Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2003
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Goal of this project is the integration of web services in the BioOpera system, a programming
and runtime environment for cluster computing with the capability to define,
execute, monitor and manage a broad range of large-scale, complex scientific computations.
To do so we modeled a Web Service Interface as an OCR Program, that is a
software component which can be called from BioOpera with a set of input parameters
and returns back to BioOpera a set of output parameters. A Web Service can be
imported using a UDDI browser or directly using a WSDL document address location.
Furthermore the BioOpera kernel has been extended with a new subsystem, adding a
basic mechanism to execute a Web Service call using the SOAP protocol.
@mastersthesis{abc, abstract = {Goal of this project is the integration of web services in the BioOpera system, a programming and runtime environment for cluster computing with the capability to define, execute, monitor and manage a broad range of large-scale, complex scientific computations. To do so we modeled a Web Service Interface as an OCR Program, that is a software component which can be called from BioOpera with a set of input parameters and returns back to BioOpera a set of output parameters. A Web Service can be imported using a UDDI browser or directly using a WSDL document address location. Furthermore the BioOpera kernel has been extended with a new subsystem, adding a basic mechanism to execute a Web Service call using the SOAP protocol.}, author = {Markus Haller}, school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich}, title = {Web Service Execution for BioOpera}, year = {2003} }