Systems Group Master's Thesis, no. ETH Zürich; Department of Computer Science, January 2008
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
Supervised by: Prof. Donald Kossmann
The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is being used extensively since its advent in
Industry and in Research. The XML data is primarily used to facilitate sharing of structured data
across different Information Systems, particularly via Internet. This XML data can be queried
using any of the different XQuery engines available.
For past few years, many XQuery engines have been developed in industry and for research.
These engines tried to cover some general expressions of XQuery first and later their
implementation became more and more complex due to addition of other remaining XQuery
expressions. Due to this addition and incomplete implementations, arose the need for a
benchmarking service. This benchmarking service should compare the different available
XQuery engines for their current XQuery expressions support and for their improvement in the
implementation. In addition, this benchmarking needs to be fast and easy to do.
This thesis works on providing such a benchmarking service that could be rapidly and easily
setup and produce results in more detail.
@mastersthesis{abc, abstract = {The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is being used extensively since its advent in Industry and in Research. The XML data is primarily used to facilitate sharing of structured data across different Information Systems, particularly via Internet. This XML data can be queried using any of the different XQuery engines available. For past few years, many XQuery engines have been developed in industry and for research. These engines tried to cover some general expressions of XQuery first and later their implementation became more and more complex due to addition of other remaining XQuery expressions. Due to this addition and incomplete implementations, arose the need for a benchmarking service. This benchmarking service should compare the different available XQuery engines for their current XQuery expressions support and for their improvement in the implementation. In addition, this benchmarking needs to be fast and easy to do. This thesis works on providing such a benchmarking service that could be rapidly and easily setup and produce results in more detail.}, author = {Singh Anandeshwar}, school = {ETH Z{\"u}rich}, title = {XQuery Benchmarking service using TPC-X}, year = {2008} }