Publications by Thomas Untern?hrer
Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, April 2009
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
There has been a great deal of hype about cloud computing. Cloud computing promises infinite scalability and high availability at low cost. So far cloud storage deployments were subject to big companies but an increasing amount of available open-source systems allow also smaller private cloud installations. Cloudy is such an open-source system developed at the ETH Zurich. Although Cloudy has some unique features, such as advanced transactions and consistency guarantees, so far, it lacks an appropriate load
balancing scheme making real-world deployments almost impossible. Furthermore, Cloudy scales only manually by interactions of an administrator who has to watch the system and register new machines if needed.
The aim of this thesis is to extend Cloudy by a sophisticated load balancing scheme and by cloud bursting. The latter describes the method to automatically integrate or remove
nodes from the system depending on the load. Hence, this thesis first compares different load-balancing schemes, followed by a description of the newly implemented load
balancing mechanism for Cloudy. The chosen mechanism not only allows to perform range queries but also makes it easier to integrate and remove nodes by minimizing data movements. Furthermore, this mechanism forms the foundation for the implementation of cloud bursting which is described afterwards. Finally the thesis presents first performance results for the load balancing and cloud bursting.
@mastersthesis{abc, abstract = {There has been a great deal of hype about cloud computing. Cloud computing promises infinite scalability and high availability at low cost. So far cloud storage deployments were subject to big companies but an increasing amount of available open-source systems allow also smaller private cloud installations. Cloudy is such an open-source system developed at the ETH Zurich. Although Cloudy has some unique features, such as advanced transactions and consistency guarantees, so far, it lacks an appropriate load balancing scheme making real-world deployments almost impossible. Furthermore, Cloudy scales only manually by interactions of an administrator who has to watch the system and register new machines if needed. The aim of this thesis is to extend Cloudy by a sophisticated load balancing scheme and by cloud bursting. The latter describes the method to automatically integrate or remove nodes from the system depending on the load. Hence, this thesis first compares different load-balancing schemes, followed by a description of the newly implemented load balancing mechanism for Cloudy. The chosen mechanism not only allows to perform range queries but also makes it easier to integrate and remove nodes by minimizing data movements. Furthermore, this mechanism forms the foundation for the implementation of cloud bursting which is described afterwards. Finally the thesis presents first performance results for the load balancing and cloud bursting.}, author = {Thomas Untern?hrer}, school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich}, title = {Cloud Bursting for Cloudy}, year = {2009} }