
	author = {Heqing Huang and Cong Zheng and Junyuan Zeng and Wu Zhou and Sencun Zhu and Peng Liu and Suresh Chari and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, BigData 2016, Washington DC, USA},
	title = {Android malware development on public malware scanning platforms: A large-scale data-driven study.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER) , Taipei, Taiwan, December 2016
Tuning large applications requires a clever exploration of the design and configuration space. Especially on supercomputers, this space is so large that its exhaustive traversal via performance experiments becomes too expensive, if not impossible. Manually creating analytical performance models provides insights into optimization opportunities but is extremely laborious if done for applications of realistic size. If we must consider multiple performance-relevant parameters and their possible interactions, a common requirement, this task becomes even more complex. We build on previous work on automatic scalability modeling and significantly extend it to allow insightful modeling of any combination of application execution parameters. Multi-parameter modeling has so far been outside the reach of automatic methods due to the exponential growth of the model search space. We develop a new technique to traverse the search space rapidly and generate insightful performance models that enable a wide range of uses from performance predictions for balanced machine design to performance tuning.
	abstract = {Tuning large applications requires a clever exploration of the design and configuration space. Especially on supercomputers, this space is so large that its exhaustive traversal via performance experiments becomes too expensive, if not impossible. Manually creating analytical performance models provides insights into optimization opportunities but is extremely laborious if done for applications of realistic size. If we must consider multiple performance-relevant parameters and their possible interactions, a common requirement, this task becomes even more complex. We build on previous work on automatic scalability modeling and significantly extend it to allow insightful modeling of any combination of application execution parameters. Multi-parameter modeling has so far been outside the reach of automatic methods due to the exponential growth of the model search space. We develop a new technique to traverse the search space rapidly and generate insightful performance models that enable a wide range of uses from performance predictions for balanced machine design to performance tuning.},
	author = {Alexandru Calotoiu and David Beckinsale and Christopher W. Earl and Torsten Hoefler and Ian Karlin and Martin Schulz and Felix Wolf},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER) },
	title = {Fast Multi-Parameter Performance Modeling},
	venue = {Taipei, Taiwan},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the IEEE 24th Annual Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects (HOTI), Santa Clara, CA, USA, December 2016
Lossless networks, such as InfiniBand use flow-control to avoid packet-loss due to congestion. This introduces dependencies between input and output channels, in case of cyclic dependencies the network can deadlock. Deadlocks can be resolved by splitting a physical channel into multiple virtual channels with independent buffers and credit systems. Currently available routing engines for InfiniBand assign entire paths from source to destination nodes to different virtual channels. However, InfiniBand allows changing the virtual channel at every switch. We developed fast routing engines which make use of that fact and map individual hops to virtual channels. Our algorithm imposes a total order on virtual channels and increments the virtual channel at every hop, thus the diameter of the network is an upper bound for the required number of virtual channels. We integrated this algorithm into the InfiniBand software stack. Our algorithms provide deadlock free routing on state-of-the-art low-diameter topologies, using fewer virtual channels than currently available practical approaches, while being faster by a factor of four on large networks. Since low-diameter topologies are common among the largest supercomputers in the world, to provide deadlock-free routing for such systems is very important.
	abstract = {Lossless networks, such as InfiniBand use flow-control to avoid packet-loss due to congestion. This introduces dependencies between input and output channels, in case of cyclic dependencies the network can deadlock. Deadlocks can be resolved by splitting a physical channel into multiple virtual channels with independent buffers and credit systems. Currently available routing engines for InfiniBand assign entire paths from source to destination nodes to different virtual channels. However, InfiniBand allows changing the virtual channel at every switch. We developed fast routing engines which make use of that fact and map individual hops to virtual channels. Our algorithm imposes a total order on virtual channels and increments the virtual channel at every hop, thus the diameter of the network is an upper bound for the required number of virtual channels. We integrated this algorithm into the InfiniBand software stack. Our algorithms provide deadlock free routing on state-of-the-art low-diameter topologies, using fewer virtual channels than currently available practical approaches, while being faster by a factor of four on large networks. Since low-diameter topologies are common among the largest supercomputers in the world, to provide deadlock-free routing for such systems is very important.},
	author = {Timo Schneider and Otto Bibartiu and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE 24th Annual Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects (HOTI)},
	title = {Ensuring Deadlock-Freedom in Low-Diameter InfiniBand Networks},
	venue = {Santa Clara, CA, USA},
	year = {2016}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 156; Department of Computer Science, December 2016
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Jingyi Wang},
	school = {156},
	title = {Performance Analysis of Decision Tree Learning Algorithms on Multicore CPUs},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, November 2016
The interconnection network has a large influence on total cost, application performance, energy consumption, and overall system efficiency of a supercomputer. Unfortunately, today's routing algorithms do not utilize this important resource most efficiently. We first demonstrate this by defining the dark fiber metric as a measure of unused resource in networks. To improve the utilization, we propose scheduling-aware routing, a new technique that uses the current state of the batch system to determine a new set of network routes and so increases overall system utilization by up to 17.74%. We also show that our proposed routing increases the throughput of communication benchmarks by up to 17.6% on a practical InfiniBand installation. Our routing method is implemented in the standard InfiniBand tool set and can immediately be used to optimize systems. In fact, we are using it to improve the utilization of our production petascale supercomputer for more than one year.
	abstract = {The interconnection network has a large influence on total cost, application performance, energy consumption, and overall system efficiency of a supercomputer. Unfortunately, today{\textquoteright}s routing algorithms do not utilize this important resource most efficiently. We first demonstrate this by defining the dark fiber metric as a measure of unused resource in networks. To improve the utilization, we propose scheduling-aware routing, a new technique that uses the current state of the batch system to determine a new set of network routes and so increases overall system utilization by up to 17.74\%. We also show that our proposed routing increases the throughput of communication benchmarks by up to 17.6\% on a practical InfiniBand installation. Our routing method is implemented in the standard InfiniBand tool set and can immediately be used to optimize systems. In fact, we are using it to improve the utilization of our production petascale supercomputer for more than one year.},
	author = {Jens Domke and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis},
	title = {Scheduling-Aware Routing for Supercomputers},
	venue = {Salt Lake City, UT, USA},
	year = {2016}
4th Workshop on Interactions of NVM/Flash with Operating Systems and Workloads, INFLOW@OSDI 2016, Savannah, GA, USA, November 2016
	author = {Himanshu Chauhan and Irina Calciu and Vijay Chidambaram and Eric Schkufza and Onur Mutlu and Pratap Subrahmanyam},
	booktitle = {4th Workshop on Interactions of NVM/Flash with Operating Systems and Workloads, INFLOW@OSDI 2016, Savannah, GA, USA},
	title = {NVMOVE: Helping Programmers Move to Byte-Based Persistence.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, November 2016
Over the last decade, CUDA and the underlying GPU hardware architecture have continuously gained popularity in various high-performance computing application domains such as climate modeling, computational chemistry, or machine learning. Despite this popularity, we lack a single coherent programming model for GPU clusters. We therefore introduce the dCUDA programming model, which implements device-side remote memory access with target notification. To hide instruction pipeline latencies, CUDA programs over-decompose the problem and over-subscribe the device by running many more threads than there are hardware execution units. Whenever a thread stalls, the hardware scheduler immediately proceeds with the execution of another thread ready for execution. This latency hiding technique is key to make best use of the available hardware resources. With dCUDA, we apply latency hiding at cluster scale to automatically overlap computation and communication. Our benchmarks demonstrate perfect overlap for memory bandwidth-bound tasks and good overlap for compute-bound tasks.
	abstract = {Over the last decade, CUDA and the underlying GPU hardware architecture have continuously gained popularity in various high-performance computing application domains such as climate modeling, computational chemistry, or machine learning. Despite this popularity, we lack a single coherent programming model for GPU clusters. We therefore introduce the dCUDA programming model, which implements device-side remote memory access with target notification. To hide instruction pipeline latencies, CUDA programs over-decompose the problem and over-subscribe the device by running many more threads than there are hardware execution units. Whenever a thread stalls, the hardware scheduler immediately proceeds with the execution of another thread ready for execution. This latency hiding technique is key to make best use of the available hardware resources. With dCUDA, we apply latency hiding at cluster scale to automatically overlap computation and communication. Our benchmarks demonstrate perfect overlap for memory bandwidth-bound tasks and good overlap for compute-bound tasks.},
	author = {Tobias Gysi and Jeremia B{\"a}r and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis},
	title = {dCUDA: Hardware Supported Overlap of Computation and Communication},
	venue = {Salt Lake City, UT, USA},
	year = {2016}
12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI 2016, Savannah, GA, USA, November 2016
	author = {Khanh Nguyen and Lu Fang and Guoqing (Harry) Xu and Brian Demsky and Shan Lu and Sanazsadat Alamian and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI 2016, Savannah, GA, USA},
	title = {Yak: A High-Performance Big-Data-Friendly Garbage Collector.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 2016
Recent advances in networking hardware have led to a new generation of Remote Memory Access (RMA) networks in which processors from different machines can communicate directly, bypassing the operating system and allowing higher performance. Researchers and practitioners have proposed libraries and programming models for RMA to enable the development of applications running on these networks, However, the memory models implied by these RMA libraries and languages are often loosely specified, poorly understood, and differ depending on the underlying network architecture and other factors. Hence, it is difficult to precisely reason about the semantics of RMA programs or how changes in the network architecture affect them. We address this problem with the following contributions: (i) a coreRMA language which serves as a common foundation, formalizing the essential characteristics of RMA programming; (ii) complete axiomatic semantics for that language; (iii) integration of our semantics with an existing constraint solver, enabling us to exhaustively generate coreRMA programs (litmus tests) up to a specified bound and check whether the tests satisfy their specification; and (iv) extensive validation of our semantics on real-world RMA systems. We generated and ran 7441 litmus tests using each of the low-level RMA network APIs: DMAPP, VPI Verbs, and Portals 4. Our results confirmed that our model successfully captures behaviors exhibited by these networks. Moreover, we found RMA programs that behave inconsistently with existing documentation, confirmed by network experts. Our work provides an important step towards understanding existing RMA networks, thus influencing the design of future RMA interfaces and hardware.
	abstract = {Recent advances in networking hardware have led to a new generation of Remote Memory Access (RMA) networks in which processors from different machines can communicate directly, bypassing the operating system and allowing higher performance. Researchers and practitioners have proposed libraries and programming models for RMA to enable the development of applications running on these networks,

However, the memory models implied by these RMA libraries and languages are often loosely specified, poorly understood, and differ depending on the underlying network architecture and other factors. Hence, it is difficult to precisely reason about the semantics of RMA programs or how changes in the network architecture affect them.

We address this problem with the following contributions: (i) a coreRMA language which serves as a common foundation, formalizing the essential characteristics of RMA programming; (ii) complete axiomatic semantics for that language; (iii) integration of our semantics with an existing constraint solver, enabling us to exhaustively generate coreRMA programs (litmus tests) up to a specified bound and check whether the tests satisfy their specification; and (iv) extensive validation of our semantics on real-world RMA systems. We generated and ran 7441 litmus tests using each of the low-level RMA network APIs: DMAPP, VPI Verbs, and Portals 4. Our results confirmed that our model successfully captures behaviors exhibited by these networks. Moreover, we found RMA programs that behave inconsistently with existing documentation, confirmed by network experts.

Our work provides an important step towards understanding existing RMA networks, thus influencing the design of future RMA interfaces and hardware.},
	author = {Andrei Marian Dan and Patrick Lam and Torsten Hoefler and Martin Vechev},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications},
	title = {Modeling and Analysis of Remote Memory Access Programming},
	venue = {Amsterdam, Netherlands},
	year = {2016}
12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI 2016, Savannah, GA, USA, November 2016
	author = {Stefan Kaestle and Reto Achermann and Roni Haecki and Moritz Hoffmann and Sabela Ramos and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI 2016, Savannah, GA, USA},
	title = {Machine-Aware Atomic Broadcast Trees for Multicores.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 155; Department of Computer Science, November 2016
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Sebastian Wicki},
	school = {155},
	title = {An Online Stream Processor for Timely Dataflow},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2016, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, November 2016
	author = {Sangeetha Abdu Jyothi and Ankit Singla and Brighten Godfrey and Alexandra Kolla},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2016, Salt Lake City, UT, USA},
	title = {Measuring and understanding throughput of network topologies.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 15th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, HotNets 2016, Atlanta, GA, USA, November 2016
	author = {Ankit Singla},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, HotNets 2016, Atlanta, GA, USA},
	title = {Fat-FREE Topologies.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, November 2016
MeteoSwiss, the Swiss national weather forecast institute, has selected densely populated accelerator servers as their primary system to compute weather forecast simulation. Servers with multiple accelerator devices that are primarily connected by a PCI-Express (PCIe) network achieve a significantly higher energy efficiency. Memory transfers between accelerators in such a system are subjected to PCIe arbitration policies. In this paper, we study the impact of PCIe topology and develop a congestion-aware performance model for PCIe communication. We present an algorithm for computing congestion factors of every communication in a congestion graph that characterizes the dynamic usage of network resources by an application. Our model applies to any PCIe tree topology. Our validation results on two different topologies of 8 GPU devices demonstrate that our model achieves an accuracy of over 97% within the PCIe network. We demonstrate the model on a weather forecast application to identify the best algorithms for its communication patterns among GPUs.
	abstract = {MeteoSwiss, the Swiss national weather forecast institute, has selected densely populated accelerator servers as their primary system to compute weather forecast simulation. Servers with multiple accelerator devices that are primarily connected by a PCI-Express (PCIe) network achieve a significantly higher energy efficiency. Memory transfers between accelerators in such a system are subjected to PCIe arbitration policies. In this paper, we study the impact of PCIe topology and develop a congestion-aware performance model for PCIe communication. We present an algorithm for computing congestion factors of every communication in a congestion graph that characterizes the dynamic usage of network resources by an application. Our model applies to any PCIe tree topology. Our validation results on two different topologies of 8 GPU devices demonstrate that our model achieves an accuracy of over 97\% within the PCIe network. We demonstrate the model on a weather forecast application to identify the best algorithms for its communication patterns among GPUs.},
	author = {Maxime Martinasso and Grzegorz Kwasniewski and Sadaf R. Alam},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis},
	title = {A PCIe congestion-aware performance model for densely populated accelerator servers},
	venue = {Salt Lake City, UT, USA},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, November 2016
The goal of the extreme scale plasma turbulence studies described in this paper is to expedite the delivery of reliable predictions on confinement physics in large magnetic fusion systems by using world-class supercomputers to carry out simulations with unprecedented resolution and temporal duration. This has involved architecture-dependent optimizations of performance scaling and addressing code portability and energy issues, with the metrics for multi-platform comparisons being "time-to-solution" and "energy-to-solution". Realistic results addressing how confinement losses caused by plasma turbulence scale from present-day devices to the much larger $25 billion international ITER fusion facility have been enabled by innovative advances in the GTC-P code including (i) implementation of one-sided communication from MPI 3.0 standard; (ii) creative optimization techniques on Xeon Phi processors; and (iii) development of a novel performance model for the key kernels of the PIC code. Results show that modeling data movement is sufficient to predict performance on modern supercomputer platforms.
	abstract = {The goal of the extreme scale plasma turbulence studies described in this paper is to expedite the delivery of reliable predictions on confinement physics in large magnetic fusion systems by using world-class supercomputers to carry out simulations with unprecedented resolution and temporal duration. This has involved architecture-dependent optimizations of performance scaling and addressing code portability and energy issues, with the metrics for multi-platform comparisons being "time-to-solution" and "energy-to-solution". Realistic results addressing how confinement losses caused by plasma turbulence scale from present-day devices to the much larger $25 billion international ITER fusion facility have been enabled by innovative advances in the GTC-P code including (i) implementation of one-sided communication from MPI 3.0 standard; (ii) creative optimization techniques on Xeon Phi processors; and (iii) development of a novel performance model for the key kernels of the PIC code. Results show that modeling data movement is sufficient to predict performance on modern supercomputer platforms.},
	author = {William Tang and Stephane Ethier and Grzegorz Kwasniewski and Torsten Hoefler and Khaled Z. Ibrahim and Kamesh Madduri and Samuel Williams and Leonid Oliker and Carlos Rosales-Fernandez and Tim Williams},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis},
	title = {Extreme Scale Plasma Turbulence Simulations on Top Supercomputers Worldwide},
	venue = {Salt Lake City, UT, USA},
	year = {2016}
49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2016
	author = {Nandita Vijaykumar and Kevin Hsieh and Gennady Pekhimenko and Samira Manabi Khan and Ashish Shrestha and Saugata Ghose and Adwait Jog and Phillip B. Gibbons and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2016, Taipei, Taiwan},
	title = {Zorua: A holistic approach to resource virtualization in GPUs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2016
	author = {Milad Hashemi and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2016, Taipei, Taiwan},
	title = {Continuous runahead: Transparent hardware acceleration for memory intensive workloads.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2016, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, October 2016
	author = {Kevin Hsieh and Samira Manabi Khan and Nandita Vijaykumar and Kevin K. Chang and Amirali Boroumand and Saugata Ghose and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2016, Scottsdale, AZ, USA},
	title = {Accelerating pointer chasing in 3D-stacked memory: Challenges, mechanisms, evaluation.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
2016 International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping, RSP 2016, Pittsburg, PA, USA, October 2016
	author = {Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {2016 International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping, RSP 2016, Pittsburg, PA, USA},
	title = {Keynote: rethinking memory system design.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2016, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, October 2016
	author = {Xi-Yue Xiang and Saugata Ghose and Onur Mutlu and Nian-Feng Tzeng},
	booktitle = {34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2016, Scottsdale, AZ, USA},
	title = {A model for Application Slowdown Estimation in on-chip networks and its use for improving system fairness and performance.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 151; Department of Computer Science, September 2016
Supervised by: Prof. Andreas Krause and Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Matteo Pozzetti},
	school = {151},
	title = {Access Path Design for Quality Assurance in Crowdsourcing},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation, PACT 2016, Haifa, Israel, September 2016
	author = {Onur Kayiran and Adwait Jog and Ashutosh Pattnaik and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Xulong Tang and Mahmut T. Kandemir and Gabriel H. Loh and Onur Mutlu and Chita R. Das},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation, PACT 2016, Haifa, Israel},
	title = {{\^I}{\textonequarter}C-States: Fine-grained GPU Datapath Power Management.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 152; Department of Computer Science, September 2016
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Denny Lin},
	school = {152},
	title = {Blackboxing Performance Monitoring Units},
	year = {2016}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 153; Department of Computer Science, September 2016
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Andrei Parvu},
	school = {153},
	title = {Program Trace Capture and Analysis for ARM},
	year = {2016}
54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton 2016, Monticello, IL, USA, September 2016
	author = {Ioannis Mitliagkas and Ce Zhang and Stefan Hadjis and Christopher R{\'e}},
	booktitle = {54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton 2016, Monticello, IL, USA},
	title = {Asynchrony begets momentum, with an application to deep learning.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 154; Department of Computer Science, September 2016
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
Identifying performance bottlenecks of modern, distributed stream processing engines is a serious challenge. At the same time, such engines are widely used to perform data-parallel tasks such as machine learning, graph processing or sophisticated streaming data analysis. Oftentimes, these tasks are required to produce low-latency results as well as to achieve a high throughput. As computations often consist of complex, iterative dataflows and are distributed over multiple physical machines — with hundreds of worker threads in total — finding the source of a performance problem is a difficult task. While profiling can be used to quantify the time spent in the various steps of a parallel computation, it does not take into account the dependencies between the steps. As a result, optimization efforts are often wasted on components that have little to no influence on query latency or the overall runtime of a program. In this work, we offer a more effective alternative by applying critical path analysis, a dependency-aware technique. The critical path is defined as the longest sequence of dependent steps in a parallel program’s execution. Any increase in the execution time of a step on the critical path will therefore result in an equal increase in the total runtime of the computation. We refine existing critical path-based models and apply them to data-parallel systems, which often share common low-level principles. We provide guidelines on the instrumentation necessary to apply our model, as well as a set of trace properties that help verify the correctness of that instrumentation. Furthermore, we develop a novel method to identify phases in a worker thread’s execution during which it is waiting — e.g. for a message from a different worker—even in the absence of blocking system calls. Through critical path analysis, we can then identify performance bottlenecks in system components, dataflow operators as well as in network communication. To demonstrate our ideas, we implemented a prototype system capable of performing a critical path analysis of the Timely Dataflow stream processing engine. We show that our system can effectively identify the factors limiting a data-parallel computation’s overall performance. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our analysis is both efficient and scalable, and can even be performed in real-time in certain configurations.
	abstract = {Identifying performance bottlenecks of modern, distributed stream processing engines is a serious challenge. At the same time, such engines are widely used to perform data-parallel tasks such as machine learning, graph processing or sophisticated streaming data analysis. Oftentimes, these tasks are required to produce low-latency results as well as to achieve a high throughput. As computations often consist of complex, iterative dataflows and are distributed over multiple physical machines {\textemdash} with hundreds of worker threads in total {\textemdash} finding the source of a performance problem is a difficult task. While profiling can be used to quantify the time spent in the various steps of a parallel computation, it does not take into account the dependencies between the steps. As a result, optimization efforts are often wasted on components that have little to no influence on query latency or the overall runtime of a program.
In this work, we offer a more effective alternative by applying critical path analysis, a dependency-aware technique. The critical path is defined as the longest sequence of dependent steps in a parallel program{\textquoteright}s execution. Any increase in the execution time of a step on the critical path will therefore result in an equal increase in the total runtime of the computation. We refine existing critical path-based models and apply them to data-parallel systems, which often share common low-level principles. We provide guidelines on the instrumentation necessary to apply our model, as well as a set of trace properties that help verify the correctness of that instrumentation. Furthermore, we develop a novel method to identify phases in a worker thread{\textquoteright}s execution during which it is waiting {\textemdash} e.g. for a message from a different worker{\textemdash}even in the absence of blocking system calls. Through critical path analysis, we can then identify performance bottlenecks in system components, dataflow operators as well as in network communication.
To demonstrate our ideas, we implemented a prototype system capable of performing a critical path analysis of the Timely Dataflow stream processing engine. We show that our system can effectively identify the factors limiting a data-parallel computation{\textquoteright}s overall performance. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our analysis is both efficient and scalable, and can even be performed in real-time in certain configurations.},
	author = {Ralf Sager},
	school = {154},
	title = {Real-Time Performance Analysis of a Modern Data-Parallel Stream Processing Engine},
	year = {2016}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 150; Department of Computer Science, September 2016
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Edona Meta},
	school = {150},
	title = {Question Bias in Repetitive Crowdsourcing Tasks},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation, PACT 2016, Haifa, Israel, September 2016
	author = {Ashutosh Pattnaik and Xulong Tang and Adwait Jog and Onur Kayiran and Asit K. Mishra and Mahmut T. Kandemir and Onur Mutlu and Chita R. Das},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation, PACT 2016, Haifa, Israel},
	title = {Scheduling Techniques for GPU Architectures with Processing-In-Memory Capabilities.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
26th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2016
	author = {Kaan Kara and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {26th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland},
	title = {Fast and robust hashing for database operators.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
26th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2016
	author = {David Sidler and Zsolt Istv{\'a}n and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {26th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland},
	title = {Low-latency TCP/IP stack for data center applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, APSys '16, Hong Kong, China, August 2016
	author = {Gerd Zellweger and Denny Lin and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, APSys {\textquoteright}16, Hong Kong, China},
	title = {So many performance events, so little time.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
IEEE Micro, July 2016
Network interface cards are one of the key components to achieve efficient parallel performance. In the past, they have gained new functionalities, such as lossless transmission and remote direct memory access, that are now ubiquitous in high-performance systems. Prototypes of next-generation network cards now offer new features that facilitate device programming. In this article, the authors discuss an abstract machine model for offloading architectures. They used the Portals 4 network interface to implement the proposed abstraction model, and they present two microbenchmarks to show the effects of fully offloaded collective communications. They then propose the concept of persistent offloaded operations that can reduce the creation/offloading overhead, and they discuss a possible extension to the current Portals 4 interface to enable their support. The results obtained show how this work can be used to accelerate existing MPI applications.
	abstract = {Network interface cards are one of the key components to achieve efficient parallel performance. In the past, they have gained new functionalities, such as lossless transmission and remote direct memory access, that are now ubiquitous in high-performance systems. Prototypes of next-generation network cards now offer new features that facilitate device programming. In this article, the authors discuss an abstract machine model for offloading architectures. They used the Portals 4 network interface to implement the proposed abstraction model, and they present two microbenchmarks to show the effects of fully offloaded collective communications. They then propose the concept of persistent offloaded operations that can reduce the creation/offloading overhead, and they discuss a possible extension to the current Portals 4 interface to enable their support. The results obtained show how this work can be used to accelerate existing MPI applications.},
	author = {Salvatore Di Girolamo and Pierre Jolivet and Keith D. Underwood and Torsten Hoefler},
	pages = {6-17},
	journal = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Exploiting Offload Enabled Network Interfaces},
	volume = {36},
	year = {2016}
Test, July 2016
books do not have abstracts
	abstract = {books do not have abstracts},
	note = {Test},
	title = {Test Book Edit},
	year = {2016}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 149; Department of Computer Science, July 2016
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
Programmable networks are quickly gaining popularity in both academic research and industry, as they provide a new way to deal with network management. Several deployments by industry including Microsoft and Google already demonstrate the advantages of such paradigm shifts. Despite the initial momentum in the development of logically centralized control logic, i.e. the network controller, a shift towards proprietary industry-driven solutions is observed. Part of the problem is that open source academic-backed controllers have difficulties to scale at the level required by industry operation, particularly when it comes to the speed of operation. This thesis investigates a new approach towards the controller platform by adopting a dataflow processing framework as the computational foundation. At the same time it introduces the base of a more formal way to reason about network management. Specifically, the thesis builds around a representation of the network as a graph which allows us to specify high-level configuration policies as constraints on top of this graph and use well-understood graph computations in a data-parallel and incremental fashion to calculate the network routing. Our results demonstrate a very competitive performance of the routing module even before potential optimizations are conducted. Furthermore, interaction with the system is intuitive and human-friendly thanks to the higher-level policies we introduce.
	abstract = {Programmable networks are quickly gaining popularity in both academic research and industry, as they provide a new way to deal with network management. Several deployments by industry including Microsoft and Google already demonstrate the advantages of such paradigm shifts. Despite the initial momentum in the development of logically centralized control logic, i.e. the network controller, a shift towards proprietary industry-driven solutions is observed. Part of the problem is that open source academic-backed controllers have difficulties to scale at the level required by industry operation, particularly when it comes to the speed of operation. This thesis investigates a new approach towards the controller platform by adopting a dataflow processing framework as the computational foundation. At the same time it introduces the base of a more formal way to reason about network
management. Specifically, the thesis builds around a representation of the network as a graph which allows us to specify high-level configuration policies as constraints on top of this graph and use well-understood graph computations in a data-parallel and incremental fashion to calculate the network routing. Our results demonstrate a very competitive performance of the routing module even before potential optimizations are conducted. Furthermore, interaction with the system is intuitive and human-friendly thanks to the higher-level policies we introduce.},
	author = {Christian  St{\"u}ckelberger },
	school = {149},
	title = {Expressing the Routing Logic of a SDN Controller as a Differential Dataflow},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, DaMoN 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2016
	author = {Jana Giceva and Gerd Zellweger and Gustavo Alonso and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, DaMoN 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA},
	title = {Customized OS support for data-processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Science, Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France, June 2016
	author = {Kevin K. Chang and Abhijith Kashyap and Hasan Hassan and Saugata Ghose and Kevin Hsieh and Donghyuk Lee and Tianshi Li and Gennady Pekhimenko and Samira Manabi Khan and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Science, Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France},
	title = {Understanding Latency Variation in Modern DRAM Chips: Experimental Characterization, Analysis, and Optimization.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2016, Toulouse, France, June 2016
	author = {Samira Manabi Khan and Donghyuk Lee and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2016, Toulouse, France},
	title = {PARBOR: An Efficient System-Level Technique to Detect Data-Dependent Failures in DRAM.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, Kyoto, Japan, June 2016
Lossless interconnection networks are omnipresent in high performance computing systems, data centers and network-on-chip architectures. Such networks require efficient and deadlock-free routing functions to utilize the available hardware. Topology-aware routing functions become increasingly inapplicable, due to irregular topologies, which either are irregular by design or as a result of hardware failures. Existing topology-agnostic routing methods either suffer from poor load balancing or are not bounded in the number of virtual channels needed to resolve deadlocks in the routing tables. We propose a novel topology-agnostic routing approach which implicitly avoids deadlocks during the path calculation instead of solving both problems separately. We present a model implementation, called Nue, of a destination-based and oblivious routing function. Nue routing heuristically optimizes the load balancing while enforcing deadlock-freedom without exceeding a given number of virtual channels, which we demonstrate based on the InfiniBand architecture.
	abstract = {Lossless interconnection networks are omnipresent in high performance computing systems, data centers and network-on-chip architectures. Such networks require efficient and deadlock-free routing functions to utilize the available hardware. Topology-aware routing functions become increasingly inapplicable, due to irregular topologies, which either are irregular by design or as a result of hardware failures. Existing topology-agnostic routing methods either suffer from poor load balancing or are not bounded in the number of virtual channels needed to resolve deadlocks in the routing tables. We propose a novel topology-agnostic routing approach which implicitly avoids deadlocks during the path calculation instead of solving both problems separately. We present a model implementation, called Nue, of a destination-based and oblivious routing function. Nue routing heuristically optimizes the load balancing while enforcing deadlock-freedom without exceeding a given number of virtual channels, which we demonstrate based on the InfiniBand architecture.},
	author = {Jens Domke and Torsten Hoefler and Satoshi Matsuoka},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing},
	title = {Routing on the Dependency Graph: A New Approach to Deadlock-Free High-Performance Routing},
	venue = {Kyoto, Japan},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Science, Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France, June 2016
	author = {Adwait Jog and Onur Kayiran and Ashutosh Pattnaik and Mahmut T. Kandemir and Onur Mutlu and Ravishankar Iyer and Chita R. Das},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Science, Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France},
	title = {Exploiting Core Criticality for Enhanced GPU Performance.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, Kyoto, Japan, June 2016
We propose a topology-aware distributed Reader-Writer lock that accelerates irregular workloads for supercomputers and data centers. The core idea behind the lock is a modular design that is an interplay of three distributed data structures: a counter of readers/writers in the critical section, a set of queues for ordering writers waiting for the lock, and a tree that binds all the queues and synchronizes writers with readers. Each structure is associated with a parameter for favoring either readers or writers, enabling adjustable performance that can be viewed as a point in a three dimensional parameter space. We also develop a distributed topology-aware MCS lock that is a building block of the above design and improves state-of-the-art MPI implementations. Both schemes use non-blocking Remote Memory Access (RMA) techniques for highest performance and scalability. We evaluate our schemes on a Cray XC30 and illustrate that they outperform state-of-the-art MPI-3 RMA locking protocols by 81% and 73%, respectively. Finally, we use them to accelerate a distributed hashtable that represents irregular workloads such as key-value stores or graph processing.
	abstract = {We propose a topology-aware distributed Reader-Writer lock that accelerates irregular workloads for supercomputers and data centers. The core idea behind the lock is a modular design that is an interplay of three distributed data structures: a counter of readers/writers in the critical section, a set of queues for ordering writers waiting for the lock, and a tree that binds all the queues and synchronizes writers with readers. Each structure is associated with a parameter for favoring either readers or writers, enabling adjustable performance that can be viewed as a point in a three dimensional parameter space. We also develop a distributed topology-aware MCS lock that is a building block of the above design and improves state-of-the-art MPI implementations. Both schemes use non-blocking Remote Memory Access (RMA) techniques for highest performance and scalability. We evaluate our schemes on a Cray XC30 and illustrate that they outperform state-of-the-art MPI-3 RMA locking protocols by 81\% and 73\%, respectively. Finally, we use them to accelerate a distributed hashtable that represents irregular workloads such as key-value stores or graph processing.},
	author = {Patrick Schmid and Maciej Besta and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing},
	title = {High-Performance Distributed RMA Locks},
	venue = {Kyoto, Japan},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2016
DeepDive is a system for extracting relational databases from dark data: the mass of text, tables, and images that are widely collected and stored but which cannot be exploited by standard relational tools. If the information in dark data - scientific papers, Web classified ads, customer service notes, and so on - were instead in a relational database, it would give analysts a massive and valuable new set of "big data." DeepDive is distinctive when compared to previous information extraction systems in its ability to obtain very high precision and recall at reasonable engineering cost; in a number of applications, we have used DeepDive to create databases with accuracy that meets that of human annotators. To date we have successfully deployed DeepDive to create data-centric applications for insurance, materials science, genomics, paleontologists, law enforcement, and others. The data unlocked by DeepDive represents a massive opportunity for industry, government, and scientific researchers. DeepDive is enabled by an unusual design that combines large-scale probabilistic inference with a novel developer interaction cycle. This design is enabled by several core innovations around probabilistic training and inference.
	abstract = {DeepDive is a system for extracting relational databases from dark data: the mass of text, tables, and images that are widely collected and stored but which cannot be exploited by standard relational tools. If the information in dark data - scientific papers, Web classified ads, customer service notes, and so on - were instead in a relational database, it would give analysts a massive and valuable new set of "big data." DeepDive is distinctive when compared to previous information extraction systems in its ability to obtain very high precision and recall at reasonable engineering cost; in a number of applications, we have used DeepDive to create databases with accuracy that meets that of human annotators. To date we have successfully deployed DeepDive to create data-centric applications for insurance, materials science, genomics, paleontologists, law enforcement, and others. The data unlocked by DeepDive represents a massive opportunity for industry, government, and scientific researchers. DeepDive is enabled by an unusual design that combines large-scale probabilistic inference with a novel developer interaction cycle. This design is enabled by several core innovations around probabilistic training and inference.},
	author = {Ce Zhang and Jaeho Shin and Christopher R{\'e} and Michael J. Cafarella and Feng Niu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2016},
	title = {Extracting Databases from Dark Data with DeepDive.},
	url = {},
	venue = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Supercomputing, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2016
Programming today's increasingly complex heterogeneous hardware is difficult, as it commonly requires the use of data-parallel languages, pragma annotations, specialized libraries, or DSL compilers. Adding explicit accelerator support into a larger code base is not only costly, but also introduces additional complexity that hinders long-term maintenance. We propose a new heterogeneous compiler that brings us closer to the dream of automatic accelerator mapping. Starting from a sequential compiler IR, we automatically generate a hybrid executable that - in combination with a new data management system - transparently offloads suitable code regions. Our approach is almost regression free for a wide range of applications while improving a range of compute kernels as well as two full SPEC CPU applications. We expect our work to reduce the initial cost of accelerator usage and to free developer time to investigate algorithmic changes.
	abstract = {Programming today{\textquoteright}s increasingly complex heterogeneous hardware is difficult, as it commonly requires the use of data-parallel languages, pragma annotations, specialized libraries, or DSL compilers. Adding explicit accelerator support into a larger code base is not only costly, but also introduces additional complexity that hinders long-term maintenance. We propose a new heterogeneous compiler that brings us closer to the dream of automatic accelerator mapping. Starting from a sequential compiler IR, we automatically generate a hybrid executable that - in combination with a new data management system - transparently offloads suitable code regions. Our approach is almost regression free for a wide range of applications while improving a range of compute kernels as well as two full SPEC CPU applications. We expect our work to reduce the initial cost of accelerator usage and to free developer time to investigate algorithmic changes.},
	author = {Tobias Grosser and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Supercomputing},
	title = {Polly-ACC: Transparent compilation to heterogeneous hardware},
	venue = {Istanbul, Turkey},
	year = {2016}
43rd ACM/IEEE Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA 2016, Seoul, South Korea, June 2016
	author = {Kevin Hsieh and Eiman Ebrahimi and Gwangsun Kim and Niladrish Chatterjee and Mike O{\textquoteright}Connor and Nandita Vijaykumar and Onur Mutlu and Stephen W. Keckler},
	booktitle = {43rd ACM/IEEE Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA 2016, Seoul, South Korea},
	title = {Transparent Offloading and Mapping (TOM): Enabling Programmer-Transparent Near-Data Processing in GPU Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2016
	author = {Pratanu Roy and Arijit Khan and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA},
	title = {Augmented Sketch: Faster and More Accurate Stream Processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
43rd ACM/IEEE Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA 2016, Seoul, South Korea, June 2016
	author = {Milad Hashemi and Khubaib and Eiman Ebrahimi and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {43rd ACM/IEEE Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA 2016, Seoul, South Korea},
	title = {Accelerating Dependent Cache Misses with an Enhanced Memory Controller.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 2016
We discuss the paper selection process of the ACM PASC16 conference. The conference spans multiple scienti fic fi elds used to very diff erent publication cultures. We aim to combine the strengths of the conference and journal publication schemes in order to design an attractive high-quality publication venue for works in large-scale computational science. We use four non-standard key ideas to design a paper selection process for ACM PASC16: (1) no pre-selected committee, (2) short revision process, (3) full double-blindness, and (4) suggested expert reviews. In this overview, we describe our observations of the process and anlayse the data in an attempt to characterize the e ffectiveness of the mechanisms used. We believe that the adoption of some or all of these ideas could prove benefi cial beyond ACM PASC16.
	abstract = {We discuss the paper selection process of the ACM PASC16 conference. The conference spans multiple scientific fields used to very different publication cultures. We aim to combine the strengths of the conference and journal publication schemes in order to design an attractive high-quality publication venue for works in large-scale computational science. We use four non-standard key ideas to design a paper selection process for ACM PASC16: (1) no pre-selected committee, (2) short revision process, (3) full double-blindness, and (4) suggested expert reviews. In this overview, we describe our observations of the process and anlayse the data in an attempt to characterize the effectiveness of the mechanisms used. We believe that the adoption of some or all of these ideas could prove beneficial beyond ACM PASC16.},
	author = {Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference},
	title = {Selecting Technical Papers for an Interdisciplinary Conference: The PASC Review Process},
	venue = {Lausanne, Switzerland},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2016
	author = {Markus Pilman and Martin Kaufmann and Florian K{\"o}hl and Donald Kossmann and Damien Profeta},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA},
	title = {ParTime: Parallel Temporal Aggregation.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Design Automation Conference, DAC 2016, Austin, TX, USA, June 2016
	author = {Wayne P. Burleson and Onur Mutlu and Mohit Tiwari},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Design Automation Conference, DAC 2016, Austin, TX, USA},
	title = {Invited - Who is the major threat to tomorrow{\textquoteright}s security?: you, the hardware designer.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2016, Helsinki, Finland, May 2016
	author = {Arijit Khan and Benjamin Zehnder and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2016, Helsinki, Finland},
	title = {Revenue maximization by viral marketing: A social network host{\textquoteright}s perspective.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
24th IEEE Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2016, Washington, DC, USA, May 2016
	author = {Zsolt Istv{\'a}n and David Sidler and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {24th IEEE Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2016, Washington, DC, USA},
	title = {Runtime Parameterizable Regular Expression Operators for Databases.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 146; Department of Computer Science, May 2016
Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Claudio Foellmi},
	school = {146},
	title = {OS Development in Rust},
	year = {2016}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 23474, May 2016
Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Pravin Shinde},
	school = {23474},
	title = {Rethinking host network stack architecture using a dataflow modeling approach },
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS '16, Atlanta, GA, USA, April 2016
	author = {Izzat El Hajj and Alex Merritt and Gerd Zellweger and Dejan S. Milojicic and Reto Achermann and Paolo Faraboschi and Wen-Mei W. Hwu and Timothy Roscoe and Karsten Schwan},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS {\textquoteright}16, Atlanta, GA, USA},
	title = {SpaceJMP: Programming with Multiple Virtual Address Spaces.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, IC2E 2016, Berlin, Germany, April 2016
	author = {Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, IC2E 2016, Berlin, Germany},
	title = {Generalization versus Specialization in Cloud Computing Infrastructures.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 144; Department of Computer Science, April 2016
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Andrea Lattuada},
	school = {144},
	title = {Programmable scheduling in a stream processing system},
	year = {2016}
2016 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2016, Barcelona, Spain, March 2016
	author = {Gennady Pekhimenko and Evgeny Bolotin and Nandita Vijaykumar and Onur Mutlu and Todd C. Mowry and Stephen W. Keckler},
	booktitle = {2016 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2016, Barcelona, Spain},
	title = {A case for toggle-aware compression for GPU systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
2016 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2016, Barcelona, Spain, March 2016
	author = {Hasan Hassan and Gennady Pekhimenko and Nandita Vijaykumar and Vivek Seshadri and Donghyuk Lee and Oguz Ergin and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {2016 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2016, Barcelona, Spain},
	title = {ChargeCache: Reducing DRAM latency by exploiting row access locality.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2016, Santa Clara, CA, USA, March 2016
Consensus mechanisms for ensuring consistency are some of the most expensive operations in managing large amounts of data. Often, there is a trade off that involves reducing the coordination overhead at the price of accepting possible data loss or inconsistencies. As the demand for more efficient data centers increases, it is important to provide better ways of ensuring consistency without affecting performance. In this paper we show that consensus (atomic broadcast) can be removed from the critical path of performance by moving it to hardware. As a proof of concept, we implement Zookeeper’s atomic broadcast at the network level using an FPGA. Our design uses both TCP and an application specific network protocol. The design can be used to push more value into the network, e.g., by extending the functionality of middleboxes or adding inexpensive consensus to in-network processing nodes. To illustrate how this hardware consensus can be used in practical systems, we have combined it with a mainmemory key value store running on specialized microservers (built as well on FPGAs). This results in a distributed service similar to Zookeeper that exhibits high and stable performance. This work can be used as a blueprint for further specialized designs.
	abstract = {Consensus mechanisms for ensuring consistency are some of the most expensive operations in managing large amounts of data. Often, there is a trade off that involves reducing the coordination overhead at the price of accepting possible data loss or inconsistencies. As the demand for more efficient data centers increases, it is important to provide better ways of ensuring consistency without affecting performance.

In this paper we show that consensus (atomic broadcast) can be removed from the critical path of performance by moving it to hardware. As a proof of concept, we implement Zookeeper{\textquoteright}s atomic broadcast at the network level using an FPGA. Our design uses both TCP and an application specific network protocol. The design can be used to push more value into the network, e.g., by extending the functionality of middleboxes or adding inexpensive consensus to in-network processing nodes.

To illustrate how this hardware consensus can be used in practical systems, we have combined it with a mainmemory key value store running on specialized microservers (built as well on FPGAs). This results in a distributed service similar to Zookeeper that exhibits high and stable performance. This work can be used as a blueprint for further specialized designs.},
	author = {Zsolt Istv{\'a}n and David Sidler and Gustavo Alonso and Marko Vukolic},
	booktitle = {13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2016},
	title = {Consensus in a Box: Inexpensive Coordination in Hardware.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Santa Clara, CA, USA},
	year = {2016}
2016 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2016, Barcelona, Spain, March 2016
	author = {Yang Li and Di Wang and Saugata Ghose and Jie Liu and Sriram Govindan and Sean James and Eric Peterson and John Siegler and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {2016 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2016, Barcelona, Spain},
	title = {SizeCap: Efficiently handling power surges in fuel cell powered data centers.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
2016 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2016, Barcelona, Spain, March 2016
	author = {Kevin K. Chang and Prashant J. Nair and Donghyuk Lee and Saugata Ghose and Moinuddin K. Qureshi and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {2016 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2016, Barcelona, Spain},
	title = {Low-Cost Inter-Linked Subarrays (LISA): Enabling fast inter-subarray data movement in DRAM.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2016, Bordeaux, France, Bordeaux, France, March 15-16, 2016., March 2016
	author = {Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2016, Bordeaux, France},
	title = {Data Processing in Modern Hardware.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Bordeaux, France, March 15-16, 2016.},
	year = {2016}
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, February 2016
Relaxed synchronization offers the potential for maintaining application scalability, by allowing many processes to make independent progress when some processes suffer delays. Yet the benefits of this approach for important parallel workloads have not been investigated in detail. In this paper, we use a validated simulation approach to explore the noise-mitigation effects of idealized nonblocking collectives, in workloads where these collectives are a major contributor to total execution time. Although nonblocking collectives are unlikely to provide significant noise mitigation to applications in the low operating system noise environments expected in next-generation high-performance computing systems, we show that they can potentially improve application runtime with respect to other noise types.
	abstract = {Relaxed synchronization offers the potential for maintaining application scalability, by allowing many processes to make independent progress when some processes suffer delays. Yet the benefits of this approach for important parallel workloads have not been investigated in detail. In this paper, we use a validated simulation approach to explore the noise-mitigation effects of idealized nonblocking collectives, in workloads where these collectives are a major contributor to total execution time. Although nonblocking collectives are unlikely to provide significant noise mitigation to applications in the low operating system noise environments expected in next-generation high-performance computing systems, we show that they can potentially improve application runtime with respect to other noise types.},
	author = {Patrick M. Widener and Scott Levy and Kurt B. Ferreira and Torsten Hoefler},
	pages = {121-133},
	journal = {The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications},
	title = {On noise and the performance benefit of nonblocking collectives},
	volume = {30},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Kevin Kai-Wei Chang and Donghyuk Lee and Zeshan Chishti and Alaa R. Alameldeen and Chris Wilkerson and Yoongu Kim and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Reducing Performance Impact of DRAM Refresh by Parallelizing Refreshes with Accesses.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Computer Architecture Letters, January 2016
	author = {Yoongu Kim and Weikun Yang and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Computer Architecture Letters},
	title = {Ramulator: A Fast and Extensible DRAM Simulator.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, January 2016
The increase in the number of cores per processor and the complexity of memory hierarchies make cache coherence key for programmability of current shared memory systems. However, ignoring its detailed architectural characteristics can harm performance significantly. In order to assist performance-centric programming, we propose a methodology to allow semi-automatic performance tuning with the systematic translation from an algorithm to an analytic performance model for cache line transfers. For this, we design a simple interface for cache line aware optimization, a translation methodology, and a full performance model that exposes the block-based design of caches to middleware designers. We investigate two different architectures to show the applicability of our techniques and methods: the many-core accelerator Intel Xeon Phi and a multi-core processor with a NUMA configuration (Intel Sandy Bridge). We use mathematical optimization techniques to tune synchronization algorithms to the microarchitectures, identifying three techniques to design and optimize data transfers in our model: single-use, single-step broadcast, and private cache lines.
	abstract = {The increase in the number of cores per processor and the complexity of memory hierarchies make cache coherence key for programmability of current shared memory systems. However, ignoring its detailed architectural characteristics can harm performance significantly. In order to assist performance-centric programming, we propose a methodology to allow semi-automatic performance tuning with the systematic translation from an algorithm to an analytic performance model for cache line transfers. For this, we design a simple interface for cache line aware optimization, a translation methodology, and a full performance model that exposes the block-based design of caches to middleware designers. We investigate two different architectures to show the applicability of our techniques and methods: the many-core accelerator Intel Xeon Phi and a multi-core processor with a NUMA configuration (Intel Sandy Bridge). We use mathematical optimization techniques to tune synchronization algorithms to the microarchitectures, identifying three techniques to design and optimize data transfers in our model: single-use, single-step broadcast, and private cache lines.},
	author = {Sabela Ramos and Torsten Hoefler},
	pages = {2824-2837},
	journal = {IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems},
	title = {Cache Line Aware Algorithm Design for Cache-Coherent Architectures},
	volume = {27},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Ioannis Mitliagkas and Ce Zhang and Stefan Hadjis and Christopher R{\'e}},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Asynchrony begets Momentum, with an Application to Deep Learning.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Donghyuk Lee and Yoongu Kim and Vivek Seshadri and Jamie Liu and Lavanya Subramanian and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Tiered-Latency DRAM (TL-DRAM).},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., January 2016
	author = {Lavanya Subramanian and Donghyuk Lee and Vivek Seshadri and Harsha Rastogi and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst.},
	title = {BLISS: Balancing Performance, Fairness and Complexity in Memory Access Scheduling.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Donghyuk Lee and Yoongu Kim and Gennady Pekhimenko and Samira Manabi Khan and Vivek Seshadri and Kevin Kai-Wei Chang and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Adaptive-Latency DRAM (AL-DRAM).},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Xinghao Pan and Maximilian Lam and Stephen Tu and Dimitris S. Papailiopoulos and Ce Zhang and Michael I. Jordan and Kannan Ramchandran and Christopher R{\'e} and Benjamin Recht},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {CYCLADES: Conflict-free Asynchronous Machine Learning.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Commun. ACM, January 2016
	author = {Daniel J. Abadi and Rakesh Agrawal and Anastasia Ailamaki and Magdalena Balazinska and Philip A. Bernstein and Michael J. Carey and Surajit Chaudhuri and Jeffrey Dean and AnHai Doan and Michael J. Franklin and Johannes Gehrke and Laura M. Haas and Alon Y. Halevy and Joseph M. Hellerstein and Yannis E. Ioannidis and H. V. Jagadish and Donald Kossmann and Samuel Madden and Sharad Mehrotra and Tova Milo and Jeffrey F. Naughton and Raghu Ramakrishnan and Volker Markl and Christopher Olston and Beng Chin Ooi and Christopher R{\'e} and Dan Suciu and Michael Stonebraker and Todd Walter and Jennifer Widom},
	booktitle = {Commun. ACM},
	title = {The Beckman report on database research.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Yoongu Kim and Ross Daly and Jeremie Kim and Chris Fallin and Ji-Hye Lee and Donghyuk Lee and Chris Wilkerson and Konrad Lai and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {RowHammer: Reliability Analysis and Security Implications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
ETH Zürich, January 2016
	author = {Ioannis Mitliagkas and Ce Zhang and Stefan Hadjis and Christopher R{\'e}},
	booktitle = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Asynchrony begets Momentum, with an Application to Deep Learning},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Yixin Luo and Sriram Govindan and Bikash Sharma and Mark Santaniello and Justin Meza and Aman Kansal and Jie Liu and Badriddine M. Khessib and Kushagra Vaid and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Heterogeneous-Reliability Memory: Exploiting Application-Level Memory Error Tolerance.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Stefan Hadjis and Ce Zhang and Ioannis Mitliagkas and Christopher R{\'e}},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Omnivore: An Optimizer for Multi-device Deep Learning on CPUs and GPUs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Bioinformatics, January 2016
	author = {Emily K. Mallory and Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e} and Russ B. Altman},
	journal = {Bioinformatics},
	title = {Large-scale extraction of gene interactions from full-text literature using DeepDive.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
SIGMOD Record, January 2016
The dark data extraction or knowledge base construction (KBC) problem is to populate a SQL database with information from unstructured data sources including emails, webpages, and pdf reports. KBC is a long-standing problem in industry and research that encompasses problems of data extraction, cleaning, and integration. We describe DeepDive, a system that combines database and machine learning ideas to help develop KBC systems. The key idea in DeepDive is that statistical inference and machine learning are key tools to attack classical data problems in extraction, cleaning, and integration in a unified and more effective manner. DeepDive programs are declarative in that one cannot write probabilistic inference algorithms; instead, one interacts by defining features or rules about the domain. A key reason for this design choice is to enable domain experts to build their own KBC systems. We present the applications, abstractions, and techniques of DeepDive employed to accelerate construction of KBC systems.
	abstract = {The dark data extraction or knowledge base construction (KBC) problem is to populate a SQL database with information from unstructured data sources including emails, webpages, and pdf reports. KBC is a long-standing problem in industry and research that encompasses problems of data extraction, cleaning, and integration. We describe DeepDive, a system that combines database and machine learning ideas to help develop KBC systems. The key idea in DeepDive is that statistical inference and machine learning are key tools to attack classical data problems in extraction, cleaning, and integration in a unified and more effective manner. DeepDive programs are declarative in that one cannot write probabilistic inference algorithms; instead, one interacts by defining features or rules about the domain. A key reason for this design choice is to enable domain experts to build their own KBC systems. We present the applications, abstractions, and techniques of DeepDive employed to accelerate construction of KBC systems.},
	author = {Christopher De Sa and Alexander Ratner and Christopher R{\'e} and Jaeho Shin and Feiran Wang and Sen Wu and Ce Zhang},
	journal = {SIGMOD Record},
	title = {DeepDive: Declarative Knowledge Base Construction.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Chris Fallin and Xiangyao Yu and Kevin Kai-Wei Chang and Greg Nazario and Reetuparna Das and Gabriel H. Loh and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Achieving both High Energy Efficiency and High Performance in On-Chip Communication using Hierarchical Rings with Deflection Routing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
PVLDB, January 2016
	author = {Zaheer Chothia and John Liagouris and Frank McSherry and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Explaining Outputs in Modern Data Analytics.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
IEEE Computer, January 2016
	author = {Dejan S. Milojicic and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {IEEE Computer},
	title = {Outlook on Operating Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Bioinformatics, January 2016
	author = {Hongyi Xin and Sunny Nahar and Richard Zhu and John Emmons and Gennady Pekhimenko and Carl Kingsford and Can Alkan and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Bioinformatics},
	title = {Optimal seed solver: optimizing seed selection in read mapping.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
Modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are well provisioned to support the concurrent execution of thousands of threads. Unfortunately, different bottlenecks during execution and heterogeneous application requirements create imbalances in utilization of resources in the cores. For example, when a GPU is bottlenecked by the available off-chip memory bandwidth, its computational resources are often overwhelmingly idle, waiting for data from memory to arrive. This work describes the Core-Assisted Bottleneck Acceleration (CABA) framework that employs idle on-chip resources to alleviate different bottlenecks in GPU execution. CABA provides flexible mechanisms to automatically generate "assist warps" that execute on GPU cores to perform specific tasks that can improve GPU performance and efficiency. CABA enables the use of idle computational units and pipelines to alleviate the memory bandwidth bottleneck, e.g., by using assist warps to perform data compression to transfer less data from memory. Conversely, the same framework can be employed to handle cases where the GPU is bottlenecked by the available computational units, in which case the memory pipelines are idle and can be used by CABA to speed up computation, e.g., by performing memoization using assist warps. We provide a comprehensive design and evaluation of CABA to perform effective and flexible data compression in the GPU memory hierarchy to alleviate the memory bandwidth bottleneck. Our extensive evaluations show that CABA, when used to implement data compression, provides an average performance improvement of 41.7% (as high as 2.6X) across a variety of memory-bandwidth-sensitive GPGPU applications.
	abstract = {Modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are well provisioned to support the concurrent execution of thousands of threads. Unfortunately, different bottlenecks during execution and heterogeneous application requirements create imbalances in utilization of resources in the cores. For example, when a GPU is bottlenecked by the available off-chip memory bandwidth, its computational resources are often overwhelmingly idle, waiting for data from memory to arrive. 
This work describes the Core-Assisted Bottleneck Acceleration (CABA) framework that employs idle on-chip resources to alleviate different bottlenecks in GPU execution. CABA provides flexible mechanisms to automatically generate "assist warps" that execute on GPU cores to perform specific tasks that can improve GPU performance and efficiency. 
CABA enables the use of idle computational units and pipelines to alleviate the memory bandwidth bottleneck, e.g., by using assist warps to perform data compression to transfer less data from memory. Conversely, the same framework can be employed to handle cases where the GPU is bottlenecked by the available computational units, in which case the memory pipelines are idle and can be used by CABA to speed up computation, e.g., by performing memoization using assist warps. 
We provide a comprehensive design and evaluation of CABA to perform effective and flexible data compression in the GPU memory hierarchy to alleviate the memory bandwidth bottleneck. Our extensive evaluations show that CABA, when used to implement data compression, provides an average performance improvement of 41.7\% (as high as 2.6X) across a variety of memory-bandwidth-sensitive GPGPU applications.},
	author = {Nandita Vijaykumar and Gennady Pekhimenko and Adwait Jog and Saugata Ghose and Abhishek Bhowmick and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Chita R. Das and Mahmut T. Kandemir and Todd C. Mowry and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {A Framework for Accelerating Bottlenecks in GPU Execution with Assist Warps.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
IEEE Micro, January 2016
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Richard A. Belgard and Thomas R. Gross and Norman P. Jouppi and John L. Hennessy and Steven A. Przybylski and Chris Rowen and Yale N. Patt and Wen-Mei W. Hwu and Stephen W. Melvin and Michael Shebanow and Tse-Yu Yeh and Andy Wolfe},
	booktitle = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Common Bonds: MIPS, HPS, Two-Level Branch Prediction, and Compressed Code RISC Processor.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
TACO, January 2016
	author = {Amir Yazdanbakhsh and Gennady Pekhimenko and Bradley Thwaites and Hadi Esmaeilzadeh and Onur Mutlu and Todd C. Mowry},
	booktitle = {TACO},
	title = {RFVP: Rollback-Free Value Prediction with Safe-to-Approximate Loads.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Kevin Kai-Wei Chang and Gabriel H. Loh and Mithuna Thottethodi and Yasuko Eckert and Mike O{\textquoteright}Connor and Srilatha Manne and Lisa Hsu and Lavanya Subramanian and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {CoRR},
	title = {Enabling Efficient Dynamic Resizing of Large DRAM Caches via A Hardware Consistent Hashing Mechanism.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
TACO, January 2016
	author = {Donghyuk Lee and Saugata Ghose and Gennady Pekhimenko and Samira Manabi Khan and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {TACO},
	title = {Simultaneous Multi-Layer Access: Improving 3D-Stacked Memory Bandwidth at Low Cost.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, January 2016
	author = {Yixin Luo and Saugata Ghose and Yu Cai and Erich F. Haratsch and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications},
	title = {Enabling Accurate and Practical Online Flash Channel Modeling for Modern MLC NAND Flash Memory.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
PVLDB, January 2016
	author = {Darko Makreshanski and Georgios Giannikis and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {MQJoin: Efficient Shared Execution of Main-Memory Joins.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Vivek Seshadri and Donghyuk Lee and Thomas Mullins and Hasan Hassan and Amirali Boroumand and Jeremie Kim and Michael A. Kozuch and Onur Mutlu and Phillip B. Gibbons and Todd C. Mowry},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Buddy-RAM: Improving the Performance and Efficiency of Bulk Bitwise Operations Using DRAM.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Mohammed Alser and Hasan Hassan and Hongyi Xin and Oguz Ergin and Onur Mutlu and Can Alkan},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {GateKeeper: Enabling Fast Pre-Alignment in DNA Short Read Mapping with a New Streaming Accelerator Architecture.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
TACO, January 2016
	author = {Hiroyuki Usui and Lavanya Subramanian and Kevin Kai-Wei Chang and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {TACO},
	title = {DASH: Deadline-Aware High-Performance Memory Scheduler for Heterogeneous Systems with Hardware Accelerators.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Vivek Seshadri and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {The Processing Using Memory Paradigm: In-DRAM Bulk Copy, Initialization, Bitwise AND and OR.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
IEEE Micro, January 2016
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Richard A. Belgard and Nick Tredennick and Mike Schlansker},
	journal = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {The 2014 MICRO Test of Time Award Winners: From 1978 to 1992.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Arijit Khan and Gustavo Segovia and Donald Kossmann},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Let{\textquoteright}s Do Smart Routing: For Distributed Graph Querying with Decoupled Storage.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
ACM Trans. Database Syst., January 2016
	author = {Ce Zhang and Arun Kumar and Christopher R{\'e}},
	journal = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.},
	title = {Materialization Optimizations for Feature Selection Workloads.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
IEEE Design Test, January 2016
	author = {Amir Yazdanbakhsh and Bradley Thwaites and Hadi Esmaeilzadeh and Gennady Pekhimenko and Onur Mutlu and Todd C. Mowry},
	journal = {IEEE Design  Test},
	title = {Mitigating the Memory Bottleneck With Approximate Load Value Prediction.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Donghyuk Lee and Samira Manabi Khan and Lavanya Subramanian and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Gennady Pekhimenko and Vivek Seshadri and Saugata Ghose and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Reducing DRAM Latency by Exploiting Design-Induced Latency Variation in Modern DRAM Chips.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Besmira Nushi and Ece Kamar and Eric Horvitz and Donald Kossmann},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {On Human Intellect and Machine Failures: Troubleshooting Integrative Machine Learning Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Parallel Computing, January 2016
	author = {Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Chris Fallin and Xiangyao Yu and Kevin Kai-Wei Chang and Greg Nazario and Reetuparna Das and Gabriel H. Loh and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {Parallel Computing},
	title = {A case for hierarchical rings with deflection routing: An energy-efficient on-chip communication substrate.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst., January 2016
	author = {Simon Peter and Jialin Li and Irene Zhang and Dan R. K. Ports and Doug Woos and Arvind Krishnamurthy and Thomas E. Anderson and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {ACM Trans. Comput. Syst.},
	title = {Arrakis: The Operating System Is the Control Plane.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
	author = {Anja Gruenheid and Donald Kossmann and Divesh Srivastava},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Online Event Integration with StoryPivot.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
Real-Time Systems, January 2016
	author = {Hyoseung Kim and Dionisio de Niz and Bj{\"o}rn Andersson and Mark H. Klein and Onur Mutlu and Ragunathan Rajkumar},
	booktitle = {Real-Time Systems},
	title = {Bounding and reducing memory interference in COTS-based multi-core systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}
CoRR, January 2016
We present ZipML, the first framework for training dense generalized linear models using end-to-end low-precision representation--in ZipML, all movements of data, including those for input samples, model, and gradients, are represented using as little as two bits per component. Within our framework, we have successfully compressed, separately, the input data by 16x, gradient by 16x, and model by 16x while still getting the same training result. Even for the most challenging datasets, we find that robust convergence can be ensured using only an end-to-end 8-bit representation or a 6-bit representation if only samples are quantized. Our work builds on previous research on using low-precision representations for gradient and model in the context of stochastic gradient descent. Our main technical contribution is a new set of techniques which allow the training samples to be processed with low precision, without affecting the convergence of the algorithm. In turn, this leads to a system where all data items move in a quantized, low precision format. In particular, we first establish that randomized rounding, while sufficient when quantizing the model and the gradients, is biased when quantizing samples, and thus leads to a different training result. We propose two new data representations which converge to the same solution as in the original data representation both in theory and empirically and require as little as 2-bits per component. As a result, if the original data is stored as 32-bit floats, we decrease the bandwidth footprint for each training iteration by up to 16x. Our results hold for models such as linear regression and least squares SVM. ZipML raises interesting theoretical questions related to the robustness of SGD to approximate data, model, and gradient representations. We conclude this working paper by a description of ongoing work extending these preliminary results.
	abstract = {We present ZipML, the first framework for training dense generalized linear models using end-to-end low-precision representation--in ZipML, all movements of data, including those for input samples, model, and gradients, are represented using as little as two bits per component. Within our framework, we have successfully compressed, separately, the input data by 16x, gradient by 16x, and model by 16x while still getting the same training result. Even for the most challenging datasets, we find that robust convergence can be ensured using only an end-to-end 8-bit representation or a 6-bit representation if only samples are quantized. Our work builds on previous research on using low-precision representations for gradient and model in the context of stochastic gradient descent. Our main technical contribution is a new set of techniques which allow the training samples to be processed with low precision, without affecting the convergence of the algorithm. In turn, this leads to a system where all data items move in a quantized, low precision format. In particular, we first establish that randomized rounding, while sufficient when quantizing the model and the gradients, is biased when quantizing samples, and thus leads to a different training result. We propose two new data representations which converge to the same solution as in the original data representation both in theory and empirically and require as little as 2-bits per component. As a result, if the original data is stored as 32-bit floats, we decrease the bandwidth footprint for each training iteration by up to 16x. Our results hold for models such as linear regression and least squares SVM. ZipML raises interesting theoretical questions related to the robustness of SGD to approximate data, model, and gradient representations. We conclude this working paper by a description of ongoing work extending these preliminary results. },
	author = {Hantian Zhang and Kaan Kara and Jerry Li and Dan Alistarh and Ji Liu and Ce Zhang},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {ZipML: An End-to-end Bitwise Framework for Dense Generalized Linear Models.},
	url = {},
	year = {2016}


