Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2004
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Supervised by: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Creating a unified view on structured data residing in different, heterogeneous data
sources is a problem that exists in many application domains. Various approaches
have been proposed to address it. In this thesis, a different approach is taken
by using an existing, ontology based querying tool and extending it to cope with
heterogeneous data sources. The approach uses a mapping from ontology symbols
to data source symbols on a high-level query tree. A RDF (Resource Description
Framework) compliant description of data sources is proposed. Furthermore, a
prototype implementation is presented. The approach is compared with other,
description logic based, data integration approaches.
@mastersthesis{abc, abstract = {Creating a unified view on structured data residing in different, heterogeneous data sources is a problem that exists in many application domains. Various approaches have been proposed to address it. In this thesis, a different approach is taken by using an existing, ontology based querying tool and extending it to cope with heterogeneous data sources. The approach uses a mapping from ontology symbols to data source symbols on a high-level query tree. A RDF (Resource Description Framework) compliant description of data sources is proposed. Furthermore, a prototype implementation is presented. The approach is compared with other, description logic based, data integration approaches.}, author = {David Baer}, school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich}, title = {A Context-Based Transformation of High-Level Conceptual Query Trees}, year = {2004} }