Publications by M. Ezbiderli


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ICDE, January 2000
	author = {Asuman Dogac and M. Ezbiderli and Yusuf Tambag and C. Icdem and Arif Tumer and Nesime Tatbul and N. Hamali and Catriel Beeri},
	booktitle = {ICDE},
	title = {The MARIFlow Workflow Management System.},
	url = {},
	year = {2000}
Cooperative Information Systems, 7th International Conference, CoopIS 2000, Eilat, Israel, January 2000
	author = {Asuman Dogac and Yusuf Tambag and Arif Tumer and M. Ezbiderli and Nesime Tatbul and N. Hamali and C. Icdem and Catriel Beeri},
	booktitle = {Cooperative Information Systems, 7th International Conference, CoopIS 2000, Eilat, Israel},
	title = {A Workflow System through Cooperating Agents for Control and Document Flow over the Internet.},
	url = {db/conf/coopis/DogacTTETHIB00.html},
	year = {2000}