2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2015, San Diego, CA, USA, December 2015
	author = {Nugman Su and Onur Kaya and Sennur Ulukus and Mutlu Koca},
	booktitle = {2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2015, San Diego, CA, USA},
	title = {Cooperative Multiple Access under Energy Harvesting Constraints.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 143; Department of Computer Science, December 2015
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Samuel Zehnder},
	school = {143},
	title = {A Scalable Distributed Locking Service using One-Sided Atomic Operations},
	year = {2015}
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2015, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, December 2015
	author = {Christopher De Sa and Ce Zhang and Kunle Olukotun and Christopher R{\'e}},
	booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2015},
	title = {Rapidly Mixing Gibbs Sampling for a Class of Factor Graphs Using Hierarchy Width.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada},
	year = {2015}
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2015, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, December 2015
	author = {Christopher De Sa and Ce Zhang and Kunle Olukotun and Christopher R{\'e}},
	booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2015},
	title = {Taming the Wild: A Unified Analysis of Hogwild-Style Algorithms.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2015, Waikiki, HI, USA, December 2015
	author = {Lavanya Subramanian and Vivek Seshadri and Arnab Ghosh and Samira Manabi Khan and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2015, Waikiki, HI, USA},
	title = {The application slowdown model: quantifying and controlling the impact of inter-application interference at shared caches and main memory.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2015, Waikiki, HI, USA, December 2015
	author = {Vivek Seshadri and Thomas Mullins and Amirali Boroumand and Onur Mutlu and Phillip B. Gibbons and Michael A. Kozuch and Todd C. Mowry},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2015, Waikiki, HI, USA},
	title = {Gather-scatter DRAM: in-DRAM address translation to improve the spatial locality of non-unit strided accesses.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2015, Waikiki, HI, USA, December 2015
	author = {Jinglei Ren and Jishen Zhao and Samira Manabi Khan and Jongmoo Choi and Yongwei Wu and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2015, Waikiki, HI, USA},
	title = {ThyNVM: enabling software-transparent crash consistency in persistent memory systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures, NoCArc '15, Waikiki, HI, USA, December 2015
	author = {Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures, NoCArc {\textquoteright}15, Waikiki, HI, USA},
	title = {Rethinking Memory System Design (along with Interconnects).},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2015, Austin, TX, USA, November 2015
	author = {Torsten Hoefler and Roberto Belli},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2015, Austin, TX, USA},
	title = {Scientific benchmarking of parallel computing systems: twelve ways to tell the masses when reporting performance results.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the Third AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, HCOMP 2015, San Diego, California., November 2015
	author = {Besmira Nushi and Adish Singla and Anja Gruenheid and Erfan Zamanian and Andreas Krause and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, HCOMP 2015},
	title = {Crowd Access Path Optimization: Diversity Matters.},
	url = {},
	venue = {San Diego, California.},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2015, Austin, TX, USA, November 2015
	author = {Georgios Kathareios and Cyriel Minkenberg and Bogdan Prisacari and Germ{\'a}n Rodr{\'\i}guez and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2015, Austin, TX, USA},
	title = {Cost-effective diameter-two topologies: analysis and evaluation.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
2015 International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation, PACT 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA, October 2015
	author = {Donghyuk Lee and Lavanya Subramanian and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Jongmoo Choi and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {2015 International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation, PACT 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA},
	title = {Decoupled Direct Memory Access: Isolating CPU and IO Traffic by Leveraging a Dual-Data-Port DRAM.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
2015 International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation, PACT 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA, October 2015
	author = {Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Saugata Ghose and Onur Kayiran and Gabriel H. Loh and Chita R. Das and Mahmut T. Kandemir and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {2015 International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation, PACT 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA},
	title = {Exploiting Inter-Warp Heterogeneity to Improve GPGPU Performance.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 141; Department of Computer Science, October 2015
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Martynas Pumputis},
	school = {141},
	title = {Message Passing for Programming Languages and Operating Systems},
	year = {2015}
25th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2015, London, United Kingdom, September 2015
	author = {Zsolt Istv{\'a}n and David Sidler and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {25th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2015, London, United Kingdom},
	title = {Building a distributed key-value store with FPGA-based microservers.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 139; Department of Computer Science, September 2015
Supervised by: Dr. Arijit Khan
	author = {Andreas M. Nufer},
	school = {139},
	title = {Top-k Reliable Color Set in Uncertain Graphs},
	year = {2015}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 136; Department of Computer Science, September 2015
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Roni Haecki},
	school = {136},
	title = {Consensus on a multicore machine},
	year = {2015}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 140; Department of Computer Science, September 2015
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Kevin Bocksrocker},
	school = {140},
	title = {Efficient Scan in Log-Structured Memory Data Stores},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, NOCS 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 2015
	author = {Mohammad Fattah and Antti Airola and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Nima Mirzaei and Pasi Liljeberg and Juha Plosila and Siamak Mohammadi and Tapio Pahikkala and Onur Mutlu and Hannu Tenhunen},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, NOCS 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada},
	title = {A Low-Overhead, Fully-Distributed, Guaranteed-Delivery Routing Algorithm for Faulty Network-on-Chips.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
PVLDB, August 2015
	author = {Arijit Khan and Lei Chen},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {On Uncertain Graphs Modeling and Queries.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., August 2015
	author = {Tobias Grosser and Sven Verdoolaege and Albert Cohen},
	booktitle = {ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.},
	title = {Polyhedral AST Generation Is More Than Scanning Polyhedra.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
CoRR, August 2015
	author = {Besmira Nushi and Adish Singla and Anja Gruenheid and Erfan Zamanian and Andreas Krause and Donald Kossmann},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Crowd Access Path Optimization: Diversity Matters.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 133; Department of Computer Science, August 2015
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Alessandro Dovis},
	school = {133},
	title = {Decoupling of Data Processing Systems over RDMA/InfiniBand},
	year = {2015}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 135; Department of Computer Science, August 2015
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Gustavo Segovia},
	school = {135},
	title = {Distributed Graph Querying with Decoupled Storage and Smart Routing},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Sydney, NSW, Australia, August 2015
	author = {Hastagiri P. Vanchinathan and Andreas Marfurt and Charles-Antoine Robelin and Donald Kossmann and Andreas Krause},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Sydney, NSW, Australia},
	title = {Discovering Valuable items from Massive Data.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
PVLDB, August 2015
	author = {Alessandra Loro and Anja Gruenheid and Donald Kossmann and Damien Profeta and Philippe Beaudequin},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Indexing and Selecting Hierarchical Business Logic.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
2015 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, USENIX ATC '15, Santa Clara, CA, USA, July 2015
	author = {Timothy L. Harris and Stefan Kaestle},
	booktitle = {2015 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, USENIX ATC {\textquoteright}15},
	title = {Callisto-RTS: Fine-Grain Parallel Loops.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Santa Clara, CA, USA},
	year = {2015}
2015 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, USENIX ATC '15, Santa Clara, CA, USA, July 2015
	author = {Stefan Kaestle and Reto Achermann and Timothy Roscoe and Timothy L. Harris},
	booktitle = {2015 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, USENIX ATC {\textquoteright}15},
	title = {Shoal: Smart Allocation and Replication of Memory For Parallel Programs.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Santa Clara, CA, USA},
	year = {2015}
PVLDB, July 2015
	author = {Darko Makreshanski and Justin J. Levandoski and Ryan Stutsman},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {To Lock, Swap, or Elide: On the Interplay of Hardware Transactional Memory and Lock-Free Indexing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
TOPC, July 2015
	author = {Torsten Hoefler and James Dinan and Rajeev Thakur and Brian W. Barrett and Pavan Balaji and William Gropp and Keith D. Underwood},
	journal = {TOPC},
	title = {Remote Memory Access Programming in MPI-3.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 22441, July 2015
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Simon Loesing},
	school = {22441},
	title = {Architecture for Elastic Database Serv{\^\i}ces},
	year = {2015}
2015 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, SAMOS 2015, Samos, Greece, July 2015
	author = {Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {2015 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, SAMOS 2015, Samos, Greece},
	title = {Rethinking memory system design for data-intensive computing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, HPDC 2015, Portland, OR, USA, June 2015
	author = {Marius Poke and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, HPDC 2015, Portland, OR, USA},
	title = {DARE: High-Performance State Machine Replication on RDMA Networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, June 2015
	author = {Claude Barthels and Simon Loesing and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia},
	title = {Rack-Scale In-Memory Join Processing using RDMA.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
45th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2015
	author = {Moinuddin K. Qureshi and Dae-Hyun Kim and Samira Manabi Khan and Prashant J. Nair and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {45th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
	title = {AVATAR: A Variable-Retention-Time (VRT) Aware Refresh for DRAM Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
CoRR, June 2015
	author = {Hastagiri P. Vanchinathan and Andreas Marfurt and Charles-Antoine Robelin and Donald Kossmann and Andreas Krause},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Discovering Valuable Items from Massive Data.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Portland, OR, USA, June 2015
Modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are well provisioned to support the concurrent execution of thousands of threads. Unfortunately, diUerent bottlenecks during execution and heterogeneous application requirements create imbalances in utilization of resources in the cores. For example, when a GPU is bottlenecked by the available on-chip memory bandwidth, its computational resources are often overwhelmingly idle, waiting for data from memory to arrive. This paper introduces the Core-Assisted Bottleneck Acceleration (CABA) framework that employs idle on-chip resources to alleviate different bottlenecks in GPU execution. CABA provides flexible mechanisms to automatically generate “assist warps” that execute on GPU cores to perform specific tasks that can improve GPU performance and efficiency. CABA enables the use of idle computational units and pipelines to alleviate the memory bandwidth bottleneck, e.g., by using assist warps to perform data compression to transfer less data from memory. Conversely, the same framework can be employed to handle cases where the GPU is bottlenecked by the available computational units, in which case the memory pipelines are idle and can be used by CABA to speed up computation, e.g., by performing memoization using assist warps. We provide a comprehensive design and evaluation of CABA to perform effective and flexible data compression in the GPU memory hierarchy to alleviate the memory bandwidth bottleneck. Our extensive evaluations show that CABA, when used to implement data compression, provides an average performance improvement of 41.7% (as high as 2.6X) across a variety of memory-bandwidth-sensitive GPGPU applications.
	abstract = {Modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are well provisioned to support the concurrent execution of thousands of threads. Unfortunately, diUerent bottlenecks during execution and heterogeneous application requirements create imbalances in utilization of resources in the 
 cores. For example, when a GPU is bottlenecked by the available on-chip memory bandwidth, its computational resources are often overwhelmingly idle, waiting for data from memory to arrive. This paper introduces the Core-Assisted Bottleneck Acceleration (CABA) framework that employs idle on-chip resources to alleviate different bottlenecks in GPU execution. CABA provides flexible mechanisms to automatically generate {\textquotedblleft}assist warps{\textquotedblright} that execute on GPU cores to perform specific tasks that can improve GPU performance and 
 efficiency. CABA enables the use of idle computational units and pipelines to alleviate the memory bandwidth bottleneck, e.g., by using assist warps to perform data compression to transfer less data from memory. Conversely, the same framework can be employed to handle cases where the GPU is bottlenecked by the available computational units, in which case the memory pipelines are idle and can be used by CABA to speed up computation, e.g., by performing memoization using assist warps. We provide a comprehensive design and evaluation of CABA to perform effective and flexible data compression in the GPU memory hierarchy to alleviate the memory bandwidth bottleneck. Our extensive evaluations show that CABA, when used to implement data compression, provides an average performance improvement of 41.7\% (as high as 2.6X) across a variety of memory-bandwidth-sensitive GPGPU applications.},
	author = {Nandita Vijaykumar and Gennady Pekhimenko and Adwait Jog and Abhishek Bhowmick and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Chita R. Das and Mahmut T. Kandemir and Todd C. Mowry and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture},
	title = {A case for core-assisted bottleneck acceleration in GPUs: enabling flexible data compression with assist warps.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Portland, OR, USA},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, June 2015
	author = {Lucas Braun and Thomas Etter and Georgios Gasparis and Martin Kaufmann and Donald Kossmann and Daniel Widmer and Aharon Avitzur and Anthony Iliopoulos and Eliezer Levy and Ning Liang},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia},
	title = {Analytics in Motion: High Performance Event-Processing AND Real-Time Analytics in the Same Database.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
The 10th International Conference on Future Internet, CFI '15, Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 2015
	author = {Taeho Lee and Christos Pappas and Cristina Basescu and Jun Han and Torsten Hoefler and Adrian Perrig},
	booktitle = {The 10th International Conference on Future Internet, CFI {\textquoteright}15, Seoul, Republic of Korea},
	title = {Source-Based Path Selection: The Data Plane Perspective.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Portland, OR, USA, June 2015
	author = {Junwhan Ahn and Sungjoo Yoo and Onur Mutlu and Kiyoung Choi},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Portland, OR, USA},
	title = {PIM-enabled instructions: a low-overhead, locality-aware processing-in-memory architecture.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, June 2015
	author = {Anja Gruenheid and Donald Kossmann and Theodoros Rekatsinas and Divesh Srivastava},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia},
	title = {StoryPivot: Comparing and Contrasting Story Evolution.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, SSDBM '15, La Jolla, CA, USA, June 2015
Bi-temporal databases support system (transaction) and application time, enabling users to query the history as recorded today and as it was known in the past. In this paper, we study windows over both system and application time, i.e., bi-temporal windows. We propose a two-dimensional index that supports one-time and continuous queries over fixed and sliding bi-temporal windows, covering static and streaming data. We demonstrate the advantages of the proposed index compared to the state-of-the-art in terms of query performance, index update overhead and space footprint.
	abstract = {Bi-temporal databases support system (transaction) and application time, enabling users to query the history as recorded today and as it was known in the past. In this paper, we study windows over both system and application time, i.e., bi-temporal windows. We propose a two-dimensional index that supports one-time and continuous queries over fixed and sliding bi-temporal windows, covering static and streaming data. We demonstrate the advantages of the proposed index compared to the state-of-the-art in terms of query performance, index update overhead and space footprint.},
	author = {Chang Ge and Martin Kaufmann and Lukasz Golab and Peter M. Fischer and Anil K. Goel},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, SSDBM {\textquoteright}15},
	title = {Indexing bi-temporal windows.},
	url = {},
	venue = {La Jolla, CA, USA},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Portland, OR, USA, June 2015
	author = {Vivek Seshadri and Gennady Pekhimenko and Olatunji Ruwase and Onur Mutlu and Phillip B. Gibbons and Michael A. Kozuch and Todd C. Mowry and Trishul M. Chilimbi},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Portland, OR, USA},
	title = {Page overlays: an enhanced virtual memory framework to enable fine-grained memory management.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, June 2015
	author = {Philip A. Bernstein and Sudipto Das and Bailu Ding and Markus Pilman},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia},
	title = {Optimizing Optimistic Concurrency Control for Tree-Structured, Log-Structured Databases.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Portland, OR, USA, June 2015
	author = {Junwhan Ahn and Sungpack Hong and Sungjoo Yoo and Onur Mutlu and Kiyoung Choi},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Portland, OR, USA},
	title = {A scalable processing-in-memory accelerator for parallel graph processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS'15, Newport Beach/Irvine, CA, USA, June 2015
	author = {Tobias Gysi and Tobias Grosser and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS{\textquoteright}15, Newport Beach/Irvine, CA, USA},
	title = {MODESTO: Data-centric Analytic Optimization of Complex Stencil Programs on Heterogeneous Architectures.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS'15, Newport Beach/Irvine, CA, USA, June 2015
	author = {Maciej Besta and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS{\textquoteright}15, Newport Beach/Irvine, CA, USA},
	title = {Active Access: A Mechanism for High-Performance Distributed Data-Centric Computations.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS'15, Newport Beach/Irvine, CA, USA, June 2015
	author = {Tobias Grosser and Sebastian Pop and Louis-No{\"e}l Pouchet and P. Sadayappan and Sebastian Pop},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS{\textquoteright}15, Newport Beach/Irvine, CA, USA},
	title = {Optimistic Delinearization of Parametrically Sized Arrays.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, Portland, OR, USA, June 2015
	author = {Justin Meza and Qiang Wu and Sanjev Kumar and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, Portland, OR, USA},
	title = {A Large-Scale Study of Flash Memory Failures in the Field.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS'15, Newport Beach/Irvine, CA, USA, June 2015
	author = {Sergei Shudler and Alexandru Calotoiu and Torsten Hoefler and Alexandre Strube and Felix Wolf},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS{\textquoteright}15, Newport Beach/Irvine, CA, USA},
	title = {Exascaling Your Library: Will Your Implementation Meet Your Expectations?},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Engineering the Web in the Big Data Era - 15th International Conference, ICWE 2015, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 2015
The online communities available on the Web have shown to be significantly interactive and capable of collectively solving difficult tasks. Nevertheless, it is still a challenge to decide how a task should be dispatched through the network due to the high diversity of the communities and the dynamically changing expertise and social availability of their members. We introduce CrowdSTAR, a framework designed to route tasks across and within online crowds. CrowdSTAR indexes the topic-specific expertise and social features of the crowd contributors and then uses a routing algorithm, which suggests the best sources to ask based on the knowledge vs. availability trade-offs. We experimented with the proposed framework for question and answering scenarios by using two popular social networks as crowd candidates: Twitter and Quora.
	abstract = {The online communities available on the Web have shown to be significantly interactive and capable of collectively solving difficult tasks. Nevertheless, it is still a challenge to decide how a task should be dispatched through the network due to the high diversity of the communities and the dynamically changing expertise and social availability of their members. We introduce CrowdSTAR, a framework designed to route tasks across and within online crowds. CrowdSTAR indexes the topic-specific expertise and social features of the crowd contributors and then uses a routing algorithm, which suggests the best sources to ask based on the knowledge vs. availability trade-offs. We experimented with the proposed framework for question and answering scenarios by using two popular social networks as crowd candidates: Twitter and Quora.},
	author = {Besmira Nushi and Omar Alonso and Martin Hentschel and Vasileios Kandylas},
	booktitle = {Engineering the Web in the Big Data Era - 15th International Conference, ICWE 2015},
	title = {CrowdSTAR: A Social Task Routing Framework for Online Communities.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Rotterdam, The Netherlands},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, HPDC 2015, Portland, OR, USA, June 2015
	author = {Maciej Besta and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, HPDC 2015, Portland, OR, USA},
	title = {Accelerating Irregular Computations with Hardware Transactional Memory and Active Messages.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
45th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2015
	author = {Justin Meza and Qiang Wu and Sanjeev Kumar and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {45th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
	title = {Revisiting Memory Errors in Large-Scale Production Data Centers: Analysis and Modeling of New Trends from the Field.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, HPDC 2015, Portland, OR, USA, June 2015
	author = {Sabela Ramos and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, HPDC 2015, Portland, OR, USA},
	title = {Cache Line Aware Optimizations for ccNUMA Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
45th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2015
	author = {Yu Cai and Yixin Luo and Saugata Ghose and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {45th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
	title = {Read Disturb Errors in MLC NAND Flash Memory: Characterization, Mitigation, and Recovery.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, June 2015
	author = {Simon Loesing and Markus Pilman and Thomas Etter and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia},
	title = {On the Design and Scalability of Distributed Shared-Data Databases.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
15th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, HotOS XV, Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland, May 2015
	author = {Ionel Gog and Jana Giceva and Malte Schwarzkopf and Kapil Vaswani and Dimitrios Vytiniotis and G. Ramalingam and Manuel Costa and Derek Gordon Murray and Steven Hand and Michael Isard},
	booktitle = {15th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, HotOS XV, Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland},
	title = {Broom: Sweeping Out Garbage Collection from Big Data Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
IEEE 31st Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, MSST 2015, Santa Clara, CA, USA, May 2015
	author = {Yixin Luo and Yu Cai and Saugata Ghose and Jongmoo Choi and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {IEEE 31st Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, MSST 2015, Santa Clara, CA, USA},
	title = {WARM: Improving NAND flash memory lifetime with write-hotness aware retention management.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
15th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, HotOS XV, Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland, May 2015
	author = {Torsten Hoefler and Robert B. Ross and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {15th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, HotOS XV, Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland},
	title = {Distributing the Data Plane for Remote Storage Access.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
IEEE 31st Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, MSST 2015, Santa Clara, CA, USA, May 2015
	author = {Dongwoo Kang and Seungjae Baek and Jongmoo Choi and Donghee Lee and Sam H. Noh and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {IEEE 31st Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, MSST 2015, Santa Clara, CA, USA},
	title = {Amnesic cache management for non-volatile memory.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
15th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, HotOS XV, Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland, May 2015
	author = {Simon Gerber and Gerd Zellweger and Reto Achermann and Kornilios Kourtis and Timothy Roscoe and Dejan S. Milojicic},
	booktitle = {15th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, HotOS XV, Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland},
	title = {Not Your Parents{\textquoteright} Physical Address Space.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Data analytics in the Cloud, DanaC 2015, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, May 2015
	author = {Stefan Hadjis and Firas Abuzaid and Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e}},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Data analytics in the Cloud, DanaC 2015, Melbourne, VIC, Australia},
	title = {Caffe con Troll: Shallow Ideas to Speed Up Deep Learning.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
23rd IEEE Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2015
	author = {David Sidler and Gustavo Alonso and Michaela Blott and Kimon Karras and Kees A. Vissers and Raymond Carley},
	booktitle = {23rd IEEE Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada},
	title = {Scalable 10Gbps TCP/IP Stack Architecture for Reconfigurable Hardware.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
2015 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2015, Hyderabad, India, May 2015
	author = {Roberto Belli and Torsten Hoefler},
	booktitle = {2015 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2015, Hyderabad, India},
	title = {Notified Access: Extending Remote Memory Access Programming Models for Producer-Consumer Synchronization.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
2015 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshop, IPDPS 2015, Hyderabad, India, May 2015
	author = {Torsten Hoefler and Laxmikant V. Kale},
	booktitle = {2015 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshop, IPDPS 2015, Hyderabad, India},
	title = {HIPS-LSPP Keynotes.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 22450, May 2015
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Tahmineh Sanamrad},
	school = {22450},
	title = {Encrypting Databases in the Cloud Threats and Solutions},
	year = {2015}
TRETS, April 2015
	author = {Zsolt Istv{\'a}n and Gustavo Alonso and Michaela Blott and Kees A. Vissers},
	journal = {TRETS},
	title = {A Hash Table for Line-Rate Data Processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2015, Seoul, South Korea, April 2015
	author = {Martin Kaufmann and Peter M. Fischer and Norman May and Chang Ge and Anil K. Goel and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2015, Seoul, South Korea},
	title = {Bi-temporal Timeline Index: A data structure for Processing Queries on bi-temporal data.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2015, Seoul, South Korea, April 2015
	author = {Arvind Arasu and Ken Eguro and Manas Joglekar and Raghav Kaushik and Donald Kossmann and Ravishankar Ramamurthy},
	booktitle = {31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2015, Seoul, South Korea},
	title = {Transaction processing on confidential data using cipherbase.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments, Istanbul, Turkey, March 2015
	author = {Hui Wang and Canturk Isci and Lavanya Subramanian and Jongmoo Choi and Depei Qian and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments, Istanbul, Turkey},
	title = {A-DRM: Architecture-aware Distributed Resource Management of Virtualized Clusters.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Sixteenth International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, ISQED 2015, Santa Clara, CA, USA, March 2015
	author = {Yu Cai and Ken Mai and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Sixteenth International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, ISQED 2015, Santa Clara, CA, USA},
	title = {Comparative evaluation of FPGA and ASIC implementations of bufferless and buffered routing algorithms for on-chip networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., March 2015
	author = {Tudor-Ioan Salomie and Gustavo Alonso},
	journal = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Scaling Off-the-Shelf Databases with Vela: An approach based on Virtualization and Replication.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
21st IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2015, Burlingame, CA, USA, February 2015
	author = {Gennady Pekhimenko and Tyler Huberty and Rui Cai and Onur Mutlu and Phillip B. Gibbons and Michael A. Kozuch and Todd C. Mowry},
	booktitle = {21st IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2015, Burlingame, CA, USA},
	title = {Exploiting compressed block size as an indicator of future reuse.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
21st IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2015, Burlingame, CA, USA, February 2015
	author = {Yu Cai and Yixin Luo and Erich F. Haratsch and Ken Mai and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {21st IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2015, Burlingame, CA, USA},
	title = {Data retention in MLC NAND flash memory: Characterization, optimization, and recovery.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
21st IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2015, Burlingame, CA, USA, February 2015
	author = {Donghyuk Lee and Yoongu Kim and Gennady Pekhimenko and Samira Manabi Khan and Vivek Seshadri and Kevin Kai-Wei Chang and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {21st IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2015, Burlingame, CA, USA},
	title = {Adaptive-latency DRAM: Optimizing DRAM timing for the common-case.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
IJHPCA, February 2015
	author = {Kamil Iskra and Torsten Hoefler},
	journal = {IJHPCA},
	title = {Operating systems and runtime environments on supercomputers.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
TRETS, February 2015
	author = {Louis Woods and Gustavo Alonso and Jens Teubner},
	journal = {TRETS},
	title = {Parallelizing Data Processing on FPGAs with Shifter Lists.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 128; Department of Computer Science, February 2015
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Philipp Rohr},
	school = {128},
	title = {Temporal Graph Data Management for in-memory Database Systems},
	year = {2015}
Bioinformatics, January 2015
	author = {Hongyi Xin and John Greth and John Emmons and Gennady Pekhimenko and Carl Kingsford and Can Alkan and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Bioinformatics},
	title = {Shifted Hamming distance: a fast and accurate SIMD-friendly filter to accelerate alignment verification in read mapping.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Computer Languages, Systems Structures, January 2015
	author = {Onur {\"U}lgen and Mutlu Avci},
	booktitle = {Computer Languages, Systems  Structures},
	title = {The intelligent memory allocator selector.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
CoRR, January 2015
	author = {Donghyuk Lee and Gennady Pekhimenko and Samira Manabi Khan and Saugata Ghose and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Simultaneous Multi Layer Access: A High Bandwidth and Low Cost 3D-Stacked Memory Interface.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
PVLDB, January 2015
	author = {Jaeho Shin and Sen Wu and Feiran Wang and Christopher De Sa and Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e}},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Incremental Knowledge Base Construction Using DeepDive.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
CoRR, January 2015
	author = {Sen Wu and Ce Zhang and Feiran Wang and Christopher R{\'e}},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Incremental Knowledge Base Construction Using DeepDive.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
CoRR, January 2015
	author = {Christopher De Sa and Ce Zhang and Kunle Olukotun and Christopher R{\'e}},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Rapidly Mixing Gibbs Sampling for a Class of Factor Graphs Using Hierarchy Width.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
CoRR, January 2015
	author = {Yuke Zhu and Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e} and Li Fei-Fei},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Building a Large-scale Multimodal Knowledge Base for Visual Question Answering.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
CoRR, January 2015
	author = {Yang Li and Jongmoo Choi and Jin Sun and Saugata Ghose and Hui Wang and Justin Meza and Jinglei Ren and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Managing Hybrid Main Memories with a Page-Utility Driven Performance Model.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Computer Architecture Letters, January 2015
	author = {Gennady Pekhimenko and Evgeny Bolotin and Mike O{\textquoteright}Connor and Onur Mutlu and Todd C. Mowry and Stephen W. Keckler},
	booktitle = {Computer Architecture Letters},
	title = {Toggle-Aware Compression for GPUs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
Computer Architecture Letters, January 2015
	author = {Vivek Seshadri and Kevin Hsieh and Amirali Boroumand and Donghyuk Lee and Michael A. Kozuch and Onur Mutlu and Phillip B. Gibbons and Todd C. Mowry},
	booktitle = {Computer Architecture Letters},
	title = {Fast Bulk Bitwise AND and OR in DRAM.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
CoRR, January 2015
	author = {Ankit Singla and Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran and Brighten Godfrey and Bruce M. Maggs},
	booktitle = {CoRR},
	title = {Towards a Speed of Light Internet.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
CoRR, January 2015
	author = {Hiroyuki Usui and Lavanya Subramanian and Kevin Kai-Wei Chang and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {SQUASH: Simple QoS-Aware High-Performance Memory Scheduler for Heterogeneous Systems with Hardware Accelerators.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., January 2015
	author = {Cagri Balkesen and Jens Teubner and Gustavo Alonso and M. Tamer {\"O}zsu},
	booktitle = {IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng.},
	title = {Main-Memory Hash Joins on Modern Processor Architectures.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
IEEE Trans. Computers, January 2015
	author = {Youyou Lu and Jiwu Shu and Jia Guo and Shuai Li and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {IEEE Trans. Computers},
	title = {High-Performance and Lightweight Transaction Support in Flash-Based SSDs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
IEEE Micro, January 2015
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Richard A. Belgard},
	booktitle = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Introducing the MICRO Test of Time Awards: Concept, Process, 2014 Winners, and the Future.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
CoRR, January 2015
	author = {Firas Abuzaid and Stefan Hadjis and Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e}},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Caffe con Troll: Shallow Ideas to Speed Up Deep Learning.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
CoRR, January 2015
	author = {Hongyi Xin and Richard Zhu and Sunny Nahar and John Emmons and Gennady Pekhimenko and Carl Kingsford and Can Alkan and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Optimal Seed Solver: Optimizing Seed Selection in Read Mapping.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
CoRR, January 2015
	author = {Lavanya Subramanian and Donghyuk Lee and Vivek Seshadri and Harsha Rastogi and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {The Blacklisting Memory Scheduler: Balancing Performance, Fairness and Complexity.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}
CoRR, January 2015
	author = {Christopher De Sa and Ce Zhang and Kunle Olukotun and Christopher R{\'e}},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Taming the Wild: A Unified Analysis of Hogwild!-Style Algorithms.},
	url = {},
	year = {2015}


VLDB J., December 2014
	author = {Carsten Binnig and Stefan Hildenbrand and Franz F{\"a}rber and Donald Kossmann and Juchang Lee and Norman May},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {Distributed snapshot isolation: global transactions pay globally, local transactions pay locally.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, December 2014
	author = {Yingbo Zhou and Utkarsh Porwal and Ce Zhang and Hung Q. Ngo and Long Nguyen and Christopher R{\'e} and Venu Govindaraju},
	booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2014},
	title = {Parallel Feature Selection Inspired by Group Testing.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada},
	year = {2014}
47th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2014, Cambridge, United Kingdom, December 2014
	author = {Jishen Zhao and Onur Mutlu and Yuan Xie},
	booktitle = {47th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2014, Cambridge, United Kingdom},
	title = {FIRM: Fair and High-Performance Memory Control for Persistent Memory Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
47th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2014, Cambridge, United Kingdom, December 2014
	author = {Onur Kayiran and Nachiappan Chidambaram Nachiappan and Adwait Jog and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Mahmut T. Kandemir and Gabriel H. Loh and Onur Mutlu and Chita R. Das},
	booktitle = {47th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2014, Cambridge, United Kingdom},
	title = {Managing GPU Concurrency in Heterogeneous Architectures.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
PVLDB, November 2014
	author = {Louis Woods and Zsolt Istv{\'a}n and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Ibex - An Intelligent Storage Engine with Support for Advanced SQL Off-loading.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
PVLDB, November 2014
	author = {Jana Giceva and Gustavo Alonso and Timothy Roscoe and Timothy L. Harris},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Deployment of Query Plans on Multicores.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 22063, November 2014
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Georgios Giannikis},
	school = {22063},
	title = {Work Sharing Data Processing Systems},
	year = {2014}
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, HotNets-XIII, Los Angeles, CA, USA, October 2014
For many Internet services, reducing latency improves the user experience and increases revenue for the service provider. While in principle latencies could nearly match the speed of light, we find that infrastructural inefficiencies and protocol overheads cause today's Internet to be much slower than this bound: typically by more than one, and often, by more than two orders of magnitude. Bridging this large gap would not only add value to today's Internet applications, but could also open the door to exciting new applications. Thus, we propose a grand challenge for the networking research community: a speed-of-light Internet. To inform this research agenda, we investigate the causes of latency inflation in the Internet across the network stack. We also discuss a few broad avenues for latency improvement.
	abstract = {For many Internet services, reducing latency improves the user experience and increases revenue for the service provider. While in principle latencies could nearly match the speed of light, we find that infrastructural inefficiencies and protocol overheads cause today{\textquoteright}s Internet to be much slower than this bound: typically by more than one, and often, by more than two orders of magnitude. Bridging this large gap would not only add value to today{\textquoteright}s Internet applications, but could also open the door to exciting new applications. Thus, we propose a grand challenge for the networking research community: a speed-of-light Internet. To inform this research agenda, we investigate the causes of latency inflation in the Internet across the network stack. We also discuss a few broad avenues for latency improvement.},
	author = {Ankit Singla and Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran and Brighten Godfrey and Bruce M. Maggs},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, HotNets-XIII},
	title = {The Internet at the Speed of Light.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
	year = {2014}
32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2014, Seoul, South Korea, October 2014
	author = {Youyou Lu and Jiwu Shu and Long Sun and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2014, Seoul, South Korea},
	title = {Loose-Ordering Consistency for persistent memory.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2014, Seoul, South Korea, October 2014
	author = {Chris Fallin and Chris Wilkerson and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2014, Seoul, South Korea},
	title = {The heterogeneous block architecture.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI '14, Broomfield, CO, USA, October 2014
	author = {Stefan C. M{\"u}ller and Gustavo Alonso and Adam Amara and Andr{\'e} Csillaghy},
	booktitle = {11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI {\textquoteright}14, Broomfield, CO, USA},
	title = {Pydron: Semi-Automatic Parallelization for Multi-Core and the Cloud.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2014, Seoul, South Korea, October 2014
	author = {Lavanya Subramanian and Donghyuk Lee and Vivek Seshadri and Harsha Rastogi and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2014, Seoul, South Korea},
	title = {The Blacklisting Memory Scheduler: Achieving high performance and fairness at low cost.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
2014 Conference on Timely Results in Operating Systems, TRIOS '14, Broomfield, CO, USA, October 2014
	author = {Andrew Baumann and Chris Hawblitzel and Kornilios Kourtis and Timothy L. Harris and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {2014 Conference on Timely Results in Operating Systems, TRIOS {\textquoteright}14, Broomfield, CO, USA},
	title = {Cosh: Clear OS Data Sharing In An Incoherent World.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI '14, Broomfield, CO, USA, October 2014
	author = {Gerd Zellweger and Simon Gerber and Kornilios Kourtis and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI {\textquoteright}14, Broomfield, CO, USA},
	title = {Decoupling Cores, Kernels, and Operating Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, SBAC-PAD 2014, Paris, France, October 2014
	author = {Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Chris Fallin and Xiangyao Yu and Kevin Kai-Wei Chang and Greg Nazario and Reetuparna Das and Gabriel H. Loh and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, SBAC-PAD 2014, Paris, France},
	title = {Design and Evaluation of Hierarchical Rings with Deflection Routing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI '14, Broomfield, CO, USA, October 2014
	author = {Simon Peter and Jialin Li and Irene Zhang and Dan R. K. Ports and Doug Woos and Arvind Krishnamurthy and Thomas E. Anderson and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI {\textquoteright}14, Broomfield, CO, USA},
	title = {Arrakis: The Operating System is the Control Plane.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 118; Department of Computer Science, October 2014
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Reto Achermann},
	school = {118},
	title = {Message Passing and Bulk Transport on Heterogeneous Multiprocessors},
	year = {2014}
IEEE Computer, September 2014
	author = {Stefan C. Muller and Gustavo Alonso and Andr{\'e} Csillaghy},
	booktitle = {IEEE Computer},
	title = {Scaling Astroinformatics: Python + Automatic Parallelization.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 119; Department of Computer Science, September 2014
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Raphael Fuchs},
	school = {119},
	title = {Hardware Transactional Memory and Message Passing},
	year = {2014}
Parallel Processing Letters, September 2014
	author = {Tobias Grosser and Sven Verdoolaege and Albert Cohen and P. Sadayappan},
	booktitle = {Parallel Processing Letters},
	title = {The Relation Between Diamond Tiling and Hexagonal Tiling.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 115; Department of Computer Science, September 2014
Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Moritz Hoffmann},
	school = {115},
	title = {Completeness is in the eye of the beholder: A sandbox concept for databases},
	year = {2014}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 117; Department of Computer Science, September 2014
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Benjamin Zehnder},
	school = {117},
	title = {Towards Revenue Maximization by Viral Marketing: A Social Network Host\&$\#$146;s Perspective},
	year = {2014}
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on In Memory Data Management and Analytics, IMDM 2014, Hangzhou, China, September 2014
	author = {Victor Bittorf and Marcel Kornacker and Christopher R{\'e} and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on In Memory Data Management and Analytics, IMDM 2014, Hangzhou, China},
	title = {Tradeoffs in Main-Memory Statistical Analytics from Impala to DimmWitted.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
The VLDB Journal; Nov. 2013, August 2014
	author = {Philipp Unterbrunner and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {The VLDB Journal; Nov. 2013},
	title = {High Availability, Elasticity, and Strong Consistency for Massively Parallel Scans over Relational Data.},
	year = {2014}
PVLDB, August 2014
	author = {Arijit Khan and Sameh Elnikety},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Systems for Big-Graphs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation, PACT '14, Edmonton, AB, Canada, August 2014
	author = {James A. Jablin and Thomas B. Jablin and Onur Mutlu and Maurice Herlihy},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation, PACT {\textquoteright}14, Edmonton, AB, Canada},
	title = {Warp-aware trace scheduling for GPUs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation, PACT '14, Edmonton, AB, Canada, August 2014
	author = {Bradley Thwaites and Gennady Pekhimenko and Hadi Esmaeilzadeh and Amir Yazdanbakhsh and Onur Mutlu and Jongse Park and Girish Mururu and Todd C. Mowry},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation, PACT {\textquoteright}14, Edmonton, AB, Canada},
	title = {Rollback-free value prediction with approximate loads.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXVIII - 28th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference, DBSec 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 2014
	author = {Tahmineh Sanamrad and Lucas Braun and Donald Kossmann and Ramarathnam Venkatesan},
	booktitle = {Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXVIII - 28th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference, DBSec 2014, Vienna, Austria},
	title = {Randomly Partitioned Encryption for Cloud Databases.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 21967, July 2014
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Louis Woods},
	school = {21967},
	title = {FPGA-Enhanced Data Processing Systems},
	year = {2014}
ACM/IEEE 41st International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA 2014, Minneapolis, MN, USA, June 2014
	author = {Yoongu Kim and Ross Daly and Jeremie Kim and Chris Fallin and Ji-Hye Lee and Donghyuk Lee and Chris Wilkerson and Konrad Lai and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {ACM/IEEE 41st International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA 2014, Minneapolis, MN, USA},
	title = {Flipping bits in memory without accessing them: An experimental study of DRAM disturbance errors.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
ACM/IEEE 41st International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA 2014, Minneapolis, MN, USA, June 2014
	author = {Vivek Seshadri and Abhishek Bhowmick and Onur Mutlu and Phillip B. Gibbons and Michael A. Kozuch and Todd C. Mowry},
	booktitle = {ACM/IEEE 41st International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA 2014, Minneapolis, MN, USA},
	title = {The Dirty-Block Index.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
ACM SIGMETRICS / International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, SIGMETRICS '14, Austin, TX, June 2014
	author = {Samira Manabi Khan and Donghyuk Lee and Yoongu Kim and Alaa R. Alameldeen and Chris Wilkerson and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {ACM SIGMETRICS / International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, SIGMETRICS {\textquoteright}14, Austin, TX},
	title = {The efficacy of error mitigation techniques for DRAM retention failures: a comparative experimental study.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2014, Snowbird, UT, USA, June 2014
	author = {Zsolt Istv{\'a}n and Louis Woods and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2014, Snowbird, UT, USA},
	title = {Histograms as a side effect of data movement for big data.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
ACM SIGMETRICS / International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, SIGMETRICS '14, Austin, TX, June 2014
	author = {Yu Cai and Gulay Yalcin and Onur Mutlu and Erich F. Haratsch and Osman S. Unsal and Adri{\'a}n Cristal and Ken Mai},
	booktitle = {ACM SIGMETRICS / International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, SIGMETRICS {\textquoteright}14, Austin, TX},
	title = {Neighbor-cell assisted error correction for MLC NAND flash memories.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2014, Snowbird, UT, USA, June 2014
	author = {Arijit Khan and Pouya Yanki and Bojana Dimcheva and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2014, Snowbird, UT, USA},
	title = {Towards indexing functions: answering scalar product queries.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
ACM SIGMETRICS / International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, SIGMETRICS '14, Austin, TX, June 2014
	author = {Sangeetha Abdu Jyothi and Ankit Singla and Brighten Godfrey and Alexandra Kolla},
	booktitle = {ACM SIGMETRICS / International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, SIGMETRICS {\textquoteright}14, Austin, TX},
	title = {Measuring throughput of data center network topologies.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
Second International Workshop on Graph Data Management Experiences and Systems, GRADES 2014, co-loated with SIGMOD/PODS 2014, Snowbird, Utah, USA, June 2014
	author = {Nandish Jayaram and Arijit Khan and Chengkai Li and Xifeng Yan and Ramez Elmasri},
	booktitle = {Second International Workshop on Graph Data Management Experiences and Systems, GRADES 2014, co-loated with SIGMOD/PODS 2014, Snowbird, Utah, USA},
	title = {Towards a Query-by-Example System for Knowledge Graphs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2014, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2014
	author = {Yixin Luo and Sriram Govindan and Bikash Sharma and Mark Santaniello and Justin Meza and Aman Kansal and Jie Liu and Badriddine M. Khessib and Kushagra Vaid and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2014, Atlanta, GA, USA},
	title = {Characterizing Application Memory Error Vulnerability to Optimize Datacenter Cost via Heterogeneous-Reliability Memory.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, APSys'14, Beijing, China, June 2014
	author = {Zaheer Chothia and Qin Yin and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, APSys{\textquoteright}14, Beijing, China},
	title = {Grok the data center.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 21964, June 2014
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Martin Kaufmann},
	school = {21964},
	title = {Storing and Processing Temporal Data in Main Memory Column Stores},
	year = {2014}
International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2014, Snowbird, UT, USA, June 2014
	author = {Ce Zhang and Arun Kumar and Christopher R{\'e}},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2014, Snowbird, UT, USA},
	title = {Materialization optimizations for feature selection workloads.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
PVLDB, May 2014
	author = {Anja Gruenheid and Xin Dong and Divesh Srivastava},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Incremental Record Linkage.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 112; Department of Computer Science, May 2014
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Bojana Dimcheva},
	school = {112},
	title = {Indexing Scalar Product Queries},
	year = {2014}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 21954, May 2014
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Cagri Balkesen},
	school = {21954},
	title = {In-Memory Parallel Join Processing on Multi-Core Processors},
	year = {2014}
PVLDB, May 2014
	author = {Pratanu Roy and Jens Teubner and Rainer Gemulla},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Low-Latency Handshake Join.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
20th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, RTAS 2014, Berlin, Germany, April 2014
	author = {Hyoseung Kim and Dionisio de Niz and Bj{\"o}rn Andersson and Mark H. Klein and Onur Mutlu and Ragunathan Rajkumar},
	booktitle = {20th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, RTAS 2014, Berlin, Germany},
	title = {Bounding memory interference delay in COTS-based multi-core systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
Workshops Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, ICDE 2014, Chicago, IL, USA, April 2014
	author = {Christian Tinnefeld and Donald Kossmann and Joos-Hendrik B{\"o}se and Hasso Plattner},
	booktitle = {Workshops Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, ICDE 2014, Chicago, IL, USA},
	title = {Parallel join executions in RAMCloud.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2014, Seattle, WA, USA, April 2014
	author = {Ankit Singla and Brighten Godfrey and Alexandra Kolla},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2014, Seattle, WA, USA},
	title = {High Throughput Data Center Topology Design.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada, April 2014
	author = {Brent Stephens and Alan L. Cox and Ankit Singla and John B. Carter and Colin Dixon and Wes Felter},
	booktitle = {2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada},
	title = {Practical DCB for improved data center networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
EDBT: 17th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, March 2014
After more than a decade of a virtual standstill, the adoption of temporal data management features has recently picked up speed, driven by customer demand and the inclusion of temporal expressions into SQL:2011. Most of the big commercial DBMS now include support for bitemporal data and operators. In this paper, we perform a thorough analysis of these commercial temporal DBMS: We investigate their architecture, determine their performance and study the impact of performance tuning. This analysis utilizes our recent (TPCTC 2013) benchmark proposal, which includes a comprehensive temporal workload definition. The results of our analysis show that the support for temporal data is still in its infancy: All systems store their data in regular, statically partitioned tables and rely on standard indexes as well as query rewrites for their operations. As shown by our measurements, this causes considerable performance variations on slight workload variations and a significant effort for performance tuning. In some cases, there is considerable overhead for temporal operations even after extensive tuning.
	abstract = {After more than a decade of a virtual standstill, the adoption of temporal data management features has recently picked up speed, driven by customer demand and the inclusion of temporal expressions into SQL:2011. Most of the big commercial DBMS now include support for bitemporal data and operators. 
In this paper, we perform a thorough analysis of these commercial temporal DBMS: We investigate their architecture, determine their performance and study the impact of performance tuning. This analysis utilizes our recent (TPCTC 2013) benchmark proposal, which includes a comprehensive temporal workload definition.
The results of our analysis show that the support for temporal data is still in its infancy:  All systems store their data in regular, statically partitioned tables and rely on standard indexes as well as query rewrites for their operations. As shown by our measurements, this causes considerable performance variations on slight workload variations and a significant effort for performance tuning. In some cases, there is considerable overhead for temporal operations even after extensive tuning.},
	author = {Martin Kaufmann and Peter M. Fischer and Norman May and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {EDBT: 17th International Conference on Extending Database Technology},
	title = {Benchmarking Bitemporal Database Systems:  Ready for the Future or Stuck in the Past?},
	year = {2014}
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2014, Athens, Greece, March 2014
	author = {Arijit Khan and Francesco Bonchi and Aristides Gionis and Francesco Gullo},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2014, Athens, Greece},
	title = {Fast Reliability Search in Uncertain Graphs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2014, Athens, Greece, March 2014
	author = {Martin Kaufmann and Peter M. Fischer and Norman May and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2014, Athens, Greece},
	title = {Benchmarking Bitemporal Database Systems: Ready for the Future or Stuck in the Past?},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
PVLDB, February 2014
	author = {Georgios Giannikis and Darko Makreshanski and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Shared Workload Optimization.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
12th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, CGO 2014, Orlando, FL, USA, February 2014
	author = {Tobias Grosser and Albert Cohen and Justin Holewinski and P. Sadayappan and Sven Verdoolaege},
	booktitle = {12th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, CGO 2014, Orlando, FL, USA},
	title = {Hybrid Hexagonal/Classical Tiling for GPUs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 104; Department of Computer Science, February 2014
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Alessandra Loro},
	school = {104},
	title = {Business Rules Retrieval and Processing},
	year = {2014}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 21762, February 2014
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Ercan Ucan},
	school = {21762},
	title = {Data storage, transfers and communication in personal clouds },
	year = {2014}
20th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2014, Orlando, FL, USA, February 2014
	author = {Kevin Kai-Wei Chang and Donghyuk Lee and Zeshan Chishti and Alaa R. Alameldeen and Chris Wilkerson and Yoongu Kim and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {20th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2014, Orlando, FL, USA},
	title = {Improving DRAM performance by parallelizing refreshes with accesses.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
20th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2014, Orlando, FL, USA, February 2014
	author = {Samira Manabi Khan and Alaa R. Alameldeen and Chris Wilkerson and Onur Mutlu and Daniel A. Jim{\'e}nez},
	booktitle = {20th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2014, Orlando, FL, USA},
	title = {Improving cache performance using read-write partitioning.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2014
	author = {Christopher R{\'e} and Amir Abbas Sadeghian and Zifei Shan and Jaeho Shin and Feiran Wang and Sen Wu and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Feature Engineering for Knowledge Base Construction.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 21753, January 2014
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Tudor-Ioan Salomie},
	school = {21753},
	title = {Cloud-ready scalable and elastic data processing using off-the-shelf databases, replication and virtualization},
	year = {2014}
CoRR, January 2014
	author = {Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e}},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {DimmWitted: A Study of Main-Memory Statistical Analytics.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
CoRR, January 2014
	author = {Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e} and Amir Abbas Sadeghian and Zifei Shan and Jaeho Shin and Feiran Wang and Sen Wu},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Feature Engineering for Knowledge Base Construction.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
CoRR, -, January 2014
The online communities available on the Web have shown to be significantly interactive and capable of collectively solving difficult tasks. Nevertheless, it is still a challenge to decide how a task should be dispatched through the network due to the high diversity of the communities and the dynamically changing expertise and social availability of their members. We introduce CrowdSTAR, a framework designed to route tasks across and within online crowds. CrowdSTAR indexes the topic-specific expertise and social features of the crowd contributors and then uses a routing algorithm, which suggests the best sources to ask based on the knowledge vs. availability trade-offs. We experimented with the proposed framework for question and answering scenarios by using two popular social networks as crowd candidates: Twitter and Quora.
	abstract = {The online communities available on the Web have shown to be significantly interactive and capable of collectively solving difficult tasks. Nevertheless, it is still a challenge to decide how a task should be dispatched through the network due to the high diversity of the communities and the dynamically changing expertise and social availability of their members. We introduce CrowdSTAR, a framework designed to route tasks across and within online crowds. CrowdSTAR indexes the topic-specific expertise and social features of the crowd contributors and then uses a routing algorithm, which suggests the best sources to ask based on the knowledge vs. availability trade-offs. We experimented with the proposed framework for question and answering scenarios by using two popular social networks as crowd candidates: Twitter and Quora.},
	author = {Besmira Nushi and Omar Alonso and Martin Hentschel and Vasileios Kandylas},
	booktitle = {CoRR},
	title = {CrowdSTAR: A Social Task Routing Framework for Online Communities.},
	url = {},
	venue = {-},
	year = {2014}
PVLDB, January 2014
	author = {Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e}},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {DimmWitted: A Study of Main-Memory Statistical Analytics.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
TACO, January 2014
	author = {HanBin Yoon and Justin Meza and Naveen Muralimanohar and Norman P. Jouppi and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {TACO},
	title = {Efficient Data Mapping and Buffering Techniques for Multilevel Cell Phase-Change Memories.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
CoRR, January 2014
	author = {Shanan Peters and Ce Zhang and Miron Livny and Christopher R{\'e}},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {A machine-compiled macroevolutionary history of Phanerozoic life.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}
TACO, January 2014
	author = {Vivek Seshadri and Samihan Yedkar and Hongyi Xin and Onur Mutlu and Phillip B. Gibbons and Michael A. Kozuch and Todd C. Mowry},
	booktitle = {TACO},
	title = {Mitigating Prefetcher-Caused Pollution Using Informed Caching Policies for Prefetched Blocks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2014}


