Publications by Zülküf Genç


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Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010
	author = {Z{\"u}lk{\"u}f Gen{\c c} and Gencay Mutlu {\"O}lcer and Ertan Onur and Ignas G. Niemegeers},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2010, Cape Town, South Africa},
	title = {Improving 60 GHz Indoor Connectivity with Relaying.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}
IEEE Communications Letters, January 2010
	author = {Gencay Mutlu {\"O}lcer and Z{\"u}lk{\"u}f Gen{\c c} and Ertan Onur},
	journal = {IEEE Communications Letters},
	title = {Sector Scanning Attempts for Non-Isolation in Directional 60 GHz Networks.},
	url = {},
	year = {2010}