January 2011
This technical report describes E-Cast: a uniform causal-total-order multicast protocol designed
to implement fault tolerant, highly elastic, yet strongly consistent database engines in the cloud.
In contrast to traditional group communication, the model underlying E-Cast defines multicast as
a stateful routing problem. In this document, we provide a rigorous formalization of the routing
problem, show how partial replication with strong consistency guarantees can be reduced to said
routing problem, and present its efficient algorithmic solution, E-Cast.
@techreport{abc, abstract = {This technical report describes E-Cast: a uniform causal-total-order multicast protocol designed to implement fault tolerant, highly elastic, yet strongly consistent database engines in the cloud. In contrast to traditional group communication, the model underlying E-Cast defines multicast as a stateful routing problem. In this document, we provide a rigorous formalization of the routing problem, show how partial replication with strong consistency guarantees can be reduced to said routing problem, and present its efficient algorithmic solution, E-Cast.}, author = {Philipp Unterbrunner and Gustavo Alonso and Donald Kossmann}, title = {E-Cast: Elastic Multicast}, year = {2011} }