The 46th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO-46, Davis, CA, USA, December 2013
	author = {Vivek Seshadri and Yoongu Kim and Chris Fallin and Donghyuk Lee and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Gennady Pekhimenko and Yixin Luo and Onur Mutlu and Phillip B. Gibbons and Michael A. Kozuch and Todd C. Mowry},
	booktitle = {The 46th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO-46, Davis, CA, USA},
	title = {RowClone: fast and energy-efficient in-DRAM bulk data copy and initialization.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
The 46th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO-46, Davis, CA, USA, December 2013
	author = {Gennady Pekhimenko and Vivek Seshadri and Yoongu Kim and Hongyi Xin and Onur Mutlu and Phillip B. Gibbons and Michael A. Kozuch and Todd C. Mowry},
	booktitle = {The 46th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO-46, Davis, CA, USA},
	title = {Linearly compressed pages: a low-complexity, low-latency main memory compression framework.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26: 27th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2013. Proceedings of a meeting held December 5-8, 2013, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, United States., Lake Tahoe, Nevada, United States., December 2013
	author = {Srikrishna Sridhar and Stephen J. Wright and Christopher R{\'e} and Ji Liu and Victor Bittorf and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26: 27th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2013. Proceedings of a meeting held December 5-8, 2013, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, United States.},
	title = {An Approximate, Efficient LP Solver for LP Rounding.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Lake Tahoe, Nevada, United States.},
	year = {2013}
Proceedings of The Twenty-Second Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2013, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 2013
	author = {John R. Frank and Steven J. Bauer and Max Kleiman-Weiner and Daniel A. Roberts and Nilesh Tripuraneni and Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e} and Ellen M. Voorhees and Ian Soboroff},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of The Twenty-Second Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2013, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA},
	title = {Evaluating Stream Filtering for Entity Profile Updates for TREC 2013.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Proceedings of The Twenty-Second Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2013, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 2013
	author = {Tushar Khot and Ce Zhang and Jude W. Shavlik and Sriraam Natarajan and Christopher R{\'e}},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of The Twenty-Second Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2013, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA},
	title = {Bootstrapping Knowledge Base Acceleration.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems, PLOS 2013, Farmington, Pennsylvania, USA, November 2013
	author = {Pravin Shinde and Antoine Kaufmann and Kornilios Kourtis and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems, PLOS 2013, Farmington, Pennsylvania, USA},
	title = {Modeling NICs with Unicorn.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
2013 IEEE 31st International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2013, Asheville, NC, USA, October 2013
	author = {Yu Cai and Onur Mutlu and Erich F. Haratsch and Ken Mai},
	booktitle = {2013 IEEE 31st International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2013, Asheville, NC, USA},
	title = {Program interference in MLC NAND flash memory: Characterization, modeling, and mitigation.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 101; Department of Computer Science, October 2013
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Denitsa Dobreva},
	school = {101},
	title = {Enterprise Social Networks Analysis},
	year = {2013}
2013 IEEE 31st International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2013, Asheville, NC, USA, October 2013
	author = {Youyou Lu and Jiwu Shu and Jia Guo and Shuai Li and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {2013 IEEE 31st International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2013, Asheville, NC, USA},
	title = {LightTx: A lightweight transactional design in flash-based SSDs to support flexible transactions.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 90; Department of Computer Science, September 2013
	author = {Daniel Widmer},
	school = {90},
	title = {Real-Time Analytics in a High Volume Event Processing System},
	year = {2013}
23rd International Conference on Field programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2013, Porto, Portugal, September 2013
	author = {Arvind Arasu and Ken Eguro and Raghav Kaushik and Donald Kossmann and Ravishankar Ramamurthy and Ramarathnam Venkatesan},
	booktitle = {23rd International Conference on Field programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2013, Porto, Portugal},
	title = {A secure coprocessor for database applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
23rd International Conference on Field programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2013, Porto, Portugal, September 2013
	author = {Zsolt Istv{\'a}n and Gustavo Alonso and Michaela Blott and Kees A. Vissers},
	booktitle = {23rd International Conference on Field programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2013, Porto, Portugal},
	title = {A flexible hash table design for 10GBPS key-value stores on FPGAS.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
23rd International Conference on Field programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2013, Porto, Portugal, September 2013
	author = {Louis Woods and Zsolt Istv{\'a}n and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {23rd International Conference on Field programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2013, Porto, Portugal},
	title = {Hybrid FPGA-accelerated SQL query processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 94; Department of Computer Science, September 2013
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Patrick B{\"a}nziger},
	school = {94},
	title = {Exploiting multi-core parallelism with pipelining to solve skyline queries},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 93; Department of Computer Science, September 2013
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Lynn Aders},
	school = {93},
	title = {Joins based on the Access Path Model for Crowdsourced Databases},
	year = {2013}
Performance Characterization and Benchmarking - 5th TPC Technology Conference, TPCTC 2013, Trento, Italy, Revised Selected Papers, August 2013
	author = {Martin Kaufmann and Peter M. Fischer and Norman May and Andreas Tonder and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Performance Characterization and Benchmarking - 5th TPC Technology Conference, TPCTC 2013, Trento, Italy},
	title = {TPC-BiH: A Benchmark for Bitemporal Databases.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Revised Selected Papers},
	year = {2013}
Proceedings of the First VLDB Workshop on Databases and Crowdsourcing, DBCrowd 2013, Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy, August 2013
	author = {Anja Gruenheid and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the First VLDB Workshop on Databases and Crowdsourcing, DBCrowd 2013, Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy},
	title = {Cost and Quality Trade-Offs in Crowdsourcing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria, Volume 2: Short Papers, August 2013
	author = {Vidhya Govindaraju and Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e}},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2013},
	title = {Understanding Tables in Context Using Standard NLP Toolkits.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Sofia, Bulgaria, Volume 2: Short Papers},
	year = {2013}
The 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, DEBS '13, Arlington, TX, June 2013
	author = {Cagri Balkesen and Nihal Dindar and Matthias Wetter and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {The 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, DEBS {\textquoteright}13, Arlington, TX},
	title = {RIP: run-based intra-query parallelism for scalable complex event processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA, June 2013
	author = {Louis Woods and Jens Teubner and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA},
	title = {Less watts, more performance: an intelligent storage engine for data appliances.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
The 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, DEBS '13, Arlington, TX, June 2013
	author = {Boris Glavic and Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili and Peter M. Fischer and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {The 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, DEBS {\textquoteright}13, Arlington, TX},
	title = {Ariadne: managing fine-grained provenance on data streams.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA, June 2013
	author = {Arvind Arasu and Spyros Blanas and Ken Eguro and Manas Joglekar and Raghav Kaushik and Donald Kossmann and Ravishankar Ramamurthy and Prasang Upadhyaya and Ramarathnam Venkatesan},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA},
	title = {Secure database-as-a-service with Cipherbase.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
The 40th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA'13, Tel-Aviv, Israel, June 2013
	author = {Adwait Jog and Onur Kayiran and Asit K. Mishra and Mahmut T. Kandemir and Onur Mutlu and Ravishankar Iyer and Chita R. Das},
	booktitle = {The 40th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA{\textquoteright}13, Tel-Aviv, Israel},
	title = {Orchestrated scheduling and prefetching for GPGPUs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA, June 2013
	author = {Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e}},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA},
	title = {Towards high-throughput gibbs sampling at scale: a study across storage managers.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
The 40th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA'13, Tel-Aviv, Israel, June 2013
	author = {Jamie Liu and Ben Jaiyen and Yoongu Kim and Chris Wilkerson and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {The 40th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA{\textquoteright}13, Tel-Aviv, Israel},
	title = {An experimental study of data retention behavior in modern DRAM devices: implications for retention time profiling mechanisms.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 84; Department of Computer Science, June 2013
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Zaheer Chothia},
	school = {84},
	title = {Investigating OS/DB co-design with SharedDB and Barrelfish},
	year = {2013}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA, June 2013
	author = {Ce Zhang and Vidhya Govindaraju and Jackson Borchardt and Tim Foltz and Christopher R{\'e} and Shanan Peters},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA},
	title = {GeoDeepDive: statistical inference using familiar data-processing languages.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
The 40th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA'13, Tel-Aviv, Israel, June 2013
	author = {Jos{\'e} A. Joao and M. Aater Suleman and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {The 40th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA{\textquoteright}13, Tel-Aviv, Israel},
	title = {Utility-based acceleration of multithreaded applications on asymmetric CMPs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA, June 2013
	author = {Martin Kaufmann and Amin Amiri Manjili and Panagiotis Vagenas and Peter M. Fischer and Donald Kossmann and Franz F{\"a}rber and Norman May},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA},
	title = {Timeline index: a unified data structure for processing queries on temporal data in SAP HANA.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
The 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, DEBS '13, Arlington, TX, June 2013
	author = {Cagri Balkesen and Nesime Tatbul and M. Tamer {\"O}zsu},
	booktitle = {The 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, DEBS {\textquoteright}13, Arlington, TX},
	title = {Adaptive input admission and management for parallel stream processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA, June 2013
	author = {Georgios Giannikis and Darko Makreshanski and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA},
	title = {Workload optimization using SharedDB.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
The 50th Annual Design Automation Conference 2013, DAC '13, Austin, TX, USA, May 2013
	author = {Asit K. Mishra and Onur Mutlu and Chita R. Das},
	booktitle = {The 50th Annual Design Automation Conference 2013, DAC {\textquoteright}13, Austin, TX, USA},
	title = {A heterogeneous multiple network-on-chip design: an application-aware approach.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
14th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, HotOS XIV, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, USA, May 2013
	author = {Pravin Shinde and Antoine Kaufmann and Timothy Roscoe and Stefan Kaestle},
	booktitle = {14th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, HotOS XIV, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, USA},
	title = {We Need to Talk About NICs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Networked Systems - First International Conference, NETYS 2013, Marrakech, Morocco, Revised Selected Papers, May 2013
	author = {Ercan Ucan and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Networked Systems - First International Conference, NETYS 2013, Marrakech, Morocco},
	title = {Establishing Efficient Routes between Personal Clouds.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Revised Selected Papers},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 83; Department of Computer Science, May 2013
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Lukas Humbel},
	school = {83},
	title = {Multicore Virtualization over a Multikernel},
	year = {2013}
29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2013, Brisbane, Australia, April 2013
	author = {Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2013, Brisbane, Australia},
	title = {Hardware killed the software star.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Proceedings of the 10th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2013, Lombard, IL, USA, April 2013
	author = {Junda Liu and Aurojit Panda and Ankit Singla and Brighten Godfrey and Michael Schapira and Scott Shenker},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2013, Lombard, IL, USA},
	title = {Ensuring Connectivity via Data Plane Mechanisms.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2013, Brisbane, Australia, April 2013
	author = {Cagri Balkesen and Jens Teubner and Gustavo Alonso and M. Tamer {\"O}zsu},
	booktitle = {29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2013, Brisbane, Australia},
	title = {Main-memory hash joins on multi-core CPUs: Tuning to the underlying hardware.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 74; Department of Computer Science, April 2013
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {David Sidler},
	school = {74},
	title = {Column Storage for FPGA-accelerated Data Analytics},
	year = {2013}
29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2013, Brisbane, Australia, April 2013
	author = {Martin Kaufmann and Amin Amiri Manjili and Stefan Hildenbrand and Donald Kossmann and Andreas Tonder},
	booktitle = {29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2013, Brisbane, Australia},
	title = {Time travel in column stores.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 78; Department of Computer Science, April 2013
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Georgios Gasparis},
	school = {78},
	title = {AIM: A System for Handling Enormous Workloads under Strict Latency and Scalability Regulations},
	year = {2013}
Eighth Eurosys Conference 2013, EuroSys '13, Prague, Czech Republic, April 2013
	author = {Tudor-Ioan Salomie and Gustavo Alonso and Timothy Roscoe and Kevin Elphinstone},
	booktitle = {Eighth Eurosys Conference 2013, EuroSys {\textquoteright}13, Prague, Czech Republic},
	title = {Application level ballooning for efficient server consolidation.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2013, Brisbane, Australia, April 2013
	author = {Martin Kaufmann and Peter M. Fischer and Donald Kossmann and Norman May},
	booktitle = {29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2013, Brisbane, Australia},
	title = {A generic database benchmarking service.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 80; Department of Computer Science, April 2013
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Danilo Medic},
	school = {80},
	title = {Model Driven Optical Form Recognition},
	year = {2013}
Eighth Eurosys Conference 2013, EuroSys '13, Prague, Czech Republic, April 2013
	author = {Gernot Heiser and Etienne Le Sueur and Adrian Danis and Aleksander Budzynowski and Tudor-Ioan Salomie and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Eighth Eurosys Conference 2013, EuroSys {\textquoteright}13, Prague, Czech Republic},
	title = {RapiLog: reducing system complexity through verification.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems Software, Austin, TX, USA, April 2013
	author = {Emre Kultursay and Mahmut T. Kandemir and Anand Sivasubramaniam and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {2012 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems  Software, Austin, TX, USA},
	title = {Evaluating STT-RAM as an energy-efficient main memory alternative.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
21st IEEE Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2013, Seattle, WA, USA, April 2013
	author = {Louis Woods and Gustavo Alonso and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {21st IEEE Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2013, Seattle, WA, USA},
	title = {Parallel Computation of Skyline Queries.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 81; Department of Computer Science, April 2013
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Filip Curcic},
	school = {81},
	title = {Timeline Index on RamCloud},
	year = {2013}
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems Software, Austin, TX, USA, April 2013
	author = {Chuanjun Zhang and Glenn G. Ko and Jungwook Choi and Shang-nien Tsai and Minje Kim and Abner Guzm{\'a}n-Rivera and Rob A. Rutenbar and Paris Smaragdis and Mi Sun Park and Narayanan Vijaykrishnan and Hongyi Xin and Onur Mutlu and Bin Li and Li Zhao and Mei Chen},
	booktitle = {2012 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems  Software, Austin, TX, USA},
	title = {EMERALD: Characterization of emerging applications and algorithms for low-power devices.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 71; Department of Computer Science, March 2013
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Andreas Tschofen},
	school = {71},
	title = {Joint Inference of Concepts and Networks of Documents},
	year = {2013}
Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 13, Grenoble, France, March 2013
	author = {Yu Cai and Erich F. Haratsch and Onur Mutlu and Ken Mai},
	booktitle = {Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 13, Grenoble, France},
	title = {Threshold voltage distribution in MLC NAND flash memory: characterization, analysis, and modeling.},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 85; Department of Computer Science, March 2013
	author = {Zsolt Istv{\'a}n},
	school = {85},
	title = {Hash Table for Large Key-Value Stores on FPGAs},
	year = {2013}
Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS '13, Houston, TX, March 2013
	author = {Adwait Jog and Onur Kayiran and Nachiappan Chidambaram Nachiappan and Asit K. Mishra and Mahmut T. Kandemir and Onur Mutlu and Ravishankar Iyer and Chita R. Das},
	booktitle = {Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS {\textquoteright}13, Houston, TX},
	title = {OWL: cooperative thread array aware scheduling techniques for improving GPGPU performance.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 70; Department of Computer Science, March 2013
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Julien Ribon},
	school = {70},
	title = {Big Data Query Parallelization},
	year = {2013}
Joint 2013 EDBT/ICDT Conferences, EDBT '13 Proceedings, Genoa, Italy, March 2013
	author = {Christian Tinnefeld and Donald Kossmann and Martin Grund and Joos-Hendrik B{\"o}se and Frank Renkes and Vishal Sikka and Hasso Plattner},
	booktitle = {Joint 2013 EDBT/ICDT Conferences, EDBT {\textquoteright}13 Proceedings, Genoa, Italy},
	title = {Elastic online analytical processing on RAMCloud.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 75; Department of Computer Science, March 2013
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Ilias Rinis},
	school = {75},
	title = {Exploring scalable transactional data processing in a cluster of multicores},
	year = {2013}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 82; Department of Computer Science, March 2013
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Karolina Alexiou},
	school = {82},
	title = {Adaptive Range Filters for Query Optimization},
	year = {2013}
19th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2013, Shenzhen, China, February 2013
	author = {Reetuparna Das and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Onur Mutlu and Akhilesh Kumar and Mani Azimi},
	booktitle = {19th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2013, Shenzhen, China},
	title = {Application-to-core mapping policies to reduce memory system interference in multi-core systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
19th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2013, Shenzhen, China, February 2013
	author = {Donghyuk Lee and Yoongu Kim and Vivek Seshadri and Jamie Liu and Lavanya Subramanian and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {19th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2013, Shenzhen, China},
	title = {Tiered-latency DRAM: A low latency and low cost DRAM architecture.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
19th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2013, Shenzhen, China, February 2013
	author = {Lavanya Subramanian and Vivek Seshadri and Yoongu Kim and Ben Jaiyen and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {19th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2013, Shenzhen, China},
	title = {MISE: Providing performance predictability and improving fairness in shared main memory systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
CoRR, January 2013
	author = {Ankit Singla and Brighten Godfrey and Kevin R. Fall and Gianluca Iannaccone and Sylvia Ratnasamy},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Scalable Routing on Flat Names},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
VLDB J., January 2013
	author = {Nihal Dindar and Nesime Tatbul and Ren{\'e}e J. Miller and Laura M. Haas and Irina Botan},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {Modeling the execution semantics of stream processing engines with SECRET.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), - Workshopband, 15. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 11.-15.3.2013 in Magdeburg, Germany. Proceedings, January 2013
	author = {Cagri Balkesen and Louis Woods and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), - Workshopband, 15. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 11.-15.3.2013 in Magdeburg, Germany. Proceedings},
	title = {Tutorium: Neue Hardwarearchitekturen f{\"u}r das Datenmanagement (DPMH).},
	year = {2013}
PVLDB, January 2013
	author = {Karolina Alexiou and Donald Kossmann and Per-Ake Larson},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Adaptive Range Filters for Cold Data: Avoiding Trips to Siberia.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Bulletin of the EATCS, January 2013
	author = {Anja Gruenheid and Donald Kossmann and Besmira Nushi and Yuri Gurevich},
	journal = {Bulletin of the EATCS},
	title = {When is A=B?},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
CoRR, -, January 2013
Many problems in machine learning can be solved by rounding the solution of an appropriate linear program (LP). This paper shows that we can recover solutions of comparable quality by rounding an approximate LP solution instead of the ex- act one. These approximate LP solutions can be computed efficiently by applying a parallel stochastic-coordinate-descent method to a quadratic-penalty formulation of the LP. We derive worst-case runtime and solution quality guarantees of this scheme using novel perturbation and convergence analysis. Our experiments demonstrate that on such combinatorial problems as vertex cover, independent set and multiway-cut, our approximate rounding scheme is up to an order of magnitude faster than Cplex (a commercial LP solver) while producing solutions of similar quality.
	abstract = {Many problems in machine learning can be solved by rounding the solution of an appropriate linear program (LP). This paper shows that we can recover solutions of comparable quality by rounding an approximate LP solution instead of the ex- act one. These approximate LP solutions can be computed efficiently by applying a parallel stochastic-coordinate-descent method to a quadratic-penalty formulation of the LP. We derive worst-case runtime and solution quality guarantees of this scheme using novel perturbation and convergence analysis. Our experiments demonstrate that on such combinatorial problems as vertex cover, independent set and multiway-cut, our approximate rounding scheme is up to an order of magnitude faster than Cplex (a commercial LP solver) while producing solutions of similar quality.},
	author = {Srikrishna Sridhar and Victor Bittorf and Ji Liu and Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e} and Stephen J. Wright},
	booktitle = {CoRR},
	title = {An Approximate, Efficient Solver for LP Rounding.},
	url = {},
	venue = {-},
	year = {2013}
BMC Genomics, January 2013
	author = {Hongyi Xin and Donghyuk Lee and Farhad Hormozdiari and Samihan Yedkar and Onur Mutlu and Can Alkan},
	journal = {BMC Genomics},
	title = {Accelerating read mapping with FastHASH.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
January 2013
	author = {Tahmineh Sanamrad and Lucas Braun and Andreas Marfurt and Donald Kossmann and Ramarathnam Venkatesan},
	title = {POP: A new Encryption Scheme for Dynamic Databases},
	year = {2013}
CoRR, January 2013
	author = {Mario Paolucci and Donald Kossmann and Rosaria Conte and Paul Lukowicz and Panos Argyrakis and Ann Blandford and Giulia Bonelli and Stuart Anderson and Sara de Freitas and Bruce Edmonds and G. Nigel Gilbert and Markus H. Gross and J{\"o}rn Kohlhammer and Petros Koumoutsakos and Andreas Krause and Bj{\"o}rn-Ola Linn{\'e}r and Philipp Slusallek and Olga Sorkine-Hornung and Robert W. Sumner and Dirk Helbing},
	booktitle = {CoRR},
	title = {Towards a living earth simulator},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
In Search of Elegance in the Theory and Practice of Computation - Essays Dedicated to Peter Buneman, January 2013
	author = {Boris Glavic and Ren{\'e}e J. Miller and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {In Search of Elegance in the Theory and Practice of Computation - Essays Dedicated to Peter Buneman},
	title = {Using SQL for Efficient Generation and Querying of Provenance Information.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
January 2013
An increasing number of applications such as risk evaluation in banking or inventory management require support for temporal data. After more than a decade of standstill, the recent adoption of some bitemporal features in SQL:2011 has reinvigorated the support among commercial database vendors, who incorporate an increasing number of relevant bitemporal features. Naturally, assessing the performance and scalability of temporal data storage and operations is of great concern for potential users. The cost of keeping and querying history with novel operations (such as time travel, temporal joins or temporal aggregations) is not adequately reflected in any existing benchmark. In this paper, we present a benchmark proposal which provides comprehensive coverage of the bitemporal data management. It builds on the solid foundations of TPC-H but extends it with a rich set of queries and update scenarios. This workload stems both from real-life temporal applications from SAP's customer base and a systematic coverage of temporal operators proposed in the academic literature. In the accompanying paper we present preliminary results of our benchmark on a number of temporal database systems, also highlighting the need for certain language extensions. In the appendix of this technical report we provide all details required to implement the benchmark.
	abstract = {An increasing number of applications such as risk evaluation in banking or inventory management require support for temporal data.
After more than a decade of standstill, the recent adoption of some bitemporal features in SQL:2011 has reinvigorated the support among commercial database vendors, who incorporate an increasing number of relevant bitemporal features. Naturally, assessing the performance and scalability of temporal data storage and operations is of great concern for potential users.
The cost of keeping and querying history with novel operations (such as time travel, temporal joins or temporal aggregations) is not adequately reflected in any existing benchmark.
In this paper, we present a benchmark proposal which provides comprehensive coverage of the bitemporal data management.
It builds on the solid foundations of TPC-H but extends it with a rich set of queries and update scenarios.
This workload stems both from real-life temporal applications from SAP{\textquoteright}s customer base and a systematic coverage of temporal operators proposed in the academic literature.
In the accompanying paper we present preliminary results of our benchmark on a number of temporal database systems, also highlighting the need for certain language extensions.
In the appendix of this technical report we provide all details required to implement the benchmark.},
	author = {Martin Kaufmann and Peter M. Fischer and Norman May and Donald Kossmann},
	title = {Benchmarking Databases with History Support},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
CoRR, January 2013
	author = {Fosca Giannotti and Dino Pedreschi and Alex Pentland and Paul Lukowicz and Donald Kossmann and James L. Crowley and Dirk Helbing},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {A planetary nervous system for social mining and collective awareness},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
PVLDB, January 2013
	author = {Cagri Balkesen and Gustavo Alonso and Jens Teubner and M. Tamer {\"O}zsu},
	journal = {PVLDB},
	title = {Multi-Core, Main-Memory Joins: Sort vs. Hash Revisited.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Procedings of HotCloud '13 (5th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing), San Hose, CA, USA, January 2013
	author = {Michaela Blott and Kimon Karras and Ling Liu and Kees Vissers and Jeremia B{\"a}r and Zsolt Istv{\'a}n},
	booktitle = {Procedings of HotCloud {\textquoteright}13 (5th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing)},
	title = {Achieving 10Gbps line-rate key-value stores with FPGAs},
	venue = {San Hose, CA, USA},
	year = {2013}
CIDR 2013, Sixth Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA, January 2013
	author = {Arvind Arasu and Spyros Blanas and Ken Eguro and Raghav Kaushik and Donald Kossmann and Ravishankar Ramamurthy and Ramarathnam Venkatesan},
	booktitle = {CIDR 2013, Sixth Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA},
	title = {Orthogonal Security with Cipherbase.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
PVLDB, January 2013
	author = {Martin Kaufmann},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Storing and Processing Temporal Data in a Main Memory Column Store.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
Proceedings of the Workshop on Secure Data Management Workshop, in conjunction with VLDB, Riva del Garda, Italy, January 2013
	author = {Tahmineh Sanamrad and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the  Workshop on Secure Data Management Workshop, in conjunction with VLDB, Riva del Garda, Italy},
	title = {Query Log Attack on Encrypted Databases},
	year = {2013}
CIDR 2013, Sixth Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA, January 2013
	author = {Jana Giceva and Tudor-Ioan Salomie and Adrian Sch{\"u}pbach and Gustavo Alonso and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {CIDR 2013, Sixth Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA},
	title = {COD: Database / Operating System Co-Design.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
PVLDB, January 2013
	author = {Martin Kaufmann and Panagiotis Vagenas and Peter M. Fischer and Donald Kossmann and Franz F{\"a}rber},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Comprehensive and Interactive Temporal Query Processing with SAP HANA.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), vol. 38(4), January 2013
	author = {Chongling Nie and Louis Woods and Jens Teubner},
	journal = {ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), vol. 38(4)},
	title = {XLynx\&$\#$151;An FPGA-based XML Filter for Hybrid XQuery Processing.},
	year = {2013}
CIDR 2013, Sixth Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA, January 2013
	author = {Michael Anderson and Dolan Antenucci and Victor Bittorf and Matthew Burgess and Michael J. Cafarella and Arun Kumar and Feng Niu and Yongjoo Park and Christopher R{\'e} and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {CIDR 2013, Sixth Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA},
	title = {Brainwash: A Data System for Feature Engineering.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}
CoRR, January 2013
	author = {Ankit Singla and Brighten Godfrey and Alexandra Kolla},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {High Throughput Data Center Topology Design.},
	url = {},
	year = {2013}


Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 64; Department of Computer Science, December 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Nesime Tatbul
	author = {Matthias Wetter},
	school = {64},
	title = {Parallel Processing of Pattern Matching Queries},
	year = {2012}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 20930, December 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Adrian Sch{\"u}pbach},
	school = {20930},
	title = {Tackling OS Complexity with declarative techniques},
	year = {2012}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 20932, December 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Qin Yin},
	school = {20932},
	title = {Declarative Recource Management for Virtual Network Systems},
	year = {2012}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 20949, December 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Nesime Tatbul
	author = {Nihal Dindar},
	school = {20949},
	title = {Modeling Window Execution Semantics of Stream Processing Engines},
	year = {2012}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 20931, December 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Nesime Tatbul
	author = {Alexandru Moga},
	school = {20931},
	title = {Load management for streaming analytics },
	year = {2012}
12th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2012, Brussels, Belgium, December 2012
	author = {Feng Niu and Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e} and Jude W. Shavlik},
	booktitle = {12th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2012, Brussels, Belgium},
	title = {Scaling Inference for Markov Logic via Dual Decomposition.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Middleware 2012 - ACM/IFIP/USENIX 13th International Middleware Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada, December 2012
	author = {Ioana Giurgiu and Claris Castillo and Asser N. Tantawi and Malgorzata Steinder},
	booktitle = {Middleware 2012 - ACM/IFIP/USENIX 13th International Middleware Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada},
	title = {Enabling Efficient Placement of Virtual Infrastructures in the Cloud.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Middleware 2012 - ACM/IFIP/USENIX 13th International Middleware Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada, December 2012
	author = {Ioana Giurgiu and Oriana Riva and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Middleware 2012 - ACM/IFIP/USENIX 13th International Middleware Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada},
	title = {Dynamic Software Deployment from Clouds to Mobile Devices.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Proceedings of The Twenty-First Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2012, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 2012
	author = {John R. Frank and Max Kleiman-Weiner and Daniel A. Roberts and Feng Niu and Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e} and Ian Soboroff},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of The Twenty-First Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2012, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA},
	title = {Building an Entity-Centric Stream Filtering Test Collection for TREC 2012.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 59; Department of Computer Science, November 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Erfan Zamanian},
	school = {59},
	title = {Query Optimization in CrowdDB},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 76; Department of Computer Science, October 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Milos Andjelkovic},
	school = {76},
	title = {High Availability in Service Oriented Architectures},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 34; Department of Computer Science, October 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
In most computer systems log records are an important source for failure detection, monitoring, statistics and various kinds of analytics. Simple log file generation as it is often implemented is not sufficient anymore for large computer systems generating hundreds of gigabytes of log data per day. Those systems need a more sophisticated log storage platform which is able to store hundreds of thousands of log entries per second and offering high performance query capabilities. This thesis proposes a solution using open-source components like Apache HBase and Apache Solr and presents benchmarks of concrete implementations using real data from Amadeus, world’s leading travel transaction operator.
	abstract = {In most computer systems log records are an important source for failure detection, monitoring, statistics and various kinds of analytics. Simple log file generation as it is often implemented is not sufficient anymore for large computer systems generating hundreds of gigabytes of log data per day. Those systems need a more sophisticated log storage platform which is able to store hundreds of thousands of log entries per second and offering high performance query capabilities. This thesis proposes a solution using open-source components like Apache HBase and Apache Solr and presents benchmarks of concrete implementations using real data from Amadeus, world{\textquoteright}s leading travel transaction operator.},
	author = {Martin Alig},
	school = {34},
	title = {Database Logging System},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 61; Department of Computer Science, October 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Nesime Tatbul
	author = {Ren{\'e} Buffat},
	school = {61},
	title = {Application of Recency Window in StreamInsight for Service Intelligence},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 58; Department of Computer Science, October 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Adiya Abisheva},
	school = {58},
	title = {Crowdsourced Order: Getting Top N Values From the Crowd},
	year = {2012}
IEEE 24th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, SBAC-PAD 2012, New York, NY, USA, October 2012
	author = {Kevin Kai-Wei Chang and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Chris Fallin and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {IEEE 24th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, SBAC-PAD 2012, New York, NY, USA},
	title = {HAT: Heterogeneous Adaptive Throttling for On-Chip Networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 66; Department of Computer Science, September 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Georg Polzer},
	school = {66},
	title = {Near-realtime Pattern Analysis on Big Data},
	year = {2012}
30th International IEEE Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2012, Montreal, QC, Canada, September 2012
	author = {Yu Cai and Gulay Yalcin and Onur Mutlu and Erich F. Haratsch and Adri{\'a}n Cristal and Osman S. Unsal and Ken Mai},
	booktitle = {30th International IEEE Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2012, Montreal, QC, Canada},
	title = {Flash correct-and-refresh: Retention-aware error management for increased flash memory lifetime.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 56; Department of Computer Science, September 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Thomas Etter},
	school = {56},
	title = {Distributed Snapshot Isolation on RamCloud},
	year = {2012}
Information Computing and Applications - Third International Conference, ICICA 2012, Chengde, China, September 2012
	author = {Ce Zhang and Gang Cui and Bin Jin and Liang Wang},
	booktitle = {Information Computing and Applications - Third International Conference, ICICA 2012, Chengde, China},
	title = {Study of Trustworthiness Measurement and Kernel Modules Accessing Address Space of Any Process.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
30th International IEEE Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2012, Montreal, QC, Canada, September 2012
	author = {Justin Meza and Jing Li and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {30th International IEEE Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2012, Montreal, QC, Canada},
	title = {A case for small row buffers in non-volatile main memories.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 60; Department of Computer Science, September 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
This thesis tackles the problem of allocating resources for networked applications in data center topologies, which is a known NP-hard decision problem. Various proposals have been introduced in the past which either make simplifying assumptions or solve a special instance of the problem. Our approach satisfies all demands on the application side as well as resource constraints of data centers, while remaining scalable. What is more, it is a generic solution that can be further tailored to specific workloads or cloud architectures. In this report we propose and evaluate two algorithms that perform the resource allocation decision and placement for various application topologies and workloads. The first one utilizes a greedy approach of placing virtual links sequentially and back tracking when a constraint is not met. The second one clusters the application in a network optimized package, deducts a subgraph of the data center topology and makes the placement decision using a customizable heuristic. Depending on the decision, the placement takes place in the reduced subgraph. Both algorithm implementations have been evaluated using a variety of realistic workloads, different testing scenarios and data center topologies. The results show that while both algorithms perform well in all cases, depending on the testing conditions, utilizing one of the two yields better results. Finally we propose a technique to select which or a combination of the two algorithms should be used by data center operators to allocate the resources of their infraststructure more effciently.
	abstract = {This thesis tackles the problem of allocating resources for networked applications in data center topologies, which is a known NP-hard decision problem. Various proposals have been introduced in the past which either make simplifying assumptions or solve a special instance of the problem. Our approach satisfies all demands on the application side as well as resource constraints of data centers, while remaining scalable. What is more, it is a generic solution that can be further tailored to specific workloads or cloud architectures.
In this report we propose and evaluate two algorithms that perform the resource allocation decision and placement for various application topologies and workloads. The first one utilizes a greedy approach of placing virtual links sequentially and back tracking when a constraint is not met. The second one clusters the application in a network optimized package, deducts a subgraph of the data center topology and makes the placement decision using a customizable heuristic. Depending on the decision, the placement takes place in the reduced subgraph. Both algorithm implementations have been evaluated using a variety of realistic workloads, different testing scenarios and data center topologies. The results show that while both algorithms perform well in all cases, depending on the testing conditions, utilizing one of the two yields better results. Finally we propose a technique to select which or a combination of the two algorithms should be used by data center operators to allocate the resources of their infraststructure more effciently.},
	author = {Spyridon Giannakakis},
	school = {60},
	title = {Design of Traffic-Aware Placement Techniques of Applications in Modern Data Centers},
	year = {2012}
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT '12, Minneapolis, MN, September 2012
	author = {Reetuparna Das and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Onur Mutlu and Akhilesh Kumar and Mani Azimi},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT {\textquoteright}12, Minneapolis, MN},
	title = {Application-to-core mapping policies to reduce memory interference in multi-core systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
30th International IEEE Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2012, Montreal, QC, Canada, September 2012
	author = {HanBin Yoon and Justin Meza and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Rachael Harding and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {30th International IEEE Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2012, Montreal, QC, Canada},
	title = {Row buffer locality aware caching policies for hybrid memories.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 20666, September 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Ionut Emanuel Subasu},
	school = {20666},
	title = {Multicore architectures as platform to extend database engine functionality},
	year = {2012}
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT '12, Minneapolis, MN, September 2012
	author = {Nachiappan Chidambaram Nachiappan and Asit K. Mishra and Mahmut T. Kandemir and Anand Sivasubramaniam and Onur Mutlu and Chita R. Das},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT {\textquoteright}12, Minneapolis, MN},
	title = {Application-aware prefetch prioritization in on-chip networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 20692, September 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Ioana Giurgiu},
	school = {20692},
	title = {Integrating cloud applications with mobile devices },
	year = {2012}
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT '12, Minneapolis, MN, September 2012
	author = {Gennady Pekhimenko and Todd C. Mowry and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT {\textquoteright}12, Minneapolis, MN},
	title = {Linearly compressed pages: a main memory compression framework with low complexity and low latency.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 20664, September 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Simon Peter},
	school = {20664},
	title = {Resource Management in a Multicore Operating System},
	year = {2012}
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT '12, Minneapolis, MN, September 2012
	author = {Vivek Seshadri and Onur Mutlu and Michael A. Kozuch and Todd C. Mowry},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT {\textquoteright}12, Minneapolis, MN},
	title = {The evicted-address filter: a unified mechanism to address both cache pollution and thrashing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT '12, Minneapolis, MN, September 2012
	author = {Gennady Pekhimenko and Vivek Seshadri and Onur Mutlu and Phillip B. Gibbons and Michael A. Kozuch and Todd C. Mowry},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT {\textquoteright}12, Minneapolis, MN},
	title = {Base-delta-immediate compression: practical data compression for on-chip caches.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 57; Department of Computer Science, September 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Chongling Nie},
	school = {57},
	title = {An FPGA-based Smart Database Storage Engine},
	year = {2012}
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Searching and Integrating New Web Data Sources, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012
	author = {Feng Niu and Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e} and Jude W. Shavlik},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Searching and Integrating New Web Data Sources, Istanbul, Turkey},
	title = {DeepDive: Web-scale Knowledge-base Construction using Statistical Learning and Inference.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 53; Department of Computer Science, August 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Darko Makreshanski},
	school = {53},
	title = {Shared, Parallel Database Join on Modern Hardware},
	year = {2012}
ACM SIGCOMM 2012 Conference, SIGCOMM '12, Helsinki, August 2012
	author = {George Nychis and Chris Fallin and Thomas Moscibroda and Onur Mutlu and Srinivasan Seshan},
	booktitle = {ACM SIGCOMM 2012 Conference, SIGCOMM {\textquoteright}12, Helsinki},
	title = {On-chip networks from a networking perspective: congestion and scalability in many-core interconnects.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
The 18th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, KDD '12, Beijing, China, August 2012
	author = {Pratanu Roy and Jens Teubner and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {The 18th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, KDD {\textquoteright}12, Beijing, China},
	title = {Efficient frequent item counting in multi-core hardware.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC '12, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, July 2012
	author = {Joan Feigenbaum and Brighten Godfrey and Aurojit Panda and Michael Schapira and Scott Shenker and Ankit Singla},
	booktitle = {ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC {\textquoteright}12, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal},
	title = {Brief announcement: on the resilience of routing tables.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, APSys '12, Seoul, Republic of Korea, July 2012
	author = {Qin Yin and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, APSys {\textquoteright}12, Seoul, Republic of Korea},
	title = {Towards realistic benchmarks for virtual infrastructure resource allocators.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 44; Department of Computer Science, July 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Patrick Nick},
	school = {44},
	title = {Encrypting Gmail},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 43; Department of Computer Science, July 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Manuel Stocker},
	school = {43},
	title = {Towards a File-System Service for the Barrelfish OS},
	year = {2012}
The 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference, Jeju Island, Korea - Volume 1: Long Papers, July 2012
	author = {Ce Zhang and Feng Niu and Christopher R{\'e} and Jude W. Shavlik},
	booktitle = {The 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference},
	title = {Big Data versus the Crowd: Looking for Relationships in All the Right Places.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Jeju Island, Korea - Volume 1: Long Papers},
	year = {2012}
39th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2012), Portland, OR, USA, June 2012
	author = {Jamie Liu and Ben Jaiyen and Richard Veras and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {39th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2012)},
	title = {RAIDR: Retention-aware intelligent DRAM refresh.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Portland, OR, USA},
	year = {2012}
39th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2012), Portland, OR, USA, June 2012
	author = {Yoongu Kim and Vivek Seshadri and Donghyuk Lee and Jamie Liu and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {39th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2012)},
	title = {A case for exploiting subarray-level parallelism (SALP) in DRAM.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Portland, OR, USA},
	year = {2012}
39th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2012), Portland, OR, USA, June 2012
	author = {Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Kevin Kai-Wei Chang and Lavanya Subramanian and Gabriel H. Loh and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {39th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2012)},
	title = {Staged memory scheduling: Achieving high performance and scalability in heterogeneous systems.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Portland, OR, USA},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 62; Department of Computer Science, June 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {David Gerhard},
	school = {62},
	title = {Using modularity to scale a Multikernel network stack},
	year = {2012}
Scientific and Statistical Database Management - 24th International Conference, SSDBM 2012, Chania, Crete, Greece, June 2012
	author = {Romeo Kienzler and R{\'e}my Bruggmann and Anand Ranganathan and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Scientific and Statistical Database Management - 24th International Conference, SSDBM 2012, Chania, Crete, Greece},
	title = {Incremental DNA Sequence Analysis in the Cloud.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 47; Department of Computer Science, May 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Simon Gerber},
	school = {47},
	title = {Virtual Memory in a Multikernel},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 46; Department of Computer Science, May 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Mark Nevill},
	school = {46},
	title = {An Evaluation of Capabilities for a Multikernel},
	year = {2012}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2012, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, May 2012
	author = {Jens Teubner and Louis Woods and Chongling Nie},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2012, Scottsdale, AZ, USA},
	title = {Skeleton automata for FPGAs: reconfiguring without reconstructing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
2012 Sixth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NoCS), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2012
	author = {Chris Fallin and Greg Nazario and Xiangyao Yu and Kevin Kai-Wei Chang and Rachata Ausavarungnirun and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {2012 Sixth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NoCS), Copenhagen, Denmark},
	title = {MinBD: Minimally-Buffered Deflection Routing for Energy-Efficient Interconnect.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2012), Washington, DC, USA (Arlington, Virginia), April 2012
	author = {Peter M. Fischer and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2012), Washington, DC, USA (Arlington, Virginia)},
	title = {MXQuery with Hardware Acceleration.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2012, San Jose, CA, USA, April 2012
	author = {Ankit Singla and Atul Singh and Yan Chen},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2012, San Jose, CA, USA},
	title = {OSA: An Optical Switching Architecture for Data Center Networks with Unprecedented Flexibility.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 39; Department of Computer Science, April 2012
	author = {Raphael Tawil},
	school = {39},
	title = {Eliminating Insecure Uses of C Library Functions},
	year = {2012}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 20609, April 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
Data analysis is a large field which has multiple facets and encompasses diverse techniques in a variety of domains. This thesis looks at two problems from the data analysis field: Keyword search on data warehouses and indexing of moving objects.
	abstract = {Data analysis is a large field which has multiple facets and encompasses diverse techniques in a variety of domains. This thesis looks at two problems from the data analysis field: Keyword search on data warehouses and indexing of moving
	author = {Lukas Blunschi},
	school = {20609},
	title = {Indexing and Search on Complex Data Warehouses and Rapidly-Changing Data},
	year = {2012}
Third Joint WOSP/SIPEW International Conference on Performance Engineering, ICPE'12, Boston, MA, April 2012
	author = {Ioana Giurgiu},
	booktitle = {Third Joint WOSP/SIPEW International Conference on Performance Engineering, ICPE{\textquoteright}12, Boston, MA},
	title = {Understanding performance modeling for modular mobile-cloud applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
2012 IEEE 20th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2012, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 2012
	author = {Louis Woods and Ken Eguro},
	booktitle = {2012 IEEE 20th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2012},
	title = {Groundhog - A Serial ATA Host Bus Adapter (HBA) for FPGAs.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
	year = {2012}
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Crowdsourcing Web Search, Lyon, France, April 2012
	author = {Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Crowdsourcing Web Search, Lyon, France},
	title = {Using the Crowd to Solve Database Problems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2012, San Jose, CA, USA, April 2012
	author = {Ankit Singla and Chi-Yao Hong and Lucian Popa and Brighten Godfrey},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2012, San Jose, CA, USA},
	title = {Jellyfish: Networking Data Centers Randomly.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 41; Department of Computer Science, April 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Lucas Braun},
	school = {41},
	title = {Privacy in Pub/Sub Systems},
	year = {2012}
2012 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition, DATE 2012, Dresden, Germany, March 2012
	author = {Yu Cai and Erich F. Haratsch and Onur Mutlu and Ken Mai},
	booktitle = {2012 Design, Automation  Test in Europe Conference  Exhibition, DATE 2012, Dresden, Germany},
	title = {Error patterns in MLC NAND flash memory: Measurement, characterization, and analysis.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 20272, March 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Philipp Unterbrunner},
	school = {20272},
	title = {Elastic, Reliable, and Robust Storage and Query Processing with Crescando/RB},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 35; Department of Computer Science, March 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Gerd Zellweger},
	school = {35},
	title = {Unifying Synchronization and Events in a Multicore Operating System},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 49; Department of Computer Science, March 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Vincent Martinez},
	school = {49},
	title = {Flight Delay Prediction},
	year = {2012}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 20314, March 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Stefan Hildenbrand},
	school = {20314},
	title = {Scaling Out Column Stores: Data, Queries, and Transactions},
	year = {2012}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 20295, March 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Martin Hentschel},
	school = {20295},
	title = {Scalable systems for data analytics and integration },
	year = {2012}
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2012, London, UK, March 2012
	author = {Jos{\'e} A. Joao and M. Aater Suleman and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2012, London, UK},
	title = {Bottleneck identification and scheduling in multithreaded applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 32; Department of Computer Science, February 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
In today’s big scale applications, the database system has more and more evolved to the most limiting bottleneck. Unlike application servers and web servers, database systems are hard to scale. During the last few years a new generation of simpler but more scalable storage systems, often refered to as NoSQL (Not only SQL), recieved more attention. While these system often solve scalability issues, they sacrifice some fundamantal properties of traditional database systems like consistency or the data model. This thesis presents a relational and transactional database system which uses a key-value store instead of a hard drive disk as storage. This systems provides better elasticity and scalability than traditional disk based architecures without making any compromises in the consistency guarantees. In the first part we show that a transactional database can run on top of a key-value store without any performance or scalability penalties. We implemented such a system based on MySQL and RamCloud and provide benchmarking results of this system. In a next step we explain how this system can be made scalable and how the database system needs to be changed in order to be able to run several database instances on the same storage.
	abstract = {In today{\textquoteright}s big scale applications, the database system has more and more evolved to the most limiting bottleneck. Unlike application servers and web servers, database systems are hard to scale. During the last few years a new generation of simpler but more scalable storage systems, often refered to as NoSQL (Not only SQL), recieved more attention. While these system often solve scalability issues, they sacrifice some fundamantal properties of traditional database systems like consistency or the data model.
This thesis presents a relational and transactional database system which uses a key-value store instead of a hard drive disk as storage. This systems provides better elasticity and scalability than traditional disk based architecures without making any compromises in the consistency guarantees. In the first part we show that a transactional database can run on top of a key-value store without any performance or scalability penalties. We implemented such a system based on MySQL and RamCloud and provide benchmarking results of this system. In a next step we explain how this system can be made scalable and how the database system needs to be changed in order to be able to run several database instances on the same storage.},
	author = {Markus Pilman},
	school = {32},
	title = {Running a transactional Database on top of RamCloud},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 38; Department of Computer Science, February 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
Databases generally adhere to the \closed-world" assumption. If data is not in the database, the database treats it as non-existent. This model works well for things like financial data or inventory. For other data types such as addresses, the data may exist but not be in the database. New systems called crowd-sourced databases now assume an \open-world" and allow a schema to contain columns or even entire tables that are filled with information that is crowd-sourced. Crowd-sourcing relations between entities is the next step in this de- velopment. This allows joins and orderings of data that is difficult to compare computationally but easily compared by humans. This master thesis investigates data-structures and algorithms to make the most out of crowd-sourced relations by exploiting the transitivity inherent to the equality and order relations. Along the way, ambiguities in the data have to be tolerated and resolved. After all, humans are far from perfect and so is the data that crowd-sourcing provides.
	abstract = {Databases generally adhere to the \closed-world" assumption. If data
is not in the database, the database treats it as non-existent. This model
works well for things like financial data or inventory. For other data types
such as addresses, the data may exist but not be in the database. New
systems called crowd-sourced databases now assume an \open-world" and
allow a schema to contain columns or even entire tables that are filled with
information that is crowd-sourced.
Crowd-sourcing relations between entities is the next step in this de-
velopment. This allows joins and orderings of data that is difficult to
compare computationally but easily compared by humans. This master
thesis investigates data-structures and algorithms to make the most out
of crowd-sourced relations by exploiting the transitivity inherent to the
equality and order relations. Along the way, ambiguities in the data have
to be tolerated and resolved. After all, humans are far from perfect and
so is the data that crowd-sourcing provides.},
	author = {Florian Widmer},
	school = {38},
	title = {Memoization of Crowd-sourced Comparisons},
	year = {2012}
Proceedings of the 2012 Joint EDBT/ICDT Workshops, Berlin, Germany, January 2012
	author = {Simon Loesing and Martin Hentschel and Tim Kraska and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2012 Joint EDBT/ICDT Workshops, Berlin, Germany},
	title = {Stormy: An Elastic and Highly Available Streaming Service in the Cloud},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
PVLDB, January 2012
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Juliana Freire},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Letter from the the Associate Editors.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2012), Washington, DC, USA (Arlington, Virginia), January 2012
	author = {Claudio Jossen and Lukas Blunschi and Magdalini Mori and Donald Kossmann and Kurt Stockinger},
	booktitle = {IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2012), Washington, DC, USA (Arlington, Virginia)},
	title = {The Credit Suisse Meta-data Warehouse},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
CoRR, January 2012
	author = {Georgios Giannikis and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {SharedDB: Killing One Thousand Queries With One Stone},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 40; Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Jan. 2012. ; Department of Computer Science, January 2012
Supervised by: Prof. Nesime Tatbul
	author = {Romeo Kienzler},
	school = {40; Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Jan. 2012. },
	title = {A Stream-based Approach to Massively Parallel DNA Sequence Analysis in the Cloud},
	year = {2012}
January 2012
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann and Tudor-Ioan Salomie and Andreas Schmidt},
	title = {Shared Scans on Main Memory Column Stores},
	year = {2012}
Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Systems for Future Multi-core Architectures (SFMA'12), Bern, Switzerland, January 2012
	author = {Jana Giceva and Adrian Sch{\"u}pbach and Gustavo Alonso and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Systems for Future Multi-core Architectures (SFMA{\textquoteright}12), Bern, Switzerland},
	title = {Towards Database / Operating System Co-Design},
	year = {2012}
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst., January 2012
	author = {Eiman Ebrahimi and Chang Joo Lee and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {ACM Trans. Comput. Syst.},
	title = {Fairness via Source Throttling: A Configurable and High-Performance Fairness Substrate for Multicore Memory Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2012
	author = {Tahmineh Sanamrad and Patrick Nick and Daniel Widmer and Donald Kossmann and Lucas Braun},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {My Private Google Calendar and GMail.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Workshops Proceedings of the IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2012, Arlington, VA, USA, January 2012
	author = {Romeo Kienzler and R{\'e}my Bruggmann and Anand Ranganathan and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Workshops Proceedings of the IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2012, Arlington, VA, USA},
	title = {Stream As You Go: The Case for Incremental Data Access and Processing in the Cloud},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2012
	author = {Arvind Arasu and Spyros Blanas and Ken Eguro and Manas Joglekar and Raghav Kaushik and Donald Kossmann and Ravishankar Ramamurthy and Prasang Upadhyaya and Ramarathnam Venkatesan},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Engineering Security and Performance with Cipherbase.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
PVLDB, January 2012
	author = {Georgios Giannikis and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	journal = {PVLDB},
	title = {SharedDB: Killing One Thousand Queries With One Stone},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
January 2012
	author = {Boris Glavic and Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili and Peter M. Fischer and Nesime Tatbul},
	title = {Ariadne: Managing Fine-Grained Provenance on Data Streams},
	year = {2012}
January 2012
	author = {Simon Peter and Rebecca Isaacs and Paul Barham and Richard Black and Timothy Roscoe},
	title = {Efficient data-parallel computing on small heterogeneous clusters},
	year = {2012}
CoRR, January 2012
	author = {Joan Feigenbaum and Brighten Godfrey and Aurojit Panda and Michael Schapira and Scott Shenker and Ankit Singla},
	booktitle = {CoRR},
	title = {On the Resilience of Routing Tables},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Proceedings of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys '12), Seoul, South Korea, January 2012
	author = {Gerd Zellweger and Adrian Sch{\"u}pbach and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys {\textquoteright}12), Seoul, South Korea},
	title = {Unifying Synchronization and Events in a Multicore OS},
	year = {2012}
January 2012
	author = {Tahmineh Sanamrad and Daniel Widmer and Donald Kossmann},
	title = {My Private Google Calendar},
	year = {2012}
CoRR, January 2012
	author = {Lukas Blunschi and Claudio Jossen and Donald Kossmann and Magdalini Mori and Kurt Stockinger},
	booktitle = {CoRR},
	title = {SODA: Generating SQL for Business Users},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
January 2012
	author = {Cagri Balkesen and Jens Thilo Teubner and Gustavo Alonso and M. Tamer Ozsu},
	title = {Main-Memory Hash Joins on Multi-Core CPUs: Tuning to the Underlying Hardware},
	year = {2012}
IEEE Micro, January 2012
	author = {Boris Grot and Joel Hestness and Stephen W. Keckler and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {A QoS-Enabled On-Die Interconnect Fabric for Kilo-Node Chips.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst., January 2012
	author = {Feng Niu and Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e} and Jude W. Shavlik},
	booktitle = {Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst.},
	title = {Elementary: Large-Scale Knowledge-Base Construction via Machine Learning and Statistical Inference.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Proceedings of the 8th International ICST Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TridentCom 2012), Thessaloniki, Greece, January 2012
	author = {Qin Yin and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International ICST Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TridentCom 2012), Thessaloniki, Greece},
	title = {VF2x: Fast, efficient virtual network mapping for real testbed workloads},
	year = {2012}
January 2012
	author = {Anja Gruenheid and Donald Kossmann and Sukriti Ramesh and Florian Widmer},
	title = {Crowdsourcing Entity Resolution: When is A=B?},
	year = {2012}
15th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT '12, Berlin, Germany, January 2012
	author = {Irina Botan and Peter M. Fischer and Donald Kossmann and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {15th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT {\textquoteright}12, Berlin, Germany},
	title = {Transactional Stream Processing},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst., January 2012
	author = {Adrian Sch{\"u}pbach and Andrew Baumann and Timothy Roscoe and Simon Peter},
	journal = {ACM Trans. Comput. Syst.},
	title = {A Declarative Language Approach to Device Configuration.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
Computer Architecture Letters, January 2012
	author = {Justin Meza and Jichuan Chang and HanBin Yoon and Onur Mutlu and Parthasarathy Ranganathan},
	booktitle = {Computer Architecture Letters},
	title = {Enabling Efficient and Scalable Hybrid Memories Using Fine-Granularity DRAM Cache Management.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
PVLDB, January 2012
	author = {Ahmet Sacan and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Letter from the the Associate Editors.},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}
PVLDB, January 2012
	author = {Lukas Blunschi and Claudio Jossen and Donald Kossmann and Magdalini Mori and Kurt Stockinger},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {SODA: Generating SQL for Business Users},
	url = {},
	year = {2012}


ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 20166, December 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Ghislain Fourny},
	school = {20166},
	title = {Flexible Models for Programming the Web},
	year = {2011}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 20172, December 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Michael Duller},
	school = {20172},
	title = {Management and Federation of Stream Processing Applications},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 30; Department of Computer Science, December 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
This master thesis aims to add partial live migration features in Crescando[17]. Crescando is a scalable, distributed relational table implementation based on parallel, collaborative scans in memory. These features developed in this thesis provide the building block for implementing elastic scalability and high availability in Crescando. Elastic scalability refers to adding or removing storage nodes to a cluster without downtime. High availability refers to avoiding unplanned outages by eliminating single points of failure. One of the methodologies for providing high availability is fault tolerance by replication.[10] Both, elastic scalability and high availability, require an efficient method to copy or move data across storage nodes, which this master thesis provides. The problem is tackled in a black-box approach. Crescando external user interface is used to solve the problem, rather than altering its implementation. Crescando’s simple operations (Select, Insert, Delete) are used as the elementary units to provide the functionality of copying and moving data across nodes. One of the challenges of building such a system is migrating the contents of a relational table with minimal impact on the whole system availability and performance. Optimizations are incorporated to achieve efficient data transfer such that data transfer rate saturates a gigabit Ethernet interface. The system interrupt duration is minimized to the period required for data transfer. Moreover certain consistency guarantees must be provided by the solution. Our solution guarantees linearizability[9], a well-known strong consistency guarantee. The migration system developed in this thesis is employed by a higher level layer known as Rubberband[16]. Rubberband implements a well-known replication scheme, known as successor-list replication[14]. Rubberband instructs appropriate nodes in a dynamic set of nodes to shuffle data using the migration system developed in this thesis. They are instructed to shuffle data in order to maintain successor-list replication scheme as storage nodes join and part the system.
	abstract = {This master thesis aims to add partial live migration features in Crescando[17]. Crescando is a scalable, distributed relational table implementation based on parallel, collaborative scans in memory. These features developed in this thesis provide the building block for implementing elastic scalability and high availability in Crescando. Elastic scalability refers to adding or removing storage nodes to a cluster without downtime. High availability refers to avoiding unplanned outages by eliminating single points of failure. One of the methodologies for providing high availability is fault tolerance by replication.[10] Both, elastic scalability and high availability, require an efficient method to copy or move data across storage nodes, which this master thesis provides.
The problem is tackled in a black-box approach. Crescando external user interface is used to solve the problem, rather than altering its implementation. Crescando{\textquoteright}s simple operations (Select, Insert, Delete) are used as the elementary units to provide the functionality of copying and moving data across nodes. One of the challenges of building such a system is migrating the contents of a relational table with minimal impact on the whole system availability and performance. Optimizations are incorporated to achieve efficient data transfer such that data transfer rate saturates a gigabit Ethernet interface. The system interrupt duration is minimized to the period required for data transfer. Moreover certain consistency guarantees must be provided by the solution. Our solution guarantees linearizability[9], a well-known strong consistency guarantee.
The migration system developed in this thesis is employed by a higher level layer known as Rubberband[16]. Rubberband implements a well-known replication scheme, known as successor-list replication[14]. Rubberband instructs appropriate nodes in a dynamic set of nodes to shuffle data using the migration system developed in this thesis. They are instructed to shuffle data in order to maintain successor-list replication scheme as storage nodes join and part the system.},
	author = {Khalid Ashmawy},
	school = {30},
	title = {Partial live migration in scan-based database systems},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 16; Department of Computer Science, December 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Ueli Ehrbar},
	school = {16},
	title = {Event Consolidation and Analysis Tool for E-Banking},
	year = {2011}
44rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2011, Porto Alegre, Brazil, December 2011
	author = {Veynu Narasiman and Michael Shebanow and Chang Joo Lee and Rustam Miftakhutdinov and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {44rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2011, Porto Alegre, Brazil},
	title = {Improving GPU performance via large warps and two-level warp scheduling.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
44rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2011, Porto Alegre, Brazil, December 2011
	author = {Sai Prashanth Muralidhara and Lavanya Subramanian and Onur Mutlu and Mahmut T. Kandemir and Thomas Moscibroda},
	booktitle = {44rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2011, Porto Alegre, Brazil},
	title = {Reducing memory interference in multicore systems via application-aware memory channel partitioning.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
44rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2011, Porto Alegre, Brazil, December 2011
	author = {Eiman Ebrahimi and Rustam Miftakhutdinov and Chris Fallin and Chang Joo Lee and Jos{\'e} A. Joao and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {44rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2011, Porto Alegre, Brazil},
	title = {Parallel application memory scheduling.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Tenth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-X), HOTNETS '11, Cambridge, MA, November 2011
	author = {Ali Ghodsi and Scott Shenker and Teemu Koponen and Ankit Singla and Barath Raghavan and James R. Wilcox},
	booktitle = {Tenth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-X), HOTNETS {\textquoteright}11, Cambridge, MA},
	title = {Information-centric networking: seeing the forest for the trees.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Tenth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-X), HOTNETS '11, Cambridge, MA, November 2011
	author = {Ali Ghodsi and Scott Shenker and Teemu Koponen and Ankit Singla and Barath Raghavan and James R. Wilcox},
	booktitle = {Tenth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-X), HOTNETS {\textquoteright}11, Cambridge, MA},
	title = {Intelligent design enables architectural evolution.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming, IWGS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, November 2011
	author = {Asli {\"O}zal and Anand Ranganathan and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming, IWGS 2011},
	title = {Real-time route planning with stream processing systems: a case study for the city of Lucerne.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Chicago, IL, USA},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 2011, SOSP 2011, Cascais, Portugal, October 2011
	author = {{\'U}lfar Erlingsson and Marcus Peinado and Simon Peter and Mihai Budiu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 2011, SOSP 2011, Cascais, Portugal},
	title = {Fay: extensible distributed tracing from kernels to clusters.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 31; Department of Computer Science, September 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
Keyword search systems became very popular in the last decade because they allow people to access and find information in an easy and comfortable way. However, to keep the Quality of these systems on a high level, the system designers have to address several problems like changing requirements of the users or changes in the underlying data structure. We believe that user feedback is an elegant way to handle some of these problems and keep the system flexible and adaptable for future changes in the requirements. To prove this concept this report explains the design and implementation of several user feedback features which are added to an existing keyword search system over data warehouses. We will show by example how these features can be used by the users and how they improve the usability and flexibility of the given system. At the end of this report we will show proposals for other feedback features and how the implemented features could be further improved.
	abstract = {Keyword search systems became very popular in the last decade because they allow people to access and find information in an easy and comfortable way. However, to keep the Quality of these systems on a high level, the system designers have to address several problems like changing requirements of the users or changes in the underlying data structure. We believe that user feedback is an elegant way to handle some of these problems and keep the system flexible and adaptable for future changes in the requirements. To prove this concept this report explains the design and implementation of several user feedback features which are added to an existing keyword search system over data warehouses. We will show by example how these features can be used by the users and how they improve the usability and flexibility of the given system. At the end of this report we will show proposals for other feedback features and how the implemented features could be further improved.},
	author = {Mike Klausmann},
	school = {31},
	title = {User Feedback Integration - Incremental Improvement},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 27; Department of Computer Science, August 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Willy Lai},
	school = {27},
	title = {Data Warehouse Query Log Analysis using MapReduce},
	year = {2011}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 19907, August 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili},
	school = {19907},
	title = {Data Stream Processing in Complex Applications},
	year = {2011}
Euro-Par 2011: Parallel Processing Workshops - CCPI, CGWS, HeteroPar, HiBB, HPCVirt, HPPC, HPSS, MDGS, ProPer, Resilience, UCHPC, VHPC, Bordeaux, France, Revised Selected Papers, Part II, August 2011
	author = {Romeo Kienzler and R{\'e}my Bruggmann and Anand Ranganathan and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Euro-Par 2011: Parallel Processing Workshops - CCPI, CGWS, HeteroPar, HiBB, HPCVirt, HPPC, HPSS, MDGS, ProPer, Resilience, UCHPC, VHPC, Bordeaux, France},
	title = {Large-Scale DNA Sequence Analysis in the Cloud: A Stream-Based Approach.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Revised Selected Papers, Part II},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, DEBS 2011, New York, NY, USA, July 2011
	author = {Nihal Dindar and Peter M. Fischer and Merve Soner and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, DEBS 2011, New York, NY, USA},
	title = {Efficiently correlating complex events over live and archived data streams.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 28 ; Department of Computer Science, July 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Shenji Sch{\"a}ppi},
	school = {28 },
	title = {Evaluating Index Architectures in the Cloud},
	year = {2011}
38th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2011), San Jose, CA, USA, June 2011
	author = {Eiman Ebrahimi and Chang Joo Lee and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {38th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2011)},
	title = {Prefetch-aware shared resource management for multi-core systems.},
	url = {},
	venue = {San Jose, CA, USA},
	year = {2011}
38th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2011), San Jose, CA, USA, June 2011
	author = {Boris Grot and Joel Hestness and Stephen W. Keckler and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {38th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2011)},
	title = {Kilo-NOC: a heterogeneous network-on-chip architecture for scalability and service guarantees.},
	url = {},
	venue = {San Jose, CA, USA},
	year = {2011}
3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing, HotCloud'11, Portland, OR, USA, June 2011
	author = {Ankit Singla and Chi-Yao Hong and Lucian Popa and Brighten Godfrey},
	booktitle = {3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing, HotCloud{\textquoteright}11, Portland, OR, USA},
	title = {Jellyfish: Networking Data Centers, Randomly.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
19th International Workshop on Quality of Service, IWQoS 2011, San Jose, California, USA, Proceedings of the19th International Workshop on Quality of Service, IWQoS 2011, San Jose, California, USA, 6-7 June 2011. , June 2011
	author = {Ercan Ucan and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {19th International Workshop on Quality of Service, IWQoS 2011, San Jose, California, USA},
	title = {Dexferizer: A service for data transfer optimization.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the19th International Workshop on Quality of Service, IWQoS 2011, San Jose, California, USA, 6-7 June 2011. },
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 14 ; Department of Computer Science, June 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Nesime Tatbul
	author = {Ozan Kaya},
	school = {14 },
	title = {Performance Benchmarking of Stream Processing Architectures with Persistence and Enrichment Support},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 13; Department of Computer Science, June 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Nesime Tatbul
	author = {Burak Kalay},
	school = {13},
	title = {Tools and Techniques for Exploring Execution Model Relationships across Heterogeneous Stream Processing Engines},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomic Computing, ICAC 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2011
	author = {Howard David and Chris Fallin and Eugene Gorbatov and Ulf R. Hanebutte and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomic Computing, ICAC 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany},
	title = {Memory power management via dynamic voltage/frequency scaling.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 12 ; Department of Computer Science, June 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Nesime Tatbul
	author = {Asli {\"O}zal},
	school = {12 },
	title = {Real-Time Route Planning with Stream Processing Systems: A Case Study for the City of Luzern},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Memory Management, ISMM 2011, San Jose, CA, USA, June 2011
	author = {Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Memory Management, ISMM 2011, San Jose, CA, USA},
	title = {Memory systems in the many-core era: challenges, opportunities, and solution directions.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 29; Department of Computer Science, June 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Daniel Thomas},
	school = {29},
	title = {Spam-Free Internet Search With SocialSearch},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2011, Athens, Greece, June 2011
	author = {Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili and Tahmineh Sanamrad and Peter M. Fischer and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2011, Athens, Greece},
	title = {Changing flights in mid-air: a model for safely modifying continuous queries.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2011, Athens, Greece, June 2011
	author = {Michael J. Franklin and Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska and Sukriti Ramesh and Reynold Xin},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2011, Athens, Greece},
	title = {CrowdDB: answering queries with crowdsourcing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2011, Athens, Greece, June 2011
	author = {Jens Teubner and Ren{\'e} M{\"u}ller},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2011, Athens, Greece},
	title = {How soccer players would do stream joins.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 11 ; Department of Computer Science, May 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
We introduce two approaches to augmenting English-Arabic statistical machine translation (SMT) with linguistic knowledge. The first approach improves SMT by adding linguistically motivated syntactic features to particular phrases. These added features are based on the English syntactic information, namely part-of-speech tags and dependency parse trees. We achieved improvements of 0.2 and 0.6 in BLEU score on two different data sets over the state-of-the-art SMT baseline system. The second approach improves morphological agreement in machine translation output through post-processing. Our method uses the projection of the English dependency parse tree onto the Arabic sentence in addition to the Arabic morphological analysis in order to extract the agreement relations between words in the Arabic sentence. Afterwards, classifiers for individual morphological features are trained using syntactic and morphological information from both the source and target languages. The predicted morphological features are then used to generate the correct surface forms. Our method achieves a statistically significant improvement over the baseline system according to human evaluation.
	abstract = {We introduce two approaches to augmenting English-Arabic statistical machine translation
(SMT) with linguistic knowledge. The first approach improves SMT by adding linguistically
motivated syntactic features to particular phrases. These added features are based on the English
syntactic information, namely part-of-speech tags and dependency parse trees. We achieved
improvements of 0.2 and 0.6 in BLEU score on two different data sets over the state-of-the-art
SMT baseline system. The second approach improves morphological agreement in machine
translation output through post-processing. Our method uses the projection of the English dependency
parse tree onto the Arabic sentence in addition to the Arabic morphological analysis
in order to extract the agreement relations between words in the Arabic sentence. Afterwards,
classifiers for individual morphological features are trained using syntactic and morphological
information from both the source and target languages. The predicted morphological features
are then used to generate the correct surface forms. Our method achieves a statistically significant
improvement over the baseline system according to human evaluation.},
	author = {Soha Sultan},
	school = {11 },
	title = {Applying Morphology to English-Arabic Statistical Machine Translation},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 10 ; Department of Computer Science, May 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Kaveh Razavi},
	school = {10 },
	title = {Performance isolation on multicore hardware},
	year = {2011}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 19694, May 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
A variety of applications require low-latency processing of data that comes in highlydynamic streams of items. These applications are implemented using Data Stream Management Systems (DSMSs). More recently, new application domains like real-time business intelligence turned to the “on-the-fly” processing model employed by these systems for a solution to their challenges. As a result, the requirements imposed on the DSMSs have become more complex: e.g., mechanisms for correlating data streams with stored information or near-real time complex analysis of large portions of streaming data. In order to meet the evolving requirements of modern streaming applications, a clean, flexible and high performance DSMS design is required. Although many system implementations were proposed, none of them offers a clean, systematic approach to data storage management. Rather, the storage manager is usually tightly coupled with the continuous query execution engine. This design decision limits the possibility for further performance improvement and severely restricts the flexibility necessary to accommodate new application requirements. Moreover, today, there is no standard for querying streams and, as a result, each DSMS exposes its own execution semantics, making the implementation of the new requirements even more challenging. This dissertation investigates the design and implementation of a general-purpose storage management framework for Data Stream Management Systems, that we name SMS (Storage Manager for Streams). The ultimate goal of this framework is to provide a general, clean, flexible and high-performance storage management system which could be virtually “plugged” into any DSMS. In order to achieve this goal, in this work, we combine the experience gained over decades of research on Database Management Systems with the high-performance mechanisms employed by the Data Stream Management Systems. Following the database systems architecture design, this framework is based on the principle of separating concerns: the query processor is decoupled from the storage manager. As such, the storage system obtains the flexibility necessary to accommodate new requirements, behind a general interface. Moreover, it can provide specialized store implementations tailored to the particular requirements of the applications, which is key to achieving good performance. In this respect, an important contribution of the framework is the reuse of the access patterns of the continuous query operators to tune the stores’ implementation and as such, to speed up the access on materialized data. In addition, the unified transactional model proposed in this dissertation makes minimal extensions to the traditional transactional model in order to accommodate streams and continuous queries. As a result, it offers a clean semantics for continuous query execution over arbitrary combinations of data sources (streaming and stored) in the presence of concurrent access and failures. And even more, it can be used to explain the transactional behavior of state-of-the-art DSMSs. A series of experiments are conducted using the Linear Road streaming benchmark’s implementation in MXQuery (a Java-based open-source XQuery engine, extended with window functions for continuous processing). MXQuery uses SMS for all its data storage related tasks. Our experiments show that the response time of the continuous queries can indeed be lowered if the store implementations are tuned according to the access patterns of the continuous query operators. Moreover, a transaction manager implementing the unified transactional model and designed as an additional component between the access and storage layers of SMS provides correctness and reliability for the Linear Road application with practically no performance penalty. As such, the experimental results indicate that a storage manager built on these ideas is a promising approach.
	abstract = {A variety of applications require low-latency processing of data that comes in highlydynamic streams of items. These applications are implemented using Data Stream Management Systems (DSMSs). More recently, new application domains like real-time business intelligence turned to the {\textquotedblleft}on-the-fly{\textquotedblright} processing model employed by these systems for a solution to their challenges. As a result, the requirements imposed on the DSMSs have become more complex: e.g., mechanisms for correlating data streams with stored information or near-real time complex analysis of large portions of streaming data.
In order to meet the evolving requirements of modern streaming applications, a clean, flexible and high performance DSMS design is required. Although many system implementations were proposed, none of them offers a clean, systematic approach to data storage management. Rather, the storage manager is usually tightly coupled with the continuous query execution engine. This design decision limits the possibility for further performance improvement and severely restricts the flexibility necessary to accommodate new application requirements. Moreover, today, there is no standard for querying
streams and, as a result, each DSMS exposes its own execution semantics, making the implementation of the new requirements even more challenging.
This dissertation investigates the design and implementation of a general-purpose storage management framework for Data Stream Management Systems, that we name SMS (Storage Manager for Streams). The ultimate goal of this framework is to provide a general, clean, flexible and high-performance storage management system which could be virtually {\textquotedblleft}plugged{\textquotedblright} into any DSMS. In order to achieve this goal, in this work, we combine the experience gained over decades of research on Database Management Systems with the high-performance mechanisms employed by the Data Stream Management Systems.
Following the database systems architecture design, this framework is based on the principle of separating concerns: the query processor is decoupled from the storage manager. As such, the storage system obtains the flexibility necessary to accommodate new requirements, behind a general interface. Moreover, it can provide specialized store implementations tailored to the particular requirements of the applications, which is key to achieving good performance. In this respect, an important contribution of the framework is the reuse of the access patterns of the continuous query operators to tune the stores{\textquoteright} implementation and as such, to speed up the access on materialized data. In addition, the unified transactional model proposed in this dissertation makes minimal extensions to the traditional transactional model in order to accommodate streams and continuous queries. As a result, it offers a clean semantics for continuous query execution over arbitrary combinations of data sources (streaming and stored) in the presence of concurrent access and failures. And even more, it can be used to explain the transactional behavior of state-of-the-art DSMSs.
A series of experiments are conducted using the Linear Road streaming benchmark{\textquoteright}s implementation in MXQuery (a Java-based open-source XQuery engine, extended with window functions for continuous processing). MXQuery uses SMS for all its data storage related tasks. Our experiments show that the response time of the continuous queries can indeed be lowered if the store implementations are tuned according to the access patterns of the continuous query operators. Moreover, a transaction manager implementing the unified transactional model and designed as an additional component between the access and storage layers of SMS provides correctness and reliability for the Linear Road application with practically no performance penalty. As such, the experimental results indicate that a storage manager built on these ideas is a promising approach.},
	author = {Irina Botan},
	school = {19694},
	title = {Storage Management Techniques for Stream Processing},
	year = {2011}
NOCS 2011, Fifth ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 2011
	author = {Michael Papamichael and James C. Hoe and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {NOCS 2011, Fifth ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA},
	title = {FIST: A fast, lightweight, FPGA-friendly packet latency estimator for NoC modeling in full-system simulations.},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Supercomputing, 2011, Tucson, AZ, USA, May 2011
	author = {Licheng Chen and Yongbing Huang and Yungang Bao and Onur Mutlu and Guangming Tan and Mingyu Chen},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Supercomputing, 2011, Tucson, AZ, USA},
	title = {Poster: revisiting virtual channel memory for performance and fairness on multi-core architecture.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 8; Department of Computer Science, May 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Jana Giceva},
	school = {8},
	title = {Database-Operating System Co-Design},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2011, Hannover, Germany, April 2011
	author = {Maximilian Ahrens and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2011},
	title = {Relational databases, virtualization, and the cloud.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Hannover, Germany},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 2; Department of Computer Science, April 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
Despite the advances in the areas of databases and information retrieval, there still remain certain types of queries that are difficult to answer using machines alone. Such queries require human interaction to either provide data that is not readily available to machines or to gain more information from existing electronic data. CrowdDB is a database system that enables difficult queries to be answered by using crowdsourcing to integrate human knowledge with electronically available data. To a large extent, the concepts and capabilities of traditional database systems are leveraged in CrowdDB. Despite the commonalities, since CrowdDB deals with procuring and utilizing human input, several existing capabilities of traditional database systems require modifications and extensions. Much unlike electronically available data, human input provided by crowdsourcing is unbounded and virtually infinite. Accordingly, CrowdDB is a system based on an open-world assumption. An extension of SQL, termed as Crowd- SQL, is used to model data and manipulate it. CrowdSQL is also used as the language to express complex queries on the integrated data sources. Furthermore, interaction with the crowd in CrowdDB requires an additional component that governs automatic user interface generation, based on available schemas and queries. Also, performance acquires a new meaning in the context of a system such as CrowdDB. Response time (efficiency), quality (effectiveness) and cost (in $) in CrowdDB are dependent on a number of different parameters including the availability of the crowd, financial rewards for tasks and state of the crowdsourcing platform. In this thesis, we propose the design, architecture and functioning of CrowdDB. In addition, we present the details of building such a system on an existing Java-based database, H2. The design and functionalities of CrowdDB have also been presented in [13].
	abstract = {Despite the advances in the areas of databases and information retrieval, there still remain certain
types of queries that are difficult to answer using machines alone. Such queries require human interaction
to either provide data that is not readily available to machines or to gain more information from
existing electronic data.
CrowdDB is a database system that enables difficult queries to be answered by using crowdsourcing
to integrate human knowledge with electronically available data. To a large extent, the concepts
and capabilities of traditional database systems are leveraged in CrowdDB. Despite the commonalities,
since CrowdDB deals with procuring and utilizing human input, several existing capabilities of
traditional database systems require modifications and extensions. Much unlike electronically available
data, human input provided by crowdsourcing is unbounded and virtually infinite. Accordingly,
CrowdDB is a system based on an open-world assumption. An extension of SQL, termed as Crowd-
SQL, is used to model data and manipulate it. CrowdSQL is also used as the language to express
complex queries on the integrated data sources. Furthermore, interaction with the crowd in CrowdDB
requires an additional component that governs automatic user interface generation, based on available
schemas and queries. Also, performance acquires a new meaning in the context of a system such as
CrowdDB. Response time (efficiency), quality (effectiveness) and cost (in $) in CrowdDB are dependent
on a number of different parameters including the availability of the crowd, financial rewards for
tasks and state of the crowdsourcing platform. In this thesis, we propose the design, architecture and
functioning of CrowdDB. In addition, we present the details of building such a system on an existing
Java-based database, H2. The design and functionalities of CrowdDB have also been presented in
	author = {Sukriti Ramesh},
	school = {2},
	title = {CrowdDB \&$\#$150; Answering Queries with Crowdsourcing},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 7; Department of Computer Science, April 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
The web has become a real-time communication medium, used by a large amount of people, in ever-increasing parts of their daily life. This new usage pattern gives advertisers and marketeers great opportunities to learn about their customers' temporal interests, thoughts and current context. Despite it's a well known fact that this information is extremely valuable for advertising and product recommendation, online advertising is adapting only slowly. This is mainly due to the fact that it's not clear what information is valuable to use, the huge amount of produced data and the lack of effcient models to process this data. This thesis describes an approach to implement Scalable Real-Time Product Recommendation based on Users Activity in a Social Network. The products are taken from and the used social network is the microblogging platform Twitter. It presents an implementation of this approach on top of the key-value database Cassandra, using a system called Triggy. Triggy extends Cassandra with incremental Map-Reduce tasks for push-style data processing. Use cases that require high-performance analysis of large amounts of data, are the showpiece of every stream processing engine. These engines are built to process massive amounts of data in very short time. Therefore, this thesis contains a comparison between four state-of-the-art distributed stream processing engines and the implementation with Triggy. It's showed that the analyzed use case has various properties that make it's implementation in a stream processing engine impossible. Finally, a demo application is presented, to show the described approach.
	abstract = {The web has become a real-time communication medium, used by a large
amount of people, in ever-increasing parts of their daily life. This new usage
pattern gives advertisers and marketeers great opportunities to learn about
their customers{\textquoteright} temporal interests, thoughts and current context.
Despite it{\textquoteright}s a well known fact that this information is extremely valuable for
advertising and product recommendation, online advertising is adapting only
slowly. This is mainly due to the fact that it{\textquoteright}s not clear what information is
valuable to use, the huge amount of produced data and the lack of effcient
models to process this data.
This thesis describes an approach to implement Scalable Real-Time Product
Recommendation based on Users Activity in a Social Network. The products
are taken from and the used social network is the microblogging
platform Twitter. It presents an implementation of this approach on top of the
key-value database Cassandra, using a system called Triggy. Triggy extends
Cassandra with incremental Map-Reduce tasks for push-style data processing.
Use cases that require high-performance analysis of large amounts of data,
are the showpiece of every stream processing engine. These engines are built to
process massive amounts of data in very short time. Therefore, this thesis contains
a comparison between four state-of-the-art distributed stream processing
engines and the implementation with Triggy. It{\textquoteright}s showed that the analyzed use
case has various properties that make it{\textquoteright}s implementation in a stream processing
engine impossible.
Finally, a demo application is presented, to show the described approach.},
	author = {Michael Haspra},
	school = {7},
	title = {Scalable Real-Time Product Recommendation based on Users Activity in a Social Network},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 6; Department of Computer Science, April 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
This thesis presents a mechanical pattern-based transformation method for introducing an asynchronous communication mode in a legacy PL/I application running on the IMS platform. The method is presented as part of a more generally applicable framework of governing high-level solution concepts. Together, the solutions form a cost-flexible spectrum of holistic approaches ranging from a Synchronous Callout to a full asynchronous Request/Callback-based mode. The provided reengineering patterns consist of well-defined mechanical steps; hence the resulting cost is highly predictable. As a further benefit, both the patterns and solutions are mutually independent, thereby making the framework modular and in turn facilitating enhancement and replacement on the level of individual components. Work on this project was initiated as a result of newly arising circumstances in the IT infrastructure of Credit Suisse. For the first time, the mainframe is expected to serve as a client of cross-platform communication and as previous research has shown, synchronous communication may in many cases prove insufficient. The approach demonstrated in this work was designed to mitigate the corresponding deficiencies. It is expected to serve as a foundation for a complete, inexpensive reengineering solution with well-defined risks that will considerably ease the upcoming large-scale migration of legacy applications away from the mainframe.
	abstract = {This thesis presents a mechanical pattern-based transformation method for introducing an asynchronous communication mode in a legacy PL/I application running on the IMS platform. The method is presented as part of a more generally applicable framework of governing high-level solution concepts. Together, the solutions form a cost-flexible spectrum of holistic approaches ranging from a Synchronous Callout to a full asynchronous Request/Callback-based mode.
The provided reengineering patterns consist of well-defined mechanical steps; hence the resulting cost is highly predictable. As a further benefit, both the patterns and solutions are mutually independent, thereby making the framework modular and in turn facilitating enhancement and replacement on the level of individual components.
Work on this project was initiated as a result of newly arising circumstances in the IT infrastructure of Credit Suisse. For the first time, the mainframe is expected to serve as a client of cross-platform communication and as previous research has shown, synchronous communication may in many cases prove insufficient. The approach demonstrated in this work was designed to mitigate the corresponding deficiencies. It is expected to serve as a foundation for a complete, inexpensive reengineering solution with well-defined risks that will considerably ease the upcoming large-scale migration of legacy applications away from the mainframe.},
	author = {Lucia Ambrosova},
	school = {6},
	title = {A cost-flexible approach to transforming a legacy PL/I application to perform an asynchronous remote service call},
	year = {2011}
Database Systems for Advanced Applications - 16th International Conference, DASFAA 2011, Hong Kong, China, April 2011
	author = {Junjie Yao and Bin Cui and Qiaosha Han and Ce Zhang and Yanhong Zhou},
	booktitle = {Database Systems for Advanced Applications - 16th International Conference, DASFAA 2011, Hong Kong, China},
	title = {Modeling User Expertise in Folksonomies by Fusing Multi-type Features.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 3; Department of Computer Science, March 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
We provide a framework to design, create, test and evaluate linear forecasting models incorporating query statistics. As part of the framework we provide algorithms for identifying search terms that have forecasting power. We test the algorithms performances empirically with Google statistics on three applications: stock market volatility, arrivals in the Republic of Seychelles and initial unemployment claims in the USA. We also showcase the framework by improving stock market volatility forecasts. Finally we compare Google and Twitter query statistics.
	abstract = {We provide a framework to design, create, test and evaluate linear forecasting
models incorporating query statistics. As part of the framework we provide algorithms
for identifying search terms that have forecasting power. We test the
algorithms performances empirically with Google statistics on three applications:
stock market volatility, arrivals in the Republic of Seychelles and initial unemployment
claims in the USA. We also showcase the framework by improving
stock market volatility forecasts. Finally we compare Google and Twitter query
	author = {Romain Beker},
	school = {3},
	title = {Forecasting Stock Market Volatility with Search Engine Query Statistics},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 1; Department of Computer Science, March 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Andreas Morf},
	school = {1},
	title = {Snapshot Isolation in Distributed Column-Stores},
	year = {2011}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. 5; Department of Computer Science, March 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Conrado Plano},
	school = {5},
	title = {Complex Query Processing with MapReduce in a Multi-Terabyte Logging Cluster},
	year = {2011}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 19610, March 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Computing systems are increasingly becoming dynamic. One example is cloud computing and its property of elasticity. On cloud platforms, resources in the form of additional nodes can be added and removed at any time. Software systems expected to run in such environments, on the other hand, are not nearly as elastic and flexible. Another example is the clearly visible trend towards incorporating an increasing number of processor cores into modern computer systems. In the future, it is likely that not all of these cores will have a uniform instruction set anymore but specialized units are used to accelerate certain tasks. At the same time, however, the power envelope of computer systems is increasingly becoming an issue so that probably not all cores can run at the same time anymore. Software written for such systems is thereby required to adapt to a changing pool of resources, a situation that today’s software is hardly prepared for. This thesis contributes towards understanding how to build software systems that are able to reflect such a degree of flexibility. The fundamental observation underlying this work is that in order to respond to the emerging dynamism in the platforms, software has to become equally flexible in its design. This requires a segregation of the software into smaller units. In the early days of computer science similar challenges in the development process of complex software have catalyzed the concept of software modularity. The premise of this thesis is that the same kind of modularization—when not only applied on a logical level to the source code but also in a physical form and preserved until runtime— results in the required degrees of freedom in the design of software systems. In combination with a smart runtime system, this approach turns software into flexible, fluid entities able to adapt to a dynamic environment. Three systems are presented in this thesis which are based upon the OSGi standard for dynamic modules in the Java language. They enhance the standard with different degrees of flexibility. The Juggle system co-manages software modules and the binaries for reprogramming an FPGA device so that applications can be selectively accelerated on demand and without interrupting running operations. The CPU/FPGA board serves as an example of a computer system that is already dynamic and reprogrammable today.
	abstract = {Computing systems are increasingly becoming dynamic. One example is cloud computing
and its property of elasticity. On cloud platforms, resources in the form of additional
nodes can be added and removed at any time. Software systems expected to run in such
environments, on the other hand, are not nearly as elastic and flexible. Another example
is the clearly visible trend towards incorporating an increasing number of processor
cores into modern computer systems. In the future, it is likely that not all of these cores
will have a uniform instruction set anymore but specialized units are used to accelerate
certain tasks. At the same time, however, the power envelope of computer systems is
increasingly becoming an issue so that probably not all cores can run at the same time
anymore. Software written for such systems is thereby required to adapt to a changing
pool of resources, a situation that today\&$\#$146;s software is hardly prepared for.
This thesis contributes towards understanding how to build software systems that are
able to reflect such a degree of flexibility. The fundamental observation underlying this
work is that in order to respond to the emerging dynamism in the platforms, software
has to become equally flexible in its design. This requires a segregation of the software
into smaller units. In the early days of computer science similar challenges in the development
process of complex software have catalyzed the concept of software modularity.
The premise of this thesis is that the same kind of modularization\&$\#$151;when not only applied
on a logical level to the source code but also in a physical form and preserved until
runtime\&$\#$151; results in the required degrees of freedom in the design of software systems.
In combination with a smart runtime system, this approach turns software into flexible,
fluid entities able to adapt to a dynamic environment.
Three systems are presented in this thesis which are based upon the OSGi standard
for dynamic modules in the Java language. They enhance the standard with different
degrees of flexibility. The Juggle system co-manages software modules and the binaries
for reprogramming an FPGA device so that applications can be selectively accelerated
on demand and without interrupting running operations. The CPU/FPGA board serves
as an example of a computer system that is already dynamic and reprogrammable today.},
	author = {Jan S. Rellermeyer},
	school = {19610},
	title = {Modularity as a Systems Design Principle},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2011, Newport Beach, CA, USA, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2011, Newport Beach, CA, USA, March 5-11, 2011., March 2011
	author = {Adrian Sch{\"u}pbach and Andrew Baumann and Timothy Roscoe and Simon Peter},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2011, Newport Beach, CA, USA},
	title = {A declarative language approach to device configuration.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2011, Newport Beach, CA, USA, March 5-11, 2011.},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2011, Hyderabad, India, (Companion Volume), March 2011
	author = {Maria P. Grineva and Maxim Grinev and Dmitry Lizorkin and Alexander Boldakov and Denis Turdakov and Andrey Syssoev and Alexander Kiyko},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2011, Hyderabad, India},
	title = {Blognoon: exploring a topic in the blogosphere.},
	url = {},
	venue = {(Companion Volume)},
	year = {2011}
17th International Conference on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-17 2011), San Antonio, Texas, USA, February 2011
	author = {Chris Fallin and Chris Craik and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {17th International Conference on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-17 2011)},
	title = {CHIPPER: A low-complexity bufferless deflection router.},
	url = {},
	venue = {San Antonio, Texas, USA},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2011, Glasgow, United Kingdom, January 2011
	author = {Lukas Blunschi and Claudio Jossen and Donald Kossmann and Magdalini Mori and Kurt Stockinger},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2011, Glasgow, United Kingdom},
	title = {Data-Thirsty Business Analysts need SODA - Search Over DAta Warehouse},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
PVLDB, January 2011
	author = {AnHai Doan and Michael J. Franklin and Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Crowdsourcing Applications and Platforms: A Data Management Perspective.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
IEEE Micro, January 2011
	author = {M. Aater Suleman and Onur Mutlu and Jos{\'e} A. Joao and Khubaib and Yale N. Patt},
	journal = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Data Marshaling for Multicore Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., January 2011
	author = {Jens Teubner and Ren{\'e} M{\"u}ller and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng.},
	title = {Frequent Item Computation on a Chip},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
VLDB J., January 2011
This paper addresses the problem of minimizing the staleness of query results for streaming applications with update semantics under overload conditions. Staleness is a measure of how out-of-date the results are compared with the latest data arriving on the input. Real-time streaming applications are subject to overload due to unpredictably increasing data rates, while in many of them, we observe that data streams and queries in fact exhibit “update semantics” (i.e., the latest input data are all that really matters when producing a query result). Under such semantics, overload will cause staleness to build up. The key to avoid this is to exploit the update semantics of applications as early as possible in the processing pipeline. In this paper, we propose UpStream, a storage-centric framework for load management over streaming applications with update semantics.We first describe how we model streams and queries that possess the update semantics, providing definitions for correctness and staleness for the query results. Then, we show how staleness can be minimized based on intelligent update key scheduling techniques applied at the queue level, while preserving the correctness of the results, even for complex queries that involve sliding windows. UpStream is based on the simple idea of applying the updates in place, yet with great returns in terms of lowering staleness and memory consumption, as we also experimentally verify on the Borealis system.
	abstract = {This paper addresses the problem of minimizing
the staleness of query results for streaming applications
with update semantics under overload conditions. Staleness
is a measure of how out-of-date the results are compared
with the latest data arriving on the input. Real-time streaming
applications are subject to overload due to unpredictably
increasing data rates, while in many of them, we observe that
data streams and queries in fact exhibit \&$\#$147;update semantics\&$\#$148;
(i.e., the latest input data are all that really matters when
producing a query result). Under such semantics, overload
will cause staleness to build up. The key to avoid this is to
exploit the update semantics of applications as early as possible
in the processing pipeline. In this paper, we propose
UpStream, a storage-centric framework for load management
over streaming applications with update semantics.We
first describe how we model streams and queries that possess
the update semantics, providing definitions for correctness
and staleness for the query results. Then, we show how staleness
can be minimized based on intelligent update key scheduling
techniques applied at the queue level, while preserving
the correctness of the results, even for complex queries that
involve sliding windows. UpStream is based on the simple
idea of applying the updates in place, yet with great returns
in terms of lowering staleness and memory consumption, as
we also experimentally verify on the Borealis system.},
	author = {Alexandru Moga and Irina Botan and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {UpStream: storage-centric load management for streaming applications with update semantics},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
CoRR, January 2011
	author = {Ankit Singla and Chi-Yao Hong and Lucian Popa and Brighten Godfrey},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Jellyfish: Networking Data Centers Randomly},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
IEEE Micro, January 2011
	author = {Yoongu Kim and Michael Papamichael and Onur Mutlu and Mor Harchol-Balter},
	journal = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Thread Cluster Memory Scheduling.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
January 2011
With sinking storage costs, it becomes more and more feasible, and popular, to retain past versions of documents and data. While undoing changes is worthy, this becomes even more valuable if the data is queryable. Nowadays, there are two widespread version control paradigms: document versioning (SVN, git, etc.) and versioned databases. The former handles any kind of document, even binary, but only sees lines of text, so that the query capability is limited. The latter provide fine-grained temporal query capabilities on highly structured data - but storing everything in a relational database is not desirable. The goal of this paper is to provide a unified framework for efficiently versioning, querying and updating not only data and documents, but also, inbetween, any kind of semi-structured information, like XML. We start with the XQuery programming language and meticulously extend its data model, its syntax and its processing model to make it seamlessly time-aware. We provide data structures and algorithms for the efficient implementation of such a versioning system. Finally, we show that there is no significant performance loss for traditional queries when enriching an existing engine with versioning capabilities.
	abstract = {With sinking storage costs, it becomes more and more feasible, and popular, to
retain past versions of documents and data. While undoing changes is worthy,
this becomes even more valuable if the data is queryable. Nowadays, there are
two widespread version control paradigms: document versioning (SVN, git, etc.)
and versioned databases. The former handles any kind of document, even binary,
but only sees lines of text, so that the query capability is limited. The latter
provide fine-grained temporal query capabilities on highly structured data - but
storing everything in a relational database is not desirable. The goal of this
paper is to provide a unified framework for efficiently versioning, querying and
updating not only data and documents, but also, inbetween, any kind of
semi-structured information, like XML. We start with the XQuery programming
language and meticulously extend its data model, its syntax and its processing
model to make it seamlessly time-aware. We provide data structures and
algorithms for the efficient implementation of such a versioning system.
Finally, we show that there is no significant performance loss for traditional
queries when enriching an existing engine with versioning capabilities.},
	author = {Ghislain Fourny and Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann and Markos Zaharioudakis},
	title = {A Time Machine for XML},
	year = {2011}
January 2011
	author = {Simon Peter and Andrew Baumann and Zachary R. Anderson and Timothy Roscoe},
	title = {Gang scheduling isn\&$\#$146;t worth it. . . yet},
	year = {2011}
Wirtschaftsinformatik, January 2011
	author = {Peter Loos and Jens Lechtenb{\"o}rger and Gottfried Vossen and Alexander Zeier and Jens Kr{\"u}ger and J{\"u}rgen M{\"u}ller and Wolfgang Lehner and Donald Kossmann and Benjamin Fabian and Oliver G{\"u}nther and Robert Winter},
	booktitle = {Wirtschaftsinformatik},
	title = {In-Memory-Datenmanagement in betrieblichen Anwendungssystemen.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the XML Prague 2011 Conference, Prague, CZ, January 2011
In our community there are three main models for representing and processing data: Relations, XML and RDF. Each of these models has its "sweet spot" for applications and its own query language; very few implementations cater for more than one of these. We describe a uniform platform which provides interfaces for different query languages to retrieve and modify the same information or combine it with other data sources. This paper presents methods for completely and correctly translating SQL and SPARQL into XQuery since XQuery provides the most expressive foundation. Early results with our current prototype show that the translation from SPARQL to XQuery already achieves very competitive performance, whereas there is still a significant performance gap compared to SQL.
	abstract = {In our community there are three main models for representing and processing data: Relations, XML and RDF. Each of these models has its "sweet spot" for applications and its own query language; very few implementations cater for more than one of these. We describe a uniform platform which provides interfaces for different query languages to retrieve and modify the same information or combine it with other data sources. This paper presents methods for completely and correctly translating SQL and SPARQL into XQuery since XQuery provides the most expressive foundation. Early results with our current prototype show that the translation from SPARQL to XQuery already achieves very competitive performance, whereas there is still a significant performance gap compared to SQL.},
	author = {Martin Kaufmann and Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann and Peter M. Fischer},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the XML Prague 2011 Conference, Prague, CZ},
	title = {Translating SPARQL and SQL to XQuery},
	year = {2011}
IEEE Micro, January 2011
	author = {Reetuparna Das and Onur Mutlu and Thomas Moscibroda and Chita R. Das},
	journal = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {A{\'e}rgia: A Network-on-Chip Exploiting Packet Latency Slack.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
January 2011
	author = {Stefan Hildenbrand and Donald Kossmann and Tahmineh Sanamrad and Carsten Binnig and Franz Faerber and Johannes Woehler},
	title = {Query Processing on Encrypted Data in the Cloud},
	year = {2011}
Middleware 2011 - ACM/IFIP/USENIX 12th International Middleware Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2011
	author = {Michael Duller and Jan S. Rellermeyer and Gustavo Alonso and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Middleware 2011 - ACM/IFIP/USENIX 12th International Middleware Conference, Lisbon, Portugal},
	title = {Virtualizing Stream Processing},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Dagstuhl Reports, January 2011
	author = {Anastasia Ailamaki and Michael J. Carey and Donald Kossmann and Steve Loughran and Volker Markl},
	booktitle = {Dagstuhl Reports},
	title = {Information Management in the Cloud (Dagstuhl Seminar 11321).},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
January 2011
Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are chip devices that can be runtime-reconfigured to realize arbitrary processing tasks directly in hardware. Industrial products as well as research prototypes demonstrated how this capability can be exploited to build highly efficient processors for data warehousing, data mining, or stream analysis tasks. On the flip side, the construction of dedicated hardware circuits requires considerable engineering efforts and skills that are often not available in application-focussed development teams. To bridge this gap, at ETH we have developed a set of tools that aid developers of high-performance stream processing solutions and enable agile hardware generation for changing application demands. In this demonstration, we showcase Snowfall, a compiler tool for low-level stream analysis. Comparable to scanner generators for software-based systems (e.g., lex/flex), Snowfall can be used to decode incoming data streams in hardware, react to low-level patterns in a stream, and perform initial input data analysis. Snowfall plays well together with Glacier, a query-to-hardware compiler that we described and demonstrated earlier. A typical use case is to use Snowfall for input parsing and pre-processing, then perform SQL-style query processing on top with a hardware query plan obtained with the help of Glacier. In the demo, we illustrate Snowfall based on a real-world use case with exceptionally high demands for throughput and latency. With the help of Snowfall, we perform risk checking for financial trading applications. Snowfall allows for a declarative description of the problem, yet will generate a hardware circuit that can process input streams in real time.
	abstract = {Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are chip devices that can be runtime-reconfigured to realize arbitrary processing tasks directly in hardware. Industrial products as well as research prototypes demonstrated how this capability can be exploited to build highly efficient processors for data warehousing, data mining, or stream analysis tasks. 
On the flip side, the construction of dedicated hardware circuits requires considerable engineering efforts and skills that are often not available in application-focussed development teams. To bridge this gap, at ETH we have developed a set of tools that aid developers of high-performance stream processing solutions and enable agile hardware generation for changing application demands. 
In this demonstration, we showcase Snowfall, a compiler tool for low-level stream analysis. Comparable to scanner generators for software-based systems (e.g., lex/flex), Snowfall can be used to decode incoming data streams in hardware, react to low-level patterns in a stream, and perform initial input data analysis. Snowfall plays well together with Glacier, a query-to-hardware compiler that we described and demonstrated earlier. A typical use case is to use Snowfall for input parsing and pre-processing, then perform SQL-style query processing on top with a hardware query plan obtained with the help of Glacier. 
In the demo, we illustrate Snowfall based on a real-world use case with exceptionally high demands for throughput and latency. With the help of Snowfall, we perform risk checking for financial trading applications. Snowfall allows for a declarative description of the problem, yet will generate a hardware circuit that can process input streams in real time.},
	author = {Jens Teubner and Louis Woods},
	title = {Snowfall: Hardware Stream Analysis Made Easy},
	year = {2011}
IEEE Micro, January 2011
	author = {Yale N. Patt and Onur Mutlu},
	journal = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Top Picks [Guest editors{\textquoteright} introduction].},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications OOPLSA 2011, Portland Oregon, USA, Oct. 22-27,2011. , January 2011
	author = {Zachary R. Anderson and David Gay},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications OOPLSA 2011, Portland Oregon, USA, Oct. 22-27,2011. },
	title = {Composable, Nestable, Pessimistic Atomic Statements},
	year = {2011}
VLDB J., January 2011
	author = {Ren{\'e} M{\"u}ller and Jens Teubner and Gustavo Alonso},
	journal = {VLDB J.},
	title = {Sorting Networks on FPGAs},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Business Information Systems Engineering, January 2011
	author = {Peter Loos and Jens Lechtenb{\"o}rger and Gottfried Vossen and Alexander Zeier and Jens Kr{\"u}ger and J{\"u}rgen M{\"u}ller and Wolfgang Lehner and Donald Kossmann and Benjamin Fabian and Oliver G{\"u}nther and Robert Winter},
	booktitle = {Business  Information Systems Engineering},
	title = {In-memory Databases in Business Information Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the Data Streams and Event Processing Workshop (co-located with BTW 2011), Kaiserslautern, Germany, January 2011
The current state of the art for provenance in data stream management systems (DSMS) is to provide provenance at a high level of abstraction (such as, from which sensors in a sensor network an aggregated value is derived from). This limitation was imposed by high-throughput requirements and an anticipated lack of application demand for more detailed provenance information. In this work, we first demonstrate by means of well-chosen use cases that this is a misconception, i.e., coarse-grained provenance is in fact insufficient for many application domains. We then analyze the requirements and challenges involved in integrating support for fine-grained provenance into a streaming system and outline a scalable solution for supporting tuple-level provenance in DSMS.
	abstract = {The current state of the art for provenance in data stream management
systems (DSMS) is to provide provenance at a high level of abstraction (such as, from
which sensors in a sensor network an aggregated value is derived from). This limitation
was imposed by high-throughput requirements and an anticipated lack of application
demand for more detailed provenance information. In this work, we first demonstrate 
by means of well-chosen use cases that this is a misconception, i.e., coarse-grained
provenance is in fact insufficient for many application domains. We then analyze the
requirements and challenges involved in integrating support for fine-grained provenance
into a streaming system and outline a scalable solution for supporting tuple-level
provenance in DSMS.},
	author = {Boris Glavic and Peter M. Fischer and Nesime Tatbul and Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Data Streams and Event Processing Workshop (co-located with BTW 2011), Kaiserslautern, Germany},
	title = {The Case for Fine-Grained Stream Provenance},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the VLDB International Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks (DMSN'11), Seattle, USA, Aug. 29. - Sept. 3, 2011. , January 2011
	author = {Cagri Balkesen and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the VLDB International Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks (DMSN{\textquoteright}11), Seattle, USA, Aug. 29. - Sept. 3, 2011. 	},
	title = {Scalable Data Partitioning Techniques for Parallel Sliding Window Processing over Data Streams },
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'11), New York, NY, USA, January 2011
	author = {Nihal Dindar and Peter M. Fischer and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS{\textquoteright}11), New York, NY, USA},
	title = {DejaVu: A Complex Event Processing System for Pattern Matching over Live and Historical Data Streams},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the XML Prague 2011 Conference, Prague, CZ, January 2011
Over the years, the HTML-based Web has become a platform for providing applications and dynamic pages that have little resemblance to the collection of static documents it had been in the beginning. This was made possible by the introduction of client-side programmable browsers. Because XML and HTML are cousins, XML technologies can be almost readily adapted for clientside programming. In the past, we suggested to do so with XQuery and implemented it as a plugin. However, using a plugin was seen as an insurmountable obstacle to a wider adoption of client-side XQuery. In this paper, we present a version of XQuery in the Browser without any plugin, needing only JavaScript to interpret XQuery code. This enables use even on mobile devices, where plugins are not available. Even though our current version is still considered to be at an alpha stage, we were able to deploy it successfully on most major desktop and mobile browsers. The size of the JS code is about 700KB. By activating compression on the web server (reducing the transfered data to less than 200 KB) as well caching on the client using the XQuery engine does not cause noticable overhead after the initial loading.
	abstract = {Over the years, the HTML-based Web has become a platform for providing
applications and dynamic pages that have little resemblance to the collection
of static documents it had been in the beginning. This was made possible by
the introduction of client-side programmable browsers. Because XML and
HTML are cousins, XML technologies can be almost readily adapted for clientside
programming. In the past, we suggested to do so with XQuery and implemented
it as a plugin. However, using a plugin was seen as an insurmountable
obstacle to a wider adoption of client-side XQuery.
In this paper, we present a version of XQuery in the Browser without any
plugin, needing only JavaScript to interpret XQuery code. This enables use
even on mobile devices, where plugins are not available. Even though our
current version is still considered to be at an alpha stage, we were able to deploy
it successfully on most major desktop and mobile browsers. The size of the JS
code is about 700KB. By activating compression on the web server (reducing
the transfered data to less than 200 KB) as well caching on the client using
the XQuery engine does not cause noticable overhead after the initial loading.},
	author = {Thomas Etter and Peter M. Fischer and Daniela Florescu and Ghislain Fourny and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the XML Prague 2011 Conference, Prague, CZ},
	title = {XQuery in the Browser reloaded Riding on the coat-tails of JavaScript},
	year = {2011}
January 2011
	author = {Martin Hentschel and Maxim Grinev and Donald Kossmann},
	title = {Building Data Flows Using Distributed Key-Value Stores},
	year = {2011}
CoRR, January 2011
	author = {Feng Niu and Ce Zhang and Christopher R{\'e} and Jude W. Shavlik},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Felix: Scaling Inference for Markov Logic with an Operator-based Approach},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
APSys '11 Asia Pacific Workshop on Systems, Shanghai, China, January 2011
Resource allocation is an increasing challenge for distributed network testbeds as computational and network resources are involved. Testbed designers have moved to a query-based model: clients provide a declarative description of their desired resources, and the provider allocate specific resources to meet the request. In this paper, we describe an new approach to negotiate testbed resources between clients and testbed providers: the clients specify their requests as constraints, and the providers reply with resource allocations expressed also as declarative set of constraints on resources. This gives providers more flexibility in late-binding of resources to requests, and opens up a wide design space to optimize resource allocation for efficiency, cost, utilization, or other metrics. Our simple first experiments suggest that the late-binding of resources enabled by representing resource reservation as constraints achieves better network resource utilization compared to the fixed assignment solution.
	abstract = {Resource allocation is an increasing challenge for distributed network
testbeds as computational and network resources are involved.
Testbed designers have moved to a query-based model: clients provide
a declarative description of their desired resources, and the
provider allocate specific resources to meet the request. In this paper,
we describe an new approach to negotiate testbed resources
between clients and testbed providers: the clients specify their requests
as constraints, and the providers reply with resource allocations
expressed also as declarative set of constraints on resources.
This gives providers more flexibility in late-binding of resources
to requests, and opens up a wide design space to optimize resource
allocation for efficiency, cost, utilization, or other metrics. Our simple
first experiments suggest that the late-binding of resources enabled
by representing resource reservation as constraints achieves
better network resource utilization compared to the fixed assignment
	author = {Qin Yin and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {APSys {\textquoteright}11 Asia Pacific Workshop on Systems, Shanghai, China},
	title = {A better way to negotiate for testbed resources},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
European Conference on Computer Systems, Proceedings of the Sixth European conference on Computer systems, EuroSys 2011, Salzburg, Austria, European Conference on Computer Systems, Proceedings of the Sixth European conference on Computer systems, EuroSys 2011 (pg. 17-30), Salzburg, Austria - April 10-13, 2011., January 2011
	author = {Tudor-Ioan Salomie and Ionut Emanuel Subasu and Jana Giceva and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Systems, Proceedings of the Sixth European conference on Computer systems, EuroSys 2011, Salzburg, Austria},
	title = {Database Engines on Multicores, Why Parallelize When You Can Distribute?},
	url = {},
	venue = {European Conference on Computer Systems, Proceedings of the Sixth European conference on Computer systems, EuroSys 2011 (pg. 17-30), Salzburg, Austria - April 10-13, 2011.},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SOCC 2011), Cascais, Portugal, Oct., 26-28, 2011., January 2011
	author = {Oriana Riva and Qin Yin and Dejan Juric and Ercan Ucan and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SOCC 2011), Cascais, Portugal, Oct., 26-28, 2011.},
	title = {Policy expressivity in the Anzere personal cloud},
	year = {2011}
IEEE Trans. Computers, January 2011
	author = {Chang Joo Lee and Onur Mutlu and Veynu Narasiman and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {IEEE Trans. Computers},
	title = {Prefetch-Aware Memory Controllers.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Distributed and Parallel Databases, January 2011
	author = {Erik Buchmann and Nesime Tatbul and Mario A. Nascimento},
	journal = {Distributed and Parallel Databases},
	title = {Query processing in sensor networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
January 2011
We demonstrate a hardware implementation of a complex event processor, built on top of field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Compared to CPU-based commodity systems, our solution shows distinctive advantages for stream monitoring tasks, e.g., wire-speed processing and predictable performance. The demonstration is based on a query-to-hardware compiler for complex event patterns that we presented at VLDB 2010 [1]. By example of a click stream monitoring application, we illustrate the inner workings of our compiler and indicate how FPGAs can act as efficient and reliable processors for event streams.
	abstract = {We demonstrate a hardware implementation of a
complex event processor, built on top of field-programmable gate
arrays (FPGAs). Compared to CPU-based commodity systems,
our solution shows distinctive advantages for stream monitoring
tasks, e.g., wire-speed processing and predictable performance.
The demonstration is based on a query-to-hardware compiler
for complex event patterns that we presented at VLDB 2010 [1].
By example of a click stream monitoring application, we illustrate
the inner workings of our compiler and indicate how FPGAs can
act as efficient and reliable processors for event streams.},
	author = {Louis Woods and Jens Teubner and Gustavo Alonso},
	title = {Real-Time Pattern Matching with FPGAs},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
PVLDB, January 2011
	author = {Amber Feng and Michael J. Franklin and Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska and Samuel Madden and Sukriti Ramesh and Andrew Wang and Reynold Xin},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {CrowdDB: Query Processing with the VLDB Crowd},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
GeoInformatica, January 2011
	author = {Jens Dittrich and Lukas Blunschi and Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles},
	booktitle = {GeoInformatica},
	title = {MOVIES: indexing moving objects by shooting index images.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
J. Internet Services and Applications, January 2011
	author = {Michael Duller and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {J. Internet Services and Applications},
	title = {A lightweight and extensible platform for processing personal information at global scale},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Workshops Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2011, Hannover, Germany, January 2011
The rapidly increasing amount of data available for real-time analysis (i.e., so-called operational business intelligence) is creating an interesting opportunity for creative approaches to speeding up data processing algorithms. One such approach that is starting to become more common is using hardware accelerators for stream processing. Typically these accelerators are implemented on top of reconfigurable hardware, known as fieldprogrammable gate arrays (FPGAs). Though the value of FPGAs for data warehouses is gradually recognized by the database community, their true potential for various business analytic tasks is yet unexplored. In this line of research, we investigate FPGA technology in the context of extreme data processing looking for opportunities where FPGAs can be exploited to improve over classical CPU-based architectures. We introduce a framework for FPGA-accelerated (real-time) analytics including a query-tohardware compiler for static complex event detection, an XPath engine for dynamic query workloads, and templates for highspeed data mining operators in hardware.
	abstract = {The rapidly increasing amount of data available for
real-time analysis (i.e., so-called operational business intelligence)
is creating an interesting opportunity for creative approaches to
speeding up data processing algorithms. One such approach that
is starting to become more common is using hardware accelerators
for stream processing. Typically these accelerators are
implemented on top of reconfigurable hardware, known as fieldprogrammable
gate arrays (FPGAs). Though the value of FPGAs
for data warehouses is gradually recognized by the database
community, their true potential for various business analytic tasks
is yet unexplored. In this line of research, we investigate FPGA
technology in the context of extreme data processing looking for
opportunities where FPGAs can be exploited to improve over
classical CPU-based architectures. We introduce a framework
for FPGA-accelerated (real-time) analytics including a query-tohardware
compiler for static complex event detection, an XPath
engine for dynamic query workloads, and templates for highspeed
data mining operators in hardware.},
	author = {Louis Woods and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Workshops Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2011},
	title = {Fast Data Analytics with FPGAs},
	url = {},
	venue = {Hannover, Germany},
	year = {2011}
PVLDB, January 2011
	author = {Alexandru Moga and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {UpStream: A Storagecentric Load Management System for Realtime Update Streams},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the 5 th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR 2011), Asilomar, CA, USA, Jan. 9-12, 2011 , January 2011
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5 th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR 2011), Asilomar, CA, USA, Jan. 9-12, 2011 },
	title = {SwissBox: An Architecture for Data Processing Appliances},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS 2011), Napa, CA, USA, January 2011
Current multicore OS benchmarks do not provide workloads that sufficiently reflect real-world use: they typically run a single application, whereas real workloads consist of multiple concurrent programs. In this paper we show that this lack of mixed workloads leads to benchmarks that do not fully exercise the OS and are therefore inadequate at predicting real-world behavior. This implies that effective multicore OS benchmarks must include mixed workloads, but the main design challenge is choosing an appropriate mix. We present a principled approach which treats benchmark design as an optimization problem. Our solution leads to a workload mix that uses as much of a system’s resources as possible, while also selecting applications whose performance is most sensitive to the availability of those resources.
	abstract = {Current multicore OS benchmarks do not provide
workloads that sufficiently reflect real-world use: they
typically run a single application, whereas real workloads
consist of multiple concurrent programs. In this
paper we show that this lack of mixed workloads leads
to benchmarks that do not fully exercise the OS and
are therefore inadequate at predicting real-world behavior.
This implies that effective multicore OS benchmarks
must include mixed workloads, but the main design challenge
is choosing an appropriate mix. We present a principled
approach which treats benchmark design as an optimization
problem. Our solution leads to a workload
mix that uses as much of a system\&$\#$146;s resources as possible,
while also selecting applications whose performance
is most sensitive to the availability of those resources.},
	author = {Ihor Kuz and Zachary R. Anderson and Pravin Shinde and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS 2011), Napa, CA, USA},
	title = {Multicore OS benchmarks: we can do better},
	year = {2011}
PVLDB, January 2011
	author = {Maxim N. Grinev and Maria P. Grineva and Martin Hentschel and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Analytics for the RealTime Web},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
PVLDB, January 2011
	author = {Boris Glavic and Jiang Du and Ren{\'e}e J. Miller and Gustavo Alonso and Laura M. Haas},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Debugging Data Exchange with Vagabond.},
	url = {},
	year = {2011}
January 2011
This technical report describes E-Cast: a uniform causal-total-order multicast protocol designed to implement fault tolerant, highly elastic, yet strongly consistent database engines in the cloud. In contrast to traditional group communication, the model underlying E-Cast defines multicast as a stateful routing problem. In this document, we provide a rigorous formalization of the routing problem, show how partial replication with strong consistency guarantees can be reduced to said routing problem, and present its efficient algorithmic solution, E-Cast.
	abstract = {This technical report describes E-Cast: a uniform causal-total-order multicast protocol designed
to implement fault tolerant, highly elastic, yet strongly consistent database engines in the cloud.
In contrast to traditional group communication, the model underlying E-Cast defines multicast as
a stateful routing problem. In this document, we provide a rigorous formalization of the routing
problem, show how partial replication with strong consistency guarantees can be reduced to said
routing problem, and present its efficient algorithmic solution, E-Cast.},
	author = {Philipp Unterbrunner and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	title = {E-Cast: Elastic Multicast},
	year = {2011}
Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS 2011), Napa, CA, USA, January 2011
The goal of a computer system is to run an application workload securely, reliably, efficiently, and fast. A computer’s hardware architecture and operating system exist to support this goal, and it would be nice if they cooperated as effectively as possible. Yet there is a growing gap between architectural research and OS research, which seems to be the result of poor communication about what actually matters. In this paper, we discuss this gap and what to do about it. We illustrate the opportunities for closing the gap using examples from some recent OS research.
	abstract = {The goal of a computer system is to run an application
workload securely, reliably, efficiently, and fast. A computer\&$\#$146;s
hardware architecture and operating system exist
to support this goal, and it would be nice if they cooperated
as effectively as possible. Yet there is a growing gap
between architectural research and OS research, which
seems to be the result of poor communication about what
actually matters.
In this paper, we discuss this gap and what to do about
it. We illustrate the opportunities for closing the gap using
examples from some recent OS research.},
	author = {Jeffrey C. Mogul and Andrew Baumann and Timothy Roscoe and Livio Soares},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS 2011), Napa, CA, USA},
	title = {Mind the Gap: Reconnecting Architecture and OS Research},
	year = {2011}


43rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, December 2010
	author = {Yoongu Kim and Michael Papamichael and Onur Mutlu and Mor Harchol-Balter},
	booktitle = {43rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2010},
	title = {Thread Cluster Memory Scheduling: Exploiting Differences in Memory Access Behavior.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Atlanta, Georgia, USA},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technology, CoNEXT 2010, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 2010
	author = {Katerina J. Argyraki and Petros Maniatis and Ankit Singla},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technology, CoNEXT 2010, Philadelphia, PA, USA},
	title = {Verifiable network-performance measurements.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technology, CoNEXT 2010, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 2010
	author = {Ankit Singla and Brighten Godfrey and Kevin R. Fall and Gianluca Iannaccone and Sylvia Ratnasamy},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technology, CoNEXT 2010, Philadelphia, PA, USA},
	title = {Scalable routing on flat names.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the 9th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks. HotNets 2010, Monterey, CA, October 2010
	author = {Ankit Singla and Atul Singh and Kishore Ramachandran and Lei Xu and Yueping Zhang},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks. HotNets 2010, Monterey, CA},
	title = {Proteus: a topology malleable data center network.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the 9th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks. HotNets 2010, Monterey, CA, October 2010
	author = {George Nychis and Chris Fallin and Thomas Moscibroda and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks. HotNets 2010, Monterey, CA},
	title = {Next generation on-chip networks: what kind of congestion control do we need?},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, October 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Ralph Steiner},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Multi-query Optimization in a Scan-based Relational Main-memory Table},
	year = {2010}
19th International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques, PACT 2010, Vienna, Austria, September 2010
	author = {Tanaus{\'u} Ram{\'\i}rez and Alex Pajuelo and Oliverio J. Santana and Onur Mutlu and Mateo Valero},
	booktitle = {19th International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques, PACT 2010, Vienna, Austria},
	title = {Efficient runahead threads.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, September 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Jo{\~a}o Moreno},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {A Testing Framework for Cloud Storage Systems},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, September 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Tobias Rickli},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {A component model for the .NET CLR},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the IEEE 21st International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2010
	author = {Gencay Mutlu {\"O}lcer and Zulkuf Genc and Ertan Onur},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE 21st International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2010},
	title = {Smart neighbor scanning with directional antennas in 60 GHz indoor networks.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Istanbul, Turkey},
	year = {2010}
XV Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2010), Valencia, Spain, . Actas, September 2010
	author = {Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {XV Jornadas de Ingenier{\'\i}a del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2010), Valencia, Spain},
	title = {Cloud Computing y su Impacto en la Inform{\'a}tica.},
	venue = {. Actas},
	year = {2010}
Database and XML Technologies - 7th International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2010, Singapore, September 2010
	author = {Peter M. Fischer and Aayush Garg and Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili},
	booktitle = {Database and XML Technologies - 7th International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2010, Singapore},
	title = {Extending XQuery with a Pattern Matching Facility.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, August 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Jianyuan Li},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Performance Analysis and Improvement of GuestVM for Running OSGI-based MacroComponents},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, August 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Nesime Tatbul
	author = {Baris Guc},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Inofrmation Filtering on Micro-blogging Services},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, July 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Michael Schaufelberger},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {An XQuery Information Extraction Library},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, July 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Beat Steiger},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Data Lineage/provenance in XQuery},
	year = {2010}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 19163, July 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Rene Mueller},
	school = {19163},
	title = {Data Stream Processing on Embedded Devices},
	year = {2010}
Proceeding of the 33rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, SIGIR 2010, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2010
	author = {Bin Cui and Ce Zhang and Gao Cong},
	booktitle = {Proceeding of the 33rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, SIGIR 2010, Geneva, Switzerland},
	title = {Content-enriched classifier for web video classification.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, June 2010
	author = {Bin Cui and Anthony K. H. Tung and Ce Zhang and Zhe Zhao},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA},
	title = {Multiple feature fusion for social media applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, June 2010
	author = {Ren{\'e} M{\"u}ller and Jens Teubner and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA},
	title = {Glacier: a query-to-hardware compiler.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
37th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2010), Saint-Malo, France, June 2010
	author = {Reetuparna Das and Onur Mutlu and Thomas Moscibroda and Chita R. Das},
	booktitle = {37th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2010)},
	title = {A{\'e}rgia: exploiting packet latency slack in on-chip networks.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Saint-Malo, France},
	year = {2010}
37th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2010), Saint-Malo, France, June 2010
	author = {M. Aater Suleman and Onur Mutlu and Jos{\'e} A. Joao and Khubaib and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {37th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2010)},
	title = {Data marshaling for multi-core architectures.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Saint-Malo, France},
	year = {2010}
2010 International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, ICDCS 2010, Genova, Italy, June 2010
	author = {Philip Werner Frey and Romulo Goncalves and Martin L. Kersten and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {2010 International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, ICDCS 2010, Genova, Italy},
	title = {A Spinning Join That Does Not Get Dizzy.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Computer Architecture - ISCA 2010 International Workshops A4MMC, AMAS-BT, EAMA, WEED, WIOSCA, Saint-Malo, France, Revised Selected Papers, June 2010
	author = {Boris Grot and Stephen W. Keckler and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Computer Architecture - ISCA 2010 International Workshops A4MMC, AMAS-BT, EAMA, WEED, WIOSCA, Saint-Malo, France},
	title = {Topology-Aware Quality-of-Service Support in Highly Integrated Chip Multiprocessors.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Revised Selected Papers},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, June 2010
Cloud computing promises a number of advantages for the deployment of data-intensive applications. One important promise is reduced cost with a pay-as-you-go business model. Another promise is (virtually) unlimited throughput by adding servers if the workload increases. This paper lists alternative architectures to effect cloud computing for database applications and reports on the results of a comprehensive evaluation of existing commercial cloud services that have adopted these architectures. The focus of this work is on transaction processing (i.e., read and update workloads), rather than analytics or OLAP workloads, which have recently gained a great deal of attention. The results are surprising in several ways. Most importantly, it seems that all major vendors have adopted a different architecture for their cloud services. As a result, the cost and performance of the services vary significantly depending on the workload.
	abstract = {Cloud computing promises a number of advantages for the deployment of data-intensive applications. One important promise is reduced cost with a pay-as-you-go business model. Another promise is (virtually) unlimited throughput by adding servers if the workload increases. This paper lists alternative architectures to effect cloud computing for database applications and reports on the results of a comprehensive evaluation of existing commercial cloud services that have adopted these architectures. The focus of this work is on transaction processing (i.e., read and update workloads), rather than analytics or OLAP workloads, which have recently gained a great deal of attention. The results are surprising in several ways. Most importantly, it seems that all major vendors have adopted a different architecture for their cloud services. As a result, the cost and performance of the services vary significantly depending on the workload.},
	author = {Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska and Simon Loesing},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA},
	title = {An Evaluation of Alternative Architectures for Transaction Processing in the Cloud},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, June 2010
	author = {Ilya Taranov and Ivan Shcheklein and Alexander Kalinin and Leonid Novak and Sergei Kuznetsov and Roman Pastukhov and Alexander Boldakov and Denis Turdakov and Konstantin Antipin and Andrey Fomichev and Peter Pleshachkov and Pavel Velikhov and Nikolai Zavaritski and Maxim Grinev and Maria P. Grineva and Dmitry Lizorkin},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA},
	title = {Sedna: native XML database management system (internals overview).},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, June 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Nesime Tatbul
	author = {Merve Soner},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Modeling and Efficiently Processing Hybrid Pattern Matching Queries over Live and Archived Streams},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010
	author = {Z{\"u}lk{\"u}f Gen{\c c} and Gencay Mutlu {\"O}lcer and Ertan Onur and Ignas G. Niemegeers},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2010, Cape Town, South Africa},
	title = {Improving 60 GHz Indoor Connectivity with Relaying.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
NOCS 2010, Fourth ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, Grenoble, France, May 2010
	author = {Paul Bogdan and Miray Kas and Radu Marculescu and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {NOCS 2010, Fourth ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, Grenoble, France},
	title = {QuaLe: A Quantum-Leap Inspired Model for Non-stationary Analysis of NoC Traffic in Chip Multi-processors.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 19001, May 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Philip Werner Frey},
	school = {19001},
	title = {Zero-Copy Network Communication: An Applicability Study of iWARP beyond Micro Benchmarks},
	year = {2010}
28th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, VTS 2010, Santa Cruz, California, USA, April 2010
	author = {Yanjing Li and Onur Mutlu and Donald S. Gardner and Subhasish Mitra},
	booktitle = {28th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, VTS 2010},
	title = {Concurrent autonomous self-test for uncore components in system-on-chips.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Santa Cruz, California, USA},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, April 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Aayush Deep Garg},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Pattern Matching in XQuery},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, April 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Dejan Juric},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Flexible Replication for Personal Clouds},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, March 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Janick Bernet},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Dictionary Compression for a Scan-Based, Main-Memory Database System},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, March 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Flavio Pfaffhauser},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Scaling a Cloud Storage System Autonomously},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, March 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
For developing an application which deals with a large amount of data, the state-of-the-art is to use a specialized query language like SQL for relational data or SPARQL for RDF. Whereas the business logic of an application is implemented in a host programming language like Java or C++, the query language provides an interface to the storage of persistent data. These languages often use different data models which cause the well-known impedance mismatch problem. XQuery is a declarative programming language that can be applied on all application tiers and thus leverages a unified technology stack by means of the XML data model. XQuery is very well suited for querying and manipulating data that is stored in XML collections. Yet, a large number of legacy applications still exist in companies which produce SQL code as an interface to a relational database on the one hand and SPARQL code to execute queries on RDF documents on the other hand. It is not feasible to replace all legacy databases and applications with XML databases and new programs written in XQuery at the same time. Therefore this thesis explores how legacy SQL and SPARQL code can be mapped to XQuery, which pre-conditions and limitations for an automated mapping hold and how well this transformation performs. In this way, all information can be moved to XML databases without having to change existing applications. Both old systems and applications written in XQuery can co-exist by accessing the same data. This eliminates the need for replication of different database systems and prevents inconsistencies.
	abstract = {For developing an application which deals with a large amount of data, the state-of-the-art is
to use a specialized query language like SQL for relational data or SPARQL for RDF.
Whereas the business logic of an application is implemented in a host programming language
like Java or C++, the query language provides an interface to the storage of persistent data.
These languages often use different data models which cause the well-known impedance
mismatch problem.
XQuery is a declarative programming language that can be applied on all application tiers and
thus leverages a unified technology stack by means of the XML data model. XQuery is very
well suited for querying and manipulating data that is stored in XML collections. Yet, a large
number of legacy applications still exist in companies which produce SQL code as an
interface to a relational database on the one hand and SPARQL code to execute queries on
RDF documents on the other hand.
It is not feasible to replace all legacy databases and applications with XML databases and new
programs written in XQuery at the same time. Therefore this thesis explores how legacy SQL
and SPARQL code can be mapped to XQuery, which pre-conditions and limitations for an
automated mapping hold and how well this transformation performs. In this way, all
information can be moved to XML databases without having to change existing applications.
Both old systems and applications written in XQuery can co-exist by accessing the same data.
This eliminates the need for replication of different database systems and prevents
	author = {Martin Kaufmann},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Mapping SPARQL and SQL to XQuery},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, March 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Raman Mittal},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Query Processing in the Cloud},
	year = {2010}
Workshops Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010, Long Beach, California, USA, March 2010
	author = {Laura M. Haas and Ren{\'e}e J. Miller and Donald Kossmann and Martin Hentschel},
	booktitle = {Workshops Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010},
	title = {A first step towards integration independence.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Long Beach, California, USA},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, February 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Stephan Merkli},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Streaming in the Cloud},
	year = {2010}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 18832, January 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Tim Kraska},
	school = {18832},
	title = {Building Database Applications in the Cloud},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010, Long Beach, California, USA, January 2010
	author = {Irina Botan and Younggoo Cho and Roozbeh Derakhshan and Nihal Dindar and Ankush Gupta and Laura M. Haas and Kihong Kim and Chulwon Lee and Girish Mundada and Ming-Chien Shan and Nesime Tatbul and Ying Yan and Beomjin Yun and Jin Zhang},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010},
	title = {A demonstration of the MaxStream federated stream processing system.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Long Beach, California, USA},
	year = {2010}
PVLDB, January 2010
	author = {Bettina Kemme and Gustavo Alonso},
	journal = {PVLDB},
	title = {Database Replication: a Tale of Research across Communities.},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the VLDB 2010 PhD Workshop, Singapore, 13-17 Sept. 2010 , January 2010
	author = {Alexandru Moga},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the VLDB 2010 PhD Workshop, Singapore, 13-17 Sept. 2010 },
	title = {UpStream: Storage-centric Load Management for Data Streams Processing Systems},
	year = {2010}
16th International Conference on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-16 2010), Bangalore, India, January 2010
	author = {Yoongu Kim and Dongsu Han and Onur Mutlu and Mor Harchol-Balter},
	booktitle = {16th International Conference on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-16 2010)},
	title = {ATLAS: A scalable and high-performance scheduling algorithm for multiple memory controllers.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Bangalore, India},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010, Long Beach, California, USA, January 2010
	author = {Emre Sarig{\"o}l and Oriana Riva and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010},
	title = {A tuple space for social networking on mobile phones.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Long Beach, California, USA},
	year = {2010}
PVLDB, January 2010
	author = {Louis Woods and Jens Teubner and Gustavo Alonso},
	journal = {PVLDB},
	title = {Complex Event Detection at Wire Speed with FPGAs.},
	year = {2010}
PVLDB, Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'10), Singapore, September 2010., January 2010
	author = {Irina Botan and Roozbeh Derakhshan and Nihal Dindar and Laura M. Haas and Ren{\'e}e J. Miller and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {SECRET: A Model for Analysis of the Execution Semantics of Stream Processing Systems},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB{\textquoteright}10), Singapore, September 2010.},
	year = {2010}
Commun. CACM, January 2010
	author = {Benjamin C. Lee and Engin Ipek and Onur Mutlu and Doug Burger},
	booktitle = {Commun. CACM},
	title = {Phase change memory architecture and the quest for scalability.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010, Long Beach, California, USA, January 2010
	author = {Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010},
	title = {How new is the cloud?},
	url = {},
	venue = {Long Beach, California, USA},
	year = {2010}
PVLDB, January 2010
	author = {Martin Hentschel and Laura M. Haas and Ren{\'e}e J. Miller},
	journal = {PVLDB},
	title = {Just-in-time Data Integration in Action.},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism, Berkeley, CA, USA, January 2010
	author = {Simon Peter and Adrian Sch{\"u}pbach and Paul Barham and Andrew Baumann and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism, Berkeley, CA, USA},
	title = {Design principles for end-to-end multicore schedulers},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010, Long Beach, California, USA, January 2010
	author = {Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles and Jens Dittrich and Lukas Blunschi},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010},
	title = {Intensional associations in dataspaces.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Long Beach, California, USA},
	year = {2010}
PVLDB, January 2010
	author = {Boris Glavic and Gustavo Alonso and Ren{\'e}e Miller and Laura M. Haas},
	journal = {PVLDB},
	title = {TRAMP: Understanding the Behavior of Schema Mappings through Provenance.},
	year = {2010}
Workshops Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010, Long Beach, California, USA, January 2010
	author = {Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Workshops Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010},
	title = {Streaming Data Integration: Challenges and Opportunities},
	url = {},
	venue = {Long Beach, California, USA},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010, Long Beach, California, USA, January 2010
	author = {Jens Teubner and Ren{\'e} M{\"u}ller and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010},
	title = {FPGA acceleration for the frequent item problem.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Long Beach, California, USA},
	year = {2010}
VLDB J., January 2010
	author = {Cristian Duda and Donald Kossmann and Chong Zhou},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {Predicate-based indexing for desktop search.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the XML Prague 2010, Czech Republic, January 2010
	author = {Ghislain Fourny and Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann and Markos Zacharioudaki},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the XML Prague 2010, Czech Republic},
	title = {A Time Machine for XML: PUL Composition},
	year = {2010}
IEEE Micro, January 2010
	author = {M. Aater Suleman and Onur Mutlu and Moinuddin K. Qureshi and Yale N. Patt},
	journal = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Accelerating Critical Section Execution with Asymmetric Multicore Architectures.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the XML Prague 2010, Czech Republic, January 2010
	author = {Peter M. Fischer},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the XML Prague 2010, Czech Republic},
	title = {XQBench \&$\#$150; A XQuery Benchmarking Service},
	year = {2010}
IEEE Micro, January 2010
	author = {Benjamin C. Lee and Ping Zhou and Jun Yang and Youtao Zhang and Bo Zhao and Engin Ipek and Onur Mutlu and Doug Burger},
	journal = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Phase-Change Technology and the Future of Main Memory.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the MICS Workshop 2010, Lausanne, January 2010
	author = {Lukas Blunschi and Maria P. Grineva and Maxim Grinev and Georg Polzer and Donald Kossmann and Kurt Stockinger},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the MICS Workshop 2010, Lausanne},
	title = {Xadoop: High Performance Log Analysis with Hadoop},
	year = {2010}
VLDB J., January 2010
	author = {Eric Lo and Carsten Binnig and Donald Kossmann and M. Tamer {\"O}zsu and Wing-Kai Hon},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {A framework for testing DBMS features.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
CoRR, January 2010
	author = {Katerina J. Argyraki and Petros Maniatis and Ankit Singla},
	journal = {CoRR},
	title = {Verifiable Network-Performance Measurements},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
IEEE Communications Letters, January 2010
	author = {Gencay Mutlu {\"O}lcer and Z{\"u}lk{\"u}f Gen{\c c} and Ertan Onur},
	journal = {IEEE Communications Letters},
	title = {Sector Scanning Attempts for Non-Isolation in Directional 60 GHz Networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2010, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, January 2010
	author = {Eiman Ebrahimi and Chang Joo Lee and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2010, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA},
	title = {Fairness via source throttling: a configurable and high-performance fairness substrate for multi-core memory systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Replication: Theory and Practice, January 2010
	author = {Bettina Kemme and Ricardo Jim{\'e}nez-Peris and Marta Pati{\~n}o-Mart{\'\i}nez and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Replication: Theory and Practice},
	title = {Database Replication: A Tutorial.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Ramon K{\"u}pfer},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {FPGA support for OSGi},
	year = {2010}
January 2010
	author = {Georgios Giannikis and Philipp Unterbrunner and Jeremy Meyer and Gustavo Alonso and Dietmar Fauser and Donald Kossmann},
	title = {Crescando.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
EDBT 2010, 13th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, January 2010
	author = {Peter M. Fischer and Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili and Ren{\'e}e J. Miller},
	booktitle = {EDBT 2010, 13th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland},
	title = {Stream schema: providing and exploiting static metadata for data stream processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Stefan Eigenmann},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {An Evaluation of Query Processing Strategies for Column Stores},
	year = {2010}
Datenbank-Spektrum, January 2010
	author = {Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska},
	booktitle = {Datenbank-Spektrum},
	title = {Data Management in the Cloud: Promises, State-of-the-art, and Open Questions.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Tahmineh Sanamrad},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Dynamic Modification of Continuous Queries},
	year = {2010}
EDBT 2010, 13th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, January 2010
	author = {Ren{\'e} M{\"u}ller and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {EDBT 2010, 13th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland},
	title = {FPGAs: a new point in the database design space.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
PVLDB, January 2010
	author = {Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska and Simon Loesing and Stephan Merkli and Raman Mittal and Flavio Pfaffhauser},
	journal = {PVLDB},
	title = {Cloudy: A Modular Cloud Storage System.},
	year = {2010}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2010
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Mirwais Tayebi},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Evaluation and Validation of a Distributed Commit Protocol},
	year = {2010}


Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, December 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Ramon Schwammberger},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Performance Isolation for Component Systems},
	year = {2009}
2009 International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, ICCAD 2009, San Jose, CA, USA, November 2009
	author = {Yanjing Li and Onur Mutlu and Subhasish Mitra},
	booktitle = {2009 International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, ICCAD 2009, San Jose, CA, USA},
	title = {Operating system scheduling for efficient online self-test in robust systems.},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, October 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Simon Loesing},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Benchmarking Web-Application Architectures in the Cloud},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, October 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Nesime Tatbul
	author = {Patrick Lau},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Adaptive Data Push/Pull for the DejaVu Pattern Matching system},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, September 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
Today’s web applications have the choice between two different and competing data storage options. On the one side there are the traditional relational database management systems, whereas on the other side there is a whole new market of different cloud storage systems emerging. The new cloud storage systems promise to provide very high availability and to be very scalable - characteristics that cannot be fulfilled by traditional RDBMS. The goal of this thesis is to combine those two areas by using a cloud storage system as the storage layer for the MySQL database. We aim at providing SQL in the cloud. By leveraging the scalability of the cloud storage system, we intend to create a highly scalable database. In order to achieve this, an efficient mapping of the internal SQL structures and indexes to the data model of the cloud storage system had to be established. The results of the benchmarks have shown that, with some exceptions, these goals have been achieved.
	abstract = {Today\&$\#$146;s web applications have the choice between two different and competing data
storage options. On the one side there are the traditional relational database management
systems, whereas on the other side there is a whole new market of different
cloud storage systems emerging. The new cloud storage systems promise to provide
very high availability and to be very scalable - characteristics that cannot be fulfilled
by traditional RDBMS.
The goal of this thesis is to combine those two areas by using a cloud storage system
as the storage layer for the MySQL database. We aim at providing SQL in the
cloud. By leveraging the scalability of the cloud storage system, we intend to create a
highly scalable database. In order to achieve this, an efficient mapping of the internal
SQL structures and indexes to the data model of the cloud storage system had to be
The results of the benchmarks have shown that, with some exceptions, these goals
have been achieved.},
	author = {Daniel Egger},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {SQL in the Cloud},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, September 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
	author = {Raffaele Sandrini},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {VMkit A lightweight hypervisor library for Barrelfish},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, August 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Timothy Roscoe
The future manycore architectures present serious challenges to operating system designers. The traditional operating system designs can no longer manage the capabilities and power of the diverse heterogeneous cores with complex memory hierarchies, interconnects resembling networks, and distributed I/O configurations. The Barrelfish multikernel operating system addresses these issues by treating hardware as a distributed system. Co-operation in such an environment is achieved by message passing. We borrow similar design ideas in this thesis and present a distributed USB hot plugging infrastructure for a multikernel Barrelfish operating system. We have divided the USB system into three primary modules with different responsibilities: Host controller driver, USB manager and client drivers. This modular design provides necessary isolation and flexibility required in manycore systems. It also provides freedom to schedule and, if required, migrate any module independently among the cores depending upon the system workload and the application requirements. These modules communicate by explicit message passing but a few frequently updated and performance critical data structures are shared using shared memory mechanism. In this thesis, we try to design, implement and evaluate this system on top of message services and abstractions provided by the Barrelfish operating system.
	abstract = {The future manycore architectures present serious challenges to operating system
designers. The traditional operating system designs can no longer manage
the capabilities and power of the diverse heterogeneous cores with complex
memory hierarchies, interconnects resembling networks, and distributed I/O
configurations. The Barrelfish multikernel operating system addresses these issues
by treating hardware as a distributed system. Co-operation in such an
environment is achieved by message passing. We borrow similar design ideas
in this thesis and present a distributed USB hot plugging infrastructure for a
multikernel Barrelfish operating system. We have divided the USB system into
three primary modules with different responsibilities: Host controller driver,
USB manager and client drivers. This modular design provides necessary isolation
and flexibility required in manycore systems. It also provides freedom to
schedule and, if required, migrate any module independently among the cores
depending upon the system workload and the application requirements. These
modules communicate by explicit message passing but a few frequently updated
and performance critical data structures are shared using shared memory mechanism.
In this thesis, we try to design, implement and evaluate this system on
top of message services and abstractions provided by the Barrelfish operating
	author = {Animesh Trivedi},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Hotplug in a Multikernel Operating System},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, August 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Louis Woods},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {FPGA-Accelerated Pattern Matching over Streams of Events},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, July 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Smart phones have been improving constantly over the last decade, and are nowadays becoming universal access point for various kinds of digital infras- tructures. The growing popularity, wide user base, sophisticated hardware and rich user experience have resulted in a boom of applications, some of which push the performance of these devices to the limit. These trends combined with the still limited capabilities of smart phones when it comes to sheer computational power and battery life, call for an alternative approach to building dedicated software for these platforms[2]. This approach allows mobile devices to balance the load their exposed to and and enables them to tap into the practically unlim- ited computational resources behind cloud infrastructures. This work presents a prototype implementation of this approach based on the R-OSGi/AlfredO stack. In this work, an existing monolithic Java Application is modularized and distributed, in order to enable it to °exibly shift the load between the mobile device and the surrounding infrastructure.
	abstract = {Smart phones have been improving constantly over the last decade, and are
nowadays becoming universal access point for various kinds of digital infras-
tructures. The growing popularity, wide user base, sophisticated hardware and
rich user experience have resulted in a boom of applications, some of which push
the performance of these devices to the limit. These trends combined with the
still limited capabilities of smart phones when it comes to sheer computational
power and battery life, call for an alternative approach to building dedicated
software for these platforms[2]. This approach allows mobile devices to balance
the load their exposed to and and enables them to tap into the practically unlim-
ited computational resources behind cloud infrastructures. This work presents
a prototype implementation of this approach based on the R-OSGi/AlfredO
stack. In this work, an existing monolithic Java Application is modularized and
distributed, in order to enable it to {\textdegree}exibly shift the load between the mobile
device and the surrounding infrastructure.},
	author = {Ivan Krivulev},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Modularization and Distribution of an Existing Java GUI Application with R-OSGi},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, April 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
There has been a great deal of hype about cloud computing. Cloud computing promises infinite scalability and high availability at low cost. So far cloud storage deployments were subject to big companies but an increasing amount of available open-source systems allow also smaller private cloud installations. Cloudy is such an open-source system developed at the ETH Zurich. Although Cloudy has some unique features, such as advanced transactions and consistency guarantees, so far, it lacks an appropriate load balancing scheme making real-world deployments almost impossible. Furthermore, Cloudy scales only manually by interactions of an administrator who has to watch the system and register new machines if needed. The aim of this thesis is to extend Cloudy by a sophisticated load balancing scheme and by cloud bursting. The latter describes the method to automatically integrate or remove nodes from the system depending on the load. Hence, this thesis first compares different load-balancing schemes, followed by a description of the newly implemented load balancing mechanism for Cloudy. The chosen mechanism not only allows to perform range queries but also makes it easier to integrate and remove nodes by minimizing data movements. Furthermore, this mechanism forms the foundation for the implementation of cloud bursting which is described afterwards. Finally the thesis presents first performance results for the load balancing and cloud bursting.
	abstract = {There has been a great deal of hype about cloud computing. Cloud computing promises infinite scalability and high availability at low cost. So far cloud storage deployments were subject to big companies but an increasing amount of available open-source systems allow also smaller private cloud installations. Cloudy is such an open-source system developed at the ETH Zurich. Although Cloudy has some unique features, such as advanced transactions and consistency guarantees, so far, it lacks an appropriate load
balancing scheme making real-world deployments almost impossible. Furthermore, Cloudy scales only manually by interactions of an administrator who has to watch the system and register new machines if needed.
The aim of this thesis is to extend Cloudy by a sophisticated load balancing scheme and by cloud bursting. The latter describes the method to automatically integrate or remove
nodes from the system depending on the load. Hence, this thesis first compares different load-balancing schemes, followed by a description of the newly implemented load
balancing mechanism for Cloudy. The chosen mechanism not only allows to perform range queries but also makes it easier to integrate and remove nodes by minimizing data movements. Furthermore, this mechanism forms the foundation for the implementation of cloud bursting which is described afterwards. Finally the thesis presents first performance results for the load balancing and cloud bursting.},
	author = {Thomas Untern?hrer},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Cloud Bursting for Cloudy},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, April 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Yves Alter},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Flexible metadata-based partiall synchronization for personal mobile devices},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, April 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Nesime Tatbul
Financial Market Data has a trend of ever increasing growth in volumes. Increased volume of data put a burden on processing capabilities of market data processing systems. Financial companies and other market participants need low latency access to recent market data to be very responsive and high throughput to have more processing capability. The only way to cope with increasing volume of data and processing complexity is through improving their systems in the direction of high-throughput and low-latency. In this thesis, we worked on such a real-world production level market data processing system. We thoroughly analyzed and benchmarked this system by setting up a replica of the real-world scenario in our lab. We investigated the problems and bottlenecks in this system in-depth and came with solutions to improve the overall performance of such a system. We experimentally evaluated our improvement idea and compared the results with the current solution. We have shown up to %26 improvement in the overall latency of the system.
	abstract = {Financial Market Data has a trend of ever increasing growth in volumes.
Increased volume of data put a burden on processing capabilities of market data
processing systems. Financial companies and other market participants need low
latency access to recent market data to be very responsive and high throughput
to have more processing capability. The only way to cope with increasing volume
of data and processing complexity is through improving their systems in the
direction of high-throughput and low-latency. In this thesis, we worked on such
a real-world production level market data processing system. We thoroughly
analyzed and benchmarked this system by setting up a replica of the real-world
scenario in our lab. We investigated the problems and bottlenecks in this system
in-depth and came with solutions to improve the overall performance of such a
system. We experimentally evaluated our improvement idea and compared the
results with the current solution. We have shown up to \%26 improvement in
the overall latency of the system.},
	author = {Cagri Balkesen},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Analysis, Benchmarking and Performance Improvement of a FAST Implementation},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, April 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Lorenz Breu},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {A Modular SLP Directory Agent Leveraging Backend Functionality for High Performance and Scalability},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, April 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Georgios Giannikis},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Daedalus A Distributed Crescando System},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, April 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
DatabaseManagement Systems (DBMS) rely on highly optimized engines. However the optimization process was driven by the context of self-contained systems. In the current trend of mulitcore CPUs and internet scale (highly parallelized) applications their monolithic design is becoming more and more of a scalability issue. While current approaches try to achieve performance by replicating or partitioning data in different ways, to minimize concurrent access, we take a different approach by modularizing an existing RDBMS (Apache Derby) into functional units, that are going to be distributed across several physical machines. In this thesis it has been shown that it is possible to modularize and distribute the phases of SQL processing of an existing RDBMS (Apache Derby) without changing its functional behavior. We describe the required analysis, refactorings and methodology used. Additionally we identify and describe several key software engineering principles necessary for such refactoring. This thesis focuses on restructuring an existing RDBMS engine to run in a distributed manner. We also suggest concrete paths to achieve improved scalability and further modularization.
	abstract = {DatabaseManagement Systems (DBMS) rely on highly optimized engines. However
the optimization process was driven by the context of self-contained systems.
In the current trend of mulitcore CPUs and internet scale (highly parallelized)
applications their monolithic design is becoming more and more of a
scalability issue. While current approaches try to achieve performance by replicating
or partitioning data in different ways, to minimize concurrent access, we
take a different approach by modularizing an existing RDBMS (Apache Derby)
into functional units, that are going to be distributed across several physical
machines. In this thesis it has been shown that it is possible to modularize and
distribute the phases of SQL processing of an existing RDBMS (Apache Derby)
without changing its functional behavior. We describe the required analysis,
refactorings and methodology used. Additionally we identify and describe several
key software engineering principles necessary for such refactoring. This thesis
focuses on restructuring an existing RDBMS engine to run in a distributed
manner. We also suggest concrete paths to achieve improved scalability and
further modularization.},
	author = {Pavel Kowalski},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Modular Derby},
	year = {2009}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 18337, April 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Cristian Duda},
	school = {18337},
	title = {Searching Application Data},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, April 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Arthur Van Dorp},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Modularization of the Sisiphus Proteonics Tool},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, March 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Samuel Pasquier},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {The Cirrostratus Platform Concepts, Architecture and Evaluation},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, March 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Haoning Zhang},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Indexed Semantic Mapping Rules},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, March 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Kajetan Abt},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Design and Implementation of A Flexible Work ow Engine with XQuery},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, March 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Florian Keusch},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Indexing on Solid State Drives based on Flash Memory},
	year = {2009}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, March 2009
Service-oriented architectures (SOA) have been adapted by businesses to improve their flexibility, recently with a focus on dynamic outsourcing of business processes. A cornerstone of a SOA is an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), which is used to loosely connect services by the means of message exchange. Businesses using a SOA still need to comply with applicable laws and regulations. To ensure this compliance, the MASTER [12] project supposes a control infrastructure to be implemented as another service in the SOA. Observing the message flow on an ESB provides ample opportunities to observe and compute indicators for compliance. The control infrastructure mentioned above needs to catch raw messages on the ESB to detect complex events and answer queries posed by a higher level infrastructure. The goal of this master thesis is to close the gap between the interface of such a higher level infrastructure (defined by MASTER) and the interfaces provided by existing ESBs. This includes providing an overview of existing Enterprise Service Buses and the interfaces they offer. A model is developed which describes the interfaces and the mapping between them. A prototype for a selected ESB is implemented. The performance of the prototype is evaluated to identify challenges in processing large numbers of messages on an ESB.
	abstract = {Service-oriented architectures (SOA) have been adapted by businesses to improve their
flexibility, recently with a focus on dynamic outsourcing of business processes. A cornerstone
of a SOA is an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), which is used to loosely connect
services by the means of message exchange.
Businesses using a SOA still need to comply with applicable laws and regulations. To
ensure this compliance, the MASTER [12] project supposes a control infrastructure
to be implemented as another service in the SOA. Observing the message flow on an
ESB provides ample opportunities to observe and compute indicators for compliance.
The control infrastructure mentioned above needs to catch raw messages on the ESB
to detect complex events and answer queries posed by a higher level infrastructure.
The goal of this master thesis is to close the gap between the interface of such a
higher level infrastructure (defined by MASTER) and the interfaces provided by existing
ESBs. This includes providing an overview of existing Enterprise Service Buses
and the interfaces they offer. A model is developed which describes the interfaces
and the mapping between them. A prototype for a selected ESB is implemented. The
performance of the prototype is evaluated to identify challenges in processing large
numbers of messages on an ESB.},
	author = {Silvio Kohler},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Complex Event Detection on an Enterprise Service Bus},
	year = {2009}
36th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2009), Austin, TX, USA, January 2009
	author = {Jos{\'e} A. Joao and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {36th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2009)},
	title = {Flexible reference-counting-based hardware acceleration for garbage collection.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Austin, TX, USA},
	year = {2009}
January 2009
ParFE is a fully-parallel micro fnite element (uFE) solver for the modeling of human bone microstructures. We have developed an interface that will make available ParFE on the High Performance Computing (HPC) facility at the Swiss National Supercomputer Centre (CSCS) to a dedicated group of people. The interface has the form of a portal that can be accessed through a web browser. The portal provides a simple and secure means to submit and manage ParFE jobs without having to connect to the HPC facility in CSCS using a secure shell (ssh) connection.
	abstract = {ParFE is a fully-parallel micro fnite element (uFE) solver for the modeling of human bone microstructures. We have developed an interface that will make available ParFE on the High Performance Computing (HPC) facility at the Swiss National Supercomputer Centre (CSCS) to a dedicated group of people. The interface has the form of a portal that can be accessed through a web browser. The portal provides a simple and secure means to submit and manage ParFE jobs without having to connect to the HPC facility in CSCS using a secure shell (ssh) connection.},
	author = {Sumit Paranjape and Martin Kaufmann and Peter Arbenz},
	title = {WebParFE: a Web Interface for the High-Performance Parallel Finite Element Solver ParFE},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
ACM Trans. Internet Techn., January 2009
	author = {Bhuvan Urgaonkar and Prashant J. Shenoy and Timothy Roscoe},
	journal = {ACM Trans. Internet Techn.},
	title = {Resource overbooking and application profiling in a shared Internet hosting platform.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
January 2009
	author = {Irina Botan and Nesime Tatbul and Alexandru Moga},
	title = {UpStream: Storage-centric Load Management for Data Streams with Update Semantics},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2009, Washington, DC, USA, January 2009
	author = {M. Aater Suleman and Onur Mutlu and Moinuddin K. Qureshi and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2009, Washington, DC, USA},
	title = {Accelerating critical section execution with asymmetric multi-core architectures.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, DaMoN 2009, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, January 2009
	author = {Philip Werner Frey and Romulo Goncalves and Martin L. Kersten and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, DaMoN 2009, Providence, Rhode Island, USA},
	title = {Spinning relations: high-speed networks for distributed join processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
36th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2009), Austin, TX, USA, January 2009
	author = {Thomas Moscibroda and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {36th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2009)},
	title = {A case for bufferless routing in on-chip networks.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Austin, TX, USA},
	year = {2009}
Commun. ACM, January 2009
	author = {Boon Thau Loo and Tyson Condie and Minos N. Garofalakis and David E. Gay and Joseph M. Hellerstein and Petros Maniatis and Raghu Ramakrishnan and Timothy Roscoe and Ion Stoica},
	journal = {Commun. ACM},
	title = {Declarative networking.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2009, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, January 2009
	author = {Rene Mueller and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2009, Providence, Rhode Island, USA},
	title = {FPGA: what{\textquoteright}s in it for a database?},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
January 2009
	author = {Martin Hentschel and Donald Kossmann and Daniela Florescu and Laura M. Haas and Tim Kraska and Ren{\'e}e J. Miller},
	title = {Scalable data integration by mapping data to queries},
	year = {2009}
Dataspace: The Final Frontier, 26th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 26, Birmingham, UK, January 2009
	author = {Jens Dittrich},
	booktitle = {Dataspace: The Final Frontier, 26th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 26, Birmingham, UK},
	title = {The iMeMex Dataspace Management System: Architecture, Concepts, and Lessons Learned.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
29th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2009), Montreal, Québec, Canada, January 2009
	author = {Philip Werner Frey and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {29th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2009)},
	title = {Minimizing the Hidden Cost of RDMA.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Montreal, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
	year = {2009}
Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video, 19th International Workshop, NOSSDAV 2009, Williamsburg, VA, January 2009
	author = {Philip Werner Frey and Andreas Hasler and Bernard Metzler and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video, 19th International Workshop, NOSSDAV 2009, Williamsburg, VA},
	title = {Server-efficient high-definition media dissemination.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
IEEE Micro, January 2009
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Thomas Moscibroda},
	booktitle = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Parallelism-Aware Batch Scheduling: Enabling High-Performance and Fair Shared Memory Controllers.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, SIGIR 2009, Boston, MA, USA, January 2009
	author = {Maxim N. Grinev and Maria P. Grineva and Alexander Boldakov and Leonid Novak and Andrey Syssoev and Dmitry Lizorkin},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, SIGIR 2009, Boston, MA, USA},
	title = {Sifting micro-blogging stream for events of user interest.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
January 2009
	author = {Ren{\'e}e J. Miller and Peter M. Fischer and Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili},
	title = {Stream schema: providing and exploiting static metadata for data stream processing},
	year = {2009}
Web Engineering, 9th International Conference, ICWE 2009, San Sebastián, Spain, January 2009
XQuery is a declarative programming language which can be used to express queries and transformations of XML data. The goal of this paper is to explore the expressive power of XQuery as a general-purpose programming language. To this end, this paper describes how to build an entire enterprise web application in XQuery. It is shown that it is actually possible and quite effective to implement a web application entirely in XQuery and that there are several advantages in doing so. The resulting code has proven to be very concise and elegant. More importantly, the use of XQuery simplifies the overall application architecture and improves flexibility.
	abstract = {XQuery is a declarative programming language which can be used to express queries and transformations of XML data. The goal of this paper is to explore the expressive power of XQuery as a general-purpose programming language. To this end, this paper describes how to build an entire enterprise web application in XQuery. It is shown that it is actually possible and quite effective to implement a web application entirely in XQuery and that there are several advantages in doing so. The resulting code has proven to be very concise and elegant. More importantly, the use of XQuery simplifies the overall application architecture and improves flexibility.},
	author = {Martin Kaufmann and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Web Engineering, 9th International Conference, ICWE 2009, San Sebasti{\'a}n, Spain},
	title = {Developing an Enterprise Web Application in XQuery.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 14th International Conference, DASFAA 2009, Brisbane, Australia, January 2009
	author = {Ce Zhang and Bin Cui and Gao Cong and Yu-Jing Wang},
	booktitle = {Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 14th International Conference, DASFAA 2009, Brisbane, Australia},
	title = {A Revisit of Query Expansion with Different Semantic Levels.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 2009, SOSP 2009, Big Sky, Montana, USA, Proceedings of the 22nd ACM symposium on Operating systems principles, Big Sky, MO, USA, ACM Press, October 2009., January 2009
	author = {Andrew Baumann and Paul Barham and Pierre-{\'E}variste Dagand and Timothy L. Harris and Rebecca Isaacs and Simon Peter and Timothy Roscoe and Adrian Sch{\"u}pbach and Akhilesh Singhania},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 2009, SOSP 2009, Big Sky, Montana, USA},
	title = {The multikernel: a new OS architecture for scalable multicore systems.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 22nd ACM symposium on Operating systems principles, Big Sky, MO, USA, ACM Press, October 2009.},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, PLDI 2009, Dublin, Ireland, January 2009
	author = {Zachary R. Anderson and David Gay and Mayur Naik},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, PLDI 2009, Dublin, Ireland},
	title = {Lightweight annotations for controlling sharing in concurrent data structures.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Computer Science - RD, January 2009
	author = {Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {Computer Science - RD},
	title = {The relational XQuery puzzle: a look-back on the pieces found so far.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
PVLDB, January 2009
	author = {Philipp Unterbrunner and Georgios Giannikis and Gustavo Alonso and Dietmar Fauser and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Predictable Performance for Unpredictable Workloads.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
ETH Zürich, January 2009
	author = {Michael Duller and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {XTream: An Open, Distributed Platform for Processing Personal Information Streams},
	year = {2009}
Demo, January 2009
DejaVu is an event processing system that integrates declarative pattern matching over live and archived streams of events on top of a novel system architecture. We propose to demonstrate the key aspects of the DejaVu query language and architecture using two different application scenarios, namely a smart RFID library system and a financial market data analysis application. The demonstration will illustrate how DejaVu can uniformly handle one-time, continuous, and hybrid pattern matching queries over live and archived stream stores, using highly interactive visual monitoring tools including one that is based on the Second Life virtual world.
	abstract = {DejaVu is an event processing system that integrates declarative pattern matching over live and archived streams of events on top of a novel system architecture. We propose to demonstrate the key aspects of the DejaVu query language and architecture using two different application scenarios, namely a smart RFID library system and a financial market data analysis application. The demonstration will illustrate how DejaVu can uniformly handle one-time, continuous, and hybrid pattern matching queries over live and archived stream stores, using highly interactive visual monitoring tools including one that is based on the Second Life virtual world.},
	author = {Nihal Dindar and Baris Guc and Patrick Lau and Asli {\"O}zal and Merve Soner and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Demo},
	title = {DejaVu: Declarative Pattern Matching over Live and Archived Streams of Events},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 14th International Conference, DASFAA 2009, Brisbane, Australia, January 2009
	author = {Bin Cui and Bei Pan and Heng Tao Shen and Ying Wang and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 14th International Conference, DASFAA 2009, Brisbane, Australia},
	title = {Video Annotation System Based on Categorizing and Keyword Labelling.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Middleware 2009, ACM/IFIP/USENIX, 10th International Middleware Conference, Urbana, IL, USA, Proceedings of ACM Middleware 2009, ACM Press, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, October 2009., January 2009
	author = {Qin Yin and Adrian Sch{\"u}pbach and Justin Cappos and Andrew Baumann and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Middleware 2009, ACM/IFIP/USENIX, 10th International Middleware Conference, Urbana, IL, USA},
	title = {Rhizoma: A Runtime for Self-deploying, Self-managing Overlays.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of ACM Middleware 2009, ACM Press, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, October 2009.},
	year = {2009}
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases, 11th International Symposium, SSTD 2009, Aalborg, Denmark, January 2009
	author = {Jens Dittrich and Lukas Blunschi and Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles},
	booktitle = {Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases, 11th International Symposium, SSTD 2009, Aalborg, Denmark},
	title = {Indexing Moving Objects Using Short-Lived Throwaway Indexes.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Operating Systems Review, January 2009
	author = {Pierre-{\'E}variste Dagand and Andrew Baumann and Timothy Roscoe},
	journal = {Operating Systems Review},
	title = {Filet-o-fish: practical and dependable domain-specific languages for OS development.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
PVLDB, January 2009
	author = {Ren{\'e} M{\"u}ller and Jens Teubner and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Data Processing on FPGAs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Challenges in Cloud Computing (ICSE-Cloud-in Conjuction with ICSE 2009), January 2009
	author = {Jan S. Rellermeyer and Michael Duller and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Challenges in Cloud Computing (ICSE-Cloud-in Conjuction with ICSE 2009)},
	title = {Engineering the Cloud Software from Software Modules},
	year = {2009}
Demo, January 2009
In this demonstration we present the Perm provenance management system (PMS). Perm is capable of computing, storing and querying provenance information for the relational data model. Provenance is computed by using query rewriting techniques to annotate tuples with provenance information. Thus, provenance data and provenance computations are represented as relational data and queries and hence can be queried, stored and optimized using standard relational database techniques. This demo will show the complete Perm system and let attendants examine in detail the process of query rewriting and provenance retrieval on what is today the most complete data provenance system available.
	abstract = {In this demonstration we present the Perm provenance management system (PMS). Perm is capable of computing, storing and querying provenance information for the relational data model. Provenance is computed by using query rewriting techniques to annotate tuples with provenance information. Thus, provenance data and provenance computations are represented as relational data and queries and hence can be queried, stored and optimized using standard relational database techniques. This demo will show the complete Perm system and let attendants examine in detail the process of query rewriting and provenance retrieval on what is today the most complete data provenance system available.},
	author = {Boris Glavic and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Demo},
	title = {The Perm Provenance Management System in Action},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
15th International Conference on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-15 2009), Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, January 2009
	author = {Boris Grot and Joel Hestness and Stephen W. Keckler and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {15th International Conference on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-15 2009)},
	title = {Express Cube Topologies for on-Chip Interconnects.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Raleigh, North Carolina, USA},
	year = {2009}
Middleware 2009, ACM/IFIP/USENIX, 10th International Middleware Conference, Urbana, IL, USA, January 2009
	author = {Ioana Giurgiu and Oriana Riva and Dejan Juric and Ivan Krivulev and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Middleware 2009, ACM/IFIP/USENIX, 10th International Middleware Conference, Urbana, IL, USA},
	title = {Calling the Cloud: Enabling Mobile Phones as Interfaces to Cloud Applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2009, Madrid, Spain, January 2009
	author = {Dmitry Lizorkin and Olena Medelyan and Maria P. Grineva},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2009, Madrid, Spain},
	title = {Analysis of community structure in Wikipedia.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
42st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-42 2009), New York, New York, USA, January 2009
	author = {Eiman Ebrahimi and Onur Mutlu and Chang Joo Lee and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {42st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-42 2009)},
	title = {Coordinated control of multiple prefetchers in multi-core systems.},
	url = {},
	venue = {New York, New York, USA},
	year = {2009}
PVLDB, January 2009
	author = {Tim Kraska and Martin Hentschel and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Consistency Rationing in the Cloud: Pay only when it matters.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Enabling Real-Time Business Intelligence - Third International Workshop, BIRTE 2009, Held at the 35th International Conference on Very Large Databases, VLDB 2009, Lyon, France, Revised Selected Papers, January 2009
	author = {Irina Botan and Younggoo Cho and Roozbeh Derakhshan and Nihal Dindar and Laura Haas and Kihong Kim and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Enabling Real-Time Business Intelligence - Third International Workshop, BIRTE 2009, Held at the 35th International Conference on Very Large Databases, VLDB 2009, Lyon, France},
	title = {Federated Stream Processing Support for Real-Time Business Intelligence Applications},
	url = {},
	venue = {Revised Selected Papers},
	year = {2009}
Research, January 2009
Column-oriented database systems have shown to perform better than traditional row-oriented database systems on analytical workloads found in decision support and business intelligence applications. Moreover, lightweight compression schemes have shown to significantly improve the query processing performance in these systems. One such a lightweight compression scheme is to use a dictionary in order to replace long (variable-length) values of a certain domain with shorter (fixed-size) integer codes. In order to further improve expensive query operations such as sorting and searching, column-stores often use order-preserving encoding schemes for a dictionary. In contrast to the existing work, we argue that a dictionary-based order-preserving compression scheme does not only pay-off for attributes with a small fixed domain size but also for long string attributes with a large domain size which might change over time. Consequently, in this paper we introduce new data structures that efficiently support a dictionary-based order-preserving compression for (variable-length) string attributes with a large domain size that is likely to change over time. The main idea is that we model a dictionary as a table that specifies a mapping from string-values to arbitrary integer codes (and vice versa). Moreover, we introduce a new indexing approach that provides efficient access paths to such a dictionary while compressing the index data. Our experiments show that our data structures are as fast as (or in some cases even faster than) other state-of-the-art data structures for dictionaries while being less memory intensive.
	abstract = {Column-oriented database systems have shown to perform better than traditional row-oriented database systems on analytical workloads found in decision support and business intelligence applications. Moreover, lightweight compression schemes have shown to significantly improve the query processing performance in these systems. One such a lightweight compression scheme is to use a dictionary in order to replace long (variable-length) values of a certain domain with shorter (fixed-size) integer codes. In order to further improve expensive query operations such as sorting and searching, column-stores often use order-preserving encoding schemes for a dictionary.

In contrast to the existing work, we argue that a dictionary-based order-preserving compression scheme does not only pay-off for attributes with a small fixed domain size but also for long string attributes with a large domain size which might change over time. Consequently, in this paper we introduce new data structures that efficiently support a dictionary-based order-preserving compression for (variable-length) string attributes with a large domain size that is likely to change over time.
The main idea is that we model a dictionary as a table that specifies a mapping from string-values to arbitrary integer codes (and vice versa). Moreover, we introduce a new indexing approach that provides efficient access paths to such a dictionary while compressing the index data.
Our experiments show that our data structures are as fast as (or in some cases even faster than) other state-of-the-art data structures for dictionaries while being less memory intensive.},
	author = {Carsten Binnig and Stefan Hildenbrand and Franz F{\"a}rber},
	booktitle = {Research},
	title = {Dictionary-based Order-preserving String Compression for Main Memory Column Stores},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
15th International Conference on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-15 2009), Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, January 2009
	author = {Eiman Ebrahimi and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {15th International Conference on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-15 2009)},
	title = {Techniques for bandwidth-efficient prefetching of linked data structures in hybrid prefetching systems.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Raleigh, North Carolina, USA},
	year = {2009}
Conceptual Modeling - ER 2009, 28th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Gramado, Brazil, January 2009
	author = {Laura M. Haas and Martin Hentschel and Donald Kossmann and Ren{\'e}e J. Miller},
	booktitle = {Conceptual Modeling - ER 2009, 28th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Gramado, Brazil},
	title = {Schema AND Data: A Holistic Approach to Mapping, Resolution and Fusion in Information Integration.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2009, Madrid, Spain, January 2009
	author = {Ghislain Fourny and Markus Pilman and Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska and Darin McBeath},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2009, Madrid, Spain},
	title = {XQuery in the browser.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
42st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-42 2009), New York, New York, USA, January 2009
	author = {Chang Joo Lee and Veynu Narasiman and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {42st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-42 2009)},
	title = {Improving memory bank-level parallelism in the presence of prefetching.},
	url = {},
	venue = {New York, New York, USA},
	year = {2009}
PVLDB, January 2009
	author = {Emre Sarig{\"o}l and Oriana Riva and Patrick Stuedi and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Enabling social networking in ad hoc networks of mobile phones.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Research, January 2009
Data Stream Management Systems (DSMS) operate under strict performance requirements. Key to meeting such requirements is to efficiently handle time-critical tasks such as managing internal states of continuous query operators, traffic on the queues between operators, as well as providing storage support for shared computation and archived data. In this paper, we introduce a general purpose storage management framework for DSMSs that performs these tasks based on a clean, loosely-coupled, and flexible system design that also facilitates performance optimization. An important contribution of the framework is that, in analogy to buffer management techniques in relational database systems, it uses information about the access patterns of streaming applications to tune and customize the performance of the storage manager. In the paper, we first analyze typical application requirements at different granularities in order to identify important tunable parameters and their corresponding values. Based on these parameters, we define a general-purpose storage management interface. Using the interface, a developer can use our SMS (Storage Manager for Streams) to generate a customized storage manager for streaming applications. We explore the performance and potential of SMS through a set of experiments using the Linear Road benchmark.
	abstract = {        Data Stream Management Systems (DSMS) operate under strict
        performance requirements. Key to meeting such requirements is to
        efficiently handle time-critical tasks such as managing internal
        states of continuous query operators, traffic on the queues
        between operators, as well as providing storage support for
        shared computation and archived data. In this paper, we
        introduce a general purpose storage management framework for
        DSMSs that performs these tasks based on a clean,
        loosely-coupled, and flexible system design that also
        facilitates performance optimization. An important contribution
        of the framework is that, in analogy to buffer management
        techniques in relational database systems, it uses information
        about the access patterns of streaming applications to tune and
        customize the performance of the storage manager. In the paper,
        we first analyze typical application requirements at different
        granularities in order to identify important tunable parameters
        and their corresponding values. Based on these parameters, we
        define a general-purpose storage management interface. Using the
        interface, a developer can use our SMS (Storage Manager for
        Streams) to generate a customized storage manager for streaming
        applications. We explore the performance and potential of SMS
        through a set of experiments using the Linear Road
	author = {Irina Botan and Gustavo Alonso and Nesime Tatbul and Donald Kossmann and Peter M. Fischer},
	booktitle = {Research},
	title = {Flexible and Scalable Storage Management for Data-intensive Stream Processing},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2009, Shanghai, China, January 2009
	author = {Cristian Duda and Gianni Frey and Donald Kossmann and Reto Matter and Chong Zhou},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2009},
	title = {AJAX Crawl: Making AJAX Applications Searchable.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Shanghai, China},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2009, Hong Kong, China, January 2009
	author = {Xin Cao and Gao Cong and Bin Cui and Christian S. Jensen and Ce Zhang},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2009, Hong Kong, China},
	title = {The use of categorization information in language models for question retrieval.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2009, Madrid, Spain, January 2009
	author = {Maria P. Grineva and Maxim N. Grinev and Dmitry Lizorkin},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2009, Madrid, Spain},
	title = {Extracting key terms from noisy and multitheme documents.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
42st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-42 2009), New York, New York, USA, January 2009
	author = {Reetuparna Das and Onur Mutlu and Thomas Moscibroda and Chita R. Das},
	booktitle = {42st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-42 2009)},
	title = {Application-aware prioritization mechanisms for on-chip networks.},
	url = {},
	venue = {New York, New York, USA},
	year = {2009}
PVLDB, January 2009
	author = {Roger Bamford and Vinayak R. Borkar and Matthias Brantner and Peter M. Fischer and Daniela Florescu and David A. Graf and Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska and Dan Muresan and Sorin Nasoi and Markos Zacharioudaki},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {XQuery Reloaded.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 18217, January 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Thomas Heinis},
	school = {18217},
	title = {Workflow-based Services Infrastructure for Scientific Applications},
	year = {2009}
Research, January 2009
Data provenance is essential in applications such as scientific computing, curated databases, and data warehouses. Several systems have been developed that provide provenance functionality for the relational data model. These systems support only a small subset of SQL, a severe limitation in practice since most of the application domains that benefit from provenance information use complex queries. Such queries typically involve nested subqueries, aggregation and/or user defined functions. Without support for these constructs, a provenance management system is of limited use. In this paper we address this limitation by exploring the problem of provenance derivation when complex queries are involved. More precisely, we demonstrate that the widely used definition of Why-provenance fails in the presence of nested subqueries, and show how the definition can be modified to produce meaningful results for nested subqueries. We further present query rewrite rules to transform an SQL query into a query propagating provenance. The solution introduced in this paper allows us to track provenance information for a far wider subset of SQL than any of the existing approaches. We have incorporated these ideas into the Perm provenance management system engine and used it to evaluate the feasibility and performance of our approach.
	abstract = {
        Data provenance is essential in applications such as scientific
        computing, curated databases, and data warehouses. Several
        systems have been developed that provide provenance
        functionality for the relational data model. These systems
        support only a small subset of SQL, a severe limitation in
        practice since most of the application domains that benefit from
        provenance information use complex queries. Such queries
        typically involve nested subqueries, aggregation and/or user
        defined functions. Without support for these constructs, a
        provenance management system is of limited use.

        In this paper we address this limitation by exploring the
        problem of provenance derivation when complex queries are
        involved. More precisely, we demonstrate that the widely used
        definition of Why-provenance fails in the presence of nested
        subqueries, and show how the definition can be modified to
        produce meaningful results for nested subqueries. We further
        present query rewrite rules to transform an SQL query into a
        query propagating provenance. The solution introduced in this
        paper allows us to track provenance information for a far wider
        subset of SQL than any of the existing approaches. We have
        incorporated these ideas into the Perm provenance management
        system engine and used it to evaluate the feasibility and
        performance of our approach.
	author = {Boris Glavic and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Research},
	title = {Provenance for nested subqueries},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2009, Shanghai, China, January 2009
	author = {Boris Glavic and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2009},
	title = {Perm: Processing Provenance and Data on the Same Data Model through Query Rewriting.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Shanghai, China},
	year = {2009}
IEEE Trans. Computers, January 2009
	author = {Hyesoon Kim and Jos{\'e} A. Joao and Onur Mutlu and Chang Joo Lee and Yale N. Patt and Robert S. Cohn},
	booktitle = {IEEE Trans. Computers},
	title = {Virtual Program Counter (VPC) Prediction: Very Low Cost Indirect Branch Prediction Using Conditional Branch Prediction Hardware.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Commun. ACM, January 2009
	author = {Rakesh Agrawal and Anastasia Ailamaki and Philip A. Bernstein and Eric A. Brewer and Michael J. Carey and Surajit Chaudhuri and AnHai Doan and Daniela Florescu and Michael J. Franklin and Hector Garcia-Molina and Johannes Gehrke and Le Gruenwald and Laura M. Haas and Alon Y. Halevy and Joseph M. Hellerstein and Yannis E. Ioannidis and Henry F. Korth and Donald Kossmann and Samuel Madden and Roger Magoulas and Beng Chin Ooi and Tim O{\textquoteright}Reilly and Raghu Ramakrishnan and Sunita Sarawagi and Michael Stonebraker and Alexander S. Szalay and Gerhard Weikum},
	booktitle = {Commun. ACM},
	title = {The Claremont report on database research.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
42st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-42 2009), New York, New York, USA, January 2009
	author = {Boris Grot and Stephen W. Keckler and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {42st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-42 2009)},
	title = {Preemptive virtual clock: a flexible, efficient, and cost-effective QOS scheme for networks-on-chip.},
	url = {},
	venue = {New York, New York, USA},
	year = {2009}
PVLDB, January 2009
	author = {Daniel J. Abadi and Michael J. Cafarella and Joseph M. Hellerstein and Donald Kossmann and Samuel Madden and Philip A. Bernstein},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {How Best to Build Web-Scale Data Managers? A Panel Discussion.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2009, Shanghai, China, January 2009
	author = {Nitin Gupta and Alan J. Demers and Johannes Gehrke and Philipp Unterbrunner and Walker M. White},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2009},
	title = {Scalability for Virtual Worlds.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Shanghai, China},
	year = {2009}
IEEE Trans. Computers, January 2009
	author = {Kypros Constantinides and Onur Mutlu and Todd M. Austin and Valeria Bertacco},
	booktitle = {IEEE Trans. Computers},
	title = {A Flexible Software-Based Framework for Online Detection of Hardware Defects.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2009
	author = {Jens Dittrich and Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles and Lukas Blunschi},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {iMeMex: From Search to Information Integration and Back.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-XII), Monte Verita, Switzerland, January 2009
	author = {Andrew Baumann and Simon Peter and Adrian Sch{\"u}pbach and Akhilesh Singhania and Timothy Roscoe and Paul Barham and Rebecca Isaacs},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-XII), Monte Verita, Switzerland},
	title = {Your computer is already a distributed system. Why isn{\textquoteright}t your OS?},
	year = {2009}
PVLDB, January 2009
	author = {Ren{\'e} M{\"u}ller and Jens Teubner and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Streams on Wires - A Query Compiler for FPGAs.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
36th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2009), Austin, TX, USA, January 2009
	author = {Benjamin C. Lee and Engin Ipek and Onur Mutlu and Doug Burger},
	booktitle = {36th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2009)},
	title = {Architecting phase change memory as a scalable dram alternative.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Austin, TX, USA},
	year = {2009}
IEEE Pervasive Computing, January 2009
	author = {Nihal Dindar and Cagri Balkesen and Katina Kromwijk and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {IEEE Pervasive Computing},
	title = {Event Processing Support for Cross-Reality Environments.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
SIGMOD Record, January 2009
	author = {Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {SIGMOD Record},
	title = {Rethinking cost and performance of database systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
January 2009
	author = {Irina Botan and Younggoo Cho and Roozbeh Derakhshan and Laura M. Haas and Kihong Kim and Chulwon Lee and Girish Mundada and Ming-Chien Shan and Nesime Tatbul and Ying Yan and Beomjin Yun and Jin Zhang},
	title = {Design and Implementation of the MaxStream Federated Stream Processing Architecture},
	year = {2009}
Research, January 2009
We introduce a controlled form of recursion in XQuery, inflationary fixed points, familiar in the context of relational databases. This imposes restrictions on the expressible types of recursion, but we show that inflationary fixed points nevertheless are sufficiently versatile to capture a wide range of interesting use cases, including the semantics of Regular XPath and its core transitive closure construct. While the optimization of general user-defined recursive functions in XQuery appears elusive, we will describe how inflationary fixed points can be efficiently evaluated, provided that the recursive XQuery expressions exhibit a distributivity property. We show how distributivity can be assessed both, syntactically and algebraically, and provide experimental evidence that XQuery processors can substantially benefit during inflationary fixed point evaluation.
	abstract = {
        We introduce a controlled form of recursion in XQuery,
        inflationary fixed points, familiar in the context of relational
        databases. This imposes restrictions on the expressible types of
        recursion, but we show that inflationary fixed points
        nevertheless are sufficiently versatile to capture a wide range
        of interesting use cases, including the semantics of Regular
        XPath and its core transitive closure construct.

