Publications by Sena Nural Arpinar


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Int. J. on Digital Libraries, January 2000
	author = {Sena Nural Arpinar and Asuman Dogac and Nesime Tatbul},
	booktitle = {Int. J. on Digital Libraries},
	title = {An open electronic marketplace through agent-based workflows: MOPPET.},
	url = {},
	year = {2000}


DOA, January 1999
	author = {Ibrahim Cingil and Asuman Dogac and Nesime Tatbul and Sena Nural Arpinar},
	booktitle = {DOA},
	title = {An Adaptable Workflow System Architecture on the Internet for Electronic Commerce Applications.},
	url = {},
	year = {1999}


SIGMOD Record, January 1998
	author = {Asuman Dogac and Ilker Durusoy and Sena Nural Arpinar and Nesime Tatbul and Pinar Koksal and Ibrahim Cingil and Nazife Dimililer},
	booktitle = {SIGMOD Record},
	title = {A Workflow-based Electronic Marketplace on the Web.},
	url = {},
	year = {1998}
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Second European Conference, ECDL '98, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, January 1998
	author = {Asuman Dogac and Ilker Durusoy and Sena Nural Arpinar and Esin Gokkoca and Nesime Tatbul and Pinar Koksal},
	booktitle = {Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Second European Conference, ECDL {\textquoteright}98, Heraklion, Crete, Greece},
	title = {METU-Emar: An Agent-Based Electronic Marketplace on the Web.},
	url = {},
	year = {1998}
IADT, January 1998
	author = {Pinar Senkul and Sena Nural Arpinar and Pinar Koksal and Nesime Tatbul and Esin Gokkoca and Asuman Dogac},
	booktitle = {IADT},
	title = {Task Handling in Workflow Management Systems.},
	year = {1998}


International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISICS'97), Antalya, Turkey, January 1997
	author = {Nesime Tatbul and Sena Nural Arpinar and Pinar Karagoz and Ibrahim Cingil and Esin Gokkoca and Mehmet Altinel and Pinar Koksal and Asuman Dogac and M. Tamer Ozsu},
	booktitle = {International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISICS{\textquoteright}97), Antalya, Turkey},
	title = {A Workflow Specification Language and its Scheduler},
	year = {1997}