ETH Zürich, Diss. Nr. 19694, May 2011
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
A variety of applications require low-latency processing of data that comes in highlydynamic streams of items. These applications are implemented using Data Stream Management Systems (DSMSs). More recently, new application domains like real-time business intelligence turned to the “on-the-fly” processing model employed by these systems for a solution to their challenges. As a result, the requirements imposed on the DSMSs have become more complex: e.g., mechanisms for correlating data streams with stored information or near-real time complex analysis of large portions of streaming data.
In order to meet the evolving requirements of modern streaming applications, a clean, flexible and high performance DSMS design is required. Although many system implementations were proposed, none of them offers a clean, systematic approach to data storage management. Rather, the storage manager is usually tightly coupled with the continuous query execution engine. This design decision limits the possibility for further performance improvement and severely restricts the flexibility necessary to accommodate new application requirements. Moreover, today, there is no standard for querying
streams and, as a result, each DSMS exposes its own execution semantics, making the implementation of the new requirements even more challenging.
This dissertation investigates the design and implementation of a general-purpose storage management framework for Data Stream Management Systems, that we name SMS (Storage Manager for Streams). The ultimate goal of this framework is to provide a general, clean, flexible and high-performance storage management system which could be virtually “plugged” into any DSMS. In order to achieve this goal, in this work, we combine the experience gained over decades of research on Database Management Systems with the high-performance mechanisms employed by the Data Stream Management Systems.
Following the database systems architecture design, this framework is based on the principle of separating concerns: the query processor is decoupled from the storage manager. As such, the storage system obtains the flexibility necessary to accommodate new requirements, behind a general interface. Moreover, it can provide specialized store implementations tailored to the particular requirements of the applications, which is key to achieving good performance. In this respect, an important contribution of the framework is the reuse of the access patterns of the continuous query operators to tune the stores’ implementation and as such, to speed up the access on materialized data. In addition, the unified transactional model proposed in this dissertation makes minimal extensions to the traditional transactional model in order to accommodate streams and continuous queries. As a result, it offers a clean semantics for continuous query execution over arbitrary combinations of data sources (streaming and stored) in the presence of concurrent access and failures. And even more, it can be used to explain the transactional behavior of state-of-the-art DSMSs.
A series of experiments are conducted using the Linear Road streaming benchmark’s implementation in MXQuery (a Java-based open-source XQuery engine, extended with window functions for continuous processing). MXQuery uses SMS for all its data storage related tasks. Our experiments show that the response time of the continuous queries can indeed be lowered if the store implementations are tuned according to the access patterns of the continuous query operators. Moreover, a transaction manager implementing the unified transactional model and designed as an additional component between the access and storage layers of SMS provides correctness and reliability for the Linear Road application with practically no performance penalty. As such, the experimental results indicate that a storage manager built on these ideas is a promising approach.
@phdthesis{abc, abstract = {A variety of applications require low-latency processing of data that comes in highlydynamic streams of items. These applications are implemented using Data Stream Management Systems (DSMSs). More recently, new application domains like real-time business intelligence turned to the {\textquotedblleft}on-the-fly{\textquotedblright} processing model employed by these systems for a solution to their challenges. As a result, the requirements imposed on the DSMSs have become more complex: e.g., mechanisms for correlating data streams with stored information or near-real time complex analysis of large portions of streaming data. In order to meet the evolving requirements of modern streaming applications, a clean, flexible and high performance DSMS design is required. Although many system implementations were proposed, none of them offers a clean, systematic approach to data storage management. Rather, the storage manager is usually tightly coupled with the continuous query execution engine. This design decision limits the possibility for further performance improvement and severely restricts the flexibility necessary to accommodate new application requirements. Moreover, today, there is no standard for querying streams and, as a result, each DSMS exposes its own execution semantics, making the implementation of the new requirements even more challenging. This dissertation investigates the design and implementation of a general-purpose storage management framework for Data Stream Management Systems, that we name SMS (Storage Manager for Streams). The ultimate goal of this framework is to provide a general, clean, flexible and high-performance storage management system which could be virtually {\textquotedblleft}plugged{\textquotedblright} into any DSMS. In order to achieve this goal, in this work, we combine the experience gained over decades of research on Database Management Systems with the high-performance mechanisms employed by the Data Stream Management Systems. Following the database systems architecture design, this framework is based on the principle of separating concerns: the query processor is decoupled from the storage manager. As such, the storage system obtains the flexibility necessary to accommodate new requirements, behind a general interface. Moreover, it can provide specialized store implementations tailored to the particular requirements of the applications, which is key to achieving good performance. In this respect, an important contribution of the framework is the reuse of the access patterns of the continuous query operators to tune the stores{\textquoteright} implementation and as such, to speed up the access on materialized data. In addition, the unified transactional model proposed in this dissertation makes minimal extensions to the traditional transactional model in order to accommodate streams and continuous queries. As a result, it offers a clean semantics for continuous query execution over arbitrary combinations of data sources (streaming and stored) in the presence of concurrent access and failures. And even more, it can be used to explain the transactional behavior of state-of-the-art DSMSs. A series of experiments are conducted using the Linear Road streaming benchmark{\textquoteright}s implementation in MXQuery (a Java-based open-source XQuery engine, extended with window functions for continuous processing). MXQuery uses SMS for all its data storage related tasks. Our experiments show that the response time of the continuous queries can indeed be lowered if the store implementations are tuned according to the access patterns of the continuous query operators. Moreover, a transaction manager implementing the unified transactional model and designed as an additional component between the access and storage layers of SMS provides correctness and reliability for the Linear Road application with practically no performance penalty. As such, the experimental results indicate that a storage manager built on these ideas is a promising approach.}, author = {Irina Botan}, school = {19694}, title = {Storage Management Techniques for Stream Processing}, year = {2011} }