        While the optimization of general user-defined recursive
        functions in XQuery appears elusive, we will describe how
        inflationary fixed points can be efficiently evaluated, provided
        that the recursive XQuery expressions exhibit a distributivity
        property. We show how distributivity can be assessed both,
        syntactically and algebraically, and provide experimental
        evidence that XQuery processors can substantially benefit during
        inflationary fixed point evaluation.
	author = {Loredana Afanasiev and Torsten Grust and Maarten Marx and Jan Rittinger and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {Research},
	title = {Recursion in XQuery: Put Your Distributivity Safety Belt On},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Testing Database Systems, DBTest 2009, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, January 2009
	author = {Carsten Binnig and Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska and Simon Loesing},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Testing Database Systems, DBTest 2009, Providence, Rhode Island, USA},
	title = {How is the weather tomorrow?: towards a benchmark for the cloud.},
	url = {},
	year = {2009}


ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 18079, November 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles},
	school = {18079},
	title = {Pay-as-you-go Information Integration in Personal and Social Dataspaces},
	year = {2008}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 18078, November 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Patrick Stuedi},
	school = {18078},
	title = {From Theory to Practice: Fundamental Properties and Services of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Upgrades, HotSWUp 2008, Nashville, TN, USA, October 2008
	author = {Jan S. Rellermeyer and Michael Duller and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Upgrades, HotSWUp 2008, Nashville, TN, USA},
	title = {Consistently Applying Updates to Compositions of Distributed OSGi Modules.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, September 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Nesime Tatbul
	author = {Nihal Dindar},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Pattern Matching over Sequences of Rows in a Relational Database System},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, September 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Nowadays spam and virus mails get delivered daily to probably every user on the internet and almost everybody makes use of anti-spam software. Some of these anti-spam systems employ a collaborative component to include the users themselves into the decision process. Normally a server-based architecture is used for the collaborative part. In this thesis we assess the feasibility of using a decentralized peer-to-peer component instead. Therefore we have a look at the problem of receiving spam mails from the users point of view, where we are interested in the relations between the users. We start by analyzing spam log data and construct a graph as follows: Each user receiving unsolicited bulk email constitutes a vertex. If two particular users receive the same spam mail, they are considered to be related to each other and the corresponding vertices have an edge in between. In this graph we try to find some sort of structure, especially clustering. To achieve this goal we use different analysis methods which confirm each other and reveal different properties of the hidden structure, as they analyze the problem from different points of view. Having all the tools in place, we additionally take a look at virus-infected emails and apply the same analysis steps to virus log data. In both cases we can detect some clustering but the results differ significantly. After the analysis we evaluate collaborative filters. First we have a look at a serverbased model to have a reference detection rate and afterwards we explore various ways of decentralized collaborative filtering. This way, we assess to what extent exploiting the clustering yields in better detection rates.
	abstract = {Nowadays spam and virus mails get delivered daily to probably every user on the internet
and almost everybody makes use of anti-spam software. Some of these anti-spam
systems employ a collaborative component to include the users themselves into the decision
Normally a server-based architecture is used for the collaborative part. In this thesis
we assess the feasibility of using a decentralized peer-to-peer component instead.
Therefore we have a look at the problem of receiving spam mails from the users point of
view, where we are interested in the relations between the users. We start by analyzing
spam log data and construct a graph as follows: Each user receiving unsolicited bulk
email constitutes a vertex. If two particular users receive the same spam mail, they are
considered to be related to each other and the corresponding vertices have an edge in
In this graph we try to find some sort of structure, especially clustering. To achieve
this goal we use different analysis methods which confirm each other and reveal different
properties of the hidden structure, as they analyze the problem from different points of
Having all the tools in place, we additionally take a look at virus-infected emails and
apply the same analysis steps to virus log data. In both cases we can detect some clustering
but the results differ significantly.
After the analysis we evaluate collaborative filters. First we have a look at a serverbased
model to have a reference detection rate and afterwards we explore various ways
of decentralized collaborative filtering. This way, we assess to what extent exploiting
the clustering yields in better detection rates.
	author = {Simon Tobler},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Exploring Decentralized Collaborative Filtering against Spam Mail},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, September 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Eya Ben Charrada},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Modular Database},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, August 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
A Personal Dataspace Management System must be able to handle highly dynamic dataspaces. This requires index structures that are not only capable of efficiently speeding up queries on these dataspaces but that can also be updated on-the-fly. State of the art text-retrieval systems are typically based on inverted file indices that are updated either in-place or with a merge-based approach. In this thesis we present a merge-based dynamic indexing framework for the iMeMex Dataspace Management System. The framework we present is generic, extensible and is based on abstract sub components. We provide several sub component implementations and evaluate the system experimentally. Furthermore we have studied analytically the three best-known merge strategies: No merge, Immediate Merge and Logarithmic Merge. Based on this analysis we propose a cost model for determining the best strategy in a given scenario or as the basis for an adaptive merge strategy.
	abstract = {A Personal Dataspace Management System must be able to handle highly dynamic
dataspaces. This requires index structures that are not only capable of
efficiently speeding up queries on these dataspaces but that can also be updated
on-the-fly. State of the art text-retrieval systems are typically based on
inverted file indices that are updated either in-place or with a merge-based approach.
In this thesis we present a merge-based dynamic indexing framework
for the iMeMex Dataspace Management System. The framework we present is
generic, extensible and is based on abstract sub components. We provide several
sub component implementations and evaluate the system experimentally. Furthermore
we have studied analytically the three best-known merge strategies:
No merge, Immediate Merge and Logarithmic Merge. Based on this analysis
we propose a cost model for determining the best strategy in a given scenario
or as the basis for an adaptive merge strategy.},
	author = {Sandro Blum},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {A Generic Merge-Based Dynamic Indexing Framework for iMeMex},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, August 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Tatjana B{\"a}hler},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Engineering Techniques for Reliable Data Acquisition in Wireless Sensor Networks},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, July 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	abstract = {
	author = {Reto Matter},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {AJAX Crawl: Making AJAX Applications Searchable},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, July 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Dimitrios Papageorgiou},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {The Virtual OSGi Framework},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, April 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
This document discusses the problem of debugging functional languages in general, and XQuery-based languages in particular. The task of debugging an XQuery program is complex, because of the functional nature of the language and because of the rewrites and optimizations performed by execution engines that prevent the usual "stepping-through" style of inspection. The goal of this work is to create the necessary infrastructure to write, run and debug XQuery-based programs using the Eclipse Platform and the open source XQuery execution engines, MXQuery and Zorba. The instrumentations needed in order to add debugging support to one of these engines is also described in this document. This thesis also contains a detailed description of the engine debug protocol that we developed in order to be able to link any two debugger client and an execution engine that implement our specified debug interface. Together with the engine debug interface implementation we also provide a description of a prototype debugger client user interface based on the Eclipse Platform that supports our execution engine debugger.
	abstract = {This document discusses the problem of debugging functional languages in general, and
XQuery-based languages in particular. The task of debugging an XQuery program is
complex, because of the functional nature of the language and because of the rewrites and
optimizations performed by execution engines that prevent the usual "stepping-through"
style of inspection.
The goal of this work is to create the necessary infrastructure to write, run and debug
XQuery-based programs using the Eclipse Platform and the open source XQuery
execution engines, MXQuery and Zorba. The instrumentations needed in order to add
debugging support to one of these engines is also described in this document.
This thesis also contains a detailed description of the engine debug protocol that we
developed in order to be able to link any two debugger client and an execution engine
that implement our specified debug interface.
Together with the engine debug interface implementation we also provide a description
of a prototype debugger client user interface based on the Eclipse Platform that supports
our execution engine debugger.},
	author = {Gabriel Petrovay},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {XQuery (Scripting) Debugging IDE and engine support},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, March 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Christian Tarnutzer},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Streaming XQueryP},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, February 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
The concept of Is-a Rules described in the master theses “Mapping Data to Queries” allows the integration of XML data enabling an object oriented usage of XML data items. In this paper it is described how to implement this concept in an efficient way. The rules are now longer evaluated eagerly at the beginning but lazy while processing the XQuery.
	abstract = {The concept of Is-a Rules described in the master theses \&$\#$147;Mapping Data to Queries\&$\#$148;
allows the integration of XML data enabling an object oriented usage of XML data
items. In this paper it is described how to implement this concept in an efficient way.
The rules are now longer evaluated eagerly at the beginning but lazy while processing
the XQuery.},
	author = {Jonas Rutishauser},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Lazy Evaluation of Semantic Mapping Rules},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, February 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
This survey is an analysis about different Video-On-Demand protocols. They have been classified depending on the mode of service that they have. After analysing them, the most popular two developed systems have been explained: Youtube and CNN Pipeline. Video-On-Demand is a service that enables users to select a video (or a movie) from a large collection while sitting at home and permits to have almost as a good a control over the viewing of the video as when using a conventional VCR.
	abstract = {This survey is an analysis about different Video-On-Demand protocols. They have been classified depending on the mode of service that they have. After analysing them, the most popular two developed systems have been explained: Youtube and CNN Pipeline.
Video-On-Demand is a service that enables users to select a video (or a movie) from a large collection while sitting at home and permits to have almost as a good a control over the viewing of the video as when using a conventional VCR.},
	author = {Leire Zubimendi},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Survey on Video \&$\#$150; On \&$\#$150; Demand Broadcasting Protocols},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2008 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, Tucson, AZ, USA, January 2008
	author = {Zachary R. Anderson and David Gay and Robert Ennals and Eric A. Brewer},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2008 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, Tucson, AZ, USA},
	title = {SharC: checking data sharing strategies for multithreaded C.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 79600, January 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Today, workflow languages are widely used for service composition. Workflow and business process management (BPM) systems are typically based on a step-by-step execution model where a task is started, the result is received, and then the next task is scheduled for execution in a similar fashion. To track the execution of individual service invocations and of the overall workflow process, a state machine based approach is used. The model corresponds to the request-response nature of many service interfaces and maps directly to technologies such as Web services or business process modeling specifications such as WS-BPEL. However, there are services which do not follow this interaction pattern but rather proactively produce new information to be consumed by an application. Examples include RSS feeds listing the latest bids at an auction, result tuples from a data stream management system (DSMS), stock price tickers or a tag stream from an RFID reader. This dissertation shows how to extend traditional state-based workflow management techniques with the necessary features to integrate streaming data services and combine them with conventional request-response services. First, we study the problem of accessing a stream from within a workflow process. We discuss different alternatives in terms of expressiveness and performance. One approach involves the extension of the traditional request-response task model. We show how to accomplish this on the level of the workflow language and describe the necessary changes in a workflow engine. Our solution provides a notion of stream which abstracts from the mechanism or protocol used to access the content of the stream. This makes the service composition independent of what type of stream is processed, e.g., RSS items, RFID tags or database tuples. The invocation of a streaming service leads to a stream of result elements independently flowing through the invoking process, thereby creating a pipelining effect. This leads to safety problems in the execution of the process, as state-based workflow execution models are not designed for such parallel processing. E.g., considering that the tasks of a process do not always take the same time to execute, a task might not be ready to process a stream element when the element is offered to the task. This can lead to loss of data in the stream processing pipeline. We discuss different solutions to avoid the safety problems connected with pipelined processing and identify the minimal necessary extension to the semantics of a workflow language. This extension is based on a flow control mechanism which controls the flow of data between tasks in a process and allows the safe use of pipelining in the execution of a process. Our extended semantics for pipelining will block a task when it is not safe to execute it. However, if the services that are composed into a stream processing pipeline show variations in their response time, this will decrease the throughput ix Abstract of the pipeline, as our measurements show. Therefore, based on the flow control semantics, we show how to use a buffered data transfer between tasks in a pipelined process. The buffers will smooth the irregularities in the task duration and allow a pipeline to run at its maximum possible throughput. Finally, to evaluate our approach, the stream processing extensions proposed in this thesis have been implemented in an existing workflow system. Apart from describing the implementation in detail, we present several performance measurements and an application built on top of the extended system. The application is a Web mashup which integrates the data from a live Web server log with a geolocation database in order to provide a real-time view of the visitors to a Web site together with their geographic locations on a map.
	abstract = {Today, workflow languages are widely used for service composition. Workflow and
business process management (BPM) systems are typically based on a step-by-step
execution model where a task is started, the result is received, and then the next
task is scheduled for execution in a similar fashion. To track the execution of individual
service invocations and of the overall workflow process, a state machine
based approach is used. The model corresponds to the request-response nature of
many service interfaces and maps directly to technologies such as Web services or
business process modeling specifications such as WS-BPEL. However, there are services
which do not follow this interaction pattern but rather proactively produce
new information to be consumed by an application. Examples include RSS feeds
listing the latest bids at an auction, result tuples from a data stream management
system (DSMS), stock price tickers or a tag stream from an RFID reader.
This dissertation shows how to extend traditional state-based workflow management
techniques with the necessary features to integrate streaming data services
and combine them with conventional request-response services. First, we study the
problem of accessing a stream from within a workflow process. We discuss different
alternatives in terms of expressiveness and performance. One approach involves the
extension of the traditional request-response task model. We show how to accomplish
this on the level of the workflow language and describe the necessary changes
in a workflow engine. Our solution provides a notion of stream which abstracts from
the mechanism or protocol used to access the content of the stream. This makes
the service composition independent of what type of stream is processed, e.g., RSS
items, RFID tags or database tuples.
The invocation of a streaming service leads to a stream of result elements independently
flowing through the invoking process, thereby creating a pipelining effect.
This leads to safety problems in the execution of the process, as state-based workflow
execution models are not designed for such parallel processing. E.g., considering
that the tasks of a process do not always take the same time to execute, a task might
not be ready to process a stream element when the element is offered to the task.
This can lead to loss of data in the stream processing pipeline. We discuss different
solutions to avoid the safety problems connected with pipelined processing and
identify the minimal necessary extension to the semantics of a workflow language.
This extension is based on a flow control mechanism which controls the flow of data
between tasks in a process and allows the safe use of pipelining in the execution of
a process.
Our extended semantics for pipelining will block a task when it is not safe to
execute it. However, if the services that are composed into a stream processing
pipeline show variations in their response time, this will decrease the throughput
of the pipeline, as our measurements show. Therefore, based on the flow control
semantics, we show how to use a buffered data transfer between tasks in a pipelined
process. The buffers will smooth the irregularities in the task duration and allow a
pipeline to run at its maximum possible throughput.
Finally, to evaluate our approach, the stream processing extensions proposed in
this thesis have been implemented in an existing workflow system. Apart from describing
the implementation in detail, we present several performance measurements
and an application built on top of the extended system. The application is a Web
mashup which integrates the data from a live Web server log with a geolocation
database in order to provide a real-time view of the visitors to a Web site together
with their geographic locations on a map.},
	author = {Bi{\"o}rn Bi{\"o}rnstad},
	school = {79600},
	title = {A Workflow Approach to Stream Processing},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the SYRCODIS 2008 Colloquium on Databases and Information Systems, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, January 2008
	author = {Leonid Novak and Maxim Grinev and Ilya Taranov},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the SYRCODIS 2008 Colloquium on Databases and Information Systems, Saint-Petersburg, Russia},
	title = {Efficient Implementation of XQuery Constructor Expressions.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2008, Cancún, México, January 2008
	author = {Loredana Afanasiev and Torsten Grust and Maarten Marx and Jan Rittinger and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2008},
	title = {An Inflationary Fixed Point Operator in XQuery.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Canc{\'u}n, M{\'e}xico},
	year = {2008}
VLDB J., January 2008
	author = {Christian Plattner and Gustavo Alonso and M. Tamer {\"O}zsu},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {Extending DBMSs with satellite databases.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 2008, Toronto, Canada, January 2008
	author = {Thomas Moscibroda and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 2008, Toronto, Canada},
	title = {Distributed order scheduling and its application to multi-core dram controllers.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Jeremie Granat},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Trinity: The OSGi module development server},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability, HotDep 2008, San Diego, CA, USA, Proceedings of the 4th Usenix Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability (HotDep), San Diego, CA, USA, December 2008., January 2008
	author = {Qin Yin and Justin Cappos and Andrew Baumann and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability, HotDep 2008, San Diego, CA, USA},
	title = {Dependable Self-Hosting Distributed Systems Using Constraints.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Usenix Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability (HotDep), San Diego, CA, USA, December 2008.},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2008, Cancún, México, January 2008
	author = {Vijayshankar Raman and Garret Swart and Lin Qiao and Frederick Reiss and Vijay Dialani and Donald Kossmann and Inderpal Narang and Richard Sidle},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2008},
	title = {Constant-Time Query Processing.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Canc{\'u}n, M{\'e}xico},
	year = {2008}
VLDB J., January 2008
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and David B. Lomet and Umeshwar Dayal},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {Guest Editors{\textquoteright} message.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada, January 2008
	author = {Thomas Heinis and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada},
	title = {Efficient lineage tracking for scientific workflows.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
More and more repositories like the IEEE INEX collection [1], LexisNexis [2] or the Library of Congress collection [3] store their documents in XML format. To be able to search over these XML documents, there is a need for efficient and accurate full-text search features. There are two different approaches that could be taken into consideration: On one hand, one could use traditional fulltext approaches, but these are not suitable for XML documents as they do not take the structure of the document into account. On the other hand, one could use XQuery and XPath. These languages can express a variety of queries, but queries over XML text content are limited. Full-text search in XQuery is mainly handled by the function fn:contains($e,keyword) that checks whether the keyword keyword is contained in the element denoted by $e. This function is too limited for complex queries. It cannot express queries e.g. like the following query that includes phrase matching, distance predicates and stemming: Example The sample document contains books (see Appendix A). Find the books that contain the phrases ”Beating the Dealer” with stemming and ”WIN STRATEGY” with stemming and case insensitive in distance at most 10 words from each other. Before this Master thesis, MXQuery Full-Text only supported keyword and phrase queries [4]. In this Master thesis, we extended MXQuery Full-Text with the features of the XPath 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Full-Text W3C specification [5]. This extension includes an improved store and indexes, i.e. a stem index, an n-gram index, an nextword index and a B+ tree index. Additionally, we implemented the MatchOptions that support queries including stemming, the use of thesauri, diacritics sensitivity, case options and wildcards. To support logical operators, we extended MXQuery Full-Text with an FTAndIterator, an FTOrIterator and an FTUnaryNotIterator. For queries including positional filters, we added an FTSelectionIterator that tests the positional predicates. In addition, we had a look at several scoring models to design and implement our own scoring method. To test our implementation, we run the XPath 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Use Cases [6] and did some benchmarking to evaluate the performance and memory usage.
	abstract = {More and more repositories like the IEEE INEX collection [1], LexisNexis [2]
or the Library of Congress collection [3] store their documents in XML format.
To be able to search over these XML documents, there is a need for efficient
and accurate full-text search features. There are two different approaches that
could be taken into consideration: On one hand, one could use traditional fulltext
approaches, but these are not suitable for XML documents as they do
not take the structure of the document into account. On the other hand, one
could use XQuery and XPath. These languages can express a variety of queries,
but queries over XML text content are limited. Full-text search in XQuery is
mainly handled by the function fn:contains($e,keyword) that checks whether the
keyword keyword is contained in the element denoted by $e. This function is
too limited for complex queries. It cannot express queries e.g. like the following
query that includes phrase matching, distance predicates and stemming:
Example The sample document contains books (see Appendix A). Find the
books that contain the phrases \&$\#$148;Beating the Dealer\&$\#$148; with stemming and \&$\#$148;WIN
STRATEGY\&$\#$148; with stemming and case insensitive in distance at most 10 words
from each other.
Before this Master thesis, MXQuery Full-Text only supported keyword and
phrase queries [4]. In this Master thesis, we extended MXQuery Full-Text with
the features of the XPath 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Full-Text W3C specification [5].
This extension includes an improved store and indexes, i.e. a stem index, an
n-gram index, an nextword index and a B+ tree index. Additionally, we implemented
the MatchOptions that support queries including stemming, the use of
thesauri, diacritics sensitivity, case options and wildcards. To support logical
operators, we extended MXQuery Full-Text with an FTAndIterator, an FTOrIterator
and an FTUnaryNotIterator. For queries including positional filters, we
added an FTSelectionIterator that tests the positional predicates. In addition,
we had a look at several scoring models to design and implement our own scoring
method. To test our implementation, we run the XPath 2.0 and XQuery
1.0 Use Cases [6] and did some benchmarking to evaluate the performance and
memory usage.},
	author = {Julia Imhof},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Evaluation Strategies for XQuery Full-Text},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, SECON 2008, Crowne Plaza, San Francisco International Airport, California, USA, January 2008
	author = {Torsten Muetze and Patrick Stuedi and Fabian Kuhn and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, SECON 2008},
	title = {Understanding Radio Irregularity in Wireless Networks.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Crowne Plaza, San Francisco International Airport, California, USA},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2008, Cancún, México, January 2008
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Jos{\'e} A. Blakeley and Arbee L. P. Chen},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2008},
	title = {ICDE 2008 PC Chairs Message.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Canc{\'u}n, M{\'e}xico},
	year = {2008}
Wirtschaftsinformatik, January 2008
	author = {Volkmar Lotz and Emmanuel Pigout and Peter M. Fischer and Donald Kossmann and Fabio Massacci and Alexander Pretschner},
	booktitle = {Wirtschaftsinformatik},
	title = {Towards Systematic Achievement of Compliance in Service-Oriented Architectures: The MASTER Approach.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada, January 2008
	author = {Ghislain Fourny and Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska and Markus Pilman and Daniela Florescu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada},
	title = {XQuery in the browser.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
The OSGi framework is a Java-based technology which solves the problem of software modularization. Services are defined through a service interface and modularization is achieved with the use of bundles interacting through services. The Virtual OSGi Framework project explores the large-scale distribution of OSGi services over heterogeneous computer networks. OSGi bundles and services can be deployed to a virtual framework, which autonomoulsy allocates them to physical nodes. Such an environment requires fault-tolerance, high availability and balanced load in order to be functional and resilient to failures which can occur in distributed systems. This can be achieved with the use of service replication and migration. The setup is highly dynamic and it reacts to changes in the utilization and availability of resources. The dynamism of the environment imposes fluid replication mechanisms, which place a replica and not a copy of a service, wherever it is needed. In this thesis the replication and migration mechanisms of the Virtual OSGi Framework are presented and applied in real-world scenarios. The replication mechanism allows threads in a cluster of JVMs to interact with each other across the boundaries of a single virtual machine. It thereby extends the ideas of the OSGi standard and the Java VM to have a cluster-wide meaning. The clustering behavior is injected into the bytecode of the application classes at load time, without the need of changing the application. The migration mechanisms are applied at the application level providing portability at the cost of minor overhead. Thread state capturing code is injected at load time too, in order to attach a backup object to every thread which will contain the thread state in a serializable form.
	abstract = {The OSGi framework is a Java-based technology which solves the problem of
software modularization. Services are defined through a service interface and
modularization is achieved with the use of bundles interacting through services.
The Virtual OSGi Framework project explores the large-scale distribution of
OSGi services over heterogeneous computer networks. OSGi bundles and services
can be deployed to a virtual framework, which autonomoulsy allocates
them to physical nodes. Such an environment requires fault-tolerance, high
availability and balanced load in order to be functional and resilient to failures
which can occur in distributed systems. This can be achieved with the use of
service replication and migration. The setup is highly dynamic and it reacts to
changes in the utilization and availability of resources. The dynamism of the
environment imposes fluid replication mechanisms, which place a replica and
not a copy of a service, wherever it is needed.
In this thesis the replication and migration mechanisms of the Virtual OSGi
Framework are presented and applied in real-world scenarios. The replication
mechanism allows threads in a cluster of JVMs to interact with each other across
the boundaries of a single virtual machine. It thereby extends the ideas of the
OSGi standard and the Java VM to have a cluster-wide meaning. The clustering
behavior is injected into the bytecode of the application classes at load
time, without the need of changing the application. The migration mechanisms
are applied at the application level providing portability at the cost of minor
overhead. Thread state capturing code is injected at load time too, in order to
attach a backup object to every thread which will contain the thread state in a
serializable form.},
	author = {Damianos Maragkos},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Replication and Migration of OSGi Bundles in the Virtual OSGi Framework},
	year = {2008}
Computer Networks, January 2008
	author = {Patrick Stuedi and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Computer Networks},
	title = {Modeling and computing throughput capacity of wireless multihop networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, ICDE 2008, Cancún, México, January 2008
	author = {Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles and Jens Dittrich and Lukas Blunschi},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, ICDE 2008},
	title = {Adding structure to web search with itrails [position paper].},
	url = {},
	venue = {Canc{\'u}n, M{\'e}xico},
	year = {2008}
PVLDB, January 2008
	author = {Mert Akdere and Ugur {\c C}etintemel and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Plan-based complex event detection across distributed sources.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada, January 2008
	author = {Matthias Brantner and Daniela Florescu and David A. Graf and Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada},
	title = {Building a database on S3.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
	author = {Philippe Masson},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Exploring Space-Time Trade-Offs in the SAP Net Weaver Engine TREX},
	year = {2008}
IEEE Computer, January 2008
	author = {Oriana Riva and Jaakko Kangasharju},
	booktitle = {IEEE Computer},
	title = {Challenges and Lessons in Developing Middleware on Smart Phones.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
35th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2008), Beijing, China, January 2008
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Thomas Moscibroda},
	booktitle = {35th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2008)},
	title = {Parallelism-Aware Batch Scheduling: Enhancing both Performance and Fairness of Shared DRAM Systems.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Beijing, China},
	year = {2008}
PVLDB, January 2008
	author = {Jens Teubner and Torsten Grust and Sebastian Maneth and Sherif Sakr},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Dependable cardinality forecasts for XQuery.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Testing Database Systems, DBTest 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada, January 2008
	author = {Carsten Binnig and Donald Kossmann and Eric Lo},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Testing Database Systems, DBTest 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada},
	title = {Multi-RQP: generating test databases for the functional testing of OLTP applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is being used extensively since its advent in Industry and in Research. The XML data is primarily used to facilitate sharing of structured data across different Information Systems, particularly via Internet. This XML data can be queried using any of the different XQuery engines available. For past few years, many XQuery engines have been developed in industry and for research. These engines tried to cover some general expressions of XQuery first and later their implementation became more and more complex due to addition of other remaining XQuery expressions. Due to this addition and incomplete implementations, arose the need for a benchmarking service. This benchmarking service should compare the different available XQuery engines for their current XQuery expressions support and for their improvement in the implementation. In addition, this benchmarking needs to be fast and easy to do. This thesis works on providing such a benchmarking service that could be rapidly and easily setup and produce results in more detail.
	abstract = {The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is being used extensively since its advent in
Industry and in Research. The XML data is primarily used to facilitate sharing of structured data
across different Information Systems, particularly via Internet. This XML data can be queried
using any of the different XQuery engines available.
For past few years, many XQuery engines have been developed in industry and for research.
These engines tried to cover some general expressions of XQuery first and later their
implementation became more and more complex due to addition of other remaining XQuery
expressions. Due to this addition and incomplete implementations, arose the need for a
benchmarking service. This benchmarking service should compare the different available
XQuery engines for their current XQuery expressions support and for their improvement in the
implementation. In addition, this benchmarking needs to be fast and easy to do.
This thesis works on providing such a benchmarking service that could be rapidly and easily
setup and produce results in more detail.},
	author = {Singh Anandeshwar},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {XQuery Benchmarking service using TPC-X},
	year = {2008}
Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, 29th International Conference, PETRI NETS 2008, Xi'an, China, January 2008
	author = {Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, 29th International Conference, PETRI NETS 2008, Xi{\textquoteright}an, China},
	title = {Challenges and Opportunities for Formal Specifications in Service Oriented Architectures.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2008
	author = {Carsten Binnig and Donald Kossmann and Eric Lo},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Towards Automatic Test Database Generation.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
35th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2008), Beijing, China, January 2008
	author = {Engin Ipek and Onur Mutlu and Jos{\'e} F. Mart{\'\i}nez and Rich Caruana},
	booktitle = {35th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2008)},
	title = {Self-Optimizing Memory Controllers: A Reinforcement Learning Approach.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Beijing, China},
	year = {2008}
PVLDB, January 2008
	author = {Cristian Duda and Gianni Frey and Donald Kossmann and Chong Zhou},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {AJAXSearch: crawling, indexing and searching web 2.0 applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2008, Beijing, China, January 2008
	author = {Ce Zhang and Yu-Jing Wang and Bin Cui and Gao Cong},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2008, Beijing, China},
	title = {Semantic similarity based on compact concept ontology.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
XQuery, a powerful query language for querying XML data, and XML Schema, a language for expressing a schema -a set of rules describing the structure and data content of XML documents- are established XML technologies and W3C standards. The W3C Recommendation for XQuery describes the option of using and importing XML schemas in XQuery queries, allowing for the assignment of types to data and validation of both input XML and query results. The feature of schema-awareness provides the XQuery processor with information about definitions included in schemas, resulting in better optimized and tested queries. This information can be exploited to facilitate and support predictability, early detection of errors, optimizations, special processing based on type and the validity of query results. At the same time, data stream processing has become a hot topic. One of the issues that the research community tries to resolve is the fact that streaming is dealing -by its very nature- with infinite data sources and in most cases a streamed element can be seen and accessed only once. A recent research proposal provides a formal specification of schema for describing the properties of streams. The availability of such stream schema information can enable optimizations and early detection of problems arising with infinite data .For the special case of XML streams, the proposal also describes an XML schema extension. The main goal of this Master Thesis is the integration of XML Schema-awareness in the MXQuery engine and the exploration of implications that the availability of such a feature has for query processing, streaming execution and optimizations. For the needs of streams processing, the implementation of the XML Schema extension for streams and the support of a tool for XML Stream parsing and validation constitute further goals of this thesis. MXQuery is a Java-based XQuery and XQueryP engine that uses a low-memory footprint and supports streaming execution.
	abstract = {XQuery, a powerful query language for querying XML data, and XML Schema, a language for expressing a schema -a set of rules describing the structure and data content of XML documents- are established XML technologies and W3C standards.
The W3C Recommendation for XQuery describes the option of using and importing XML schemas in XQuery queries, allowing for the assignment of types to data and validation of both input XML and query results.
The feature of schema-awareness provides the XQuery processor with information about definitions included in schemas, resulting in better optimized and tested queries. This information can be exploited to facilitate and support predictability, early detection of errors, optimizations, special processing based on type and the validity of query results.
At the same time, data stream processing has become a hot topic. One of the issues that the research community tries to resolve is the fact that streaming is dealing -by its very nature- with infinite data sources and in most cases a streamed element can be seen and accessed only once.
A recent research proposal provides a formal specification of schema for describing the properties of streams. The availability of such stream schema information can enable optimizations and early detection of problems arising with infinite data .For the special case of XML streams, the proposal also describes an XML schema extension.
The main goal of this Master Thesis is the integration of XML Schema-awareness in the MXQuery engine and the exploration of implications that the availability of such a feature has for query processing, streaming execution and optimizations. For the needs of streams processing, the implementation of the XML Schema extension for streams and the support of a tool for XML Stream parsing and validation constitute further goals of this thesis. MXQuery is a Java-based XQuery and XQueryP engine that uses a low-memory footprint and supports streaming execution.},
	author = {Kostis Tsoulos},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {XML Schema Support in MXQuery},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2008, Seattle, WA, USA, January 2008
	author = {Jos{\'e} A. Joao and Onur Mutlu and Hyesoon Kim and Rishi Agarwal and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2008, Seattle, WA, USA},
	title = {Improving the performance of object-oriented languages with dynamic predication of indirect jumps.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2008
	author = {Torsten Grust and Jan Rittinger and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Pathfinder: XQuery Off the Relational Shelf.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
41st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-41 2008), Lake Como, Italy, January 2008
	author = {Kypros Constantinides and Onur Mutlu and Todd M. Austin},
	booktitle = {41st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-41 2008)},
	title = {Online design bug detection: RTL analysis, flexible mechanisms, and evaluation.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Lake Como, Italy},
	year = {2008}
PVLDB, January 2008
	author = {Jens Dittrich and Lukas Blunschi and Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles},
	booktitle = {PVLDB},
	title = {Dwarfs in the rearview mirror: how big are they really?},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the 2008 EuroSys Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Proceedings of the 2008 EuroSys Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, April 1-4, 2008, January 2008
	author = {Angela Nicoara and Gustavo Alonso and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2008 EuroSys Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK},
	title = {Controlled, systematic, and efficient code replacement for running java programs.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 2008 EuroSys Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, April 1-4, 2008},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the Workshop on Managed Many-Core Systems (MMCS), Boston, MA, USA, January 2008
	author = {Adrian Sch{\"u}pbach and Simon Peter and Andrew Baumann and Timothy Roscoe and Paul Barham and Tim Harris and Rebecca Isaacs},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Managed Many-Core Systems (MMCS), Boston, MA, USA},
	title = {Embracing diversity in the Barrelfish manycore operating system},
	year = {2008}
EDBT 2008, 11th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Nantes, France, January 2008
	author = {Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {EDBT 2008, 11th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Nantes, France},
	title = {Scalable XQuery type matching.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
SIGMOD Record, January 2008
	author = {Sihem Amer-Yahia and Volker Markl and Alon Y. Halevy and AnHai Doan and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann and Gerhard Weikum},
	booktitle = {SIGMOD Record},
	title = {Databases and Web 2.0 panel at VLDB 2007.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
41st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-41 2008), Lake Como, Italy, January 2008
	author = {Chang Joo Lee and Onur Mutlu and Veynu Narasiman and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {41st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-41 2008)},
	title = {Prefetch-Aware DRAM Controllers.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Lake Como, Italy},
	year = {2008}
IEEE Micro, January 2008
	author = {Sangyeun Cho and Tao Li and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Guest Editors{\textquoteright} Introduction: Interaction of Many-Core Computer Architecture and Operating Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the 2008 EuroSys Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Proceedings of the 3rd European Systems Conference (Eurosys), Glasgow, Scotland, April 2008., January 2008
	author = {Simon Peter and Andrew Baumann and Timothy Roscoe and Paul Barham and Rebecca Isaacs},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2008 EuroSys Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK},
	title = {30 seconds is not enough!: a study of operating system timer usage.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 3rd European Systems Conference (Eurosys), Glasgow, Scotland, April 2008.},
	year = {2008}
Royal Society Publishing, London, UKPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Vol. 366, No. 1881, January 2008
	author = {Timothy Roscoe},
	journal = {Royal Society Publishing, London, UKPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Vol. 366, No. 1881},
	title = {Network architecture test-beds as platforms for ubiquitous computing},
	year = {2008}
EDBT 2008, 11th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Nantes, France, January 2008
	author = {Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {EDBT 2008, 11th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Nantes, France},
	title = {Building web applications without a database system.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
SIGMOD Record, USASIGMOD Record, vol. 37, no. 4, December 2008, pp. 94--99., January 2008
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann and Timothy Roscoe and Nesime Tatbul and Andrew Baumann and Carsten Binnig and Peter M. Fischer and Oriana Riva and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {SIGMOD Record},
	title = {The ETH Zurich systems group and enterprise computing center.},
	url = {},
	venue = {USASIGMOD Record, vol. 37, no. 4, December 2008, pp. 94--99.},
	year = {2008}
Middleware 2008, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 9th International Middleware Conference, Leuven, Belgium, January 2008
	author = {Jan S. Rellermeyer and Oriana Riva and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Middleware 2008, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 9th International Middleware Conference, Leuven, Belgium},
	title = {AlfredO: An Architecture for Flexible Interaction with Electronic Devices.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
2008 International Conference on Autonomic Computing, ICAC 2008, Chicago, Illinois, USA, January 2008
	author = {Thomas Heinis and Cesare Pautasso},
	booktitle = {2008 International Conference on Autonomic Computing, ICAC 2008},
	title = {Automatic Configuration of an Autonomic Controller: An Experimental Study with Zero-Configuration Policies.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Chicago, Illinois, USA},
	year = {2008}
The Internet of Things, First International Conference, IOT 2008, Zurich, Switzerland, January 2008
	author = {Jan S. Rellermeyer and Michael Duller and Ken Gilmer and Damianos Maragkos and Dimitrios Papageorgiou and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {The Internet of Things, First International Conference, IOT 2008, Zurich, Switzerland},
	title = {The Software Fabric for the Internet of Things.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Demo at the 14th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom `08) 14-19 Sept. 2008., January 2008
	author = {Patrick Stuedi and Oriana Riva and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Demo at the 14th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom {\textquoteleft}08) 14-19 Sept. 2008.},
	title = {Ad Hoc Social Networking using MAND},
	year = {2008}
14th International Conference on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-14 2008), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, January 2008
	author = {Chang Joo Lee and Hyesoon Kim and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {14th International Conference on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-14 2008)},
	title = {Performance-aware speculation control using wrong path usefulness prediction.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Salt Lake City, UT, USA},
	year = {2008}
SIGMOD Record, January 2008
	author = {Rakesh Agrawal and Anastasia Ailamaki and Philip A. Bernstein and Eric A. Brewer and Michael J. Carey and Surajit Chaudhuri and AnHai Doan and Daniela Florescu and Michael J. Franklin and Hector Garcia-Molina and Johannes Gehrke and Le Gruenwald and Laura M. Haas and Alon Y. Halevy and Joseph M. Hellerstein and Yannis E. Ioannidis and Henry F. Korth and Donald Kossmann and Samuel Madden and Roger Magoulas and Beng Chin Ooi and Tim O{\textquoteright}Reilly and Raghu Ramakrishnan and Sunita Sarawagi and Michael Stonebraker and Alexander S. Szalay and Gerhard Weikum},
	booktitle = {SIGMOD Record},
	title = {The Claremont report on database research.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
5th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design Implementation, NSDI 2008, Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI'08), San Francisco, CA, USA, April 2008., January 2008
	author = {Atul Singh and Tathagata Das and Petros Maniatis and Peter Druschel and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {5th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design  Implementation, NSDI 2008},
	title = {BFT Protocols Under Fire.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI{\textquoteright}08), San Francisco, CA, USA, April 2008.},
	year = {2008}
5th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services, MobiQuitous 2008, Dublin, Ireland, January 2008
	author = {Oriana Riva and Josiane Nzouonta and Cristian Borcea},
	booktitle = {5th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services, MobiQuitous 2008},
	title = {Context-aware fault tolerance in migratory services.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Dublin, Ireland},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the SYRCODIS 2008 Colloquium on Databases and Information Systems, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, January 2008
	author = {Maxim Grinev and Ivan Shcheklein},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the SYRCODIS 2008 Colloquium on Databases and Information Systems, Saint-Petersburg, Russia},
	title = {Application-Tailored XML Storage.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2008, Cancún, México, January 2008
	author = {Carsten Binnig and Donald Kossmann and Eric Lo and Angel Saenz-Badillos},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2008},
	title = {Automatic Result Verification for the Functional Testing of a Query Language.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Canc{\'u}n, M{\'e}xico},
	year = {2008}
TOSN, January 2008
	author = {Suman Nath and Phillip B. Gibbons and Srinivasan Seshan and Zachary R. Anderson},
	booktitle = {TOSN},
	title = {Synopsis diffusion for robust aggregation in sensor networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2008}


Proceedings of the 16th USENIX Security Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, August 2007
	author = {Thomas Moscibroda and Onur Mutlu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th USENIX Security Symposium, Boston, MA, USA},
	title = {Memory Performance Attacks: Denial of Memory Service in Multi-Core Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of HotOS'07: 11th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, San Diego, California, USA, May 2007
	author = {Zachary R. Anderson and Eric A. Brewer and Jeremy Condit and Robert Ennals and David Gay and Matthew Harren and George C. Necula and Feng Zhou},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of HotOS{\textquoteright}07: 11th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems},
	title = {Beyond Bug-Finding: Sound Program Analysis for Linux.},
	url = {},
	venue = {San Diego, California, USA},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Future Directions in Distributed Computing (FuDiCo III), Bertinoro, Italy, January 2007
	author = {Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Future Directions in Distributed Computing (FuDiCo III), Bertinoro, Italy},
	title = {Languages not Formats: Tackling Network Heterogeneity Head-on},
	year = {2007}
Middleware 2007, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 8th International Middleware Conference, Newport Beach, CA, USA, January 2007
	author = {Spyros Voulgaris and Maarten van Steen},
	booktitle = {Middleware 2007, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 8th International Middleware Conference, Newport Beach, CA, USA},
	title = {Hybrid Dissemination: Adding Determinism to Probabilistic Multicasting in Large-Scale P2P Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
January 2007
	author = {Martin Hentschel and Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska and Jonas Rutishauser and Daniela Florescu},
	title = {Mapping Data Queries: Semantics of the IS-A Rule},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, University of Vienna, Austria, January 2007
	author = {Nesime Tatbul and Ugur {\c C}etintemel and Stanley B. Zdonik},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, University of Vienna, Austria},
	title = {Staying FIT: Efficient Load Shedding Techniques for Distributed Stream Processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Programming Languages and Systems, 16th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2007, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practics of Software, ETAPS 2007, Braga, Portugal, January 2007
	author = {Jeremy Condit and Matthew Harren and Zachary R. Anderson and David Gay and George C. Necula},
	booktitle = {Programming Languages and Systems, 16th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2007, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practics of Software, ETAPS 2007, Braga, Portugal},
	title = {Dependent Types for Low-Level Programming.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Information Software Technology, January 2007
	author = {Cesare Pautasso and Thomas Heinis and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Information  Software Technology},
	title = {Autonomic resource provisioning for software business processes.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-XI), San Diego, CA, USA, January 2007
	author = {Timothy Roscoe and Kevin Elphinstone and Gernot Heiser},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-XI), San Diego, CA, USA},
	title = {Hype and Virtue},
	year = {2007}
Middleware 2007, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 8th International Middleware Conference, Newport Beach, CA, USA, January 2007
	author = {Patrick Stuedi and Marcel Bihr and Alain Remund and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Middleware 2007, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 8th International Middleware Conference, Newport Beach, CA, USA},
	title = {SIPHoc: Efficient SIP Middleware for Ad Hoc Networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
CIDR 2007, Third Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA, January 2007
	author = {Ren{\'e} M{\"u}ller and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {CIDR 2007, Third Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA},
	title = {SwissQM: Next Generation Data Processing in Sensor Networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, University of Vienna, Austria, January 2007
	author = {Irina Botan and Peter M. Fischer and Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska and Rokas Tamosevicius},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, University of Vienna, Austria},
	title = {Extending XQuery with Window Functions.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
13st International Conference on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-13 2007), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, January 2007
	author = {Santhosh Srinath and Onur Mutlu and Hyesoon Kim and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {13st International Conference on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-13 2007)},
	title = {Feedback Directed Prefetching: Improving the Performance and Bandwidth-Efficiency of Hardware Prefetchers.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Phoenix, Arizona, USA},
	year = {2007}
IEEE Internet Computing, January 2007
	author = {Swaminathan Sivasubramanian and Guillaume Pierre and Maarten van Steen and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {IEEE Internet Computing},
	title = {Analysis of Caching and Replication Strategies for Web Applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-XI), San Diego, CA, USA, January 2007
	author = {Kevin Elphinstone and Gerwin Klein and Philip Derrin and Timothy Roscoe and Gernot Heiser},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-XI), San Diego, CA, USA},
	title = {Towards a practical, verified kernel},
	year = {2007}
Middleware 2007, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 8th International Middleware Conference, Newport Beach, CA, USA, Proceedings of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX 8th International Middleware Conference (Middleware 2007), Newport Beach, CA, November 2007., January 2007
	author = {Jan S. Rellermeyer and Gustavo Alonso and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Middleware 2007, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 8th International Middleware Conference, Newport Beach, CA, USA},
	title = {R-OSGi: Distributed Applications Through Software Modularization.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX 8th International Middleware Conference (Middleware 2007), Newport Beach, CA, November 2007.},
	year = {2007}
Computer Architecture Letters, January 2007
	author = {Jos{\'e} A. Joao and Onur Mutlu and Hyesoon Kim and Yale N. Patt},
	journal = {Computer Architecture Letters},
	title = {Dynamic Predication of Indirect Jumps.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2007), 12. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Proceedings, 7.-9. März 2007, Aachen, Germany, January 2007
	author = {Jan Rittinger and Jens Teubner and Torsten Grust},
	booktitle = {Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2007), 12. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Proceedings, 7.-9. M{\"a}rz 2007, Aachen, Germany},
	title = {Pathfinder: A Relational Query Optimizer Explores XQuery Terrain.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, University of Vienna, Austria, January 2007
	author = {Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles and Jens Dittrich and Shant Kirakos Karakashian and Olivier Ren{\'e} Girard and Lukas Blunschi},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, University of Vienna, Austria},
	title = {iTrails: Pay-as-you-go Information Integration in Dataspaces.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2007, The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, January 2007
	author = {Torsten Grust and Jan Rittinger and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2007, The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey},
	title = {eXrQuy: Order Indifference in XQuery.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
IEEE Micro, January 2007
	author = {Hyesoon Kim and Jos{\'e} A. Joao and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Diverge-Merge Processor: Generalized and Energy-Efficient Dynamic Predication.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 17571, January 2007
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Dynamic adaptation is one of the greatest challenges for software engineering and is increasingly important, as the computing environments continue to expand and diversify. Applications which execute in such environments need to adapt to changing settings they encounter during their active life time. They should be able to react and modify their behavior dynamically in response to changes in their execution environments, without being required to be preprogrammed with the software functionality needed for typical adaptations. The research presented in this dissertation addresses this challenge. The first part of this dissertation presents PROSE, an infrastructure that supports dynamic adaptation by extending applications at runtime. The system performs reversible and systematic changes to running Java applications without requiring them to be shut down. Modifications take the form of replacement method bodies, and can use both type-based and regular expression patterns to select code for replacement. New code can make use of replaced method implementations cleanly, facilitating code evolution. Changes are composable, and may be reordered or selectively withdrawn at any time. The modifications are expressed as Java classes, providing additional development benefits. We describe the architecture of PROSE, the challenges of using aggressive inlining to achieve high performance, and use standard benchmarks to demonstrate code performance comparable with, or better than, compile time systems from the Aspect-Oriented Programming community. There is a growing number of applications which need to run continuously for a long period of time and have long-lived objects which need to be made persistent. The second part of this dissertation presents the application of PROSE in the implementation of dynamic persistence. That is persistence becomes not only an orthogonal concern but one that can be added to an application at runtime without interrupting its operations. With dynamic persistence we make the application independent of the container, so it can move from container to container and be made persistent at runtime without having to stop or redeploy the code. Our approach is a dynamic infrastructure based on PROSE where persistence functionality can be dynamically added or removed from running applications. By using this approach, persistence behavior can be added to existing applications without requiring to modify their original code. We present its flexible architecture, which allows the exploration of new forms of persistence extensions, and present performance data on the costs to persist the state of an application statically and dynamically.
	abstract = {Dynamic adaptation is one of the greatest challenges for software engineering and is increasingly important, as the computing environments continue to expand and diversify. Applications which execute in such environments need to adapt to changing settings they encounter during their active life time. They should be able to react and modify their behavior dynamically in response to changes in their execution environments, without being required to be preprogrammed with the software functionality needed for typical adaptations.
The research presented in this dissertation addresses this challenge. The first part of this dissertation presents PROSE, an infrastructure that supports dynamic adaptation by extending applications at runtime. The system performs reversible and systematic changes to running Java applications without requiring them to be shut down. Modifications take the form of replacement method bodies, and can use both type-based and regular expression patterns to select code for replacement. New code can make use of replaced method implementations cleanly, facilitating code evolution. Changes are composable, and may be reordered or selectively withdrawn at any time. The modifications are expressed as Java classes, providing additional development benefits. We describe the architecture of PROSE, the challenges of using aggressive inlining to achieve high performance, and use standard benchmarks to demonstrate code performance comparable with, or better than, compile time systems from the Aspect-Oriented Programming community.
There is a growing number of applications which need to run continuously for a long period of time and have long-lived objects which need to be made persistent. The second part of this dissertation presents the application of PROSE in the implementation of dynamic persistence. That is persistence becomes not only an orthogonal concern but one that can be added to an application at runtime without interrupting its operations. With dynamic persistence we make the application independent of the container, so it can move from container to container and be made persistent at runtime without having to stop or redeploy the code. Our approach is a dynamic infrastructure based on PROSE where persistence functionality can be dynamically added or removed from running applications. By using this approach, persistence behavior can be added to existing applications without requiring to modify their original code. We present its flexible architecture, which allows the exploration of new forms of persistence extensions, and present performance data on the costs to persist the state of an application statically and dynamically.},
	author = {Angela Nicoara},
	school = {17571},
	title = {Controlled, Systematic, and Efficient Code Replacement for Running Java Programs},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the Workshop on Middleware for Next-Generation Converged Networks and Applications, MNCNA 2007, Newport Beach, California, USA, January 2007
	author = {Patrick Stuedi and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Middleware for Next-Generation Converged Networks and Applications, MNCNA 2007, Newport Beach, California, USA},
	title = {Wireless ad hoc VoIP.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, January 2007
	author = {Karl Aberer and Gustavo Alonso and Guillermo Barrenetxea and Jan Beutel and Jacques Bovay and Henri Dubois-Ferri{\`e}re and Donald Kossmann and Marc Parlange and Lothar Thiele and Martin Vetterli},
	journal = {Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation},
	title = {Infrastructures for a Smart Earth - The Swiss NCCR-MICS initiative -.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2007), 12. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Proceedings, 7.-9. März 2007, Aachen, Germany, January 2007
	author = {Jens Dittrich and Lukas Blunschi and Markus F{\"a}rber and Olivier Ren{\'e} Girard and Shant Kirakos Karakashian and Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles},
	booktitle = {Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2007), 12. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Proceedings, 7.-9. M{\"a}rz 2007, Aachen, Germany},
	title = {From Personal Desktops to Personal Dataspaces: A Report on Building the iMeMex Personal Dataspace Management System.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
XIME-P, January 2007
	author = {Torsten Grust and Jan Rittinger and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {XIME-P},
	title = {Data-intensive XQuery debugging with instant replay.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2007, The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, January 2007
	author = {Carsten Binnig and Donald Kossmann and Eric Lo},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2007, The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey},
	title = {Reverse Query Processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Programming and Computer Software, January 2007
	author = {Maria P. Grineva and Maxim N. Grinev},
	booktitle = {Programming and Computer Software},
	title = {Query triggers for XML DBMS: Efficient implementation based on shadow mechanism.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 17193, January 2007
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
The inherent complexity of modern software systems has reached a critical level. One way this affects the deployment and maintenance processes of software in the form of a vast amount of varying non-functional requirements (NFR). With regard to complexity and flexibility, changes to software systems must be automated in order to, for instance, deploy different system configurations based on a given set of NFRs. This thesis proposes a generally applicable Automated Software Engineering (ASE) approach which addresses the automated compile time/deployment time adaptation of non-functional requirements in the context of Web Service- and XML-centric middleware (OpenXL). The thesis illustrates how a high-level representation of code can be advantageous for the requirement-based optimization of a software system, and how flexible, adaptable Web Service middleware can be implemented using ASE techniques. Additionally, the thesis describes the required tool support and the underlying architecture of OpenXL, and explains in detail how an automated middleware composition process has been implemented. It is shown how a single code source can be used for the deployment of multiple applications which all address different requirements. With regard to a complex benefit and trade-off evaluation, a standardized benchmark (TPC-W [34]) is utilized. This thesis makes contributions in the following areas: Creation of a modelling and code generation framework. In the context of this work, the Flexible XML-based Languages (FXL) framework [31] was developed, which supports the creation of Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) and the transformation/generation of source code. FXL is an essential part of the proposed ASE process. Creation of a flexible Web Service representation layer. This layer is called Service Language Layer (SLL) [23]. SLL comprises a Web Service programming language (SLLP) as well as an XML-based Web Service model (xSLL) and provides a new abstraction layer on top of traditional programming languages. SLL has the required expressiveness and simplicity with regard to Web Service programming, is extensible and ready for automation. The creation of an adaptable WS middleware (OpenXL). The thesis introduces a modular middleware architecture skeleton which can be completely generated using the syntax description (XML Schema) of the aforementioned xSLL model. The resulting middleware can be statically or dynamically adapted via the deployment of reusable middleware modules. A feature-based, automated middleware (re)configuration process is addressed using semantically annotated middleware modules and a flexible reasoning engine. Thus, an automated as well as distributed deployment process (based on given requirements such as throughput, physical size, response time) can be realized. It is important to mention that the techniques and methodologies introduced in this thesis can be applied generally to the automated, requirement-based adaptation of software systems.
	abstract = {The inherent complexity of modern software systems has reached a critical level. One way this affects the deployment and maintenance processes of software in the form of a vast amount of varying non-functional requirements (NFR). With regard to complexity and flexibility, changes to software systems must be automated in order to, for instance, deploy different system configurations based on a given set of NFRs. This thesis proposes a generally applicable Automated Software Engineering (ASE) approach which addresses the automated compile time/deployment time adaptation of non-functional requirements in the context of Web Service- and XML-centric middleware (OpenXL). The thesis illustrates how a high-level representation of code can be advantageous for the requirement-based optimization of a software system, and how flexible, adaptable Web Service middleware can be implemented using ASE techniques. Additionally, the thesis describes the required tool support and the underlying architecture of OpenXL, and explains in detail how an automated middleware composition process has been implemented. It is shown how a single code source can be used for the deployment of multiple applications which all address different requirements. With regard to a complex benefit and trade-off evaluation, a standardized benchmark (TPC-W [34]) is utilized.
This thesis makes contributions in the following areas:
Creation of a modelling and code generation framework. In the context of this work, the Flexible XML-based Languages (FXL) framework [31] was developed, which supports the creation of Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) and the transformation/generation of source code. FXL is an essential part of the proposed ASE process.
Creation of a flexible Web Service representation layer. This layer is called Service Language Layer (SLL) [23]. SLL comprises a Web Service programming language (SLLP) as well as an XML-based Web Service model (xSLL) and provides a new abstraction layer on top of traditional programming languages. SLL has the required expressiveness and simplicity with regard to Web Service programming, is extensible and ready for automation.
The creation of an adaptable WS middleware (OpenXL). The thesis introduces a modular middleware architecture skeleton which can be completely generated using the syntax description (XML Schema) of the aforementioned xSLL model. The resulting middleware can be statically or dynamically adapted via the deployment of reusable middleware modules.
A feature-based, automated middleware (re)configuration process is addressed using semantically annotated middleware modules and a flexible reasoning engine. Thus, an automated as well as distributed deployment process (based on given requirements such as throughput, physical size, response time) can be realized.
It is important to mention that the techniques and methodologies introduced in this thesis can be applied generally to the automated, requirement-based adaptation of software systems.},
	author = {Christian Reichel},
	school = {17193},
	title = {Open XL: An Adaptable Web Service Middleware},
	year = {2007}
4th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 2007), Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI'07), Boston, MA, USA, April 2007., January 2007
	author = {Dennis Geels and Gautam Altekar and Petros Maniatis and Timothy Roscoe and Ion Stoica},
	booktitle = {4th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 2007)},
	title = {Friday: Global Comprehension for Distributed Replay.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI{\textquoteright}07), Boston, MA, USA, April 2007.},
	year = {2007}
Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2007), 12. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Proceedings, 7.-9. März 2007, Aachen, Germany, January 2007
	author = {Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2007), 12. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Proceedings, 7.-9. M{\"a}rz 2007, Aachen, Germany},
	title = {Pathfinder: XQuery Compilation Techniques for Relational Database Targets.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 2007 EuroSys Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2007
	author = {Ren{\'e} M{\"u}ller and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2007 EuroSys Conference, Lisbon, Portugal},
	title = {A virtual machine for sensor networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Operating Systems Review, January 2007
	author = {Roy Friedman and Daniela Gavidia and Lu{\'\i}s E. T. Rodrigues and Aline Carneiro Viana and Spyros Voulgaris},
	booktitle = {Operating Systems Review},
	title = {Gossiping on MANETs: the beauty and the beast.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2007, The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, January 2007
	author = {Angela Nicoara and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2007, The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey},
	title = {Making Applications Persistent at Run-time.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 17271, January 2007
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Testingis the process of checking the correctness,completeness, security,and quality of a piece of Computer Software. With the increasing importanceand prevalence of testing, many tests have to be carried throughout the whole product cycle. With possibly thousands or even millions of tests to be executed, it is necessary to devise tools or techniques to automate and optimize the testing process. This dissertation examines several issues related to testing database applications and database systems. The first issue is related to the efficiency of testing database applications. Given that testing is the most expensivepart of the Software development cycle, it is necessary to fully utilize the available resources so as to minimize the testing time. The first part of this dissertation presents a framework for efficient test execution. The second issue is related to the generation of test data to test functional features of database applications. Today, all database generators generate test data without considering the application queries; therefore, the generateddata hardly return meaningful query results which could be used to test different code paths of an application. In order to solve this problem, the second part of this dissertation presents a database generator that accepts an application query and the expected query results as input, and generates a test database that meets the test requirements as output. The last part of this dissertation focuses on testing database Systems. In order to test individual componentsof a database System (e.g., query optimizer, Operators' algorithms), it is necessaryto execute the same test query on differentdatabase instances to obtain different query results. However, it is indeed difficult to obtain differentquery results for the same test query because it requires manual tuning on the database content. To this end, this dissertation presents a query-aware database generator to automate this task.
	abstract = {Testingis the process of checking the correctness,completeness, security,and quality of a piece of Computer Software. With the increasing importanceand prevalence of testing, many tests have to be carried throughout the whole product cycle. With possibly thousands or even millions of tests to be executed, it is necessary to devise tools or techniques to automate and optimize the testing process. This dissertation examines several issues related to testing database applications and database systems.
The first issue is related to the efficiency of testing database applications. Given that testing is the most expensivepart of the Software development cycle, it is necessary to fully utilize the available resources so as to minimize the testing time. The first part of this dissertation presents a framework for efficient test execution.
The second issue is related to the generation of test data to test functional features of database applications. Today, all database generators generate test data without considering the application queries; therefore, the generateddata hardly return meaningful query results which could be used to test different code paths of an application. In order to solve this problem, the second part of this dissertation presents a database generator that accepts an application query and the expected query results as input, and generates a test database that meets the test requirements as output.
The last part of this dissertation focuses on testing database Systems. In order to test individual componentsof a database System (e.g., query optimizer, Operators{\textquoteright} algorithms), it is necessaryto execute the same test query on differentdatabase instances to obtain different query results. However, it is indeed difficult to obtain differentquery results for the same test query because it requires manual tuning on the database content. To this end, this dissertation presents a query-aware database generator to automate this task.},
	author = {Eric Lo},
	school = {17271},
	title = {Test Automation for Database Management Systems and Database Applications},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications, OOPSLA 2007, October 21-25, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2007, January 2007
	author = {Jan S. Rellermeyer and Gustavo Alonso and Timothy Roscoe},
	title = {Ready for distribution?: turning modular into distributed applications with the R-OSGi deployment tool.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications, OOPSLA  2007, October 21-25, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2007},
	year = {2007}
Fifth International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2007), San Jose, California, USA, January 2007
	author = {Hyesoon Kim and Jos{\'e} A. Joao and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {Fifth International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2007)},
	title = {Profile-assisted Compiler Support for Dynamic Predication in Diverge-Merge Processors.},
	url = {},
	venue = {San Jose, California, USA},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 2007 EuroSys Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2007
	author = {Jan S. Rellermeyer and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2007 EuroSys Conference, Lisbon, Portugal},
	title = {Concierge: a service platform for resource-constrained devices.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst., January 2007
	author = {M{\'a}rk Jelasity and Spyros Voulgaris and Rachid Guerraoui and Anne-Marie Kermarrec and Maarten van Steen},
	booktitle = {ACM Trans. Comput. Syst.},
	title = {Gossip-based peer sampling.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2007, The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, January 2007
	author = {Jens Dittrich and Cristian Duda and Bjorn Jarisch and Donald Kossmann and Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2007, The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey},
	title = {Bringing Precision to Desktop Search: A Predicate-based Desktop Search Architecture.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Demo at the 4th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (Mass 07), Pisa, Italy, . (Best Demo Award), January 2007
	author = {Ren{\'e} M{\"u}ller and Jan S. Rellermeyer and Michael Duller and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Demo at the 4th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (Mass 07), Pisa, Italy},
	title = {A Generic Platform for Sensor Network Applications},
	venue = {. (Best Demo Award)},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Beijing, China, January 2007
	author = {Torsten Grust and Manuel Mayr and Jan Rittinger and Sherif Sakr and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Beijing, China},
	title = {A SQL: 1999 code generator for the pathfinder xquery compiler.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
CIDR 2007, Third Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA, January 2007
	author = {Cristian Duda and David A. Graf and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {CIDR 2007, Third Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA},
	title = {Predicate-based Indexing of Enterprise Web Applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 2007 OOPSLA workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange, ETX 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications, OOPSLA 2007, October 21-25, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2007, January 2007
	author = {Jan S. Rellermeyer and Gustavo Alonso and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2007 OOPSLA workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange, ETX 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada},
	title = {Building, deploying, and monitoring distributed applications with Eclipse and R-OSGI.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications, OOPSLA  2007, October 21-25, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2007},
	year = {2007}
VLDB J., January 2007
	author = {Florian Haftmann and Donald Kossmann and Eric Lo},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {A framework for efficient regression tests on database applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2007 Workshops, International Workshops, Vienna, Austria, Revised Selected Papers, January 2007
	author = {Bi{\"o}rn Bi{\"o}rnstad and Cesare Pautasso},
	booktitle = {Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2007 Workshops, International Workshops, Vienna, Austria},
	title = {Let It Flow: Building Mashups with Data Processing Pipelines.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Revised Selected Papers},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the EclipseCon 2007, Santa Clara, CA, USA, January 2007
	author = {Angela Nicoara and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the EclipseCon 2007, Santa Clara, CA, USA},
	title = {Runtime monitoring and adaptation of applications from Eclipse },
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Beijing, China, January 2007
	author = {Torsten Grust and Jan Rittinger and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Beijing, China},
	title = {Why off-the-shelf RDBMSs are better at XPath than you might expect.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
CIDR 2007, Third Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA, Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), Asilomar, CA, USA, January 2007., January 2007
	author = {Joseph M. Hellerstein and Tyson Condie and Minos N. Garofalakis and Boon Thau Loo and Petros Maniatis and Timothy Roscoe and Nina Taft},
	booktitle = {CIDR 2007, Third Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA},
	title = {Public Health for the Internet (PHI).},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), Asilomar, CA, USA, January 2007.},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the Fourth Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, SECON 2007, Merged with IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (IWWAN), San Diego, January 2007
	author = {Patrick Stuedi and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, SECON 2007, Merged with IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (IWWAN)},
	title = {Log-normal shadowing meets SINR: A numerical study of Capacity in Wireless Networks.},
	url = {},
	venue = {San Diego},
	year = {2007}
Wirtschaftsinformatik, January 2007
	author = {Daniel Wei{\ss} and J{\"o}rn Kaack and Stefan Kirn and Maike Gilliot and Lutz Lowis and G{\"u}nter M{\"u}ller and Andrea Herrmann and Carsten Binnig and Timea Illes-Seifert and Barbara Paech and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Wirtschaftsinformatik},
	title = {Die SIKOSA-Methodik.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
34th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2007), San Diego, California, USA, January 2007
	author = {Hyesoon Kim and Jos{\'e} A. Joao and Onur Mutlu and Chang Joo Lee and Yale N. Patt and Robert S. Cohn},
	booktitle = {34th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2007)},
	title = {VPC prediction: reducing the cost of indirect branches via hardware-based dynamic devirtualization.},
	url = {},
	venue = {San Diego, California, USA},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the EclipseCon 2007, Santa Clara, CA, USA, January 2007
	author = {Jan S. Rellermeyer and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the EclipseCon 2007, Santa Clara, CA, USA},
	title = {Services everywhere: OSGi in distributed environments},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Beijing, China, January 2007
	author = {Michael Duller and Rokas Tamosevicius and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Beijing, China},
	title = {XTream: personal data streams.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
CIDR 2007, Third Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA, January 2007
	author = {Lukas Blunschi and Jens Dittrich and Olivier Ren{\'e} Girard and Shant Kirakos Karakashian and Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles},
	booktitle = {CIDR 2007, Third Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Asilomar, CA, USA},
	title = {A Dataspace Odyssey: The iMeMex Personal Dataspace Management System (Demo).},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Computer Architecture Letters, January 2007
	author = {Jos{\'e} A. Joao and Onur Mutlu and Hyesoon Kim and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {Computer Architecture Letters},
	title = {Dynamic Predication of Indirect Jumps.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
IEEE Pervasive Computing, January 2007
	author = {Oriana Riva and Cristian Borcea},
	booktitle = {IEEE Pervasive Computing},
	title = {The Urbanet Revolution: Sensor Power to the People!},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
40th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-40 2007), Chicago, Illinois, USA, January 2007
	author = {Kypros Constantinides and Onur Mutlu and Todd M. Austin and Valeria Bertacco},
	booktitle = {40th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-40 2007)},
	title = {Software-Based Online Detection of Hardware Defects Mechanisms, Architectural Support, and Evaluation.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Chicago, Illinois, USA},
	year = {2007}
January 2007
	author = {Patrick Stuedi and Gustavo Alonso},
	title = {VoIP for isolated and Internet-connected Mobile Ad Hoc Networks},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Beijing, China, January 2007
	author = {Ren{\'e} M{\"u}ller and Jan S. Rellermeyer and Michael Duller and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Beijing, China},
	title = {A dynamic and flexible sensor network platform.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Digital Libraries: Research and Development, First International DELOS Conference, Pisa, Italy, Revised Selected Papers, January 2007
	author = {Michael Springmann and Ludger Bischofs and Peter M. Fischer and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek and Heiko Schuldt and Ulrike Steffens and R. Vogl},
	booktitle = {Digital Libraries: Research and Development, First International DELOS Conference, Pisa, Italy},
	title = {Management of and Access to Virtual Electronic Health Records.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Revised Selected Papers},
	year = {2007}
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, January 2007
	author = {Spyros Voulgaris and Maarten van Steen and Konrad Iwanicki},
	booktitle = {Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience},
	title = {Proactive gossip-based management of semantic overlay networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
ERCIM News, January 2007
	author = {Jana Koehler and Gustavo Alonso},
	journal = {ERCIM News},
	title = {Service-Oriented Computing - Introduction to the Special Theme.},
	year = {2007}
40th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-40 2007), Chicago, Illinois, USA, January 2007
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Thomas Moscibroda},
	booktitle = {40th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-40 2007)},
	title = {Stall-Time Fair Memory Access Scheduling for Chip Multiprocessors.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Chicago, Illinois, USA},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service, Chicago, USA, January 2007
	author = {Patrick Stuedi and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service, Chicago, USA},
	title = {Recall and Precision in Distributed Bandwidth Allocation},
	year = {2007}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Beijing, China, January 2007
	author = {Carsten Binnig and Donald Kossmann and Eric Lo and M. Tamer {\"O}zsu},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Beijing, China},
	title = {QAGen: generating query-aware test databases.},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}
Digital Libraries: Research and Development, First International DELOS Conference, Pisa, Italy, Revised Selected Papers, January 2007
	author = {Gert Brettlecker and Heiko Schuldt and Peter M. Fischer and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek},
	booktitle = {Digital Libraries: Research and Development, First International DELOS Conference, Pisa, Italy},
	title = {Integration of Reliable Sensor Data Stream Management into Digital Libraries.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Revised Selected Papers},
	year = {2007}
CoRR, January 2007
	author = {Loredana Afanasiev and Torsten Grust and Maarten Marx and Jan Rittinger and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {CoRR},
	title = {An Inflationary Fixed Point Operator in XQuery},
	url = {},
	year = {2007}


Int. J. Web Eng. Technol., January 2006
Business processes provide abstractions for modelling business protocols that define the correct interactions between two or more Web services (WS). It has been shown that it is possible to automatically derive role-specific processes from a global protocol definition and also statically verify the compliance of a local process with the corresponding global business process. In this paper, we show that a similar approach can be used at run-time. We propose to employ process-based tools to enforce that the messages exchanged between different WS comply with a given business protocol, both in terms of sequencing constraints and data flow characteristics. Our solution simplifies the implementation of WS because it helps to separate the concern of business protocol compliance from the actual service implementation. To do so, we show how to transparently add a protocol enforcement layer to the WS messaging stack. Our experimental results indicate that this imposes a minimal overhead.
	abstract = {Business processes provide abstractions for modelling business protocols that define the correct interactions between two or more Web services (WS). It has been shown that it is possible to automatically derive role-specific processes from a global protocol definition and also statically verify the compliance of a local process with the corresponding global business process. In this paper, we show that a similar approach can be used at run-time. We propose to employ process-based tools to enforce that the messages exchanged between different WS comply with a given business protocol, both in terms of sequencing constraints and data flow characteristics. Our solution simplifies the implementation of WS because it helps to separate the concern of business protocol compliance from the actual service implementation. To do so, we show how to transparently add a protocol enforcement layer to the WS messaging stack. Our experimental results indicate that this imposes a minimal overhead.},
	author = {Bi{\"o}rn Bi{\"o}rnstad and Cesare Pautasso and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Int. J. Web Eng. Technol.},
	title = {Enforcing web services business protocols at run-time: a process-driven approach.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 16671, January 2006
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
In recent years, we have seen a shift in the way information is processed. Departing from the traditional paradigm in which information is first stored and then queried, we are quickly moving to a new paradigm in which new information is directly routed to the relevant recipients. This new paradigm is being adopted by several research communities, databases being only one of them. Information filters represent one of the key components of this new paradigm, as they loosely couple senders and receivers of data items. Receivers of information submit a profile of their interest to the information filter, while producers of information send messages to the information filter. The purpose of an information filter is then to match the messages to the profiles, so that the matching messages can be sent to the relevant receivers. Information filters are used in areas like application integration, personalized content delivery, networking monitoring and many other areas. Simpler versions of information filters are appearing as products on the market place, while research continues into several directions. In order to enable the information filtering paradigm, techniques like profile indexing and stream processing are used. The main directions of research have been expressiveness of profiles, scalability in terms of profiles and distribution of information filters over networks. This thesis contributes three new aspects to the area of information filtering: scalability in terms of message throughput, context-aware information filters that use state for the matching decision and a study of quality of service. Scalability in terms of message throughput is achieved by processing messages in batches instead of processing them one by one, thus reducing the cost of processing an individual message. Context-aware information filters augment existing, stateless information filters by including context state into the matching decision. Since this state receives updates, the key challenge in building such a context-aware information filter is to deal with high message rates and high update rates. The thesis addresses this challenge in two different ways: AGILE, a method to automatically adapt index accuracy to the workload parameters, and batched processing of updates, where a set of updates is processed at once in order to reduce the cost. Quality of service becomes more and more important as information filters are used in settings where the load is unpredictable and might exceed the available resources. This work examines how state of the art approaches to implement quality of service apply to information filters. For the three areas contributed by this thesis, a theoretical analysis and an extensive performance study is provided, illustrating the benefits and trade-offs. To sum up, this thesis contributes work to improve information filters by increasing the message throughput, including context state in the matching process and studying quality of service. The results provide further support for the adoption of information filters into the mainstream of information processing.
	abstract = {In recent years, we have seen a shift in the way information is processed. Departing from the traditional paradigm in which information is first stored and then queried, we are quickly moving to a new paradigm in which new information is directly routed to the relevant recipients. This new paradigm is being adopted by several research communities, databases being only one of them. Information filters represent one of the key components of this new paradigm, as they loosely couple senders and receivers of data items. Receivers of information submit a profile of their interest to the information filter, while producers of information send messages to the information filter. The purpose of an information filter is then to match the messages to the profiles, so that the matching messages can be sent to the relevant receivers. Information filters are used in areas like application integration, personalized content delivery, networking monitoring and many other areas. Simpler versions of information filters are appearing as products on the market place, while research continues into several directions.
In order to enable the information filtering paradigm, techniques like profile indexing and stream processing are used. The main directions of research have been expressiveness of profiles, scalability in terms of profiles and distribution of information filters over networks.
This thesis contributes three new aspects to the area of information filtering: scalability in terms of message throughput, context-aware information filters that use state for the
matching decision and a study of quality of service. Scalability in terms of message throughput is achieved by processing messages in batches instead of processing them one by one, thus reducing the cost of processing an individual message. Context-aware information filters augment existing, stateless information filters by including context state into the matching decision. Since this state receives updates, the key challenge in building such a context-aware information filter is to deal with high message rates and high update rates. The thesis addresses this challenge in two different ways: AGILE, a method to automatically adapt index accuracy to the workload parameters, and batched processing of updates, where a set of updates is processed at once in order to reduce the cost. Quality of service becomes more and more important as information filters are used in settings where the load is unpredictable and might exceed the available resources. This work examines how state of the art approaches to implement quality of service apply to information filters. For the three areas contributed by this thesis, a theoretical analysis and an extensive performance study is provided, illustrating the benefits and trade-offs.
To sum up, this thesis contributes work to improve information filters by increasing the message throughput, including context state in the matching process and studying quality of service. The results provide further support for the adoption of information filters into the mainstream of information processing.},
	author = {Peter M. Fischer},
	school = {16671},
	title = {Adaptive Optimization Techniques for Context-Aware Information Filters},
	year = {2006}
January 2006
	author = {Irina Botan and Peter M. Fischer and Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska and Rokas Tamosevicius},
	title = {Extending XQuery with Window Functions},
	year = {2006}
33rd International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2006), Boston, MA, USA, January 2006
	author = {Moinuddin K. Qureshi and Daniel N. Lynch and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {33rd International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2006)},
	title = {A Case for MLP-Aware Cache Replacement.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Boston, MA, USA},
	year = {2006}
SOFSEM 2006: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 32nd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Merín, Czech Republic, January 2006
	author = {Andrey Fomichev and Maxim Grinev and Sergei D. Kuznetsov},
	booktitle = {SOFSEM 2006: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 32nd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Mer{\'\i}n, Czech Republic},
	title = {Sedna: A Native XML DBMS.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
IEEE Micro, January 2006
	author = {Hyesoon Kim and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt and Jared Stark},
	booktitle = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Wish Branches: Enabling Adaptive and Aggressive Predicated Execution.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Real, Large, Distributed Systems (WORLDS), January 2006
	author = {Tom Anderson and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Real, Large, Distributed Systems (WORLDS)},
	title = {Learning from PlanetLab},
	year = {2006}
39th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-39 2006), Orlando, Florida, USA, January 2006
	author = {Hyesoon Kim and Jos{\'e} A. Joao and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {39th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-39 2006)},
	title = {Diverge-Merge Processor (DMP): Dynamic Predicated Execution of Complex Control-Flow Graphs Based on Frequently Executed Paths.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Orlando, Florida, USA},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Seoul, Korea, January 2006
	author = {Jens Dittrich and Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Seoul, Korea},
	title = {iDM: A Unified and Versatile Data Model for Personal Dataspace Management.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
IEEE Micro, January 2006
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Hyesoon Kim and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Efficient Runahead Execution: Power-Efficient Memory Latency Tolerance.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Hot Topics in Networking (HotNets-V), Irvine, CA, USA, January 2006
	author = {Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Hot Topics in Networking (HotNets-V), Irvine, CA, USA},
	title = {The End of Internet Architecture},
	year = {2006}
Middleware 2006, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 7th International Middleware Conference, Melbourne, Australia, January 2006
	author = {Christian Plattner and Gustavo Alonso and M. Tamer {\"O}zsu},
	booktitle = {Middleware 2006, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 7th International Middleware Conference, Melbourne, Australia},
	title = {DBFarm: A Scalable Cluster for Multiple Databases.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Seoul, Korea, January 2006
	author = {Nesime Tatbul and Stanley B. Zdonik},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Seoul, Korea},
	title = {Window-Aware Load Shedding for Aggregation Queries over Data Streams.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
SIGMOD Record, January 2006
	author = {Karl Aberer and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {SIGMOD Record},
	title = {Data management for a smart earth: the Swiss NCCR-MICS initiative.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the EEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, Vancouver, Canada, January 2006
	author = {Rene Mueller and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the EEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, Vancouver, Canada},
	title = {Efficient Sharing of Sensor Networks},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, MSWiM 2006, Terromolinos, Spain, January 2006
	author = {Patrick Stuedi and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, MSWiM 2006, Terromolinos, Spain},
	title = {Computing throughput capacity for realistic wireless multihop networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on XQuery Implementation, Experience and Perspectives, in cooperation with ACM SIGMOD, Chicago, USA. 2006, January 2006
	author = {Donald D. Chamberlin and Michael J. Carey and Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann and Jonathan Robie},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on XQuery Implementation, Experience and Perspectives, in cooperation with ACM SIGMOD},
	title = {Programming with XQuery.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Chicago, USA. 2006},
	year = {2006}
SIGMOD Record, January 2006
	author = {Aphrodite Tsalgatidou and George Athanasopoulos and Michael Pantazoglou and Cesare Pautasso and Thomas Heinis and Roy Gr{\o}nmo and Hj{\o}rdis Hoff and Arne-J{\o}rgen Berre and M. Glittum and Simela Topouzidou},
	booktitle = {SIGMOD Record},
	title = {Developing scientific workflows from heterogeneous services.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots (In conjuction with ACM Mobicom), Los Angeles, CA, USA, January 2006
	author = {Patrick Stuedi and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots (In conjuction with ACM Mobicom), Los Angeles, CA, USA},
	title = {SymPhone:Design and Implementation of a VoIP peer for Symbian mobile phones using Bluetooth and SIP},
	year = {2006}
2006 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2006), Chicago, Illinois, USA, January 2006
	author = {Bi{\"o}rn Bi{\"o}rnstad and Cesare Pautasso and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {2006 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2006)},
	title = {Control the Flow: How to Safely Compose Streaming Services into Business Processes.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Chicago, Illinois, USA},
	year = {2006}
7th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '06), Seattle, WA, USA, January 2006
	author = {Feng Zhou and Jeremy Condit and Zachary R. Anderson and Ilya Bagrak and Robert Ennals and Matthew Harren and George C. Necula and Eric A. Brewer},
	booktitle = {7th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI {\textquoteright}06)},
	title = {SafeDrive: Safe and Recoverable Extensions Using Language-Based Techniques.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Seattle, WA, USA},
	year = {2006}
Dependable Systems: Software, Computing, Networks, Research Results of the DICS Program, January 2006
	author = {Cesare Pautasso and Win Bausch and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Dependable Systems: Software, Computing, Networks, Research Results of the DICS Program},
	title = {Autonomic Computing for Virtual Laboratories.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
Operating Systems Review, January 2006
	author = {Larry L. Peterson and Timothy Roscoe},
	journal = {Operating Systems Review},
	title = {The design principles of PlanetLab.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the HPDC 2006 Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS06), Paris, France, January 2006
	author = {Cesare Pautasso and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the HPDC 2006 Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS06), Paris, France},
	title = {Parallel Computing Patterns for Grid Workflows},
	year = {2006}
Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2006), Singapore, January 2006
	author = {Thomas Heinis and Cesare Pautasso and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2006)},
	title = {Mirroring Resources or Mapping Requests: Implementing WS-RF for Grid Workflows.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Singapore},
	year = {2006}
Pervasive Computing, 4th International Conference, PERVASIVE 2006, Dublin, Ireland, January 2006
	author = {Shawn R. Jeffery and Gustavo Alonso and Michael J. Franklin and Wei Hong and Jennifer Widom},
	booktitle = {Pervasive Computing, 4th International Conference, PERVASIVE 2006, Dublin, Ireland},
	title = {Declarative Support for Sensor Data Cleaning.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the 2006 EuroSys Conference, Leuven, Belgium, Proceedings of the 1st European Systems Conference (Eurosys), Leuven, Belgium, March 2006., January 2006
	author = {Atul Singh and Petros Maniatis and Timothy Roscoe and Peter Druschel},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2006 EuroSys Conference, Leuven, Belgium},
	title = {Using queries for distributed monitoring and forensics.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 1st European Systems Conference (Eurosys), Leuven, Belgium, March 2006.},
	year = {2006}
SIGIR Workshop on Personal Information Management (PIM), Seattle, Washington, USA, January 2006
	author = {Jens Dittrich},
	booktitle = {SIGIR Workshop on Personal Information Management (PIM), Seattle, Washington, USA},
	title = {iMeMex: Platform for Personal Dataspace Management},
	year = {2006}
Fourth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2006), New York, New York, USA, January 2006
	author = {Hyesoon Kim and M. Aater Suleman and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {Fourth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2006)},
	title = {2D-Profiling: Detecting Input-Dependent Branches with a Single Input Data Set.},
	url = {},
	venue = {New York, New York, USA},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Chicago, Illinois, USA, January 2006
	author = {Carsten Binnig and Donald Kossmann and Eric Lo},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Chicago, Illinois, USA},
	title = {Testing database applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks, in conjunction with VLDB, DMSN 2006, Seoul, Korea, January 2006
	author = {Peter M. Fischer and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks, in conjunction with VLDB, DMSN 2006, Seoul, Korea},
	title = {Quality of service in stateful information filters.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on XQuery Implementation Experience and Perspective (XIME-P), Chicago, USA, January 2006
	author = {Donald D. Chamberlin and Michael Carey and Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann and Jonathan Robie},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on XQuery Implementation Experience and Perspective (XIME-P), Chicago, USA},
	title = {XQueryP: Programming with XQuery},
	year = {2006}
17th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2006), Krakow, Poland, January 2006
	author = {Maria Rekouts and Maxim Grinev and Alexander Boldakov},
	booktitle = {17th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2006)},
	title = {A Method for XQuery Transform Implementation Based on Shadow Mechanism.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Krakow, Poland},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Chicago, Illinois, USA, January 2006
	author = {Peter A. Boncz and Torsten Grust and Maurice van Keulen and Stefan Manegold and Jan Rittinger and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Chicago, Illinois, USA},
	title = {MonetDB/XQuery: a fast XQuery processor powered by a relational engine.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
GeoSensor Networks, Second International Conference, GSN 2006, Boston, MA, USA, Revised Selected and Invited Papers, January 2006
	author = {Nesime Tatbul and Yanif Ahmad and Ugur {\c C}etintemel and Jeong-Hyon Hwang and Ying Xing and Stanley B. Zdonik},
	booktitle = {GeoSensor Networks, Second International Conference, GSN 2006, Boston, MA, USA},
	title = {Load Management and High Availability in the Borealis Distributed Stream Processing Engine.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Revised Selected and Invited Papers},
	year = {2006}
Operating Systems Review, January 2006
	author = {Dilma Da Silva and Orran Krieger and Robert W. Wisniewski and Amos Waterland and David K. Tam and Andrew Baumann},
	booktitle = {Operating Systems Review},
	title = {K42: an infrastructure for operating system research.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
January 2006
	author = {Ulrich Dinger and Donald Kossmann and Christian Reichel},
	title = {OpenXL: An Adaptable Web-Service Middleware},
	year = {2006}
Advances in Database Technology - EDBT 2006, 10th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Munich, Germany, January 2006
	author = {Peter A. Boncz and Jan Flokstra and Torsten Grust and Maurice van Keulen and Stefan Manegold and K. Sjoerd Mullender and Jan Rittinger and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {Advances in Database Technology - EDBT 2006, 10th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Munich, Germany},
	title = {MonetDB/XQuery-Consistent and Efficient Updates on the Pre/Post Plane.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Chicago, Illinois, USA, January 2006
	author = {Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Chicago, Illinois, USA},
	title = {Programming for XML.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
Datenbank-Spektrum, January 2006
	author = {Donald Kossmann and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Datenbank-Spektrum},
	title = {Software Mass Customization.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
IEEE Trans. Computers, January 2006
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Hyesoon Kim and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {IEEE Trans. Computers},
	title = {Address-Value Delta (AVD) Prediction: A Hardware Technique for Efficiently Parallelizing Dependent Cache Misses.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
January 2006
	author = {Peter M. Fischer and Donald Kossmann and Tim Kraska and Rokas Tamosevicius},
	title = {Windows for XQuery - Use Cases},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2006, Atlanta, GA, USA, January 2006
	author = {Shawn R. Jeffery and Gustavo Alonso and Michael J. Franklin and Wei Hong and Jennifer Widom},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2006},
	title = {A Pipelined Framework for Online Cleaning of Sensor Data Streams.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Atlanta, GA, USA},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Chicago, IL, USA, ACM Press, June 2006, pp. 97--108., January 2006
	author = {Boon Thau Loo and Tyson Condie and Minos N. Garofalakis and David E. Gay and Joseph M. Hellerstein and Petros Maniatis and Raghu Ramakrishnan and Timothy Roscoe and Ion Stoica},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Chicago, Illinois, USA},
	title = {Declarative networking: language, execution and optimization.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Chicago, IL, USA, ACM Press, June 2006, pp. 97--108.},
	year = {2006}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2006
	author = {Cesare Pautasso and Thomas Heinis and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {JOpera: Autonomic Service Orchestration.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. ETH Zürich, January 2006
This thesis deals with the construction of Ganymed, a platform for cluster based database replication. Database replication is typically used to either improve fault tolerance or to improve the performance of computational operations on the replicated data (or both). Ganymed, however, goes beyond those goals. So called satellite databases are not only used to achieve the goals of traditional replication, rather they can be used to extend existing databases in various ways. In the thesis we first discuss RSI-PC, a new, efficient algorithm for database replication. The algorithm schedules transactions between a master database and a set of attached satellite databases. The idea is to focus on transactional web applications: in such environments, the commonly encountered scenario is a workload that consists merely of complex read-only transactions that are accompanied by few short and simple update transactions. Hence, while ensuring consistency and correctness at all times, the main focus of RSI-PC is to use read-only satellite databases to maximize the speed up for the execution of read-only transactions. Due to the fact that consistency and correctness are never abandoned, the resulting system acts like a single image system and therefore no changes are needed on the client side. Based on the core system the thesis then shows how it can be extended to cope with various other issues: the flexibility and independency of a concrete backend database engine provider is shown by constructing heterogeneous setups where the master database and the satellites are different engines from different vendors. The ability to extend the functionality of the master database is shown by using Ganymed as way to implement new functionality on the satellites. By using Ganymed, clients are not aware that the added features do not belong to the master but rather are being offered by the satellites. An example of such a feature is time-travel, where clients can inspect older states of the database. By using the Ganymed approach, space requirements or query execution times on the master are not affected in any way, at the same time satellites can be used to offer arbitrary time-travel functionality. The thesis furthermore shows that Ganymed is not limited to static setups. By using dynamic replication the system can vary the amount of attached satellites to a master as demand requires. Furthermore, the system can be used to implement multi-tenant support, i.e., many different customer databases can be handled in parallel. For each tenant the system then dynamically manages a tailored set of satellites. Last but not least it is important to note that the system and the proposed ideas in the thesis have been fully implemented.
	abstract = {This thesis deals with the construction of Ganymed, a platform for cluster based database
replication. Database replication is typically used to either improve fault tolerance or to
improve the performance of computational operations on the replicated data (or both).
Ganymed, however, goes beyond those goals. So called satellite databases are not only
used to achieve the goals of traditional replication, rather they can be used to extend
existing databases in various ways.
In the thesis we first discuss RSI-PC, a new, efficient algorithm for database replication.
The algorithm schedules transactions between a master database and a set of attached
satellite databases. The idea is to focus on transactional web applications: in such
environments, the commonly encountered scenario is a workload that consists merely
of complex read-only transactions that are accompanied by few short and simple update
transactions. Hence, while ensuring consistency and correctness at all times, the main
focus of RSI-PC is to use read-only satellite databases to maximize the speed up for the
execution of read-only transactions. Due to the fact that consistency and correctness are
never abandoned, the resulting system acts like a single image system and therefore no
changes are needed on the client side.
Based on the core system the thesis then shows how it can be extended to cope with
various other issues: the flexibility and independency of a concrete backend database
engine provider is shown by constructing heterogeneous setups where the master database
and the satellites are different engines from different vendors. The ability to extend the
functionality of the master database is shown by using Ganymed as way to implement
new functionality on the satellites. By using Ganymed, clients are not aware that the
added features do not belong to the master but rather are being offered by the satellites.
An example of such a feature is time-travel, where clients can inspect older states of the
database. By using the Ganymed approach, space requirements or query execution times
on the master are not affected in any way, at the same time satellites can be used to offer
arbitrary time-travel functionality.
The thesis furthermore shows that Ganymed is not limited to static setups. By using
dynamic replication the system can vary the amount of attached satellites to a master
as demand requires. Furthermore, the system can be used to implement multi-tenant
support, i.e., many different customer databases can be handled in parallel. For each
tenant the system then dynamically manages a tailored set of satellites. Last but not least
it is important to note that the system and the proposed ideas in the thesis have been fully
	author = {Christian Plattner},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Ganymed: A Platform for Database Replication},
	year = {2006}
January 2006
	author = {Jens Dittrich and Cristian Duda and Bjorn Jarisch and Donald Kossmann and Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles},
	title = {Keyword Search in Application Data},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, ICDE 2006, Atlanta, GA, USA, January 2006
	author = {Nesime Tatbul and Stanley B. Zdonik},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, ICDE 2006},
	title = {Dealing with Overload in Distributed Stream Processing Systems.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Atlanta, GA, USA},
	year = {2006}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Chicago, Illinois, USA, January 2006
	author = {Christian Plattner and Andreas Wapf and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Chicago, Illinois, USA},
	title = {Searching in time.},
	url = {},
	year = {2006}


32st International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2005), Madison, Wisconsin, USA, January 2005
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Hyesoon Kim and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {32st International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2005)},
	title = {Techniques for Efficient Processing in Runahead Execution Engines.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Madison, Wisconsin, USA},
	year = {2005}
January 2005
PROSE (PROgrammable extenSions of sErvices), an open source project (, is an adaptive middleware platform based on Java for dynamic AOP which allows aspects to be woven, unwoven, or replaced at run time. Woven into a program, an aspect may change several units of functionality. Aspects are expressed in the same source language as the application (Java). PROSE provides middleware tools that allow run time monitoring of remote aspects. The PROSE workbench for weaving, unweaving and querying aspects is a monitoring tool which displays information about what aspects are currently inserted in the system, what join-points belong to each aspect, and what the join-points of the system are. Embedded into an Eclipse plug-in, this tool is also used to developing and running PROSE applications from Eclipse and allows run time monitoring of remote aspects, and provides a creation wizard that helps to create PROSE aspects. In this demonstration we present PROSE and its associated middleware tools. We show the flexibility of PROSE and how it has been embedded into Eclipse, and present a variety of examples of run time adaptation. In the first part of the demonstration we show how to modify the behavior of a running application by dynamically weaving an aspect that identifies places of interest in the application. After each weaving operation, we show that the running application has been adapted and we use the PROSE middleware tools to graphically display the join-points matched by the woven aspect. In the second part of the demonstration we show how easy is to create aspects that modify a program at run time using the creation wizard of the PROSE Development Tools for Eclipse. When an aspect is created, the user can select the PROSE crosscut types and pointcutters from a list. Then the code template for a PROSE aspect that defines an advice method and a poincut method will be generated. The aspects are then woven remotely into different VMs. After the weaving operation, we show that the running application has been adapted. In case of two running applications, we show that the aspects can be cut and pasted between distinct VMs using the PROSE workbench and also can be moved between distinct VMs by drag and drop using the PROSE plug-in for Eclipse. We also show how to insert and withdraw aspects transactionally. We start a transaction and then weave and unweave aspects into/from different VMs. Aspect insertions and withdrawals won't be activated until the transaction is committed. The transaction can also be aborted, leaving the application as if no insertion or withdrawal ever took place.
	abstract = {PROSE (PROgrammable extenSions of sErvices), an open source project (, is an adaptive middleware platform based on Java for dynamic AOP which allows aspects to be woven, unwoven, or replaced at run time. Woven into a program, an aspect may change several units of functionality. Aspects are expressed in the same source language as the application (Java). PROSE provides middleware tools that allow run time monitoring of remote aspects. The PROSE workbench for weaving, unweaving and querying aspects is a monitoring tool which displays information about what aspects are currently inserted in the system, what join-points belong to each aspect, and what the join-points of the system are. Embedded into an Eclipse plug-in, this tool is also used to developing and running PROSE applications from Eclipse and allows run time monitoring of remote aspects, and provides a creation wizard that helps to create PROSE aspects.

In this demonstration we present PROSE and its associated middleware tools. We show the flexibility of PROSE and how it has been embedded into Eclipse, and present a variety of examples of run time adaptation. In the first part of the demonstration we show how to modify the behavior of a running application by dynamically weaving an aspect that identifies places of interest in the application. After each weaving operation, we show that the running application has been adapted and we use the PROSE middleware tools to graphically display the join-points matched by the woven aspect. In the second part of the demonstration we show how easy is to create aspects that modify a program at run time using the creation wizard of the PROSE Development Tools for Eclipse. When an aspect is created, the user can select the PROSE crosscut types and pointcutters from a list. Then the code template for a PROSE aspect that defines an advice method and a poincut method will be generated. The aspects are then woven remotely into different VMs. After the weaving operation, we show that the running application has been adapted. In case of two running applications, we show that the aspects can be cut and pasted between distinct VMs using the PROSE workbench and also can be moved between distinct VMs by drag and drop using the PROSE plug-in for Eclipse. We also show how to insert and withdraw aspects transactionally. We start a transaction and then weave and unweave aspects into/from different VMs.

Aspect insertions and withdrawals won{\textquoteright}t be activated until the transaction is committed. The transaction can also be aborted, leaving the application as if no insertion or withdrawal ever took place.
	author = {Angela Nicoara and Gustavo Alonso},
	title = {PROSE - A middleware platform for dynamic adaptation},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Trondheim, Norway, January 2005
	author = {Peter A. Boncz and Torsten Grust and Maurice van Keulen and Stefan Manegold and Jan Rittinger and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Trondheim, Norway},
	title = {Pathfinder: XQuery - The Relational Way.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
Data Always and Everywhere - Management of Mobile, Ubiquitous, Pervasive, and Sensor Data, 16.10. - 21.10.2005, January 2005
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Christian S. Jensen and Bernhard Mitschang},
	booktitle = {Data Always and Everywhere - Management of Mobile, Ubiquitous, Pervasive, and Sensor Data, 16.10. - 21.10.2005},
	title = {05421 Abstracts Collection -- Data Always and Everywhere -- Management of Mobile, Ubiquitous, Pervasive, and Sensor Data.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2005
	author = {Joseph M. Hellerstein and Vern Paxson and Larry L. Peterson and Timothy Roscoe and Scott Shenker and David Wetherall},
	journal = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {The Network Oracle.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
38th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-38 2005), Barcelona, Spain, January 2005
	author = {Hyesoon Kim and Onur Mutlu and Jared Stark and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {38th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-38 2005)},
	title = {Wish Branches: Combining Conditional Branching and Predication for Adaptive Predicated Execution.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Barcelona, Spain},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, USA, January 2005
	author = {Patrick Stuedi and Oscar Chinellato},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, USA},
	title = {Connectivity in the presence od shadowing in 802.11 ad hoc networks},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Trondheim, Norway, January 2005
	author = {Jens Dittrich and Donald Kossmann and Alexander Kreutz},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Trondheim, Norway},
	title = {Bridging the Gap between OLAP and SQL.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
Data Always and Everywhere - Management of Mobile, Ubiquitous, Pervasive, and Sensor Data, 16.10. - 21.10.2005, January 2005
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Christian S. Jensen and Bernhard Mitschang},
	booktitle = {Data Always and Everywhere - Management of Mobile, Ubiquitous, Pervasive, and Sensor Data, 16.10. - 21.10.2005},
	title = {05421 Executive Summary -- Data Always and Everywhere -- Management of Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Pervasive Data.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
IEEE Distributed Systems Online, January 2005
	author = {Andreas Frei and Andrei Popovici and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {IEEE Distributed Systems Online},
	title = {Eventizing Applications in an Adaptive Middleware Platform.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
38th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-38 2005), Barcelona, Spain, January 2005
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Hyesoon Kim and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {38th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-38 2005)},
	title = {Address-Value Delta (AVD) Prediction: Increasing the Effectiveness of Runahead Execution by Exploiting Regular Memory Allocation Patterns.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Barcelona, Spain},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the NSF Workshop on Grand Challenges in Distributed Systems, Cambridge, MA, USA, January 2005
	author = {Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the NSF Workshop on Grand Challenges in Distributed Systems, Cambridge, MA, USA},
	title = {Comprehend the Planet},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Trondheim, Norway, January 2005
	author = {Jens Dittrich and Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles and Donald Kossmann and Lukas Blunschi},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Trondheim, Norway},
	title = {iMeMex: Escapes from the Personal Information Jungle.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
2005 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2005), January 2005
	author = {Moinuddin K. Qureshi and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {2005 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2005)},
	title = {Microarchitecture-Based Introspection: A Technique for Transient-Fault Tolerance in Microprocessors.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
International Journal of Parallel Programming, January 2005
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Hyesoon Kim and David N. Armstrong and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {International Journal of Parallel Programming},
	title = {Using the First-Level Caches as Filters to Reduce the Pollution Caused by Speculative Memory References.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
2nd Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (MobiQuitous 2005), San Diego, CA, USA, January 2005
	author = {Patrick Stuedi and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {2nd Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (MobiQuitous 2005)},
	title = {Transparent Heterogeneous Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.},
	url = {},
	venue = {San Diego, CA, USA},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Hot Topics in Networking (HotNets-II), College Park, MD, USA, Nov. 2005., January 2005
	author = {Tyson Condie and Joseph M. Hellerstein and Petros Maniatis and Sean Rhea and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Hot Topics in Networking (HotNets-II), College Park, MD, USA, Nov. 2005.},
	title = {Finally, a Use for Componentized Transport Protocols},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Trondheim, Norway, January 2005
	author = {Florian Haftmann and Donald Kossmann and Eric Lo},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Trondheim, Norway},
	title = {Parallel Execution of Test Runs for Database Application Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
First International Conference on e-Science and Grid Technologies (e-Science 2005), Melbourne, Australia, January 2005
	author = {Thomas Heinis and Cesare Pautasso and Oliver Deak and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {First International Conference on e-Science and Grid Technologies (e-Science 2005)},
	title = {Publishing Persistent Grid Computations as WS Resources.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Melbourne, Australia},
	year = {2005}
IEEE Trans. Computers, January 2005
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Hyesoon Kim and David N. Armstrong and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {IEEE Trans. Computers},
	title = {An Analysis of the Performance Impact of Wrong-Path Memory References on Out-of-Order and Runahead Execution Processors.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
3rd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2005), Kauai Island, HI, USA, January 2005
	author = {Andreas Frei and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {3rd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2005)},
	title = {A Dynamic Lightweight Platform for Ad-Hoc Infrastructures.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Kauai Island, HI, USA},
	year = {2005}
Seventh ACM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM 2005), Bremen, Germany, January 2005
	author = {Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Seventh ACM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM 2005), Bremen, Germany},
	title = {A web of data: new architectures for new technology.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
Second International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2005), Seattle, WA, USA, January 2005
	author = {Thomas Heinis and Cesare Pautasso and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Second International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2005)},
	title = {Design and Evaluation of an Autonomic Workflow Engine.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Seattle, WA, USA},
	year = {2005}
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst., January 2005
	author = {Marta Pati{\~n}o-Mart{\'\i}nez and Ricardo Jim{\'e}nez-Peris and Bettina Kemme and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {ACM Trans. Comput. Syst.},
	title = {MIDDLE-R: Consistent database replication at the middleware level.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, January 2005
	author = {Yanif Ahmad and Bradley Berg and Ugur {\c C}etintemel and Mark Humphrey and Jeong-Hyon Hwang and Anjali Jhingran and Anurag Maskey and Olga Papaemmanouil and Alexander Rasin and Nesime Tatbul and Wenjuan Xing and Ying Xing and Stanley B. Zdonik},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Baltimore, Maryland, USA},
	title = {Distributed operation in the Borealis stream processing engine.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2005, Chiba, Japan, - Special interest tracks and posters, January 2005
	author = {Donald Kossmann and Christian Reichel},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2005, Chiba, Japan},
	title = {SLL: running my web services on your WS platforms.},
	url = {},
	venue = {- Special interest tracks and posters},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2005, Tokyo, Japan, January 2005
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Fabio Casati},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2005},
	title = {Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Tokyo, Japan},
	year = {2005}
J. Vis. Lang. Comput., January 2005
	author = {Cesare Pautasso and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {J. Vis. Lang. Comput.},
	title = {The JOpera visual composition language.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, January 2005
	author = {Jens Dittrich and Peter M. Fischer and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Baltimore, Maryland, USA},
	title = {AGILE: Adaptive Indexing for Context-Aware Information Filters.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2005, Chiba, Japan, January 2005
	author = {Swaminathan Sivasubramanian and Gustavo Alonso and Guillaume Pierre and Maarten van Steen},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2005, Chiba, Japan},
	title = {GlobeDB: autonomic data replication for web applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2005, Tokyo, Japan, January 2005
	author = {Peter M. Fischer and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2005},
	title = {Batched Processing for Information Filters.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Tokyo, Japan},
	year = {2005}
VLDB J., January 2005
	author = {M. Tamer {\"O}zsu and Donald Kossmann and Ren{\'e}e J. Miller},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {Special issue: Best papers of VLDB 2004.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
Software Composition, 4th International Workshop, SC 2005, Edinburgh, UK, Revised Selected Papers, January 2005
	author = {Cesare Pautasso and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Software Composition, 4th International Workshop, SC 2005, Edinburgh, UK},
	title = {Flexible Binding for Reusable Composition of Web Services.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Revised Selected Papers},
	year = {2005}
Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 17th International Conference, CAiSE 2005, Porto, Portugal, January 2005
	author = {Angela Nicoara and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 17th International Conference, CAiSE 2005, Porto, Portugal},
	title = {Dynamic AOP with PROSE.},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on XQuery Implementation, Experience and Perspectives XIME-P/, in cooperation with ACM SIGMOD, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, January 2005
	author = {Cristian Duda and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on XQuery Implementation, Experience and Perspectives XIME-P/, in cooperation with ACM SIGMOD},
	title = {Adaptive XML Storage or The Importance of Being Lazy.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Baltimore, Maryland, USA},
	year = {2005}
2005 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2005), Orlando, FL, USA, January 2005
	author = {Donald Kossmann and Christian Reichel},
	booktitle = {2005 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2005)},
	title = {SLL: Running My Web Services on Your WS Platforms.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Orlando, FL, USA},
	year = {2005}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. ETH Zürich, January 2005
	author = {Andreas Frei},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Jadabs - An Adaptive Pervasive Middleware Architecture},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 2005, SOSP 2005, Brighton, UK, Proceedings of the twentieth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles, Brighton, United Kingdom, ACM Press, October 2005, pp. 75--90., January 2005
	author = {Boon Thau Loo and Tyson Condie and Joseph M. Hellerstein and Petros Maniatis and Timothy Roscoe and Ion Stoica},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 2005, SOSP 2005, Brighton, UK},
	title = {Implementing declarative overlays.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the twentieth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles, Brighton, United Kingdom, ACM Press, October 2005, pp. 75--90.},
	year = {2005}
CIDR, January 2005
	author = {Florian Haftmann and Donald Kossmann and Alexander Kreutz},
	booktitle = {CIDR},
	title = {Efficient Regression Tests for Database Applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
Computer Architecture Letters, January 2005
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Hyesoon Kim and Jared Stark and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {Computer Architecture Letters},
	title = {On Reusing the Results of Pre-Executed Instructions in a Runahead Execution Processor.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
2005 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2005), Orlando, FL, USA, January 2005
	author = {Cesare Pautasso and Thomas Heinis and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {2005 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2005)},
	title = {Autonomic Execution of Web Service Compositions.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Orlando, FL, USA},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-I), College Park, MD, USA, January 2005
	author = {Hitesh Ballani and Yatin Chawathe and Sylvia Ratnasamy and Timothy Roscoe and Scott Shenker},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-I), College Park, MD, USA},
	title = {Off by Default!},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the 2005 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, January 2005
	author = {Andrew Baumann and Gernot Heiser and Jonathan Appavoo and Dilma Da Silva and Orran Krieger and Robert W. Wisniewski and Jeremy Kerr},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2005 USENIX Annual Technical Conference},
	title = {Providing Dynamic Update in an Operating System.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Anaheim, CA, USA},
	year = {2005}
CIDR, Proceedings of the 2nd biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), Asilomar, CA, USA, January 2005., January 2005
	author = {Ryan Huebsch and Brent N. Chun and Joseph M. Hellerstein and Boon Thau Loo and Petros Maniatis and Timothy Roscoe and Scott Shenker and Ion Stoica and Aydan R. Yumerefendi},
	booktitle = {CIDR},
	title = {The Architecture of PIER: an Internet-Scale Query Processor.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), Asilomar, CA, USA, January 2005.},
	year = {2005}
Computer Communication Review, January 2005
	author = {David D. Clark and Craig Partridge and Robert Braden and Bruce S. Davie and Sally Floyd and Van Jacobson and Dina Katabi and Greg Minshall and K. K. Ramakrishnan and Timothy Roscoe and Ion Stoica and John Wroclawski and Lixia Zhang},
	journal = {Computer Communication Review},
	title = {Making the world (of communications) a different place.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
Ninth International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2005), Montreal, Canada, January 2005
	author = {Maxim Grinev and Peter Pleshachkov},
	booktitle = {Ninth International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2005)},
	title = {Rewriting-Based Optimization for XQuery Transformational Queries.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Montreal, Canada},
	year = {2005}
Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Brighton, United Kingdom, ACM Press, pp. 1--2., January 2005
	author = {Tyson Condie and Joseph Hellerstein and Petros Maniatis and Sean Rhea and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Brighton, United Kingdom, ACM Press},
	title = {A need for componentized transport protocols},
	venue = {pp. 1--2.},
	year = {2005}
2005 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2005), Dallas, TX, USA, January 2005
	author = {Cesare Pautasso},
	booktitle = {2005 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2005)},
	title = {JOpera: An Agile Environment for Web Service Composition with Visual Unit Testing and Refactoring.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Dallas, TX, USA},
	year = {2005}
CIDR, January 2005
	author = {Daniel J. Abadi and Yanif Ahmad and Magdalena Balazinska and Ugur {\c C}etintemel and Mitch Cherniack and Jeong-Hyon Hwang and Wolfgang Lindner and Anurag Maskey and Alexander Rasin and Esther Ryvkina and Nesime Tatbul and Ying Xing and Stanley B. Zdonik},
	booktitle = {CIDR},
	title = {The Design of the Borealis Stream Processing Engine.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2005
	author = {Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Letter from the Special Issue Editor.},
	url = {},
	year = {2005}


Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, March 2004
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Nowadays, we rely on computers to transfer money, control air traffic and even process emergency calls. Systems in charge of such important tasks are expected to be be flawless and failsafe. However, they are neither. Runtime evolution has emerged as a solution to correct software immediately. Existing frameworks address this issues only partially, provide limited functionality or modify the underlying software layers (e.g. the virtual machine). In contrast, we approach runtime evolution at language level (in Java) to guarantee platform independence. We use components as entities to evolve. Our goal is to provide maximum genericness and flexibility. To realize this, we use the Jadabs container. It allows to dynamically load any JAR file as a component. Need for runtime evolution may arise unanticipated for the evolving component itself and its clients. Thus, it should be transparent to the latter and not impose any requirements on the former. We create proxy objects based on the java class loading mechanism. They hide objects from being accessed outside the component they belong to. On method invocations, return values (and arguments, too) are wrapped and unwrapped on the fly if they (arguments: do not) belong to the same component as the callee. Mission critical system that cannot afford any downtime benefit most of runtime evolution. Safe-points are designed to support evolution of active components. They crosscut control flow at points that are suitable to migrate state. Implemented as dynamic aspects, safe-points may be defined and woven in at runtime. To remain available during migration, strategies to handle service requests may be defined and deployed (e.g. buffering or executing old version code). As implementation of a future component release is unknown to its clients, adaptation from the proxy to the upcoming component version must be done at runtime. We support for any kind of code evolution including interface modifications to let components evolve independently. Adapters specify how to map invocations to the new implementation. In addition, they customize when and how to perform an upgrade, and which state to migrate. To separate migration concerns from business logic, proxy as well as adapter components are introduced. While proxies are generated and remain stable, adapters are provided along with the new component version. Due to double indirection, method invocations are subject to a slow down in comparison to ordinary execution. This applies for invocations across component boundaries only. Thus, usage is most advantageous for complex operations as provided by mission critical components mentioned above. They may be transparently supplanted by their successors at runtime. Neither state nor availability is lost. No anticipation from the developer is needed do enable runtime evolution of its component. As type safety is maintained and our framework runs on any Java virtual machine, usage is not restricted to special infrastructure either.
	abstract = {Nowadays, we rely on computers to transfer money, control air traffic and even
process emergency calls. Systems in charge of such important tasks are expected
to be be flawless and failsafe. However, they are neither. Runtime evolution
has emerged as a solution to correct software immediately.
Existing frameworks address this issues only partially, provide limited functionality
or modify the underlying software layers (e.g. the virtual machine). In
contrast, we approach runtime evolution at language level (in Java) to guarantee
platform independence. We use components as entities to evolve. Our goal
is to provide maximum genericness and flexibility. To realize this, we use the
Jadabs container. It allows to dynamically load any JAR file as a component.
Need for runtime evolution may arise unanticipated for the evolving component
itself and its clients. Thus, it should be transparent to the latter and
not impose any requirements on the former. We create proxy objects based on
the java class loading mechanism. They hide objects from being accessed outside
the component they belong to. On method invocations, return values (and
arguments, too) are wrapped and unwrapped on the fly if they (arguments: do
not) belong to the same component as the callee.
Mission critical system that cannot afford any downtime benefit most of
runtime evolution. Safe-points are designed to support evolution of active components.
They crosscut control flow at points that are suitable to migrate state.
Implemented as dynamic aspects, safe-points may be defined and woven in at
runtime. To remain available during migration, strategies to handle service
requests may be defined and deployed (e.g. buffering or executing old version
code). As implementation of a future component release is unknown to its clients,
adaptation from the proxy to the upcoming component version must be
done at runtime. We support for any kind of code evolution including interface
modifications to let components evolve independently. Adapters specify how
to map invocations to the new implementation. In addition, they customize
when and how to perform an upgrade, and which state to migrate. To separate
migration concerns from business logic, proxy as well as adapter components
are introduced. While proxies are generated and remain stable, adapters are
provided along with the new component version.
Due to double indirection, method invocations are subject to a slow down
in comparison to ordinary execution. This applies for invocations across component
boundaries only. Thus, usage is most advantageous for complex operations
as provided by mission critical components mentioned above. They
may be transparently supplanted by their successors at runtime. Neither state
nor availability is lost. No anticipation from the developer is needed do enable
runtime evolution of its component. As type safety is maintained and our
framework runs on any Java virtual machine, usage is not restricted to special
infrastructure either.},
	author = {Micha Trautweiler},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Transparent Runtime Evolution of Components},
	year = {2004}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2004
	author = {Christian Plattner and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Ganymed: Scalable and Flexible Replication.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC), 9(2):107-141, Winter 2004/2005, January 2004
	author = {Cesare Pautasso and Gustavo Alonso},
	journal = {International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC), 9(2):107-141, Winter 2004/2005},
	title = {JOpera: a toolkit for efficient visual composition of web services},
	year = {2004}
Beitragsband zum Workshop "Grundlagen und Anwendungen mobiler Informationstechnologie" des GI-Arbeitskreises Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme, Heidelberg, 23.-24. März 2004, January 2004
	author = {Peter M. Fischer and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Beitragsband zum Workshop "Grundlagen und Anwendungen mobiler Informationstechnologie" des GI-Arbeitskreises Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme, Heidelberg, 23.-24. M{\"a}rz 2004},
	title = {Kontextsensitive Informationsfilter.},
	year = {2004}
(e)Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Toronto, Canada, January 2004
	author = {Torsten Grust and Sherif Sakr and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {(e)Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Toronto, Canada},
	title = {XQuery on SQL Hosts.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
IEEE MultiMedia, January 2004
	author = {Jos{\'e} H. Can{\'o}s and Gustavo Alonso and Javier Ja{\'e}n Mart{\'\i}nez},
	booktitle = {IEEE MultiMedia},
	title = {A Multimedia Approach to the Efficient Implementation and Use of Emergency Plans.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
ERSIM News, No. 58, January 2004
	author = {Gustavo Alonso},
	journal = {ERSIM News, No. 58},
	title = {PROSE: automated software adaptation for pervasive computing},
	year = {2004}
37th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-37 2004), Portland, OR, USA, January 2004
	author = {David N. Armstrong and Hyesoon Kim and Onur Mutlu and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {37th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-37 2004)},
	title = {Wrong Path Events: Exploiting Unusual and Illegal Program Behavior for Early Misprediction Detection and Recovery.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Portland, OR, USA},
	year = {2004}
(e)Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Toronto, Canada, January 2004
	author = {Sabine Mayer and Torsten Grust and Maurice van Keulen and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {(e)Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Toronto, Canada},
	title = {An Injection of Tree Awareness: Adding Staircase Join to PostgreSQL.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
Informatik Spektrum, January 2004
	author = {Donald Kossmann and Frank Leymann},
	booktitle = {Informatik Spektrum},
	title = {Web Services.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
January 2004
	author = {Andreas Frei and Andrei Popovici and Gustavo Alonso},
	title = {Eventizing Applications in an Adaptive Middleware Platform},
	year = {2004}
Middleware 2004, ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, Toronto, Canada, January 2004
	author = {Christian Plattner and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Middleware 2004, ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, Toronto, Canada},
	title = {Ganymed: Scalable Replication for Transactional Web Applications.},
	year = {2004}
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Memory Performance Issues, in conjunction with the 31st International Symposium on Computer Architecture 2004, Munich, Germany, January 2004
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Hyesoon Kim and David N. Armstrong and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Memory Performance Issues, in conjunction with the 31st International Symposium on Computer Architecture 2004, Munich, Germany},
	title = {Understanding the effects of wrong-path memory references on processor performance.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
Informatik Spektrum, January 2004
	author = {Donald Kossmann and Frank Leymann and Dirk Taubner},
	booktitle = {Informatik Spektrum},
	title = {Editorial (Web Services).},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
January 2004
	author = {Patrick Stuedi and Patrick Grawehr and Gustavo Alonso},
	title = {Adaptive QoS Support with Reduced Reservation Overhead in MANETs},
	year = {2004}
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Mobility Management Wireless Access Protocols, 2004, Philadelphia, PA, USA, January 2004
	author = {Suman Nath and Zachary R. Anderson and Srinivasan Seshan},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Mobility Management  Wireless Access Protocols, 2004, Philadelphia, PA, USA},
	title = {Choosing beacon periods to improve response times for wireless HTTP clients.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
Database and XML Technologies, Second International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2004, Toronto, Canada, January 2004
	author = {Yanlei Diao and Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann and Michael J. Carey and Michael J. Franklin},
	booktitle = {Database and XML Technologies, Second International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2004, Toronto, Canada},
	title = {Implementing Memoization in a Streaming XQuery Processor.},
	year = {2004}
ACM Trans. Database Syst., January 2004
	author = {Torsten Grust and Maurice van Keulen and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.},
	title = {Accelerating XPath evaluation in any RDBMS.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
January 2004
	author = {Andreas Frei and Patrick Grawehr and Gustavo Alonso},
	title = {A Dynamic AOP-Engine for .NET},
	year = {2004}
1st Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 2004), Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI'04), San Francisco, CA, USA, March 2004., January 2004
	author = {Andy C. Bavier and Mic Bowman and Brent N. Chun and David E. Culler and Scott Karlin and Steve Muir and Larry L. Peterson and Timothy Roscoe and Tammo Spalink and Mike Wawrzoniak},
	booktitle = {1st Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 2004)},
	title = {Operating Systems Support for Planetary-Scale Network Services.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI{\textquoteright}04), San Francisco, CA, USA, March 2004.},
	year = {2004}
First Twente Data Management Workshop (TDM 2004) on XML Databases and Information Retrieval, Enschede, The Netherlands, January 2004
	author = {Torsten Grust and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {First Twente Data Management Workshop (TDM 2004) on XML Databases and Information Retrieval, Enschede, The Netherlands},
	title = {Relational Algebra: Mother Tongue - XQuery: Fluent.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
VLDB J., January 2004
	author = {Hari Balakrishnan and Magdalena Balazinska and Donald Carney and Ugur {\c C}etintemel and Mitch Cherniack and Christian Convey and Eduardo F. Galvez and Jon Salz and Michael Stonebraker and Nesime Tatbul and Richard Tibbetts and Stanley B. Zdonik},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {Retrospective on Aurora.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2004
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Creating a unified view on structured data residing in different, heterogeneous data sources is a problem that exists in many application domains. Various approaches have been proposed to address it. In this thesis, a different approach is taken by using an existing, ontology based querying tool and extending it to cope with heterogeneous data sources. The approach uses a mapping from ontology symbols to data source symbols on a high-level query tree. A RDF (Resource Description Framework) compliant description of data sources is proposed. Furthermore, a prototype implementation is presented. The approach is compared with other, description logic based, data integration approaches.
	abstract = {Creating a unified view on structured data residing in different, heterogeneous data
sources is a problem that exists in many application domains. Various approaches
have been proposed to address it. In this thesis, a different approach is taken
by using an existing, ontology based querying tool and extending it to cope with
heterogeneous data sources. The approach uses a mapping from ontology symbols
to data source symbols on a high-level query tree. A RDF (Resource Description
Framework) compliant description of data sources is proposed. Furthermore, a
prototype implementation is presented. The approach is compared with other,
description logic based, data integration approaches.},
	author = {David Baer},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {A Context-Based Transformation of High-Level Conceptual Query Trees},
	year = {2004}
16th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2004), Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, January 2004
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Hyesoon Kim and David N. Armstrong and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {16th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2004)},
	title = {Cache Filtering Techniques to Reduce the Negative Impact of Useless Speculative Memory References on Processor Performance.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Foz do Iguacu, Brazil},
	year = {2004}
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks, in conjunction with VLDB, DMSN 2004, Toronto, Canada, January 2004
	author = {Nesime Tatbul and Mark J. Buller and Reed W. Hoyt and Steve Mullen and Stanley B. Zdonik},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks, in conjunction with VLDB, DMSN 2004, Toronto, Canada},
	title = {Confidence-based data management for personal area sensor networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
VLDB J., January 2004
	author = {Daniela Florescu and Chris Hillery and Donald Kossmann and Paul Lucas and Fabio Riccardi and Till Westmann and Michael J. Carey and Arvind Sundararajan},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {The BEA streaming XQuery processor.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
Software Engineering and Middleware, 4th International Workshop, SEM 2004,Linz, Austria, Revised Selected Papers, January 2004
	author = {Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Software Engineering and Middleware, 4th International Workshop, SEM 2004,Linz, Austria},
	title = {Dynamic Software Adaptation: Middleware for Pervasive Computing.},
	venue = {Revised Selected Papers},
	year = {2004}
Computer Communication Review, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-II), Cambridge, MA, USA, November 2003., January 2004
	author = {Thomas E. Anderson and Timothy Roscoe and David Wetherall},
	booktitle = {Computer Communication Review},
	title = {Preventing Internet denial-of-service with capabilities.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-II), Cambridge, MA, USA, November 2003.},
	year = {2004}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2004
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
The evolution of the PDAs in the past years is comparable to the evolution of PCs. They evolved from small pocket sized organizers to multipurpose devices. Most of the available applications provide functionality that can not be changed at runtime or that can be used only in one particular environment. If we assume that users often change their environment, such applications would need to be adapted. By using a component infrastructure as the basis for adaptation we are able to add and remove new behavior as components without interfering the user. An important characteristic of computer networks is that they may be het- erogeneous. For example, a wireless ad-hoc network might include Linux lap- tops, Linux PDAs and PocketPC PDAs. By providing a heterogeneous environ- ment cross-platform interaction can be supported. In this master thesis we present an implementation of a component container for pocket devices, particulary for devices that run on Microsoft's PocketPC platform (e.g. HP iPAQ 5550) which comes with the .NET Compact Framework. The container allows components to be inserted into the device where they are started and stopped in an ad-hoc manner. This enables devices entering a new unknown environment to be adapted to the environment's common components. To accomplish this requirement a messaging component was migrated from a java infrastructure supporting two di®erent communication protocols: TCP and UDP.
	abstract = {The evolution of the PDAs in the past years is comparable to the evolution of
PCs. They evolved from small pocket sized organizers to multipurpose devices.
Most of the available applications provide functionality that can not be changed
at runtime or that can be used only in one particular environment. If we assume
that users often change their environment, such applications would need to be
adapted. By using a component infrastructure as the basis for adaptation we
are able to add and remove new behavior as components without interfering the
An important characteristic of computer networks is that they may be het-
erogeneous. For example, a wireless ad-hoc network might include Linux lap-
tops, Linux PDAs and PocketPC PDAs. By providing a heterogeneous environ-
ment cross-platform interaction can be supported.
In this master thesis we present an implementation of a component container
for pocket devices, particulary for devices that run on Microsoft{\textquoteright}s PocketPC
platform (e.g. HP iPAQ 5550) which comes with the .NET Compact Framework.
The container allows components to be inserted into the device where they are
started and stopped in an ad-hoc manner. This enables devices entering a new
unknown environment to be adapted to the environment{\textquoteright}s common components.
To accomplish this requirement a messaging component was migrated from a
java infrastructure supporting two di{\textregistered}erent communication protocols: TCP and
	author = {Slavisa Maslic},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {NADABS A Component Container for the .NET (Compact) Framework},
	year = {2004}
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, SenSys 2004, Baltimore, MD, USA, January 2004
	author = {Suman Nath and Phillip B. Gibbons and Srinivasan Seshan and Zachary R. Anderson},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, SenSys 2004, Baltimore, MD, USA},
	title = {Synopsis diffusion for robust aggregation in sensor networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
Computer Communication Review, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-II), Cambridge, MA, USA, November 2003., January 2004
	author = {Mike Wawrzoniak and Larry L. Peterson and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Computer Communication Review},
	title = {Sophia: an Information Plane for networked systems.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-II), Cambridge, MA, USA, November 2003.},
	year = {2004}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. ETH Zürich, January 2004
	author = {Win Bausch},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {OPERA-G: a Micrikernel for Computational Grids},
	year = {2004}
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, June 2004. , January 2004
	author = {Brent N. Chun and Joseph M. Hellerstein and Ryan Huebsch and Shawn R. Jeffery and Boon Thau Loo and Sam Mardanbeigi and Timothy Roscoe and Sean Rhea and Scott Shenker and Ion Stoica},
	title = {Querying at Internet-Scale.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, June 2004. },
	year = {2004}
Datenbank-Spektrum, January 2004
	author = {Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Datenbank-Spektrum},
	title = {Grid Computing - Kurz erkl{\"a}rt.},
	year = {2004}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. ETH Zürich, January 2004
	author = {Cesare Pautasso},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {A Flexible System for Visual Service Composition},
	year = {2004}
Software Architecture, First European Workshop, EWSA 2004, St Andrews, UK, January 2004
	author = {Paolo Falcarin and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Software Architecture, First European Workshop, EWSA 2004, St Andrews, UK},
	title = {Software Architecture Evolution through Dynamic AOP.},
	year = {2004}
Technologies for E-Services, 5th International Workshop, TES 2004, Toronto, Canada, Revised Selected Papers, January 2004
	author = {Cesare Pautasso and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Technologies for E-Services, 5th International Workshop, TES 2004, Toronto, Canada},
	title = {From Web Service Composition to Megaprogramming.},
	venue = {Revised Selected Papers},
	year = {2004}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2004
	author = {Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Letter from the Special Issue Editor.},
	url = {},
	year = {2004}
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Real Large Distributed Systems (WORLDS), San Francisco, CA, USA, January 2004
	author = {Brent N. Chun and Joseph Hellerstein and Ryan Huebsch and Petros Maniatis and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Real Large Distributed Systems (WORLDS), San Francisco, CA, USA},
	title = {Design Considerations for Information Planes},
	year = {2004}
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2004, Boston, MA, USA, January 2004
	author = {Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2004},
	title = {XML Query Processing.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Boston, MA, USA},
	year = {2004}
Proceedings of the General Track: 2004 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Boston Marriott Copley Place, Boston, MA, USA, January 2004
	author = {Sean Rhea and Dennis Geels and Timothy Roscoe and John Kubiatowicz},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the General Track: 2004 USENIX Annual Technical Conference},
	title = {Handling Churn in a DHT },
	url = {},
	venue = {Boston Marriott Copley Place, Boston, MA, USA},
	year = {2004}


ACM Trans. Internet Techn., January 2003
	author = {Reinhard Braumandl and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {ACM Trans. Internet Techn.},
	title = {Quality of service in an information economy.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
Tagungsband zum 15. GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, Tangermünde, Sachsen-Anhalt, 10.-13. Juni 2003, January 2003
	author = {Jens Teubner and Torsten Grust and Maurice van Keulen},
	booktitle = {Tagungsband zum 15. GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, Tangerm{\"u}nde, Sachsen-Anhalt, 10.-13. Juni 2003},
	title = {Bridging the GAP Between Relational and Native XML Storage with Staircase Join.},
	year = {2003}
VLDB, January 2003
	author = {Nesime Tatbul and Ugur {\c C}etintemel and Stanley B. Zdonik and Mitch Cherniack and Michael Stonebraker},
	booktitle = {VLDB},
	title = {Load Shedding in a Data Stream Manager.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
VLDB J., January 2003
	author = {Daniel J. Abadi and Donald Carney and Ugur {\c C}etintemel and Mitch Cherniack and Christian Convey and Sangdon Lee and Michael Stonebraker and Nesime Tatbul and Stanley B. Zdonik},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {Aurora: a new model and architecture for data stream management.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
Proceedings of HotOS'03: 9th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, Proceedings of HotOS'03: 9th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, May 18-21, 2003, Lihue (Kauai), Hawaii, USA 2003., January 2003
	author = {Timothy Roscoe and Steven Hand},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of HotOS{\textquoteright}03: 9th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems},
	title = {Palimpsest: Soft-Capacity Storage for Planetary-Scale Services.},
	venue = {Proceedings of HotOS{\textquoteright}03: 9th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, May 18-21, 2003, Lihue (Kauai), Hawaii, USA 2003.},
	year = {2003}
Proceedings of the VLDB 2003 PhD Workshop. Co-located with the 29th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2003). Berlin, January 2003
	author = {Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the VLDB 2003 PhD Workshop. Co-located with the 29th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2003). Berlin},
	title = {Pathfinder: Compiling XQuery for Execution on the Monet Database Engine.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2003
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Goal of this project is the integration of web services in the BioOpera system, a programming and runtime environment for cluster computing with the capability to define, execute, monitor and manage a broad range of large-scale, complex scientific computations. To do so we modeled a Web Service Interface as an OCR Program, that is a software component which can be called from BioOpera with a set of input parameters and returns back to BioOpera a set of output parameters. A Web Service can be imported using a UDDI browser or directly using a WSDL document address location. Furthermore the BioOpera kernel has been extended with a new subsystem, adding a basic mechanism to execute a Web Service call using the SOAP protocol.
	abstract = {Goal of this project is the integration of web services in the BioOpera system, a programming
and runtime environment for cluster computing with the capability to define,
execute, monitor and manage a broad range of large-scale, complex scientific computations.
To do so we modeled a Web Service Interface as an OCR Program, that is a
software component which can be called from BioOpera with a set of input parameters
and returns back to BioOpera a set of output parameters. A Web Service can be
imported using a UDDI browser or directly using a WSDL document address location.
Furthermore the BioOpera kernel has been extended with a new subsystem, adding a
basic mechanism to execute a Web Service call using the SOAP protocol.},
	author = {Markus Haller},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Web Service Execution for BioOpera},
	year = {2003}
HPCA, January 2003
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Jared Stark and Chris Wilkerson and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {HPCA},
	title = {Runahead Execution: An Alternative to Very Large Instruction Windows for Out-of-Order Processors.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
Computer Communication Review, ACM Computer Communication Review, vol. 33, no. 3, July 2003, pp. 3-12., January 2003
	author = {Brent N. Chun and David E. Culler and Timothy Roscoe and Andy C. Bavier and Larry L. Peterson and Mike Wawrzoniak and Mic Bowman},
	booktitle = {Computer Communication Review},
	title = {PlanetLab: an overlay testbed for broad-coverage services.},
	url = {},
	venue = {ACM Computer Communication Review, vol. 33, no. 3, July 2003, pp. 3-12.},
	year = {2003}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. ETH Zürich, January 2003
	author = {Etzard Stolte},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {A Scalable Architecture for Large Scientific Databases},
	year = {2003}
17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2003), January 2003
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Evangelos Kranakis and Roger Wattenhofer and Peter Widmayer},
	booktitle = {17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2003)},
	title = {Probabilistic Protocols for Node Discovery in Ad-Hoc, Single Broadcast Channel Networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
Computer Communication Review, Proceedings of SIGCOMM Workshop on Future Directions in Network Architecture (FDNA'03), August 2003, pp. 258--266., January 2003
	author = {Jon Crowcroft and Steven Hand and Richard Mortier and Timothy Roscoe and Andrew Warfield},
	booktitle = {Computer Communication Review},
	title = {Plutarch: an argument for network pluralism.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of SIGCOMM Workshop on Future Directions in Network Architecture (FDNA{\textquoteright}03), August 2003, pp. 258--266.},
	year = {2003}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. ETH Zürich, January 2003
	author = {Andrei Popovici},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Prose, a Study on Dynamic AOP},
	year = {2003}
Peer-to-Peer Systems II, Second International Workshop, IPTPS 2003, Berkeley, CA, USA, Proceedings of the 2nd International Peer-to-Peer Systems Workshop (IPTPS'03), Berkeley, CA, USA, February 2003., January 2003
	author = {Sean Rhea and Timothy Roscoe and John Kubiatowicz},
	booktitle = {Peer-to-Peer Systems II, Second International Workshop, IPTPS 2003, Berkeley, CA, USA},
	title = {Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlays Need Application-Driven Benchmarks.},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Peer-to-Peer Systems Workshop (IPTPS{\textquoteright}03), Berkeley, CA, USA, February 2003.},
	year = {2003}
Computer Networks, January 2003
	author = {Daniela Florescu and Andreas Gr{\"u}nhagen and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Computer Networks},
	title = {XL: an XML programming language for Web service specification and composition.},
	year = {2003}
Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks, Second International Conference, ADHOC-NOW 2003 Montreal, Canada, January 2003
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Evangelos Kranakis and Cindy Sawchuk and Roger Wattenhofer and Peter Widmayer},
	booktitle = {Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks, Second International Conference, ADHOC-NOW 2003 Montreal, Canada},
	title = {Probabilistic Protocols for Node Discovery in Ad Hoc Multi-channel Broadcast Networks.},
	year = {2003}
Proceedings of SIGCOMM Workshop on Revisiting IP QoS (RIPQOS'03), January 2003
	author = {Jon Crowcroft and Steve Hand and Richard Mortier and Timothy Roscoe and Andrew Warfield},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGCOMM Workshop on Revisiting IP QoS (RIPQOS{\textquoteright}03)},
	title = {QoS{\textquoteright}s Downfall: At the bottom or not at all},
	year = {2003}
Middleware 2003, ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 2003
	author = {Andrei Popovici and Andreas Frei and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Middleware 2003, ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
	title = {A Proactive Middleware Platform for Mobile Computing.},
	year = {2003}
Inf. Syst., January 2003
	author = {Etzard Stolte and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Inf. Syst.},
	title = {Approximated trial and error analysis in scientific databases.},
	year = {2003}
AOSD, January 2003
	author = {Andrei Popovici and Gustavo Alonso and Thomas R. Gross},
	booktitle = {AOSD},
	title = {Just-in-time aspects: efficient dynamic weaving for Java.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
Proceedings of the Workshop of the 17th European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming, Darmstadt, Germany, January 2003
	author = {Andreas Frei and Andrei Popovici and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop of the 17th European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming, Darmstadt, Germany},
	title = {Event based systems as adaptive middleware platforms},
	year = {2003}
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, San Diego, California, USA, January 2003
	author = {Daniel J. Abadi and Donald Carney and Ugur {\c C}etintemel and Mitch Cherniack and Christian Convey and C. Erwin and Eduardo F. Galvez and M. Hatoun and Anurag Maskey and Alexander Rasin and A. Singer and Michael Stonebraker and Nesime Tatbul and Ying Xing and R. Yan and Stanley B. Zdonik},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, San Diego, California, USA},
	title = {Aurora: A Data Stream Management System.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
IEEE Micro, January 2003
	author = {Onur Mutlu and Jared Stark and Chris Wilkerson and Yale N. Patt},
	booktitle = {IEEE Micro},
	title = {Runahead Execution: An Effective Alternative to Large Instruction Windows.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
Berliner XML Tage 2003, 13.-15. Oktober 2003 in Berlin, January 2003
	author = {Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Berliner XML Tage 2003, 13.-15. Oktober 2003 in Berlin},
	title = {XL: Eine Plattform f{\"u}r Web Services.},
	year = {2003}
Future Directions in Distributed Computing, Research and Position Papers, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Future Directions in Distributed Computing (FuDiCo'02), Bertinoro (Forli), Italy, June 2002., January 2003
	author = {Steven Hand and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Future Directions in Distributed Computing, Research and Position Papers},
	title = {Spread Spectrum Storage with Mnemosyne.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Future Directions in Distributed Computing (FuDiCo{\textquoteright}02), Bertinoro (Forli), Italy, June 2002.},
	year = {2003}
ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Management and Processing of Data Streams (MPDS'03), San Diego, CA, January 2003
	author = {Nesime Tatbul and Ugur {\c C}etintemel and Stanley Zdonik and Mitch Cherniack and Michael Stonebraker},
	booktitle = {ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Management and Processing of Data Streams (MPDS{\textquoteright}03), San Diego, CA},
	title = {Load Shedding on Data Streams},
	year = {2003}
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, San Diego, California, USA, January 2003
	author = {Etzard Stolte and Christoph von Praun and Gustavo Alonso and Thomas R. Gross},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, San Diego, California, USA},
	title = {Scientific Data Repositories: Designing for a Moving Target.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., January 2003
	author = {Bettina Kemme and Fernando Pedone and Gustavo Alonso and Andr{\'e} Schiper and Matthias Wiesmann},
	booktitle = {IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng.},
	title = {Using Optimistic Atomic Broadcast in Transaction Processing Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
3rd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2003), Tokyo, Japan, January 2003
	author = {Win Bausch and Cesare Pautasso and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {3rd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2003)},
	title = {Programming for Dependability in a Service-based Grid.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Tokyo, Japan},
	year = {2003}
January 2003
	author = {Boon Thau Loo and Ryan Huebsch and Joseph M. Hellerstein and Timothy Roscoe and Ion Stoica},
	title = {Analysing P2P Overlays with Recursive Queries},
	year = {2003}
2003 IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC 2003), Auckland, New Zealand, January 2003
	author = {Cesare Pautasso and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {2003 IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC 2003)},
	title = {Visual composition of web services.},
	venue = {Auckland, New Zealand},
	year = {2003}
ACM Trans. Database Syst., January 2003
	author = {Yanlei Diao and Mehmet Altinel and Michael J. Franklin and Hao Zhang and Peter M. Fischer},
	booktitle = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.},
	title = {Path sharing and predicate evaluation for high-performance XML filtering.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
CIDR, January 2003
	author = {Daniela Florescu and Andreas Gr{\"u}nhagen and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {CIDR},
	title = {XL: a platform for Web Services.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
VLDB, January 2003
	author = {Daniela Florescu and Chris Hillery and Donald Kossmann and Paul Lucas and Fabio Riccardi and Till Westmann and Michael J. Carey and Arvind Sundararajan and Geetika Agrawal},
	booktitle = {VLDB},
	title = {The BEA/XQRL Streaming XQuery Processor.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
ACM Trans. Database Syst., January 2003
	author = {Ricardo Jim{\'e}nez-Peris and Marta Pati{\~n}o-Mart{\'\i}nez and Gustavo Alonso and Bettina Kemme},
	booktitle = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.},
	title = {Are quorums an alternative for data replication?},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}
ECOOP 2003 - Object-Oriented Programming, 17th European Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, January 2003
	author = {Andrei Popovici and Gustavo Alonso and Thomas R. Gross},
	booktitle = {ECOOP 2003 - Object-Oriented Programming, 17th European Conference, Darmstadt, Germany},
	title = {Spontaneous Container Services.},
	year = {2003}
VLDB, January 2003
	author = {Torsten Grust and Maurice van Keulen and Jens Teubner},
	booktitle = {VLDB},
	title = {Staircase Join: Teach a Relational DBMS to Watch its (Axis) Steps.},
	url = {},
	year = {2003}


Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, June 2002
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
	author = {Reto Schaeppi},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Large Scale Processing of Microarray Data},
	year = {2002}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2002
	author = {Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Myths around Web Services.},
	url = {},
	year = {2002}
Advances in Database Technology - EDBT 2002, 8th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, January 2002
	author = {Etzard Stolte and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Advances in Database Technology - EDBT 2002, 8th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Prague, Czech Republic},
	title = {Optimizing Scientific Databases for Client Side Data Processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2002}
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Madison, Wisconsin, January 2002
	author = {Daniela Florescu and Andreas Gr{\"u}nhagen and Donald Kossmann and Steffen Rost},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Madison, Wisconsin},
	title = {XL: a platform for web services.},
	url = {},
	year = {2002}
Inform., Forsch. Entwickl., January 2002
	author = {Markus Keidl and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann and Alexander Kreutz},
	booktitle = {Inform., Forsch. Entwickl.},
	title = {Verteilte Metadatenverwaltung und Anfragebearbeitung f{\"u}r Internet-Datenquellen.},
	url = {},
	year = {2002}
EDBT 2002 Ph.D. Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, January 2002
	author = {Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {EDBT 2002 Ph.D. Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic},
	title = {QoS-Driven Load Shedding on Data Streams.},
	year = {2002}
Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Saint-Emilion, France, Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Saint-Emilion, France, September 2002., January 2002
	author = {Timothy Roscoe and Richard Mortier and Paul W. Jardetzky and Steven Hand},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Saint-Emilion, France},
	title = {InfoSpect: using a logic language for system health monitoring in distributed systems.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Saint-Emilion, France, September 2002.},
	year = {2002}
Programming and Computer Software, January 2002
	author = {Maxim Grinev and Sergei D. Kuznetsov},
	booktitle = {Programming and Computer Software},
	title = {UQL: A UML-based Query Language for Integrated Data.},
	year = {2002}
XML-Based Data Management and Multimedia Engineering - EDBT 2002 Workshops, EDBT 2002 Workshops XMLDM, MDDE, and YRWS, Prague, Czech Republic, Revised Papers, January 2002
	author = {Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {XML-Based Data Management and Multimedia Engineering - EDBT 2002 Workshops, EDBT 2002 Workshops XMLDM, MDDE, and YRWS, Prague, Czech Republic},
	title = {QoS-Driven Load Shedding on Data Streams.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Revised Papers},
	year = {2002}
21st Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2002), Osaka, Japan, January 2002
	author = {Ricardo Jim{\'e}nez-Peris and Marta Pati{\~n}o-Mart{\'\i}nez and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {21st Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2002)},
	title = {Non-Intrusive, Parallel Recovery of Replicated Data.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Osaka, Japan},
	year = {2002}
ACM Trans. Database Syst., January 2002
	author = {Heiko Schuldt and Gustavo Alonso and Catriel Beeri and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek},
	booktitle = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.},
	title = {Atomicity and isolation for transactional processes.},
	url = {},
	year = {2002}
ICDCS, January 2002
	author = {Ricardo Jim{\'e}nez-Peris and Marta Pati{\~n}o-Mart{\'\i}nez and Bettina Kemme and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {ICDCS},
	title = {Improving the Scalability of Fault-Tolerant Database Clusters.},
	url = {},
	year = {2002}
Technologies for E-Services, Third International Workshop, TES 2002, Hong Kong, China, January 2002
	author = {Andrei Popovici and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Technologies for E-Services, Third International Workshop, TES 2002, Hong Kong, China},
	title = {Ad-Hoc Transactions for Mobile Services.},
	url = {},
	year = {2002}
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. Prof. Gustavo Alonso; Department of Computer Science, January 2002
This thesis is concerned with the development and implementation of the Macrobot framework, a general framework that supports the deployment of simple robots within an intelligent adaptive environment. Robots are controlled by macro programs that allow to define tasks or behaviors independent of a robot’s architecture. Macrobot was implemented in Java and is intended for use with Lego Mindstorms robots running LeJOS as firmware.
	abstract = {This thesis is concerned with the development and implementation of the Macrobot
framework, a general framework that supports the deployment of simple
robots within an intelligent adaptive environment. Robots are controlled by
macro programs that allow to define tasks or behaviors independent of a robot\&$\#$146;s
architecture. Macrobot was implemented in Java and is intended for use with
Lego Mindstorms robots running LeJOS as firmware.},
	author = {Kaspar von Gunten},
	school = {Prof. Gustavo Alonso},
	title = {MACROBOT: A Framework for Adaptive Robots with Lego Mindstorms},
	year = {2002}
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Data Engineering, San Jose, CA, USA, January 2002
	author = {Yanlei Diao and Peter M. Fischer and Michael J. Franklin and Raymond To},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Data Engineering, San Jose, CA, USA},
	title = {YFilter: Efficient and Scalable Filtering of XML Documents.},
	url = {},
	year = {2002}
VLDB 2002, Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Hong Kong, China, January 2002
	author = {Donald Carney and Ugur {\c C}etintemel and Mitch Cherniack and Christian Convey and Sangdon Lee and Greg Seidman and Michael Stonebraker and Nesime Tatbul and Stanley B. Zdonik},
	booktitle = {VLDB 2002, Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {Monitoring Streams - A New Class of Data Management Applications.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Hong Kong, China},
	year = {2002}
January 2002
	author = {Paul Barham and Steven Hand and Rebecca Isaacs and Paul W. Jardetzky and Richard Mortier and Timothy Roscoe},
	title = {Techniques for lightweight concealement and authentication in IP networks},
	year = {2002}
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Data Engineering, San Jose, CA, USA, January 2002
	author = {Markus Keidl and Alexander Kreutz and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Data Engineering, San Jose, CA, USA},
	title = {A Publish  Subscribe Architecture for Distributed Metadata Management.},
	url = {},
	year = {2002}
VLDB 2002, Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Hong Kong, China, January 2002
	author = {Donald Kossmann and Frank Ramsak and Steffen Rost},
	booktitle = {VLDB 2002, Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {Shooting Stars in the Sky: An Online Algorithm for Skyline Queries.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Hong Kong, China},
	year = {2002}
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Data Engineering, San Jose, CA, USA, January 2002
	author = {Etzard Stolte and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Data Engineering, San Jose, CA, USA},
	title = {StreamCorder: Fast Trial-and-Error Analysis in Scientific Databases.},
	url = {},
	year = {2002}
VLDB 2002, Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Hong Kong, China, January 2002
	author = {Etzard Stolte and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {VLDB 2002, Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {Efficient Exploration of Large Scientific Databases.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Hong Kong, China},
	year = {2002}
Peer-to-Peer Systems, First International Workshop, IPTPS 2002, Cambridge, MA, USA, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS '02), Boston, MA, USA, March 2002., January 2002
	author = {Steven Hand and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Peer-to-Peer Systems, First International Workshop, IPTPS 2002, Cambridge, MA, USA},
	title = {Mnemosyne: Peer-to-Peer Steganographic Storage.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS {\textquoteright}02), Boston, MA, USA, March 2002.},
	year = {2002}
WWW, January 2002
	author = {Daniela Florescu and Andreas Gr{\"u}nhagen and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {WWW},
	title = {XL: an XML programming language for web service specification and composition.},
	url = {},
	year = {2002}
Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 6th East European Conference, ADBIS 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia, January 2002
	author = {Maxim Grinev and Sergei D. Kuznetsov},
	booktitle = {Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 6th East European Conference, ADBIS 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia},
	title = {Towards an Exhaustive Set of Rewriting Rules for XQuery Optimization: BizQuery Experience.},
	url = {},
	year = {2002}
Web Engineering and Peer-to-Peer Computing, NETWORKING 2002 Workshops, Pisa, Italy, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Computing at Networking, Pisa, Italy, May 2002., January 2002
	author = {Timothy Roscoe and Steven Hand},
	booktitle = {Web Engineering and Peer-to-Peer Computing, NETWORKING 2002 Workshops, Pisa, Italy},
	title = {Transaction-Based Charging in Mnemosyne: A Peer-to-Peer Steganographic Storage System.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Computing at Networking, Pisa, Italy, May 2002.},
	year = {2002}
Computer Communication Review, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-I), Princeton, New Jersey, USA, October 2002. , January 2002
	author = {Larry L. Peterson and Thomas E. Anderson and David E. Culler and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Computer Communication Review},
	title = {A blueprint for introducing disruptive technology into the Internet.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-I), Princeton, New Jersey, USA, October 2002. },
	year = {2002}
AOSD, January 2002
	author = {Andrei Popovici and Thomas R. Gross and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {AOSD},
	title = {Dynamic weaving for aspect-oriented programming.},
	url = {},
	year = {2002}
OSDI, Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI'02), Boston, MA, USA, December 2002, pp. 239--254., January 2002
	author = {Bhuvan Urgaonkar and Prashant J. Shenoy and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {OSDI},
	title = {Resource Overbooking and Application Profiling in Shared Hosting Platforms.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI{\textquoteright}02), Boston, MA, USA, December 2002, pp. 239--254.},
	year = {2002}
Computer Communication Review, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-I), Princeton, New Jersey, USA, October 2002., January 2002
	author = {Timothy Roscoe and Steven Hand and Rebecca Isaacs and Richard Mortier and Paul W. Jardetzky},
	booktitle = {Computer Communication Review},
	title = {Predicate routing: enabling controlled networking.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-I), Princeton, New Jersey, USA, October 2002.},
	year = {2002}
2002 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2002), Chicago, IL, USA, January 2002
	author = {Win Bausch and Cesare Pautasso and Reto Schaeppi and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {2002 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2002)},
	title = {BioOpera: Cluster-Aware Computing.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Chicago, IL, USA},
	year = {2002}
Pervasive Computing, First International Conference, Pervasive 2002, Zürich, Switzerland, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2002), Springer, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2002., January 2002
	author = {Bhaskaran Raman and Sharad Agarwal and Yan Chen and Matthew Caesar and Weidong Cui and Per Johansson and Kevin Lai and Tal Lavian and Sridhar Machiraju and Zhuoqing Morley Mao and George Porter and Timothy Roscoe and Mukund Seshadri and Jimmy S. Shih and Keith Sklower and Lakshminarayanan Subramanian and Takashi Suzuki and Shelley Zhuang and Anthony D. Joseph and Randy H. Katz and Ion Stoica},
	booktitle = {Pervasive Computing, First International Conference, Pervasive 2002, Z{\"u}rich, Switzerland},
	title = {The SAHARA Model for Service Composition across Multiple Providers.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2002), Springer, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2002.},
	year = {2002}


IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2001
	author = {Amaia Lazcano and Heiko Schuldt and Gustavo Alonso and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {WISE: Process based E-Commerce.},
	url = {},
	year = {2001}
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Data Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany, January 2001
	author = {Stephan B{\"o}rzs{\"o}nyi and Donald Kossmann and Konrad Stocker},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Data Engineering},
	title = {The Skyline Operator.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Heidelberg, Germany},
	year = {2001}
VLDB J., January 2001
	author = {Reinhard Braumandl and Markus Keidl and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann and Alexander Kreutz and Stefan Seltzsam and Konrad Stocker},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {ObjectGlobe: Ubiquitous query processing on the Internet.},
	url = {},
	year = {2001}
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Data Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany, January 2001
	author = {Andreas G{\"a}rtner and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann and Bernhard Zeller},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Data Engineering},
	title = {Efficient Bulk Deletes in Relational Databases.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Heidelberg, Germany},
	year = {2001}
Workshop on Network-Related Data Management, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, January 2001
	author = {Sue Moon and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Workshop on Network-Related Data Management, Santa Barbara, CA, USA},
	title = {Metadata Management of Terabyte Datasets from an IP Backbone Network: Experience and Challenges},
	year = {2001}
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Data Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany, January 2001
	author = {Konrad Stocker and Donald Kossmann and Reinhard Braumandl and Alfons Kemper},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Data Engineering},
	title = {Integrating Semi-Join-Reducers into State of the Art Query Processors.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Heidelberg, Germany},
	year = {2001}
Advanced Separation of Concerns in Object-Oriented Systems (OOPSLA 2001 Workshop), Tampa, USA, January 2001
	author = {Andrei Popovici and Gustavo Alonso and Thomas Gross},
	booktitle = {Advanced Separation of Concerns in Object-Oriented Systems (OOPSLA 2001 Workshop), Tampa, USA},
	title = {AOP Support for mobile systems},
	year = {2001}
Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems, 8th International Workshop,IDMS 2001, Lancaster, UK, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems (IDMS 2001), Lancaster, UK, September 2001., January 2001
	author = {Timothy Roscoe and Prashant J. Shenoy},
	booktitle = {Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems, 8th International Workshop,IDMS 2001, Lancaster, UK},
	title = {New Resource Control Issues in Shared Clusters.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems (IDMS 2001), Lancaster, UK, September 2001.},
	year = {2001}
Proceedings of the 4th CaberNet Workshop, Pisa, Italy, 9-12, January 2001
	author = {Ricardo Jimenez and Marta Pati{\~n}o-Martinez and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th CaberNet Workshop, Pisa, Italy, 9-12},
	title = {Is reliable multicast too expensive?},
	year = {2001}
20th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2001), New Orleans, LA, USA, January 2001
	author = {Ricardo Jim{\'e}nez-Peris and Marta Pati{\~n}o-Mart{\'\i}nez and Bettina Kemme and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {20th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2001)},
	title = {How to Select a Replication Protocol According to Scalability, Availability, and Communication Overhead.},
	url = {},
	venue = {New Orleans, LA, USA},
	year = {2001}
Proceedings of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Goteborg, Sweden, January 2001
	author = {Ricardo Jimenez and Marta Pati{\~n}o-Martinez and Gustavo Alonso and Sergio Ar{\'e}valo},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Goteborg, Sweden},
	title = {Reducing the latency of non-blocking commitment using optimism and replication},
	year = {2001}
VLDB 2001, Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Roma, Italy, January 2001
	author = {Ioana Manolescu and Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {VLDB 2001, Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {Answering XML Queries on Heterogeneous Data Sources.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Roma, Italy},
	year = {2001}
January 2001
	author = {Nesime Tatbul and Olga A. Karpenko and Christian Convey and Jue Yan},
	title = {Data Integration Services},
	year = {2001}
Distributed Computing, 15th International Conference, DISC 2001, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2001
	author = {Ricardo Jim{\'e}nez-Peris and Marta Pati{\~n}o-Mart{\'\i}nez and Gustavo Alonso and Sergio Ar{\'e}valo},
	booktitle = {Distributed Computing, 15th International Conference, DISC 2001, Lisbon, Portugal},
	title = {A Low-Latency Non-blocking Commit Service.},
	url = {},
	year = {2001}
January 2001
	author = {Nesime Tatbul},
	title = {Index Structures and Algorithms for Efficient Profile Matching},
	year = {2001}
Electronic Commerce, Second International Workshop, WELCOM 2001 Heidelberg, Germany, January 2001
	author = {Amaia Lazcano and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Electronic Commerce, Second International Workshop, WELCOM 2001 Heidelberg, Germany},
	title = {Process Based E-services.},
	url = {},
	year = {2001}
17èmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées, BDA 2001, 29 octobre - 2 novembre, Agadir (Maroc), Actes (Informal Proceedings)., January 2001
	author = {Ioana Manolescu and Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {17{\`e}mes Journ{\'e}es Bases de Donn{\'e}es Avanc{\'e}es, BDA 2001, 29 octobre - 2 novembre, Agadir (Maroc), Actes (Informal Proceedings).},
	title = {Answering XML Queries over Heterogeneous Data Sources.},
	year = {2001}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2001
	author = {Reinhard Braumandl and Markus Keidl and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann and Stefan Seltzsam and Konrad Stocker},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {ObjectGlobe: Open Distributed Query Processing Services on the Internet.},
	url = {},
	year = {2001}
Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft (BTW), 9. GI-Fachtagung, Oldenburg, 7.-9. März 2001, Proceedings, January 2001
	author = {Markus Keidl and Alexander Kreutz and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Datenbanksysteme in B{\"u}ro, Technik und Wissenschaft (BTW), 9. GI-Fachtagung, Oldenburg, 7.-9. M{\"a}rz 2001, Proceedings},
	title = {Verteilte Metadatenverwaltung f{\"u}r die Anfragebearbeitung auf Internet-Datenquellen.},
	year = {2001}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 2001
	author = {Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {An XML Programming Language for Web Service Specification and Composition.},
	url = {},
	year = {2001}
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Data Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany, January 2001
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Win Bausch and Cesare Pautasso and Ari Kahn and Michael T. Hallett},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Data Engineering},
	title = {Dependable Computing in Virtual Laboratories.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Heidelberg, Germany},
	year = {2001}


VLDB 2000, Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Cairo, Egypt, January 2000
	author = {Bettina Kemme and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {VLDB 2000, Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {Don{\textquoteright}t Be Lazy, Be Consistent: Postgres-R, A New Way to Implement Database Replication.},
	url = {db/conf/vldb/KemmeA00.html},
	venue = {Cairo, Egypt},
	year = {2000}
IEEE Trans. Software Eng., January 2000
	author = {Claus Hagen and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {IEEE Trans. Software Eng.},
	title = {Exception Handling in Workflow Management Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2000}
VLDB 2000, Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Cairo, Egypt, January 2000
	author = {Ioana Manolescu and Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann and Florian Xhumari and Dan Olteanu},
	booktitle = {VLDB 2000, Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {Agora: Living with XML and Relational.},
	url = {db/conf/vldb/ManolescuFKXO00.html},
	venue = {Cairo, Egypt},
	year = {2000}
VLDB J., January 2000
	author = {Reinhard Braumandl and Jens Clau{\ss}en and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {Functional-Join Processing.},
	url = {db/journals/vldb/BraumandlCKK00.html},
	year = {2000}
VLDB 2000, Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Cairo, Egypt, January 2000
	author = {Guy Pardon and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {VLDB 2000, Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {CheeTah: a Lightweight Transaction Server for Plug-and-Play Internet Data Management.},
	url = {db/conf/vldb/PardonA00.html},
	venue = {Cairo, Egypt},
	year = {2000}
VLDB J., January 2000
	author = {Jens Clau{\ss}en and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann and Christian Wiesner},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {Exploiting early sorting and early partitioning for decisionsupport query processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2000}
Distributed Computing, 14th International Conference, DISC 2000, Toledo, Spain, January 2000
	author = {Marta Pati{\~n}o-Mart{\'\i}nez and Ricardo Jim{\'e}nez-Peris and Bettina Kemme and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Distributed Computing, 14th International Conference, DISC 2000, Toledo, Spain},
	title = {Scalable Replication in Database Clusters.},
	url = {},
	year = {2000}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. ETH Zürich, January 2000
	author = {Guy Pardon},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Composite Systems: Decentralized Nested Transactions},
	year = {2000}
16èmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées, BDA 2000, 24-27 octobre 2000, Blois, Actes (Informal Proceedings)., January 2000
	author = {Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann and Ioana Manolescu},
	booktitle = {16{\`e}mes Journ{\'e}es Bases de Donn{\'e}es Avanc{\'e}es, BDA 2000, 24-27 octobre 2000, Blois, Actes (Informal Proceedings).},
	title = {Integrating Keyword Search into XML Query Processing.},
	year = {2000}
Computer Networks, January 2000
	author = {Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann and Ioana Manolescu},
	booktitle = {Computer Networks},
	title = {Integrating keyword search into XML query processing.},
	year = {2000}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. ETH Zürich, January 2000
	author = {Bettina Kemme},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {Database Replication for Clusters of Workstations},
	year = {2000}
Cooperative Information Systems, 7th International Conference, CoopIS 2000, Eilat, Israel, January 2000
	author = {Asuman Dogac and Yusuf Tambag and Arif Tumer and M. Ezbiderli and Nesime Tatbul and N. Hamali and C. Icdem and Catriel Beeri},
	booktitle = {Cooperative Information Systems, 7th International Conference, CoopIS 2000, Eilat, Israel},
	title = {A Workflow System through Cooperating Agents for Control and Document Flow over the Internet.},
	url = {db/conf/coopis/DogacTTETHIB00.html},
	year = {2000}
ACM Comput. Surv., January 2000
	author = {Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {ACM Comput. Surv.},
	title = {The State of the art in distributed query processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {2000}
Media, Culture and Society, vol.21, no. 5, January 2000
	author = {Timothy Roscoe},
	journal = {Media, Culture and Society, vol.21, no. 5},
	title = {The Construction of the World Wide Web Audience},
	year = {2000}
ICDCS, January 2000
	author = {Fernando Pedone and Matthias Wiesmann and Andr{\'e} Schiper and Bettina Kemme and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {ICDCS},
	title = {Understanding Replication in Databases and Distributed Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {2000}
Int. J. on Digital Libraries, January 2000
	author = {Sena Nural Arpinar and Asuman Dogac and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Int. J. on Digital Libraries},
	title = {An open electronic marketplace through agent-based workflows: MOPPET.},
	url = {},
	year = {2000}
Proceedings of SPIE/ACM Multimedia Computing and Networking, San Jose, CA, USA, January 2000
	author = {Timothy Roscoe and Gene Bowen},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE/ACM Multimedia Computing and Networking, San Jose, CA, USA},
	title = {Script-driven packet marking for QoS support in legacy applications},
	year = {2000}
ICDE, January 2000
	author = {Asuman Dogac and M. Ezbiderli and Yusuf Tambag and C. Icdem and Arif Tumer and Nesime Tatbul and N. Hamali and Catriel Beeri},
	booktitle = {ICDE},
	title = {The MARIFlow Workflow Management System.},
	url = {},
	year = {2000}
SIGMOD Record, January 2000
	author = {Till Westmann and Donald Kossmann and Sven Helmer and Guido Moerkotte},
	booktitle = {SIGMOD Record},
	title = {The Implementation and Performance of Compressed Databases.},
	url = {},
	year = {2000}
International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering, special issue on Flexible Workflow Technology Driving the Networked Economy, Vol. 15, No. 5, January 2000
	author = {Amaia Lazcano and Gustavo Alonso and Heiko Schuldt and Christoph Schuler},
	journal = {International Journal of Computer Systems Science \& Engineering, special issue on Flexible Workflow Technology Driving the Networked Economy, Vol. 15, No. 5},
	title = {The WISE approach to electronic commerce},
	year = {2000}
Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Kolding, Denmark, Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Kolding, Denmark, September 17-20 2000., January 2000
	author = {Timothy Roscoe and Bryan Lyles},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Kolding, Denmark},
	title = {Distributing processing without DPEs: design considerations for public computing platforms.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Kolding, Denmark, September 17-20 2000.},
	year = {2000}
ACM Trans. Database Syst., January 2000
	author = {Bettina Kemme and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.},
	title = {A new approach to developing and implementing eager database replication protocols.},
	url = {},
	year = {2000}
SRDS, January 2000
	author = {Matthias Wiesmann and Andr{\'e} Schiper and Fernando Pedone and Bettina Kemme and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {SRDS},
	title = {Database Replication Techniques: A Three Parameter Classification.},
	url = {},
	year = {2000}
ACM Trans. Database Syst., January 2000
	author = {Donald Kossmann and Michael J. Franklin and Gerhard Drasch},
	booktitle = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.},
	title = {Cache investment: integrating query optimization and distributed data placement.},
	year = {2000}
TES, January 2000
	author = {Reinhard Braumandl and Markus Keidl and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann and Alexander Kreutz and Stefan Pr{\"o}ls and Stefan Seltzsam and Konrad Stocker},
	booktitle = {TES},
	title = {ObjectGlobe: Ubiquitous Query Processing on the Internet.},
	year = {2000}
ACM Trans. Database Syst., January 2000
	author = {Donald Kossmann and Konrad Stocker},
	booktitle = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.},
	title = {Iterative dynamic programming: a new class of query optimization algorithms.},
	url = {},
	year = {2000}


SRDS, January 1999
	author = {Ulrich Fiedler and Bernhard Plattner and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {SRDS},
	title = {Quality of Service in Business-to-Business E-Commerce Applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {1999}
Proceedings of the 3rd European Research Seminar on Advances in Distributed Systems (ERSADS), Madeira Island, Portugal, January 1999
	author = {Bettina Kemme and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd European Research Seminar on Advances in Distributed Systems (ERSADS), Madeira Island, Portugal},
	title = {Transactions, messages and events: merging group communication and database systems},
	year = {1999}
BTW, January 1999
	author = {Jens Clau{\ss}en and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {BTW},
	title = {Die Deutsche Fu{\ss}ball-B{\"o}rse: Erfahrungen mit einer {\textquoteleft}{\textquoteleft}klassischen{\textquoteright}{\textquoteright} Internet-Datenbankanwendung.},
	year = {1999}
SRDS, January 1999
	author = {Claus Hagen and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {SRDS},
	title = {Highly Available Process Support Systems: Implementing Backup Mechanisms.},
	url = {},
	year = {1999}
Proceedings of the ICDCS Workshop on Electronic Commerce and Web-Based Applications, Austin, Texas, USA, January 1999
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Claus Hagen and Amaia Lazcano},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the ICDCS Workshop on Electronic Commerce and Web-Based Applications, Austin, Texas, USA},
	title = {Processes in electronic commerce},
	year = {1999}
DOA, January 1999
	author = {Ibrahim Cingil and Asuman Dogac and Nesime Tatbul and Sena Nural Arpinar},
	booktitle = {DOA},
	title = {An Adaptable Workflow System Architecture on the Internet for Electronic Commerce Applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {1999}
VLDB'99, Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, January 1999
	author = {Laura M. Haas and Donald Kossmann and Ioana Ursu},
	booktitle = {VLDB{\textquoteright}99, Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {Loading a Cache with Query Results.},
	url = {db/conf/vldb/HaasKU99.html},
	venue = {Edinburgh, Scotland, UK},
	year = {1999}
January 1999
	author = {Bettina Kemme and Fernando Pedone and Gustavo Alonso and Andr{\'e} Schiper},
	title = {Using Optimistic Atomic Broadcast in Transaction Processing Systems},
	year = {1999}
ICDCS, January 1999
	author = {Claus Hagen and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {ICDCS},
	title = {Beyond the Black Box: Event-based Inter-Process Communication in Process Support Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {1999}
VLDB'99, Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, January 1999
	author = {Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann and Christian Wiesner},
	booktitle = {VLDB{\textquoteright}99, Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {Generalised Hash Teams for Join and Group-by.},
	url = {db/conf/vldb/KemperKW99.html},
	venue = {Edinburgh, Scotland, UK},
	year = {1999}
ICDCS, January 1999
	author = {Bettina Kemme and Fernando Pedone and Gustavo Alonso and Andr{\'e} Schiper},
	booktitle = {ICDCS},
	title = {Processing Transactions over Optimistic Atomic Broadcast Protocols.},
	url = {},
	year = {1999}
Workshop Informatik '99: Enterprise-wide and Cross-enterprise Workflow Management: Concepts, Systems, Applications, Paderborn, Germany, January 1999
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Ulrich Fiedler and Amaia Lazcano and Heiko Schuldt and Christoph Schuler and N. Weiler},
	booktitle = {Workshop Informatik {\textquoteright}99: Enterprise-wide and Cross-enterprise Workflow Management: Concepts, Systems, Applications, Paderborn, Germany},
	title = {WISE: An Infrastructure for E-Commerce.},
	url = {http://SunSITE.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE/Publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-24/aflssw99.pdf},
	year = {1999}
Database Theory - ICDT '99, 7th International Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, January 1999
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Armin Fessler and Guy Pardon and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek},
	booktitle = {Database Theory - ICDT {\textquoteright}99, 7th International Conference, Jerusalem, Israel},
	title = {Transactions in Stack, Fork, and Join Composite Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {1999}
Workshop Informatik '99: Enterprise-wide and Cross-enterprise Workflow Management: Concepts, Systems, Applications, Paderborn, Germany, January 1999
	author = {Heiko Schuldt and Christoph Schuler and Gustavo Alonso and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek},
	booktitle = {Workshop Informatik {\textquoteright}99: Enterprise-wide and Cross-enterprise Workflow Management: Concepts, Systems, Applications, Paderborn, Germany},
	title = {Workflows over Workflows: Practical Experiences with the Integration of SAP R/3 Business Workflow in WISE.},
	url = {http://SunSITE.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE/Publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-24/ssas99.pdf},
	year = {1999}
IDEAS, January 1999
	author = {Heiko Schuldt and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {IDEAS},
	title = {Transactional Coordination Agents for Composite Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {1999}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 1999
	author = {Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Storing and Querying XML Data using an RDMBS.},
	url = {db/journals/debu/FlorescuK99.html},
	year = {1999}
Proceedings of the Eighteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, January 1999
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Armin Fessler and Guy Pardon and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems},
	title = {Correctness in General Configurations of Transactional Components.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA},
	year = {1999}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 1999
	author = {Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann and Bernhard Zeller},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Performance Tuning for SAP R/3.},
	url = {db/journals/debu/KemperKZ99.html},
	year = {1999}
Proceedings of the Eighteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, January 1999
	author = {Heiko Schuldt and Gustavo Alonso and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems},
	title = {Concurrency Control and Recovery in Transactional Process Management.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA},
	year = {1999}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 1999
	author = {Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Letter from the Special Issue Editor.},
	url = {db/journals/debu/Kossmann99.html},
	year = {1999}
RIDE, January 1999
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Ulrich Fiedler and Claus Hagen and Amaia Lazcano and Heiko Schuldt and N. Weiler},
	booktitle = {RIDE},
	title = {WISE: Business to Business E-Commerce.},
	url = {},
	year = {1999}
Datenbank Rundbrief, January 1999
	author = {Reinhard Braumandl and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann and Alexander Kreutz and Stefan Pr{\"o}ls and Konrad Stocker},
	booktitle = {Datenbank Rundbrief},
	title = {ObjectGlobe: Integrating Data Processing Services on the Internet.},
	year = {1999}
SIGMOD 1999, Proceedings ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA., January 1999
	author = {Reinhard Braumandl and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {SIGMOD 1999, Proceedings ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data},
	title = {Database Patchwork on the Internet.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.},
	year = {1999}
ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. ETH Zürich, January 1999
	author = {Claus Hagen},
	school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich},
	title = {A Generic Kernel for Reliable Process Support},
	year = {1999}


January 1998
	author = {Claus Hagen and Gustavo Alonso},
	title = {Flexible Exception Handling in Process Support Systems},
	year = {1998}
ICDCS, January 1998
	author = {Bettina Kemme and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {ICDCS},
	title = {A Suite of Database Replication Protocols based on Group Communication Primitives.},
	url = {},
	year = {1998}
SIGMOD 1998, Proceedings ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Seattle, Washington, USA., January 1998
	author = {Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann and Florian Matthes},
	booktitle = {SIGMOD 1998, Proceedings ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data},
	title = {SAP R/3: A Database Application System (Tutorial).},
	url = {},
	venue = {Seattle, Washington, USA.},
	year = {1998}
VLDB'98, Proceedings of 24rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, New York City, New York, USA, January 1998
	author = {Michael J. Carey and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {VLDB{\textquoteright}98, Proceedings of 24rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {Reducing the Braking Distance of an SQL Query Engine.},
	url = {db/conf/vldb/CareyK98.html},
	venue = {New York City, New York, USA},
	year = {1998}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 1998
	author = {Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Letter from the Special Issue Editor.},
	url = {db/journals/debu/Kossmann98.html},
	year = {1998}
SIGMOD Record, January 1998
	author = {Asuman Dogac and Ilker Durusoy and Sena Nural Arpinar and Nesime Tatbul and Pinar Koksal and Ibrahim Cingil and Nazife Dimililer},
	booktitle = {SIGMOD Record},
	title = {A Workflow-based Electronic Marketplace on the Web.},
	url = {},
	year = {1998}
January 1998
	author = {Jens Clausen and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann},
	title = {Order-Preserving Hash Joins: Sorting (Almost) for Free},
	year = {1998}
January 1998
	author = {Guy Pardon and Gustavo Alonso},
	title = {Network Capacity for Data-Intensive Applications on Clusters of Workstations},
	year = {1998}
CSCW, Proceedings of the 1998 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, Seattle, WA, USA, ACM Press, November 1998, pp. 189--196., January 1998
	author = {Jeff Brandenburg and Boyce Byerly and Tom Dobridge and Jinkun Lin and Dharmaraja Rajan and Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {CSCW},
	title = {Artefact: A Framework for Low-Overhead Web-Based Collaborative Systems.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Proceedings of the 1998 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, Seattle, WA, USA, ACM Press, November 1998, pp. 189--196.},
	year = {1998}
January 1998
	author = {Claus Hagen and Gustavo Alonso},
	title = {Backup and Process Migration Mechanisms in Process Support Systems},
	year = {1998}
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Second European Conference, ECDL '98, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, January 1998
	author = {Asuman Dogac and Ilker Durusoy and Sena Nural Arpinar and Esin Gokkoca and Nesime Tatbul and Pinar Koksal},
	booktitle = {Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Second European Conference, ECDL {\textquoteright}98, Heraklion, Crete, Greece},
	title = {METU-Emar: An Agent-Based Electronic Marketplace on the Web.},
	url = {},
	year = {1998}
January 1998
	author = {Claus Hagen and Gustavo Alonso},
	title = {Beyond the Black Box: Event-based Inter-Process Communication in Process Support Systems},
	year = {1998}
IADT, January 1998
	author = {Pinar Senkul and Sena Nural Arpinar and Pinar Koksal and Nesime Tatbul and Esin Gokkoca and Asuman Dogac},
	booktitle = {IADT},
	title = {Task Handling in Workflow Management Systems.},
	year = {1998}
January 1998
	author = {Bettina Kemme and Gustavo Alonso},
	title = {Database Replication Based on Group Communication },
	year = {1998}
ICDCS, January 1998
	author = {Claus Hagen and Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {ICDCS},
	title = {Flexible Exception Handling in the OPERA Process Support System.},
	url = {},
	year = {1998}


VLDB'97, Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Athens, Greece, January 1997
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Claus Hagen and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek and Markus Tresch},
	booktitle = {VLDB{\textquoteright}97, Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {Distributed Processing over Stand-alone Systems and Applications.},
	url = {db/conf/vldb/AlonsoHST97.html},
	venue = {Athens, Greece},
	year = {1997}
VLDB'97, Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Athens, Greece, January 1997
	author = {Andr{\'e} Eickler and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {VLDB{\textquoteright}97, Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {Finding Data in the Neighborhood.},
	url = {db/conf/vldb/EicklerKK97.html},
	venue = {Athens, Greece},
	year = {1997}
VLDB'97, Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Athens, Greece, January 1997
	author = {Laura M. Haas and Donald Kossmann and Edward L. Wimmers and Jun Yang},
	booktitle = {VLDB{\textquoteright}97, Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {Optimizing Queries Across Diverse Data Sources.},
	url = {db/conf/vldb/HaasKWY97.html},
	venue = {Athens, Greece},
	year = {1997}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 1997
	author = {Michael J. Carey and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Processing Top N and Bottom N Queries.},
	url = {db/journals/debu/CareyK97.html},
	year = {1997}
Proceedings of the Second IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, Kiawah Island, South Carolina, USA, Sponsored by IFCIS, The Intn'l Foundation on Cooperative Information Systems, January 1997
	author = {Esin Gokkoca and Mehmet Altinel and Ibrahim Cingil and Nesime Tatbul and Pinar Koksal and Asuman Dogac},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, Kiawah Island, South Carolina, USA},
	title = {Design and Implementation of a Distributed Workflow Enactment Service.},
	url = {db/conf/coopis/GokkocaACTKD97.html},
	venue = {Sponsored by IFCIS, The Intn{\textquoteright}l Foundation on Cooperative Information Systems},
	year = {1997}
Advanced Transaction Models and Architectures, January 1997
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and C. Mohan},
	booktitle = {Advanced Transaction Models and Architectures},
	title = {WFMS: The Next Generation of Distributed Processing Tools.},
	year = {1997}
Euro-Par '97 Parallel Processing, Third International Euro-Par Conference, Passau, Germany, January 1997
	author = {Divyakant Agrawal and Gustavo Alonso and Amr El Abbadi and Ioana Stanoi},
	booktitle = {Euro-Par {\textquoteright}97 Parallel Processing, Third International Euro-Par Conference, Passau, Germany},
	title = {Exploiting Atomic Broadcast in Replicated Databases (Extended Abstract).},
	url = {},
	year = {1997}
NATO Advance Studies Institute (ASI), A. Dogac, L. Kalinichenko, T. Ozsu, A Sheth (editors). Istanbul, Turkey, January 1997
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Claus Hagen and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek and Markus Tresch},
	booktitle = {NATO Advance Studies Institute (ASI),  A. Dogac, L. Kalinichenko, T. Ozsu, A Sheth (editors). Istanbul, Turkey},
	title = {Towards a platform for distributed application development},
	year = {1997}
Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, Tucson, Arizona, USA, January 1997
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Stephen Blott and Armin Fessler and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems},
	title = {Correctness and Parallelism of Composite Systems.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Tucson, Arizona, USA},
	year = {1997}
International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISICS'97), Antalya, Turkey, January 1997
	author = {Nesime Tatbul and Sena Nural Arpinar and Pinar Karagoz and Ibrahim Cingil and Esin Gokkoca and Mehmet Altinel and Pinar Koksal and Asuman Dogac and M. Tamer Ozsu},
	booktitle = {International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISICS{\textquoteright}97), Antalya, Turkey},
	title = {A Workflow Specification Language and its Scheduler},
	year = {1997}
RIDE, January 1997
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Berthold Reinwald and C. Mohan},
	booktitle = {RIDE},
	title = {Distributed Data Management in Workflow Environments.},
	year = {1997}
SIGMOD 1997, Proceedings ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Tucson, Arizona, USA., January 1997
	author = {Michael J. Carey and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {SIGMOD 1997, Proceedings ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data},
	title = {On Saying "Enough Already!" in SQL.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Tucson, Arizona, USA.},
	year = {1997}
SIGMOD 1997, Proceedings ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Tucson, Arizona, USA., January 1997
	author = {Jochen Doppelhammer and Thomas H{\"o}ppler and Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {SIGMOD 1997, Proceedings ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data},
	title = {Database Performance in the Real World - TPC-D and SAP R/3 (Experience Paper).},
	url = {},
	venue = {Tucson, Arizona, USA.},
	year = {1997}
Advances in Spatial Databases, 5th International Symposium, SSD'97, Berlin, Germany, January 1997
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Claus Hagen},
	booktitle = {Advances in Spatial Databases, 5th International Symposium, SSD{\textquoteright}97, Berlin, Germany},
	title = {Geo-Opera: Workflow Concepts for Spatial Processes.},
	url = {},
	year = {1997}


SPDP, January 1996
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Divyakant Agrawal and Amr El Abbadi},
	booktitle = {SPDP},
	title = {Process Synchronization In Workflow Management Systems.},
	year = {1996}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 1996
	author = {Laura M. Haas and Donald Kossmann and Edward L. Wimmers and Jun Yang},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {An Optimizer for Heterogeneous Systems with NonStandard Data and Search Capabilities.},
	url = {db/journals/debu/HaasKWY96.html},
	year = {1996}
Distributed and Parallel Databases, January 1996
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Roger G{\"u}nth{\"o}r and Mohan Kamath and Divyakant Agrawal and Amr El Abbadi and C. Mohan},
	booktitle = {Distributed and Parallel Databases},
	title = {Exotica/FMDC: A Workflow Management System for Mobile and Disconnected Clients.},
	url = {},
	year = {1996}
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, January 1996
	author = {Ian M. Leslie and Derek McAuley and Richard Black and Timothy Roscoe and Paul Barham and David Martin Evers and Robin Fairbairns and Eoin Hyden},
	journal = {IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications},
	title = {The Design and Implementation of an Operating System to Support Distributed Multimedia Applications.},
	year = {1996}
CoopIS, January 1996
	author = {Gustavo Alonso},
	booktitle = {CoopIS},
	title = {The Role of Database Technology in Workflow Management Systems (Panel Position Paper).},
	year = {1996}
Advances in Database Technology - EDBT'96, 5th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Avignon, France, January 1996
	author = {Mohan Kamath and Gustavo Alonso and Roger G{\"u}nth{\"o}r and C. Mohan},
	booktitle = {Advances in Database Technology - EDBT{\textquoteright}96, 5th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Avignon, France},
	title = {Providing High Availability in Very Large Worklflow Management Systems.},
	url = {},
	year = {1996}
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Data Engineering, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 1996
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Divyakant Agrawal and Amr El Abbadi and Mohan Kamath and Roger G{\"u}nth{\"o}r and C. Mohan},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Data Engineering},
	title = {Advanced Transaction Models in Workflow Contexts.},
	url = {db/conf/icde/AlonsoAAKGM96.html},
	venue = {New Orleans, Louisiana},
	year = {1996}
Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, January 1996
	author = {Michael J. Franklin and Bj{\"o}rn {\TH}{\'o}r J{\'o}nsson and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Montreal, Quebec, Canada},
	title = {Performance Tradeoffs for Client-Server Query Processing.},
	url = {},
	year = {1996}


Operating Systems Review, January 1995
	author = {Timothy Roscoe},
	journal = {Operating Systems Review},
	title = {Clanger: An Interpreted Systems Programming Language.},
	url = {},
	year = {1995}
VLDB J., January 1995
	author = {Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {VLDB J.},
	title = {Adaptable Pointer Swizzling Strategies in Object Bases: Design, Realization, and Quantitative Analysis},
	url = {db/journals/vldb/KemperK95.html},
	year = {1995}
January 1995
	author = {Timothy Roscoe},
	title = {The structure of a multi-service operating system},
	year = {1995}
In Proc. 6th International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems, Asilomar Conference Center Pacific Grove, California, January 1995
	author = {C. Mohan and Gustavo Alonso and Roger G{\"u}nth{\"o}r and M. Kamath and Berthold Reinwald},
	booktitle = {In Proc. 6th International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems, Asilomar Conference Center Pacific Grove, California},
	title = {An Overview of the Exotica Research Project on Workflow Management System},
	year = {1995}
In Proceedings of the IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Information Systems for Decentralized Organizations, Trondheim, IBM Almaden Research Center, November 1994. , January 1995
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and D. Agrawal and Amr El Abbadi and C. Mohan and Roger G{\"u}nth{\"o}r and M. Kamath},
	booktitle = {In Proceedings of the IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Information Systems for Decentralized Organizations, Trondheim},
	title = {Exotica/FMQM: A Persistent Message-Based Architecture for Distributed Workflow Management},
	venue = {IBM Almaden Research Center, November 1994. },
	year = {1995}
ACM SIGOIS Bulletin, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp45-50, January 1995
	author = {C. Mohan and D. Agrawal and Gustavo Alonso and Amr El Abbadi and Roger G{\"u}nth{\"o}r and M. Kamath},
	booktitle = {ACM SIGOIS Bulletin, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp45-50},
	title = {Exotica: A Project on Advanced Transaction Management and Workflow Systems},
	year = {1995}
CoopIS, January 1995
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Roger G{\"u}nth{\"o}r and Mohan Kamath and Divyakant Agrawal and Amr El Abbadi and C. Mohan},
	booktitle = {CoopIS},
	title = {Exotica/FMDC: Handling Disconnected Clients in a Workflow Management System.},
	year = {1995}
VLDB'95, Proceedings of 21th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Zurich, Switzerland., January 1995
	author = {Andr{\'e} Eickler and Carsten Andreas Gerlhof and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {VLDB{\textquoteright}95, Proceedings of 21th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {A Performance Evaluation of OID Mapping Techniques.},
	url = {db/conf/vldb/EicklerGK95.html},
	venue = {Zurich, Switzerland.},
	year = {1995}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 1995
	author = {C. Mohan and Gustavo Alonso and Roger G{\"u}nth{\"o}r and Mohan Kamath},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Exotica: A Research Perspective ob Workflow Management Systems.},
	url = {db/journals/debu/MohanAGK95.html},
	year = {1995}
Distributed and Parallel Databases, January 1995
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Amr El Abbadi},
	booktitle = {Distributed and Parallel Databases},
	title = {Partitioned Data Objects in Distributed Databases.},
	url = {},
	year = {1995}
Inf. Syst., January 1995
	author = {Terence R. Smith and Jianwen Su and Amr El Abbadi and Divyakant Agrawal and Gustavo Alonso and Amitabh Saran},
	booktitle = {Inf. Syst.},
	title = {Computational modeling systems.},
	year = {1995}


Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, January 1994
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Divyakant Agrawal and Amr El Abbadi},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems},
	title = {Reducing Recovery Constraints on Locking based Protocols.},
	url = {},
	venue = {Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA},
	year = {1994}
VLDB'94, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Santiago de Chile, Chile, January 1994
	author = {Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {VLDB{\textquoteright}94, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
	title = {Dual-Buffering Strategies in Object Bases.},
	url = {db/conf/vldb/vldb94-427.html},
	venue = {Santiago de Chile, Chile},
	year = {1994}
IEEE Data Eng. Bull., January 1994
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Amr El Abbadi},
	booktitle = {IEEE Data Eng. Bull.},
	title = {Integrating Constraint Management and Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases.},
	url = {db/journals/debu/AlonsoA94.html},
	year = {1994}
Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst., January 1994
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Amr El Abbadi},
	booktitle = {Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst.},
	title = {Cooperative Modeling in Applied Geographic Research.},
	year = {1994}
Inf. Syst., January 1994
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Radek Vingralek and Divyakant Agrawal and Yuri Breitbart and Amr El Abbadi and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek and Gerhard Weikum},
	booktitle = {Inf. Syst.},
	title = {Unifying concurrency control and recovery of transactions.},
	year = {1994}
Operating Systems Review, ACM Press, New York, NY, USAACM Operating Systems Review, vol. 28, no. 4, October 1994, pp. 48--55., January 1994
	author = {Timothy Roscoe},
	booktitle = {Operating Systems Review},
	title = {Linkage in the Nemesis Single Address Space Operating System.},
	url = {},
	venue = {ACM Press, New York, NY, USAACM Operating Systems Review, vol. 28, no. 4, October 1994, pp. 48--55.},
	year = {1994}
CoopIS, January 1994
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Amr El Abbadi},
	booktitle = {CoopIS},
	title = {Cooperative Modeling in Aplied Geographic Research.},
	year = {1994}
Advances in Database Technology - EDBT'94. 4th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Cambridge, United Kingdom, January 1994
	author = {Gustavo Alonso and Radek Vingralek and Divyakant Agrawal and Yuri Breitbart and Amr El Abbadi and Hans-J{\"o}rg Schek and Gerhard Weikum},
	booktitle = {Advances in Database Technology - EDBT{\textquoteright}94. 4th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Cambridge, United Kingdom},
	title = {A Unified Approach to Concurrency Control and Transaction Recovery (Extended Abstract).},
	url = {},
	year = {1994}


Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Data Engineering, Vienna, Austria, January 1993
	author = {Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Data Engineering},
	title = {Adaptable Pointer Swizzling Strategies in Object Bases.},
	url = {db/conf/icde/KemperK93.html},
	venue = {Vienna, Austria},
	year = {1993}


Datenbank Rundbrief, January 1992
	author = {Kai Bruns and Christoph Kilger and Donald Kossmann and Guido Moerkotte and Hans-Dirk Walter and Andreas Zachmann},
	booktitle = {Datenbank Rundbrief},
	title = {Objekte in multiplen Repr{\"a}sentationen.},
	year = {1992}